TWA Support Thread

Did you mean curling cream? Or did you really mean bodifier?

I think it may make your hair a little stiff but maybe the oil will help soften it some. You may also want to just little a very little for your hair. It may weigh it down.

What you may like is the Eden Body Works Curling Cream. You may be able to pick that up at Sally's.

I bought the Curly Curl Cream. I saw on the thread about it that you and a couple of other people liked the bodifier so I thought well I can try the cream and see if it works.

I think my hair does better with heavy creams (the souflee was pretty heavy and it worked well for me) but yeah if I need to I can add some avocado oil to it to thin it a tad. From reviews I have seen it is applied best on soaking/semi soaked hair and thats how I usually apply my MS anyway.

The jar was only 9 bucks at the bSS which is affordable (i got the 6 oz) so I am going to try it tonight on and see how it goes.
[USER=375439 said:
hnntrr[/USER];19491117]I bought the Curly Curl Cream. I saw on the thread about it that you and a couple of other people liked the bodifier so I thought well I can try the cream and see if it works.

I think my hair does better with heavy creams (the souflee was pretty heavy and it worked well for me) but yeah if I need to I can add some avocado oil to it to thin it a tad. From reviews I have seen it is applied best on soaking/semi soaked hair and thats how I usually apply my MS anyway.

The jar was only 9 bucks at the bSS which is affordable (i got the 6 oz) so I am going to try it tonight on and see how it goes.

Cool. I hope it works for you. Let us know. If it does, then check your grocery stores, Target, Walmart, etc for a cheaper price. I can get the curling cream in Target, Kroger, CVS, etc and it is only about $6 or $7.
@KammyGirl Lol it's cool. So after I shampoo, condition, and DC I wrap my towel around my head for 15 minutes. I then put my moisturizer on my hair and partially dry with my blow drier. Then I put my Nexxus leave-in on my hair, and I part my hair layer by layer and blow dry with a paddle brush. Bring the paddle brush through the current layer before using the blow dryer and paddle brush together (aka the tension method). Each layer is about an inch to and half of inch wide. When I finish blow drying my hair I take four clips and part my hair layer by layer again and flat iron. Each layer should be about a half of inch thick and no thicker. I spray my heat protectant on the current layer I'm working on, wait a few seconds, use my comb to comb it out, take a piece about an inch wide or less, run the small end of the comb over it, and then run the flat iron over it. With my heat protectant I usually only have to pass over my hair once. If I want to bump it under or over, I pass it over the ends a second time. I attached a picture of what I used. I think a flatiron wider than my should work, but I'm not sure.

ETA: I put oil on my hair after I'm done flat ironing my hair as the finishing touch.

Thanks for the deets. I'm going to try it this weekend.
So I was at the BSS and I couldn't find the Curls Curl Souflee that I usually buy. So I ended up buying Taliah Waajid Curly Curl Cream. I did a quick search on here and I saw that @faithVA and a few other people had success with the Bodifer, so I figured why not. Plus I can order it in bulk off Amazon (3- 6 oz jars for 20 bucks).

I really can't find the Curls Curl Souflee anywhere in store, I can order that on amazon but its 20 bucks for a 8oz jar.

Going to try the Taliah Waajid and let you guys know how it hold up on my hair. I read a few places that it was a little waxy and that adding in oils to it helps, I also read on the label that it has Burdoc protein, which I am a little afraid of? But I used Burdoc Root on my hair when I did tea rinses back during being relaxed and it worked fine.

hnntrr I agree with faithVA this may weigh your hair down. I LOVE this product though. I use it on damp hair with just a tiny bit of oil underneath it on damp hair. And once my hair absorbs it, it feels soft. But when I use this on dry hair, it does make my hair feel a little waxy/sticky.

All in all I like it a lot. It defines my curls perfectly and it smells delicious! I hope it works for you.
faithVA, KammyGirl:
For sure!

