Ugh, help me help this girl!!

she says he's quite well endowed :blush: she's went down on him but he makes her stop before he gets too excited :ohwell::ohwell::ohwell::ohwell:

WTH, Ive never heard of such a thing. This man is full on crazy. That right there along with the mommy comment makes him seem serial killer type crazy. He has issues. Your friend needs to leave him alone.

Just curious, Does he have friends that come to the bar with him or does he come alone every week?

I think at this point she may feel this is a relationship. It's definitely not healthy, but someone needs to knock some sense into her. She may not realize exactly how disfunction this is. Honestly, she needs to be around someone who has an awesome relationship. Someone that most single women can't stand to be around because it makes them feel so lonely. Normally in those moment, I could make myself or others realize what's missing in their relationship. Next is getting her to totally abstain from the guy and move on to something else.

Good luck.
wow i read all this thread, and its so simple.

HE'S JUST NOT THAT INTO HER. who cares about the other ish that he does, if he wanted her he would ring, or do something, she is too available to carry on his craziness. I dont think she is wack, more immature. And we have all been there.

tell her let it go, build a bridge and get over it.
OP, is this a 'friend' or is this you? :look: :lachen: I just asked because you seem to know a lot of specific details.

Yeah, it's clear this guy isn't into her as much as she's into him and I'm willing to bet he's not even that attractive. I have heard of guys who do this, bisexual men, who may mess with a female in one way but prefer to have sex with men. Basically, a woman lacks the equipment that will get his rocks off the way he wants. He's maybe using her to work out issues or suppress them. He sounds like a creeper battling with a sexuality problem to me.

If she is enjoying her time with him and you've advised her against it and it falls on deaf ears, then leave it alone. She's an adult and if she can deal with their arrangement now, she can deal with it when it falls apart. Let her be so it doesn't bother you so much. As a friend, just be there for her IF she gets hurt and needs an ear. Find YOUR own guy (not like this creeper) to entertain yourself at the bar or away from that bar. Y'all need a change of scenery in general.

no offense intended with this post
Okay I think I got it. Maybe he wants to just play with the sistas but not go all the way. Or, he may get a kick out of knowing that she wants him but he keeps her waiting like a sad puppy staring out the window.
OP, is this a 'friend' or is this you? :look: :lachen: I just asked because you seem to know a lot of specific details.

Yeah, it's clear this guy isn't into her as much as she's into him and I'm willing to bet he's not even that attractive. I have heard of guys who do this, bisexual men, who may mess with a female in one way but prefer to have sex with men. Basically, a woman lacks the equipment that will get his rocks off the way he wants. He's maybe using her to work out issues or suppress them. He sounds like a creeper battling with a sexuality problem to me.

If she is enjoying her time with him and you've advised her against it and it falls on deaf ears, then leave it alone. She's an adult and if she can deal with their arrangement now, she can deal with it when it falls apart. Let her be so it doesn't bother you so much. As a friend, just be there for her IF she gets hurt and needs an ear. Find YOUR own guy (not like this creeper) to entertain yourself at the bar or away from that bar. Y'all need a change of scenery in general.

no offense intended with this post

Say it again... PLEASE! :yep:
Good post.
I know you guys were there first, but I think you guys need to switch bars. This is ridiculous, and right now, her drama is impacting you. If something like this happens at the next bar you switch to, then you need to switch to hanging out with another friend.
girl im not offended at all lol. i know all the specifics cuz shes like my bestie and i ask a lotta questions and she tells me all the details so we can try and figure this thing out lol. lmfao @ creeper :lachen: i decided its a lost cause, she went home w him last night and i told her i dont wanna hear nuffin lol

OP, is this a 'friend' or is this you? :look: :lachen: I just asked because you seem to know a lot of specific details.

Yeah, it's clear this guy isn't into her as much as she's into him and I'm willing to bet he's not even that attractive. I have heard of guys who do this, bisexual men, who may mess with a female in one way but prefer to have sex with men. Basically, a woman lacks the equipment that will get his rocks off the way he wants. He's maybe using her to work out issues or suppress them. He sounds like a creeper battling with a sexuality problem to me.

If she is enjoying her time with him and you've advised her against it and it falls on deaf ears, then leave it alone. She's an adult and if she can deal with their arrangement now, she can deal with it when it falls apart. Let her be so it doesn't bother you so much. As a friend, just be there for her IF she gets hurt and needs an ear. Find YOUR own guy (not like this creeper) to entertain yourself at the bar or away from that bar. Y'all need a change of scenery in general.

no offense intended with this post