Twist for Growth Challenge (Fall 2011)

My twists are very utilitarian this week. Four flat twists at the crown and eight large individuals. They're pulled back into a bun.
So I went to my stylist expecting a trim and she said "NO." LOL! She took time to explain to me how to tell when my ends need trimming. She showed me that I don't have any split ends, nor are my ends rough. Then she showed me that the comb runs through my hair very smoothly which wouldn't happen if my ends needed trimming. She told me that I just have to get used to my ends being curly now that I'm fully natural. She promised to let me know if she notices my ends becoming damaged and in need of a trim. I truly love my stylist! Any other stylist would have taken the opportunity to get scissor happy in my hair especially since I was the one insisting that I needed a trim.

So ladies my hair is very happily twisted in a mohawk style with ALL of my hair still intact. I definitely give this challenge credit for helping me retain all my length and I agree with all of the ladies who have asked for it to continue in 2012! I will be signing up again!!
Taking my twists out tonight. Going to prepoo overnight with hemp oil and then wash, dc, and retwist in the morning.
Washed and conditioned in my twists then retwisted. I can't wait till this challenge is over in a way. :lol: I wanna do a rollerset and straighten! I'm so excited though, cause I can't wait to see what I retained. :grin:
I put in 40 twists instead of my usual 48 today. They're super chunky, but you can't tell when they're in my bun so I don't really care. My hair seems to be on the grow, so I'm, happy about that.
faithVA I hope you are definitely gonna continue this challenge for the new year. I am in my first set of braids since my BC and this ish is fuzzy like I've had them in for 4 weeks instead of 2. :nono: So I will definitely be twisting more next year, and I would like to join to keep me motivated.
girl.. im so in a hurry to do the 2 weeks mark for undoing my twists. I miss doing deep treatments. I luv taking care of my hair i want to do my ayur treateeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeemnt !!!!!!!!!!!! (sorry this is a random twists thoughts :( )
Today and yesterday my hair has been loose in a bun. When restyling, I noticed a lot of little broken hairs...I don't know if I need a protein treatment or what? Trying not to feel discouraged. Any of you ladies swear by any protein?
Today and yesterday my hair has been loose in a bun. When restyling, I noticed a lot of little broken hairs...I don't know if I need a protein treatment or what? Trying not to feel discouraged. Any of you ladies swear by any protein?

-PYT - Don't get discouraged, it'll be ok! Try Aphogeee 2 min reconstructor. I swear by it! It makes my hair soft and strong. I use it for about 5 minutes in the shower. If you want a mild protein that you can DC in overnight, try ORS Hair Mayonnaise. I alternate between these 2 proteins using each no more than once a month which averages out to protein once every 2-3 weeks. You may not need it as often but my hair does well with protein so I keep in the rotation. HTH!
I'm late to the party. But, I have been wearing my hair in two strand twists and pinned up since July. I had a minor setback due to being scissor happy and falling off of my weekly regimen. I'm back on as of last weekend. If it's not too late to join this challenge, I will keep this up until the end of the year.

I will continue wearing two-strand twists, pinned up into a protective style daily.
I will wash, oil rinse, dc, apply leave-in, twist and seal with EVCO weekly.
I will moisturize with water, leave-in and seal with castor oil every 2-3 days.

I hope to have healthier, moisturized hair and retain growth by the end of December.
Trying to stay in challenge to the end but two day turn around is getting to be too hard to stick too. Therefore, I think I'm leaving the twists in too long for my hair's liking because I have to carefully plan when I can do my hair in order to stick to the 2 day turn around rule:nono:
I'm going to try to hang in there but I just don't feel like I'm retaining much:sad:
I wore a twist out yesterday and planned to do the same today...but my hair looks like boo boo after DH ran all up and through it! I'm really tired of telling him don't touch my hurrrr...he's so sensitive! So this time I just let him at it.

DT/wash and air dry today. I'll twist it back up sometime next week.
Not loving my mini twist out. Now that my hair has gotten longer, I get waaay more hang time, but for us fine haired naturals, that hang time can make the hair look kind of flat. So after my workout, I sat in the steam room for 15 minutes. Now, my twist out looks soo lush! I'm loving it. I just hope it doesn't shrink too much when it dries :lachen: Sometimes I just can't win with my hair :nono:
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Not loving my mini twist out. Now that my hair has gotten longer, I get waaay more hang time, but for us fine haired naturals, that hang time can make the hair look kind of flat. So after my workout, I set in the steam room for 15 minutes. Now, my twist out looks soo lush! I'm loving it. I just hope it doesn't shrink too much when it dries :lachen: Sometimes I just can't win with my hair :nono:

I know what you mean girl. Or you can flip your head upside down. It gives it volume too.
Hey Ladies,
I am thinking about putting in some micro twists in... I know i know i change my mind a lot... And I am just curious as to how do you detangle these during the take down... I can see the micro twists forming 2 tight ropes when you take them down and how do you get those ropes to become looser so you can comb through them. I am not sure i am making sens... But hope someone would get me... I am planning on making them tonight on my blow bried hair and keeping them for about 3 weeks... Hope this is realistic
How is everyone doing?
Hi ladies I a have been twisting on the sidelines and watching you all do such a wonderful job. How in the world do you make your twists last longer than a week? The longest I have gone is 10 days and that was pushing it. I usually twist or wet/damp bun but on a weekly basis.
Happy Birthday NappyNelle!

