Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge 10/1/13-12/31/13

Girl I know. I'm not even going to lie. I'm going to use the same picture for the back that I used for the last challenge. But I may take a new picture of the front.

What are you doing differently with your ends? I can always use some tips.

I'm wearing my hair straight. Either blow dried or flat ironed all the time. It's the only thing that keeps my ends from being overrun with ssks. I think it has something to do with length, because I never had an issue when my hair was MBL or shorter.
I will be following this thread. This challenge is helpful whether I am in it or not! Really learning my hair!
I need to remember that I am hosting this challenge and not just participating :lol: I haven't hosted in so long I keep forgetting :nono:

Mini braids







BraunSugar , why are you trying to plant ideas into my head?! These pics are gorgeous :lick:. If I ever had the patience to put in braids that small, then I must plan to be loc'd, 'cause there's no way I would have the patience to take them back down :spinning:. Also the gif in your siggy :lachen:.
I want mini braids. But I'm going to wait until I'm SL. I will feel bald and like a little kid if I do that at this length. At least at SL I can put them up. So maybe my hair will be long enough by the end of this challenge to put them in and I can do them for the new year.
For the month of October, I am going to try to keep my hair in flat twists until my rollerset at the end of the month. That keeps my ends tucked in and hopefully my hands out of my hair. If I can find enough styles on pinterest, I may try to keep going through December. I really only need 4 good ones and just do them every 4 weeks. I will capture them in my blog so I can recycle. I also need to look through my old photos and see what styles I wore 2 years ago. If I have a plan maybe it will make wash day flow a little easier.
BraunSugar , why are you trying to plant ideas into my head?! These pics are gorgeous :lick:. If I ever had the patience to put in braids that small, then I must plan to be loc'd, 'cause there's no way I would have the patience to take them back down :spinning:. Also the gif in your siggy :lachen:.

It is an investment of time to do these small braids (and small twists) but the payoff for me is that I don't have to redo my hair for at least another month. Spending time watching shows I like or listening to some good music gets me through it easily. I have considered throwing in some finger coils and letting them turn into locs but I can't fully commit to them.

I want mini braids. But I'm going to wait until I'm SL. I will feel bald and like a little kid if I do that at this length. At least at SL I can put them up. So maybe my hair will be long enough by the end of this challenge to put them in and I can do them for the new year.

Yeah, I didn't like braids or twists on myself until I reached shoulder length. I always wore finger coils or puffs from my BC to SL. It was a rough patch for me. :ohwell:
I want mini braids. But I'm going to wait until I'm SL. I will feel bald and like a little kid if I do that at this length. At least at SL I can put them up. So maybe my hair will be long enough by the end of this challenge to put them in and I can do them for the new year.

i would like to do mini braids, i feel they would last longer. i just know...come time to take them suckas down...i may end up doing more harm then good. plus i havent braided in so long it would probably take me twice as long to put em in.
i would like to do mini braids, i feel they would last longer. i just know...come time to take them suckas down...i may end up doing more harm then good. plus i havent braided in so long it would probably take me twice as long to put em in.

Yes, take down is tedious. When I get that far I think my strategy will be to shampoo and condition. Then take out each braid and convert it to a twists. That way I can take my time taking them down versus rushing. Then the following weekend I wear a twist out and shampoo. But we will see when I get there :lol:

It may be worth if I can get 3 to 4 weeks out of it.
I am back with a few changes...

I changed my hair style :yep: , This time going with Six flat twist in the front going into a webbing pattern then braided. Then I put the braids with the hair in the back into a bun. I am moving this weekend and hopefully I can keep this style until after the move!

I also added the GHE (Green House Effect) to my routine. And when I take my braids, twist and bun down I will do my version of the inversion method for seven days. If I can figure out how to massage my scalp and leave my hair style looking good.



I am back with a few changes...

I changed my hair style :yep: , This time going with Six flat twist in the front going into a webbing pattern then braided. Then I put the braids with the hair in the back into a bun. I am moving this weekend and hopefully I can keep this style until after the move!

I also added the GHE (Green House Effect) to my routine. And when I take my braids, twist and bun down I will do my version of the inversion method for seven days. If I can figure out how to massage my scalp and leave my hair style looking good.

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That is really cute. I like the, I guess it is the "webbing pattern".
Well I'll be! A place on LHCF I actually belong, lol. I've actually had a similar personal challenge since August to exclusively wear twists till the end of the year, so this is perfect for me! 1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)? Most definitely twists. Specifically mini twists and loose twists (what I'm currently rockin')2. What is your style maintenance regimen? I hope this doesn't go against challenge rules, but I prefer to do long term protective styling with my twists, so at minimum I keep a set in for 3 weeks. My last set of minitwists I kept in for 6 weeks. That being said, I M&S every 3 days with Water, Beautiful Textures Moisture Butter and Coconut Oil. 3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural 4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? I think I'm hovering between APL and BSL, so I'd love to be fully BSL by 12/31/13. Fingers crossed! 5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? 3 days 6. Include Starting Pic. (You will not be an official challenger without one). Will update post with starting pic.

Straightened hair in July


Light blowout


Loose twists


Mini Twists

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[USER said:
whit923;19078789[/USER]]Well I'll be! A place on LHCF I actually belong, lol. I've actually had a similar personal challenge since August to exclusively wear twists till the end of the year, so this is perfect for me!

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)?

Most definitely twists. Specifically mini twists and loose twists (what I'm currently rockin')2. What is your style maintenance regimen?

I hope this doesn't go against challenge rules, but I prefer to do long term protective styling with my twists, so at minimum I keep a set in for 3 weeks. My last set of minitwists I kept in for 6 weeks. That being said, I M&S every 3 days with Water, Beautiful Textures Moisture Butter and Coconut Oil.
3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?

I think I'm hovering between APL and BSL, so I'd love to be fully BSL by 12/31/13. Fingers crossed!

5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?

3 days

6. Include Starting Pic. (You will not be an official challenger
without one).

Will update post with starting pic.

Welcome to the challenge. I would love to see your loose twist.

There is definitely no rule on how long you keep your twist in.
I kind of want to join this and PS through the winter....but I am scared either

1. they are not going to look good on my head because my hair is really not as dense as I thought it was. And I don't know how good it will look with it so short

2. I have to figure out if i can actually get the twists to hold......I am going to try them this weekend, if they work out I want to join so this is a tentative place holder :D
Co washed my medium twist this morning with Aussie Moist, applied leave-in and sealed with jbco. Tonight I will spritz each twist with water. Apply Shea butter mix and retwist. -2 more weeks.
Welcome to the challenge. I would love to see your loose twist. There is definitely no rule on how long you keep your twist in.

I updated my post with pics. 99% of the time I wear them in a bun. I got a little fancy today, lol. I love the fullness they give a style.


1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)? 2. What is your style maintenance regimen? 3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? 4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? 5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? 6. Include Starting Pic.

I'm back in!

1. Twists
2. Twist pinups/twists worn 2-3 weeks and then a twist out.
3. Natural
4. Length! The front of my hair needs to catch up with the crown and back.
5. 3 days


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Still bunning. Today I'm washing and dusting my ends. I think I'll blow dry and put in some big twists for the week.
Better late than's how I've been wearing my hair for the last 2 weeks and the process it took to get done. I now realize why I tend to braid the roots if I want to wear the style for longer, because these will probably be out in a week or so. These are medium rope twists without braided roots.


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Do any of you guys have suggestions for inexpensive gels or pomaded that will hold the end of two strand twists?

I am natural 3c/4a and my hair won't lock on its own and stay locked.

ETA: So I went ahead and washed my hair with the new shampoo (not sure if I like it, got the squeaky feeling especially on the top of my head where my hair is softer, but putting conditioner on it helped a lot and it felt a lot better. Blow dried my hair on low and combed through it with a wide tooth comb until it was half dry to help stretch it then I applied my moisturizer and leave in...oh man. My hair felt so soft and hydrated as I was twisting it it was weird now my hair was really shiny and the roots laid really flat...I ended up putting a strong holding gel on the ends that didn't really do much so I bobby pinned all my twists down to stretch them and to seal the ends I then put my silk scarf on and blow dried my whole head on high for 2 minutes to jump start the drying so hopefully it will be completely dry in the morning. I don't know how its going to turn out. Worse case scenario I wear my work hat again to work cause I am not going to have time to take down all these twists...but this was a trial run so we shall see how it goes.

I also noticed with I blow dried my hair that I am nearing NL again in the back, my hair is def longer than I thought it was since I havn't done a length check in awhile. May straighten a piece in the back on my 9 month nappyversary to see if I am back to nearing SL again...that would be so exciting
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1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning, etc.)?
2 strand twists most of the time. Or medium sized box braids.
2. What is your style maintenance
I wash dc and style my hair every 4 weeks. I moisturize and seal every other day or as needed. (Water aloe tea tree, coconut oil, homemade Shea mix.)
Followed by ghe for 8+ hours during day(work from home)
Just started inversion method. Oh and I use this herbal oil scalp blend. Very strong so I dilute it.
3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?
Natural but transitioning to healthy non color treated hair.
4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?
Healthy hair as always and length of course.
5. Will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?
After 4 weeks. I wear my hair wrapped up 95% of the time
6. Include Starting Pic. (You will not be an official challenger without one).

The only pic I currently have on my phone is a wedding day elopement photo taken on 10 10 :-)
I did my hair the 6th.
I will take out 3 Sundays from now.


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I've had my mini braids in for about 10 days now and everything is going good. I'm going to wash them tonight or tomorrow. My workout routine is rebooting tomorrow so I will likely incorporate some cowashing into my hair routine during this challenge.