Sometime weird happened tonight so I dont know how to judge it. I am at my parents house for the week on vacation and I washed and conditioned as normal, and when I got out the shower all of my hair was clumpy and defined like I would have put gel in it! My mom said it could be because they have well water instead of city water but I don't know. I changed my application regimen saturday so it could have been that too. I am going to wash my hair again on Saturday and see if it does the same thing.

So far with the TW, it felt like a edge putty (which was weird) but it went on my soaking hair alright I ended up just flat twisting it back, but we will see how it feels in the morning.
faithVA, KammyGirl:
For sure!

Sometime weird happened tonight so I dont know how to judge it. I am at my parents house for the week on vacation and I washed and conditioned as normal, and when I got out the shower all of my hair was clumpy and defined like I would have put gel in it! My mom said it could be because they have well water instead of city water but I don't know. I changed my application regimen saturday so it could have been that too. I am going to wash my hair again on Saturday and see if it does the same thing.

So far with the TW, it felt like a edge putty (which was weird) but it went on my soaking hair alright I ended up just flat twisting it back, but we will see how it feels in the morning.

It could be your water but hopefully it is your application regimen. But if it is your water then you will need to get a shower filter.
Need to bc again. I Have been in denial,but it is just making the damage worse. I am a bit past apl. I'm in braids right now. I will get it professionally straightened once I take my braids out. I'll chop then. Ugh, I hate to lose length,but remembering how healthy my ends used to be,there is no way to repair this hair back to this point. I miss that lush, full hair!
[USER=26668 said:
JerriBlank[/USER];19492623]Need to bc again. I Have been in denial,but it is just making the damage worse. I am a bit past apl. I'm in braids right now. I will get it professionally straightened once I take my braids out. I'll chop then. Ugh, I hate to lose length,but remembering how healthy my ends used to be,there is no way to repair this hair back to this point. I miss that lush, full hair!

Can you just trim back to SL? What happened to your ends?
I agree with faithVA, hnntrr and your mom. It's terrible what hard water does to the hair. $20 will get you a good shower filter. Your skin will change too :yep:

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
Okay maybe you guys can help me understand. I have hard water where I live, but it's never bothered my hair and skin. I don't have acne problems or anything like that, thank God. So my question is why is hard water to blame? I'm just confused...
Okay maybe you guys can help me understand. I have hard water where I live, but it's never bothered my hair and skin. I don't have acne problems or anything like that, thank God. So my question is why is hard water to blame? I'm just confused...

All that hard stuff that builds up on your taps, around the rim in the toilet, the rust stains around the drain from hard water? all those bad minerals, plus chlorine, fluoride, and everything else they add to city water systems builds up on hair AND skin. Like any product, it can build up and prevent moisture from entering the strand. Or worse, create dryness like chlorine.

So either chelate and clarify regularly or get a water filter.

And, as extra, what goes on the skin goes into the body via open pores and the tiny capillaries that carry blood just under the skin. I don't like the idea of having bleach running through my veins.

Who wants to deal with all that drama?

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
All that hard stuff that builds up on your taps, around the rim in the toilet, the rust stains around the drain from hard water? all those bad minerals, plus chlorine, fluoride, and everything else they add to city water systems builds up on hair AND skin. Like any product, it can build up and prevent moisture from entering the strand. Or worse, create dryness like chlorine. So either chelate and clarify regularly or get a water filter. And, as extra, what goes on the skin goes into the body via open pores and the tiny capillaries that carry blood just under the skin. I don't like the idea of having bleach running through my veins. Who wants to deal with all that drama? ____________ *.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*

Ah ok. Lol that makes sense. I guess the buildup can be considered an indicator of how much stuff is getting through. Do city and county have the same water source? I live out in the boondocks and I use ACV once a week which is probably why I'm not having issues. Thanks for the info.
Okay maybe you guys can help me understand. I have hard water where I live, but it's never bothered my hair and skin. I don't have acne problems or anything like that, thank God. So my question is why is hard water to blame? I'm just confused...

Well, hard water is loaded with chemicals that coat the hair and scalp/follicles. You can end up with some crunchy hard hair without a filter. I guess it all depends on how bad it is. Maybe someone else can chime in with more in depth info.

Eta: I didn't see DarkJoy's perfect response. Haha The pages on my phone are all screwed up and aren't loading completely.
still in this weave and not bored yet.
the next time i take it out, i will be DC'ing and straightening my hair and getting a trim. i haven't had one since i shaved my head, and my ends are shot to hell. my fine hair can't retain length without regular trims, it'll simply just start to split all the way up the shaft.
Wigging and the LOC method has helped my hair so much! My hair is covered 90% of the time wither by a wig or wrapped. I may need to lay off the wrapping a bit, it seems like my edges may be thinning a little.

My only complaint is that if seems like I'm constantly doing the LOC method. My hair has been incredibly dry and sucks up product like crazy. I apply it and a few hours later my hair goes back to feeling as dry as a bone. :nono: I tried clarifying, acv rinses, and different products when I LOC. I tried baggying also but that left my hair a wet sweaty mess because I've been sweating like crazy at night. I wonder if I should grab a bottle of porosity control. Maybe that's the problem.
just two selfie updates; one flat ironed (Nov) and one a la natural (Jan).
I plan to do another keratin treatment at the end of January. compared to my avatar pic, there is a big difference in shrinkage.

photo (25).JPG

photo (26).JPG
Tried straightening and my hair looked a hot mess. ::sigh::

daydreaming of perming....I want a nia long pixie....
I flat ironed last weekend and I did not like it at all. I suppose it looked the way it should look at this stage but I still didn't like it. So I just combed it to the front and did a front braid the way I used to when I was relaxed. Not sure how good a pic this is and if you can even see the braid but here it is.
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Hi Gurlies!

I have finally managed to do the high top puff, I have had tears, tantrums, fits of ignorance (putting awkward twa under beanies) and occasionally bliss with the journey so far -_- but I didn't give in! No relaxer for me and it will be a year mid feb!

I big chopped to less than 2 inches in feb 2013, and now am finally able to do a puff, I have crazy shrinkage (70%) I did a second semi big chop in August after taking out my braids (lord knows I needed it) just to make sure I got rid of all relaxer (another 2.5 inches came off) - it really helped my curl pattern develop.

My regimen is: co-wash nearly every day with tresemme naturals moisture (blue one) I have got avocado oil in the bottle with the conditioner and orange essential oil (I just love the smell)

Moisturise with Shea moisture styling milk and sealing with their reconstructing spray oil - daily

Water (with small blob of tresemme) when I just want to spritz

Deep condition with tresemme, olive oil, macadamia oil and argan oil and honey - works wonders for my thirsty hair - I do this bi-weekly

Deep protein treatment -aphogee 2 min reconstructor once a month

I have an oil massage scalp day on Sundays, the hubby massages macadamia oil and essential oil rosemary and peppermint for 45mins or so - feels amazeballs

I use eco styler and aloe vera for my edges and high puffs

Pics are of my progress :) it's so worth it - I love my natural hair!


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Apologies middle pic shows more of my glasses than my hair

This one shows my hair better!


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I just BC'd. I can't believe I did that lol. But I have no regrets. It'll grow back and I didn't want to transition so I'm down with the TWAs now :)
Running out of hairstyle ideas. I think when I get paid next week I am going to put braids back in, tired of dealing with styling. In that awkward phase where I an only put it in two kinds of puffs.
Running out of hairstyle ideas. I think when I get paid next week I am going to put braids back in, tired of dealing with styling. In that awkward phase where I an only put it in two kinds of puffs.

I hear ya. I was doing wash n go's but my hair has grown out out and takes forever to dry. Plus I am tired of doing wash n go's everyday. I am trying finger coils now. My hair is not long enough to hang and look full. So I tie down the coils so they are close to my head. I will see how long this can last
I too BC'd on the 12th of Jan, wasn't even thinking of going natural really but I was very tired of my lifeless relaxed hair. plus I wanted to experience a low cut once in my life. I'm loving how easy it is to care for and I look forward to getting to know it as it grows out.


First day as a natural..trying to get this styling thing down.. did a flat twist out.