Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

... This time however, s-curl has been a life saver for me, it keeps my new growth and relaxed hair soft and moisturized making it easier for me to comb my hair without breakage. I make sure to keep my protein/moisture balanced, co-wash often and baby my hair. I wear a bun 95% of the time. I don't plan on bc at all.

I'm going to try the s-curl. Earlier this week, I was ok, since I had flat ironed and wrapped my hair... now with the humidity and rain, I have 13 weeks of poofy cotton-like NG, attached to texlaxed hair, then relaxed ends. So I'm a mess right now! bc.. not an option for me!

I have no idea what to do with it, until my next weave install. I almost succumbed to the thoughts of texlaxing or BKT, but when I saw my new growth parted, it looked so pretty. So, I'll stick it out and see how far I can get. Winter is easy, summer is always a challenge for me! How do you keep the protein/moisture balanced?
I recently tried a Dominican Blow out and the results were great. It's been three days since I had the blow out done and my hair is still straight.
I'm going to try the s-curl. Earlier this week, I was ok, since I had flat ironed and wrapped my hair... now with the humidity and rain, I have 13 weeks of poofy cotton-like NG, attached to texlaxed hair, then relaxed ends. So I'm a mess right now! bc.. not an option for me!

I have no idea what to do with it, until my next weave install. I almost succumbed to the thoughts of texlaxing or BKT, but when I saw my new growth parted, it looked so pretty. So, I'll stick it out and see how far I can get. Winter is easy, summer is always a challenge for me! How do you keep the protein/moisture balanced?
I d/c on dry hair with a protein conditioner then co-wash with a moisturizing conditioner. I use s-curl every other day and seal with sally's argan oil or fantasia i.c. olive serum. I don't spray the s-curl on my hair I put it on my hand and rub it in my hair, so I don't use too much and weigh my hair down. If my hair starts to feel to mushy I mix a little aphogee keratin & green tea (or whatever protein leave-in I have) with the s-curl.
48 weeks post checking in! I'm itching to BC, but it I'm trying to wait another 3-6 months. I invested in some Sabino Lok & Blok and my flatiron results look like a fresh relaxer. I did my hair last Saturday, and was outside for over 6 hours yesterday in 90+ degree weather. No reversion! :grin: You can't tell me nuthin' now.
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48 weeks post checking in! I'm itching to BC, but it I'm trying to wait another 3-6 months. I invested in some Sabino Lok & Blok and my flatiron results look like a fresh relaxer. I did my hair last Saturday, and was outside for over 6 hours yesterday in 90+ degree weather. No reversion! :grin: You can't tell me nuthin' now.

Yes Sabino was great when I was natural, texlaxed and now as I am transitioning...I need to order a new bottle soon :drunk:
Did anybody experience itchiness the first few months of transitioning? I have had some a lot this last week. I thought it was this oil mixture I was using to massage my scalp, but I haven't put it on my scalp and I still get itchiness. I was thinking of putting some KeraCare Dry and Itchy Glossifer on, but that has petroleum. At this point, I kind of don't care if it's going to make my scalp stop itching. :ohwell:

Any suggestions?

ETA: The KeraCare does not have petroleum, it's petrolatum.
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:hiya2: I'm 10 months and two weeks post.

I was full MBL but cutting my hair has become inevitable. :sad: I sure hate to lose my length but I know my natural hair will avail. :look: My ends are becoming see through. I would say that I'm probably a full APL when I do get rid of all my thin ends. :blush:
All is well. I'll be 1 year post relaxer next Tuesday! I'm bunning it up this summer. Its the easiest style for me right now:)

To all the ladies KUTGW!
Hi ladies.

I've been wearing my hair in 2 french braids for the past week and I think i will be sticking with this style for the summer. This way I can slap on a wig if I like or wear it out. I plan on taking it down every 2 to 3 days, wash, put on my MN and rebraid.

My french braids have actually gotten pretty good, so I'm happy.
Did anybody experience itchiness the first few months of transitioning? I have had some a lot this last week. I thought it was this oil mixture I was using to massage my scalp, but I haven't put it on my scalp and I still get itchiness. I was thinking of putting some KeraCare Dry and Itchy Glossifer on, but that has petroleum. At this point, I kind of don't care if it's going to make my scalp stop itching. :ohwell:

Any suggestions?

ETA: The KeraCare does not have petroleum, it's petrolatum.

I use a grease on my scalp and it has tea tree oil. I wash it out the next day and the flakes and itchiness are gone. Maybe you could try pure tea tree oil and leave it in since you don't want to use pretrolatum.
Just checking in, 6 months 2 weeks post relaxer and now officially 1 month without any heat!!! Yeah!!!
:woohoo: I'm one year post!!!!! 6/16/09 was my last relaxer.. yesterday officially made 52 weeks, and today makes one year!!!!! :dance7: :club:
I bc in Dec 08 put in a scurl in Feb 09, and been transitioning ever since. For some reason my hair does not take well to chemicals.

Yes, I knew better but hated having the knots on some of my ends.

I will be transitioning until probably June 2012! Luckily the braids are my only saving grace.

I can't believe I've gone this long in my transition.

It's officially 16 months and 2 weeks! I am so proud of myself!

If I was double jointed I would turn around and kiss myself:yep:
Checking in @ 7 weeks post! AND I haven't used heat in a week. That's big for me. The last time I transitioned, I used heat at least once or twice per week. By the time I BC, my hair was not (what I thought) in the best condition it could have been in. I was so dependent on heat by that time that I HAD to use it to stretch my roots on my newly natural hair. :nono:

Anywho, I'm excited b/c I can see how healthy and thick my new growth is coming in and I can see myself transitioning with little to no heat (leaning towards none though). :pepper:
:hiya2: I am officially full APL now. I'm wearing my hair in a braided bun with a part in the middle. It's showing off my Chanel earrings very nicely. :yep:
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Checking in...I'll be one year post in a couple of days! I'm trying to hold out for another year. We'll see. I'm currently wet-bunning it. My wash-n-gos aren't looking too cute right now, because of the relaxed ends.
Keep up the good work fellow transitioners!
I d/c on dry hair with a protein conditioner then co-wash with a moisturizing conditioner. I use s-curl every other day and seal with sally's argan oil or fantasia i.c. olive serum. I don't spray the s-curl on my hair I put it on my hand and rub it in my hair, so I don't use too much and weigh my hair down. If my hair starts to feel to mushy I mix a little aphogee keratin & green tea (or whatever protein leave-in I have) with the s-curl.
Well, I've been trying different things with my hair. I did a wet bun.. didn't like it - it was small, and the middle was still wet at the end of the day. I've basically resorted to a tie down and trying to get my mix of products together without using heavy gel. Today I used some Elastic-Tea by ORS (I like that a bit) and I bought some IC Olive oil w/sparkelites gel (not bad), and used some Cantu leave in. and finished with Jane Carter Nourish & Shine to seal in the moisture (at least I hope that's what it's doing)

My hair laid down some and it's soft. I am considering Henna for my gray and it's texture effect as well. (double duty) All in all, at 13weeks post, I think I can make it without falling off the transitioning train. =)
I am 11 months post and I have decided to wash my hair in braids from now on to help minimize tangles and make it easier to detangle, condition, etc. I wet bunned for 3 weeks straight and stopped detangling it like I should, which eventually led to massive knots and resulted in a 2 hour detangling session. Seriously! I lost a lot of hair but it was mostly relaxed ends anyway so I can't be too upset.

Looks like a lot of us are nearing/just reaching the 1 yr transition mark! :grin:
Uggh!!! I am a little upset today. I keep looking at my hair hoping to see more natural. At some point, I don't know if I can be a long-term transitioner. Maybe I am drama queening today, but I am gonna grow my hair really long to have to cut all of the relaxed off. That sucks.

This came on because I was checking my hair today and I am close to MBL, I am in the MBL challenge, but I thought I would post here since this is the transitioning thread.
Well, I've been trying different things with my hair. I did a wet bun.. didn't like it - it was small, and the middle was still wet at the end of the day. I've basically resorted to a tie down and trying to get my mix of products together without using heavy gel. Today I used some Elastic-Tea by ORS (I like that a bit) and I bought some IC Olive oil w/sparkelites gel (not bad), and used some Cantu leave in. and finished with Jane Carter Nourish & Shine to seal in the moisture (at least I hope that's what it's doing)

My hair laid down some and it's soft. I am considering Henna for my gray and it's texture effect as well. (double duty) All in all, at 13weeks post, I think I can make it without falling off the transitioning train. =)

I use a phony pony on my buns and I take it off when I come home to allow the middle of my hair to dry, then I do it over in the a.m. I like Jane Carter Nourish & Shine.