Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Checking in. Glad to see you hanging in there, onejamifan!

I totally forgot that the 15th marked 1 year of transitioning. I didn't even style my hair that day or do anything special. Oh well, I can celebrate after year #2!
i am over 10 months in...
right now.. i have my hair cornrowed in the front and in a bun in the back.
i think ima get twists at the end of the month tho

i LOVE how the new growth feels.
Today I am officially a year post! I flat ironed my hair and I am about an inch away from BSL. In August when i flat iron again I know I will be able to claim BSL or maybe a little past BSL. My hair is really healthy(I have received a ton of compliments about the health of my hair), which I am attributing to Ceramides and Ayuredics.
Hoping I'm not to late either! I've been transitioning since Feb 09 and regret using the Scurl in the box for 5 min. My hair now would've been past shoulder length now. But oh well. I to am doing the Crown and glory method, but at the rate I'm going with my growth it may take me at least 3 yr or more to get to my ultimate goal length! MBL:nono:

Btw I bc in Nov 08 and used the Scurl in Feb 09 only once for five min. Since Feb 09 no other chemical has touched my hair. I've been transitioning since that time.
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Are any of you taking hair vitamins that you recommend or find to be helpful during the transition? I'm interested in Biotin but I fear headaches. :(
I was taking the Viviscal, Nioxin, Biotin 7500mg, Flaxseed, MSM Omega 3-6-9 Chlorella and Spirulina. As of today I went off the Viviscal and Nioxin and will be replaced with the Hair Finity have you been wearing your hair or scarves at night? Since the hairline is a very fragile area, I'd recommend a light protein leave-in as frequent as your hairline can take without additional breakage. I typically wear wigs but I make sure they (and my night time scarves) don't rub that area.

I wear a scarf and satin bonnet as the scarf usually slips off when worn by itself. I do feel they may be causing more harm than good on my hairline. I tie the scarf at the back (nape). How can i wear a scarf without it rubbing there?

I've just purchased a moisturising daily spray that contains Sweet Almond, Silk and Soy Milk Proteins. Its by The smell is soooo gorgeous - its like perfume for the hair. I will concentrate on using this on the hairline and see how it goes.
Gosh I can't wait for the day I can come in here and celebrate being one year post. I feel like I'm NEVER going to get there. I think I need to hide my hair in braids for a while so I can stop counting the days lol
Just wanted to come in here to say that I am officially out. After a year relaxer free, I decided to get a touch up. I'm really happy I made this decision. Congrats to all of you and best of luck with your transition!:yep:
Just wanted to come in here to say that I am officially out. After a year relaxer free, I decided to get a touch up. I'm really happy I made this decision. Congrats to all of you and best of luck with your transition!:yep:

What made you decide to end your transition? Will you ever try it again in the future? Can we see pics? :-)
Checking in. Glad to see you hanging in there, onejamifan!

I totally forgot that the 15th marked 1 year of transitioning. I didn't even style my hair that day or do anything special. Oh well, I can celebrate after year #2!

Congratulations to you too! If you're reggie is solid, then year two should come and go just as easily as year one did!
What made you decide to end your transition? Will you ever try it again in the future? Can we see pics? :-)

I decided to end my transition because I was tired of constantly fighting my hair. I wear it straight and it wasn't turning out right any more. Detangling was a nightmare and after 3-4 hours of washing/drying/styling, my hair still looked a HAM! I'm sure that if I had better techniques, I probably would have continued, but I just got tired. After I got my relaxer today, I also realized I am also tired of having hair this long, so I am getting a hair cut in a few weeks. Basically, I need a change and I need to simplify my life. I might try it again one day, but I don't think it will be this year or next. Here are a couple of pictures I took.

I need to work out :ohwell:


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I decided to end my transition because I was tired of constantly fighting my hair. I wear it straight and it wasn't turning out right any more. Detangling was a nightmare and after 3-4 hours of washing/drying/styling, my hair still looked a HAM! I'm sure that if I had better techniques, I probably would have continued, but I just got tired. After I got my relaxer today, I also realized I am also tired of having hair this long, so I am getting a hair cut in a few weeks. Basically, I need a change and I need to simplify my life. I might try it again one day, but I don't think it will be this year or next. Here are a couple of pictures I took.

I need to work out :ohwell:

Your hair is BEAUTIFUL! But I understand you want to try something new. Hope you post pics when you get your cut!:yep:
Oh how pretty! I'm really glad you're happy w/your hair:)

Transitioning with hair as long as yours can't be easy - I don't have half your hair and even mine can be a part-time job sometimes.
Oh how pretty! I'm really glad you're happy w/your hair:)

Transitioning with hair as long as yours can't be easy - I don't have half your hair and even mine can be a part-time job sometimes.

You have hit the nail on the head with that statement.

The back of my hair is now just past my shoulders and a third of the length is natural. I'm spending sooo much time on my hair and i know i should be spending even more time as i rush it as i have suffered breakage on my hairline.
11 months post today! I plan on doing a suuppper long transition..3 years or more.. so almost 1 year down, and 2+ years to go! I know that sounds so far off though :)
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Hello, I would like to join. I am new to wearing my hair naturally and just want to make the transition as smoothly as possible.

I'm not quite sure how long I have gone without a relaxer (just going to say 5 months since that was the last time I have on record that I went to a hair salon) but my main goal is to go without using heat on my hair AT ALL. So, I have not used ANY heat on my hair for 1 week and 3 days. I can say that I have read A LOT :spinning: of websites about this process and it didn't seem easy when I read about it and it is proving to stand up to that as I am doing it now. :ohwell:

I want to grow my hair to the point where I have trimmed ALL of my relaxed hair off so that I can wear my hair naturally from this point forward. I will not be doing the BC, so trying to style me newly discovered hair texture (along with the relaxed texture) is going to be work. My hair is too fragile to wear braids (or at least my relaxed hair is, although I have been told that even my new growth wouldn't be able to take braids). I'm not sure what my hair type is, I'm just guessing when I say 3c. I have my first hair trim appointment with a natural hairstylist tomorrow so I will be doing a length check then and will be taking pics of my new growth to show texture. I will post them on Thursday.

So far I have styled my hair in straw sets for the first week and attempted a try at flat two-strand twists. They both turned out OK in my opinion (my profile pic is a straw set after 3 days). I just have never done them before and am not used to my hair being above my shoulders as my hair straight is a little past my shoulders. This will be interesting and fun (I hope). :grin:

Thanks for this thread!!
I am 18 months post now and let go of the last bit of relaxed ends I had left. I couldn't take it anymore!!! I'm free, yes, I'm free.

I have been neglecting my hair for the last month or so and had been experiencing major dryness and breakage. I washed my hair, gave myself a treatment and dc'd on Saturday night. My hair is recovering nicely. I will keep up this regimen weekly.

Now my problem: my twist outs are so frizzy and I'm not sure if it's from the prolonged neglect/dryness/breakage or the humidity. :perplexed: This will be my first summer wearing my natural hair out and I really don't know what to expect. If this is how frizzy my twist outs are going to be, I won't be able to wear them (I think my hair type is fine, 4a/b) and will end up putting braids in for the summer. I would love to rock wash n' go's and puffs but I have no idea how to do either. Can someone please direct me to a thread and/or tutorial? Thanks.