Twist for Growth Challenge (Fall 2011)

Fresh, medium-sized twists:



LOL - Yes, I have on a mask. Don't judge!
I don't think I can be in this challenge anymore. I don't twist all of the time like I used to. It started causing too many knots at the end, on hair that doesn't need to be trimmed.
School has been getting the best of me (which is a good thing) and I have decided to stay in extensions for awhile to I adjust to working full-time and going to school full-time.
[USER=316877 said:
adamson[/USER];14685653]I don't think I can be in this challenge anymore. I don't twist all of the time like I used to. It started causing too many knots at the end, on hair that doesn't need to be trimmed.

If it not working for you I definitely understand. But maybe you are making your twists too small.
lol... I can't even get tired of these twists... it's pretty much the only thing that I can retain length in, wash my hair in, forget my hair in, not look a hot mess in... and sadly, I can go for one more yr in this year style... I'll be praying for you guys to hang in there till Dec. Good luck guys!
I mini twisted my hair in in 4 hours :wow: I was amazed. Instead of dipping my hand in the shea butter to twist, I put the shea butter on an entire section and we at it...didn't realize how much time that would knock out of the process. I didn't dc before hand because my hair is getting tired of the moisture over kill.

My ends are also dying for a trim. I'll take care of them when it's time to unravel.
I don't think I can be in this challenge anymore. I don't twist all of the time like I used to. It started causing too many knots at the end, on hair that doesn't need to be trimmed.

I sometimes have this problem as well. What I found works very well is HEAVY sealing on the last inch or two of hair. I use plain vaseline on my last inch or so, and it reduces the problem tremendously.

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I want to keep my next twists set for five weeks. (until 30th december) any thoughts/advices????
routine :
scalp massages every other day with essential oils in castor oil.
baggying once a week.
moisture and seal every to every other day.
Oh no! Everyone is getting tired of their twists and I'm starting to have nightmares about what I'd do with my hair if it wasn't for twists. I suppose I have been wearing my hair in a bun for almost 3 years, so twists in a bun don't bother me at all.

I'm deep conditioning now, and then I'll put my hair in 40 twists.
it's been a bit since i've updated here. today is the 23rd day with this current set of twists. still have my goal of 6 weeks, but still taking it one day at a time. :p

cleansed and dc'ed last night (rinsed this morning before work & oil rinsed)

ive been dreading the takedown process for these. my previous recent sets have been a breeze to takedown and detangle, but i dunno about these because they're smaller.
Ok so telling on myself. I put my twists in Sunday and took them down today to rock a twist out for the holiday. While it is down I want to see if I can put it in a bun and see if there are any other styles I can wear at this length.

I also want to find out if retwisting at night gives me good twist out that I can wear for a few days or if it is a hot mess.

I will leave my hair out for more than the 2 days alloted by the challenge. But it will be going back up this weekend. :yep:
Well, since we're ratting ourselves out:

They're baaack. The mini twists are back. I know I said I was breaking up with them but I just couldn't stay away. I said my limit was going to be fifty so why did I put in 84 of these puppies?! I'd been doing so well and I go and do the unholy backslide.

I'm really going to try to not leave them in too long before redoing them because I think that's where I run into trouble. My goal is to not exceed 2.5 weeks before a do over.
These are 2 week old twists - haven't washed them so they don't get too fuzzy but will probably wash this weekend.

I've got good hang from my twist-wrapping routine and the million bobby pins it requires :lol: Forgot to take pics of that. Maybe tomorrow morning.





ETA: um sorry for the huge pics - don't know how to resize :look:
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I've been wearing chunky twists in buns most of the week. Did a good detangle on Saturday.
Seriously, hiding my hair in twists makes it a real nice surprise when I'm stretching it out to do mini-length checks. Some parts are almost HL! :yay:
Oh well, I've cornrowed once side to midway back (my flat twists are not neat enough yet) and the rest is either in medium sized twists (the bang area) or chunky twists.

