Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I'm so glad this thread was bumped. I have beent thinking about transitioning myself, but I am afraid of the BC and was wondering if there was a way to go natural without doing it. Definitely interested in any support, advice and product recommendations I can get!
Checking in and still transitioning. I had planned to BC this past weekend, but my mom advised me not to because of my huge forehead :look: So I've decided to continue to 18 months.
I examined my texture again tonight and in the crown there is definitely an 's' pattern....but in the back there are is strange, but I am guessing my hair is possibly 3c/4a???....hmmm
I'm over 4 months post, and I'm going crazy! It's hot all day, and I can't do a thing with my hair right now. I have an appointment at the salon tomorrow and I'm not sure what I want to do with it. I miss my hair being cute, neat, and easy to deal with.
Hello everyone! :wave:

I am currently 10 months post and I am itching to BC...or something. But I know I do not want short hair so I will keep on truckin. I want to wait until at least 18 months before I chop so that I can have a decent looking ponytail. I don't know what to do with my hair anymore. It is either in a wet bun, washngo ponytail, or straight from rollersetting or flat ironing. Rollersetting is becoming a pain and it seems to be taking longer to dry each time I do them. I have flat ironed my hair twice this month :nono: I am now on a personal challenge to keep it at once a month but I get so frustrated with the two textures, its easier to deal with when it is straight. Braid outs, twist outs and the like look a HAM. Ok, vent over. This thread was a good idea, its nice to see that I am not the only one going through it with my hair. Thanks ladies, you have all been soo helpful!
I think I am going to try a bantu knot out next week. I'll post pics if I do it.

Here are some pics of my hair lately and some pics of my new growth. (The pics of my new growth were taken about a month ago so I currently have a little bit more as of now).

Flat ironed:


New growth (I was about to cowash in these pics, my hair was really dry):

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How did I miss this thread??

I transitioned for 2 years with no BC. My last relaxer was 12/30/2007 and I did 2 mini chops, 11/08 and 4/09. I am fully natural as of 12/30/2009.

I decided to officially go natural in August 2008 after a very long relaxer stretch.

My hair at 15 weeks post, when I first saw my curls:

My curly hair now, at 5 months fully natural:

my twists from last week:

I do straighten every few months, with BKT. My most recent BKT from Memorial Day weekend:
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I'm a little past 11 months and I'm still hanging on. I am starting to have some styling issues because I promise I am tired of buns and ponytails. It's getting hot outside and I am NOT in the mood to wear wigs/half wigs. So I'm at a loss right now. I'm still not planning to chop anytime soon though. :nono:
It's nice to hear about your progress ladies :yep:. I'm trying to find a regimen so I can take care of my hair without going to the salon. For some reason I'm still not ready to say I'm officially transitioning :perplexed
I'm 7 months post. I was tempted to BC, but I've done it 3 times before!!!!! I DEFINITELY do not want short hair again. Since I got almost to brastrap, I became attached to the length. I'll do a minichop the end of July, but plan to transition until this time next year. I want ladies with my texture hair (kinky 4a, I believe) to know that we can do it too. Now, I am moisturizing every day and using Wen as my main hair cleanser along with DC'ing 2 times per week. I put my hair in either a ponytail or two plaits between washes. My breakage has been almost non- existent :)I plan on blow drying or flat ironing once a month in the near future.
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It's really not a leave-in per se but an oil and when I oil my scalp with it my hair instantly and I do mean instantly feels like a baby's bottom. It's Nyle Oil!

I like the Cantu shea butter leave in and Afro Detangler as far as creamy leave-ins. I have a homemade spray leave-in that I use as well as some left over Surge and African Royale Braid Spray. Braid Sprays can make great leave ins.
So I tried to do a silk wrap over the weekend....that was tragic, my hair sweated under that saran wrap, it look like I deep conditioned lol...I am sooo tired of all my hairstyles turning out soooo ugly! Buns and puffs are the only thing that look presentable...I ended up blowdrying and flatironing my hair...It was so frizzy, I had my mom take a picture of my hair from the back and honey its in worse shape than I thought...these relaxed ends are sooo raggedy and split that its ridiculous...I wanna bc....(its "just" 5 inches and I have more new growth than relaxed but Im length obsessed lol)....just a bit of advice to long term transitioners:
take care of your hair in between weave installs (I didnt know I was transitioning until Feb of this year I thought I was just avoiding perms lol)
get regular trims...seriously, your hair will behave better...I may stick it out and stay on my regular plan....Im not sure I am turning 25 next month so I will give myself until then to make a decision!
:hiya2: SherylsTresses checking in at 44 weeks post.

I'm still waiting on that thick and luscious all natural hair. :yep: I'm still airdrying into a braided ponytail with a part in the middle and rotating protein and moisture every other week.