Okay, so miracle of miracles, I get to go home and see my family in CA for Thanksgiving. My grandmothers, not crazy fond of natural hair :ohwell:. So I was going to go one more week in this current set of twists, which would be 4 weeks, and then retwist right before going. Umm, hair is NOT havin it :nono:. She will punch me in the face if she's not taken down this weekend.

Soooo, I'm going to have to take a one-week hiatus. I can't twist on consecutive weeks, the CTS prevents it. So this upcoming week my hair will be bunned up and I'll leave her alone as much as possible, and then she'll be twisted the following weekend.

cocoma, after the first week, if not earlier, I keep the hair pinned up so you can't tell how fuzzy it is. I wash and DC the twists once a week, and I'll retwist the front so it looks neat. Winter is my shedding season anyway so I'm shedding a TON of hair in the interim, so getting out all of the shed hair is an absolute must, but it begins to look gawdawful going into the third week. Pinning or bunning it up is the only thing that works for me. Hopefully some other ladies will chime in :yep:. HTH!
Hey Ladies,
I am thinking about putting in some micro twists in... I know i know i change my mind a lot... And I am just curious as to how do you detangle these during the take down... I can see the micro twists forming 2 tight ropes when you take them down and how do you get those ropes to become looser so you can comb through them. I am not sure i am making sens... But hope someone would get me... I am planning on making them tonight on my blow bried hair and keeping them for about 3 weeks... Hope this is realistic
How is everyone doing?

Poutchi I know what you mean. I stopped doing them too micro because of that. But the way I detangled when I used to do them really small was starting from the bottom detangle on damp hair. I had a spray bottle near. Then pull apart.
Ladies we are half way through the challenge. Its time to take your update photo. Please take a progress photo between today and November 15th to capture your progress.

If you joined after October 15th please make sure you have a starting shot. You won't need a middle shot due to the timeframe.

Remember at the end of the challenge we will be posting our starting, mid-way and ending twist shots.

And if you haven't updated us in a while, since September, please give us an update on what's going on with your twists.

Whoops! I'm all late! lol I'll take pictures tonight when I wash my hair.
so these twists have been in for 12 days totally doesnt feel like it.

trying to make it for another 4 weeks before taking them down. we'll seeeee...
Trying to stay in challenge to the end but two day turn around is getting to be too hard to stick too. Therefore, I think I'm leaving the twists in too long for my hair's liking because I have to carefully plan when I can do my hair in order to stick to the 2 day turn around rule:nono:
I'm going to try to hang in there but I just don't feel like I'm retaining much:sad:

Hey ecadnacmc, tell us whats going on with you? Why is a 2 day turn around hard for you? And how long are you wearing your twists?

If you take your hair down on Friday can you twist it back up on Sunday? or Monday?
Hey Ladies,
I am thinking about putting in some micro twists in... I know i know i change my mind a lot... And I am just curious as to how do you detangle these during the take down... I can see the micro twists forming 2 tight ropes when you take them down and how do you get those ropes to become looser so you can comb through them. I am not sure i am making sens... But hope someone would get me... I am planning on making them tonight on my blow bried hair and keeping them for about 3 weeks... Hope this is realistic
How is everyone doing?

I really don't do the micro twists so much because they really don't last any longer than small twists. But when I do wear micro twists before I start take down I pull my fingers across the twists to remove any shed hair that I can. I then coat my twists with oil and then spritz with just a little bit of water and baggy for an hour or overnight. If needed then I will apply some shea butter and work into the twists. I separate the twists into 6 to 10 sections that I will then use to detangle.

Then I just twirl the bottom of the twists to start to unravel and then separate them from the root. Once all the the hair in a section is untwisted then I pull through the hair to remove all the shed hairs.

Hope that helps.
I had decided to just wear my twist for one week because I really don't think I can maintain my hair well for multiple weeks. So I was going to retwist this weekend. But I came down with a cold so no hair washing for me this week. So I am going to hold onto this for another week.

But I haven't moisturized and sealed since Tuesday so I need to get back on my maintenance program and get these twists in shape for another week.
This will be the last week of these twists. They've held up really well, but it's time to do a thorough cleaning and detangling.