By God's grace, I'm going to another hair meetup on Sunday (after a long working weekend).
I've been doing good with keeping my twists in even though they are bugging me. I'm retaining length so well with this style that as much as I want to stop wearing them, I don't know if I can because of the good it does for me! Depending on the progress I see at the beginning of the year I might continue with the dreaded twists or try my hand at bunning. My hair grows/retains best when left alone so I'm not sure how bunning will affect that...But I do need another protective style after this. Any thoughts?
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On the 11th day with my twist. I put them on perm rods last night to rock a twist and curl for the next two days. Will detangle/wash on Saturday and twist up again Sunday. Twist are my primary style of choice, it's the only way I can maintain my hair without a lot of daily manipulation. I only wish I knew how to flat twist so I could do some updo(s) :yep:
Ok didn't make it long with the twist out :lol: Last night I really didn't want to twist my hair up. So now I know I won't be wearing my hair out on the regular. I probably would be willing to do my hair a max of 3x a week but probably more like 2.

I sprayed my hair with AVG/oil mix and put in 20 twists. I had good definition with my twists. But with my hair as this length I needed more twists to get good coverage.

My hair is still to short for any kind of bun. I tried a puff and it just wasn't working. So I put my hair up into a banana clip.

Before dinner I realized I wouldn't want to retwist my hair tonight, so I have put my hair up in flat twist. It will probably stay in flat twist until I wash it Saturday or Sunday.

Maybe by April I will have more length to do things with.
On the 11th day with my twist. I put them on perm rods last night to rock a twist and curl for the next two days. Will detangle/wash on Saturday and twist up again Sunday. Twist are my primary style of choice, it's the only way I can maintain my hair without a lot of daily manipulation. I only wish I knew how to flat twist so I could do some updo(s) :yep:

I just learned how to flat twist and it's easier than I expected! I wish my twists hung like yours. Hopefully soon!
I've been twisting but I haven't taken any photos yet. I'm going to really try to be deliberate with documenting my progress.
Back to the routine. Mudwashed, DCd and twisted hair with SM Smoothie. I didn't use any gel this time. And I can definitely tell the difference. With just a cream or a butter my hair is really fuzzy. The gel gives my hair a smoother look. And I won't be able to wear a twist out at the end of the week because the smoothie gives me 0 hold. But it feels soft :yep:

I was going to do 8 rows of 8 twists but I got lazy and didn't feel like parting out 8 rows :ohwell: Not sure how many twists I have. I made them bigger than I usually do. And surprisingly it doesn't look too bad. I am going to try to pull them back into a bun for the rest of the week.
I've been wearing a set of box braids for the past three weeks. I'm planning on washing and twisting my hair today
@faithVA i just started using Beemine Bee hold curly butter for my twists and it gives great hold and softness

Thanks JustGROWwithIt. I know there are a lot of good products out there but I have put a lot of restrictions on my products because I know how I am. :lol: The only thing I buy online is the Terressential Mudwash. Everything else has to be a local purchase.
yea I am a bit of a recovering product junkie lol

I understand. Lots of people are :yep: It has taken me months to get down to the few products I have now. Yesterday I think was a record.

Washed with mudwash
Put an oil blend on my scalp
Conditioned with AO Chamomile
Twisted with SM Smoothie

I am thinking I can eventually get this down to conditioner and an oil rinse :lol:
I've been bad. I have had this twistout in since Friday. Smh. I planned to retwist on Sunday but came down with a cold and body aches. Today I still feel like **** but I HAVE to wash and retwist today. Cold front is coming. Don't want a wet head.
:curtain: I've been bad too...been rocking this twistout since Thanksgiving! Castor oil/Totally Twisted butter made for great definition. Not disturbing the curl is the key to longevity! :look: ahem, off my soap box. I NEED to wash my hair by tomorrow so that will be the ticket and rock them til the weekend probably :look: