Trim Stretch Challenge

Hey Ladies,

I'm a frequent trimmer and unfortunately I'm just realizing that its starting to do more harm than good because I'm not retaining any length. As soon as I get some progress it gets hacked off. So starting today, I say NO MORE. Today is the beginning of my first "trim stretch". I'm going to try and go four months wihout trimming. I plan to acheive this via the baggie method and babying my ends with unrefined shea butter. Anyone wanna join me?
I was a trimmer every 8 weeks for darn near 2 years, and my hair was at bra-strap for darn near 2 years, too. Just stopped with the overzealous trimming in Jan 05. I won't trim again until Jan 06, because I wear protective styles, and on my last search and destroy mission, I FOUND ONLY ONE SPLIT END! WOW! :eek: I must be doing something right...From now on, I will only trim once a year.
This is my challenge! I needed this... I used to trim every 8 weeks too,sometimes every 4 weeks so i'm in!
I want in! I'm 2 months since my last trim, and thanks to LHCF, my ends still look good. But, I need to go a little longer...any tips, good moisturizers?
You all know I am in------ Trim Stretch Challenge---no scissors for me till December !!!!! We are all going to have some nice length going on !!!
Trimming every 4 weeks? 8 weeks? :shocked: How can anyone see any kind of progress trimming that often? Not only would that keep your hair at it's current length, I would think that it would get even shorter!
You can count me in! I should be at bra strap by now, but I am still just a little past armpit length! I am not trimming again until I reach the bottom of bra strap length! So maybe at the end of this year? I want 4-5 more inches by the end of the summer!
I want in, I know I need to stop trimming everytime I relax (8 to 10 weeks). I am very scissor happy and I know this is messing with my growth.

I will just dust/cut split ends everytime I relax instead of trimming (trying to keep hair "even.").
Guess I've been participating for over two years. It has been over a year since my last trim & before my last trim it had been a year as noted in my signature. Before that I was trimming unnecessarily because I "had been trained" to do so by hairstylists.
ive been trimming so damn much, i went to but a special pair of scissors. I used to trim eevry 2 weeks or when my ends were dry. I havent trimmed in a month and i wont be doing any for a long time. i will be doing the search and destroy though
I'll join up!!! I haven't had a major trim since my cut in september. I did do a mini trim though. I plan to get a trim in september (maybe) and I'll go another long stretch without scissors. I've seen a lot of progress since stopping the frequent trims. I can't wait to get passed shoulder length.
Girl, Im in. I always do that too. My husband is liek leave your damn hair alone. Its almost like an addiction. Im in :perplexed
Ebony said:
Guess I've been participating for over two years. It has been over a year since my last trim & before my last trim it had been a year as noted in my signature. Before that I was trimming unnecessarily because I "had been trained" to do so by hairstylists.

I haven't had a dusting in six months, but I too was getting unecessary trimmings due to stylists and not seeing any growth...:(
Im in because I trim my hair way to much cause Im always scared that it is breaking off. Im not going to trim my hair until September. Which is basically the whole summer. Um 4 months approximately. Im going to try to do this by baby my hair of course and just trying to keep my hands out of it, my BIGGEST PROBLEM EVER!!!!! Always got my hands in my hair.

And I will also try to baby my ends and will be wearing my own hair this summer (no braids, no weaves, nothing - they grow your hair and then you have cut off all the straggly ends afterwards cause its so weak after the braids are taken out)
LDebagoria said:
I haven't had a dusting in six months, but I too was getting unecessary trimmings due to stylists and not seeing any growth...:(

Same thing here. My cousin (distant cousin) does my hair and it has grown but she gets too scissor happy and her trims turn into a cut everytime. And it still seems like I got split ends. I dont know what to do my split ends seem to be minimal when it gets flat ironed.
Hi Everyone :wave: I would like to join this challenge. I use to be very scissor happy and un-informed. My stylist would tell me to cut everytime I got a relaxer so I was never able to retain any really length.
I'll join you. I haven't had a professional trim since Sept of last year, but I have a habit of trimming like 1/2inch here and there, myself. Last time i trimmed myself was like mid february. I will not trim until I get my next relaxer which is in 2months. (because i need to even it out). Then after that, i will wait 6months (Jan)...

great post!!! Since i stopped letting a stylist trim my hair...I am amazed at how long my hair grew when i got my this is definitely a great topic.
I'm in until!! I haven't had a trim since January!! I must remember to pick up some of that shae butter. I am currently using the Mango Butter on my ends.
I just started this same challenge yesterday.I didn't know it was one already in the making or I would have joined :( So now we need to all come together and join this challenge since it was posted first.I'm definitely in. :)
natalied said:
:clapping: I'll join too. I will dust (clip off splits) tho'.

I ended up clipping some nasty ends. I needed to give myself a fresh start. I didn't snip much. Now I promise no more scissors until november.
OneInAMillion said:
I want in! I'm 2 months since my last trim, and thanks to LHCF, my ends still look good. But, I need to go a little longer...any tips, good moisturizers?

I put NTM Serum and 100% pure jojoba oil on my ends every morning and it has really helped.
Today I was at the hairdresser. This woman was getting her hair trim, I watch the stylist trim her hair from bra stap to mid-back. Before the stylist began trimming the lady hair I looked at the ends and they wer fine to me. At first the stylist even the hair up ie trimming away the un even ends but then she keep on cuuting unnecessarily:look: WHY:confused: . beats me:ohwell: