Uh oh.....too much protein.....


New Member
hey folks. let me tell you what i did. i washed my hair yesterday, and i conditioned my hair with a mix of paul mitchells supercharged moisturizer and paul mitchell hair repair (a protein conditioner). I've done this mix before, but I always put in more of the moisturizer so my hair won't be hard and it always comes out cool. Well yesterday when i was rubbing the mixture on my head and needed to rub more on the back, i realized that I didn't have much of the supercharger left and i put some more of the hair repair on the back of my hair

Now the front of my hair is soft and bouncy, but the back of my hair is hard. Any suggestions on how to make my hair in the back soft again without washing it or doing a conditioner wash again? Thanks, excuse my long post, please help me!
thanks karezone. I put some elasta qp recovery on the back of my head this morning, and you would not believe that it feels like I didn't put anything on it. I think I'm gonna have to pull out the elasta qp penetrating moisturizer.
Maybe spritz it with some water. then put on the moisturizer. Mine always soaks in better when my hair is wet. Then from their continue on with your regular drying method.
I was going to say re-wash!
You defintitely don't want your hair to be hard for a long period of time.

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