ETA: Hey, I'm actually 10 months post! :band: :dance7: :yay:
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I'm over 4 months post, and I'm going crazy! It's hot all day, and I can't do a thing with my hair right now. I have an appointment at the salon tomorrow and I'm not sure what I want to do with it. I miss my hair being cute, neat, and easy to deal with.

4 months into transition can be difficult b/c your natural hair has not yet gotten to "take over" and be long enough to "bend down" (don't know if this is expressed well, but). This is the time that some transitioners who go to certain type hairstylists may give up. Some hairstylists who perm do not know how to work with natural hair. My hairstylists shook her head when I told her I would not be perming anymore. She lost a $150/month client (my daughter & I). Will she ever learn to work with natural hair? Doesn't seem so...So this is all leading up to me passing info on to you that this is a GREAT time to put some braids in (also do your research if you decide to put braids in). It's summertime, Your hair needs about 2 months to "take over", and Braids are cute! :drunk: HTH Keep Us Posted!
Did a protein treatment on saturday and my coils were on and popping. I'll be 6 monhs post next week. The hair by my ears are already natural and I need something to lay them down when I pull my hair into a ponytail. I think I'm going to have to trim my ends because they are looking a bit rough these days.
Hey ladies,
I have been transitioning since my last relaxer in May of 2008 when I first joined. I took a stint of hibernation lol but now I am back and fully subscribed :-)...I need the help of my more experienced LHCF members. I am trying to categorize the texture of my hair so I ca. n properly take care of it. I see ladies saying they are 4 a/b or 3a fine ....where is the list of hair texture types on LHCF? Thanks for your guidance
So, I had a long weekend and decided to not co-wash my hair last night and do my usually flat two strand twists so that I can wear them twisted out today. Instead, I said that I would just wait until this morning and do a wet bun. :nono: Although my hair is a little past my shoulders, the bun was WAY to small for me, looked like a tiny donut ball stuck to the back of my head. I will definitely need to wait a little longer before I can do that style, so instead I just have a wet ponytail. I am a little upset because I didn't want to put a ponytail holder (hair band) on my hair because I am afraid of breakage. :wallbash: I will be redoing my hair tonight, going back to the flat two strand twists. Oh well, at least I tried and saw what didn't work.
Well ladies, I'm finally ready to say I'm transitioning :). I don't know how long I'll go for. I want to say until my new growth reaches my shoulders...:rolleyes:. For a while, I'll just work on keeping my hair healthy :yep:
same here missjones! this is my 13th week of transitioning.

Well ladies, I'm finally ready to say I'm transitioning :). I don't know how long I'll go for. I want to say until my new growth reaches my shoulders...:rolleyes:. For a while, I'll just work on keeping my hair healthy :yep:
Ladies I am back. I have been MIA for a while from the hair section of this forum. I took out my braids and I am having problems with my hair being dry. What are you ladies doing to keep your hair moisturize. I am torn between trying qhemet products and darcy botanicals. I am leaning more towards darcys but I like that qhemet will let me buy a smaller size. Just would like to add that I am 8 mths post.
Well ladies, I'm finally ready to say I'm transitioning :). I don't know how long I'll go for. I want to say until my new growth reaches my shoulders...:rolleyes:. For a while, I'll just work on keeping my hair healthy :yep:

Well, I'm almost in the same boat! I've tried to transition several times, and don't think I've made it past, 3 or 4 months! I think it's harder for me in the summer since the humidity can zap a nice flat iron hair style. SO , this time I'm weav'n and leav'n! I plan to keep it in a weave until the end of this year and keep my hands out of it. I think this will help me get farther. My last relaxer was March, and the pic below was taken after I took out my last weave in April. Now I have just taken out my last weave, yesterday. I'll post pics, of the progress before my next install in about a week. Best wishes to everyone's success!
I'm almost 9 months and still going strong. I have a tentative BC date for Dec 2010 at 15 months but I think I just might leave it alone till 18 - 24 months. I would go completely mad if I had hair I couldn't get in a ponytail on my head. I've been doing braids and now currently in a weave as summer murders my hair where I am. I have 3c/4a hair in front and at the crown and 4 something at the back I think. I'm certain all that will change when I BC. It is very difficult to manage the hair but as I have no intention of going back to relaxing, I'll just have to keep going till I learn how to do it. HHG Everyone :)
I will am almost 2 years post. I have the most relaxed ends left in the front. I feel completely natural though and everyone thinks I am, i tried to tell my mum that I wasn't completely natural yet but she was hearing non of it lol
I will feel a huge sense of relief when I chop the rest off though :)
Glad to see some people are hanging in there. I braided my hair two weeks ago. I'll likely take this down in a week. Wear buns for a week then wash and restraigthen Trying to stretch out my heat usage to only once a month. Plan to PS through the summer with braids. Can't wait till I have enough hair to do bow braids. I want thicker hair!