Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I am 18 months post now and let go of the last bit of relaxed ends I had left. I couldn't take it anymore!!! I'm free, yes, I'm free.

I have been neglecting my hair for the last month or so and had been experiencing major dryness and breakage. I washed my hair, gave myself a treatment and dc'd on Saturday night. My hair is recovering nicely. I will keep up this regimen weekly.

Now my problem: my twist outs are so frizzy and I'm not sure if it's from the prolonged neglect/dryness/breakage or the humidity. :perplexed: This will be my first summer wearing my natural hair out and I really don't know what to expect. If this is how frizzy my twist outs are going to be, I won't be able to wear them (I think my hair type is fine, 4a/b) and will end up putting braids in for the summer. I would love to rock wash n' go's and puffs but I have no idea how to do either. Can someone please direct me to a thread and/or tutorial? Thanks.

:dance7::circle: CONGRATS!!!!

Please post pics :drunk:!!

What products do you use for your twist outs?
:dance7::circle: CONGRATS!!!!

Please post pics :drunk:!!

What products do you use for your twist outs?

Awwww, thanks and I will post pics soon. :yep:

For my twistouts I use a few things:
A spray bottle with water and coconut oil to mist each section before twisting.
I use Elasta QP Mango Butter as I'm twisting and jojoba oil to seal my ends.
I use coconut oil to untwist and fluff :giggle:

It works. A pic of the end result is in my profile picture. I'll attach a larger one in my siggy.
I have been lurking for forever and dreaming about the day when I could start transitioning, but had a perm under my bathroom sink that couldnt go to waste. Applied it March 20th and made the decision that day, so I am, I guess, 9 weeks post. I love feeling my natural roots and had my hands in them all day, so I am now in natural braids, cornrowed on the front, box braided in the back since saturday. Gonna try to braid with extensions on my own soon (can u tell ive been lurking in the braid thread many of you I also plan to transition for 1-2 years.
I would like to join the club. I am about 7 months post relaxer. I don't really have a regimen down yet.

I have been lurking for forever and dreaming about the day when I could start transitioning, but had a perm under my bathroom sink that couldnt go to waste. Applied it March 20th and made the decision that day, so I am, I guess, 9 weeks post. I love feeling my natural roots and had my hands in them all day, so I am now in natural braids, cornrowed on the front, box braided in the back since saturday. Gonna try to braid with extensions on my own soon (can u tell ive been lurking in the braid thread many of you I also plan to transition for 1-2 years.

:welcome4: LADIES :)
Texture shots...

My hair doesn't seem to be doing anything after 7 months...looks the same :ohwell: :perplexed :rolleyes: :sad: :wallbash:

Thinking about throwing in the towel...I mean, is it going to act different when it's 100% there...I sure hope so..


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Ok ya'll know how long I been waitin to come in here say that I am OFFICIALLY SIX MONTHS POST! YAAAAAYYY!

Now 12 more months to go. UGH! lol Gonna be a looooong journey.
:hiya2: SherylsTresses checking in at 42 weeks post.

I'm currently MBL. My daily style now is a part down the middle and a braided ponytail in the back. I simply cowash the ponytail, at about 80% dry I remoisturize and rebraid. It's been working for me and I still :love: my natural roots :love2: .
I had to take a break from our lovely forum. But I'm back now and I couldn't stay away from you ladies. I miss you guys sooo much...!!!
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I'm 9 months post, wearing mostly twistouts. That is what seems to work best for me. I attempted to straighten my hair the other day and let's just say that was a no no. I haven't trimmed since my last relaxer in September. I think I may wait until this September and either trim or BC. Since my hair is short at this moment I have more natural hair than relaxed so we shall see what I decide by then. I am loving my hair most days and I hope that my twist outs don't ever fail me.
Hello everyone.
I'm new to the board-been lurking for a few weeks now. I've learned soooo much from you all. Many thanks.

My hair journey. Let me begin with this. I am 52 (YIKES...How did that happen) :-) never bothered with my hair until recently. Relaxed for decades with a super no-lye relaxer. Have 4a-z hair, exercise regularly, don't do color except for henna, grayed very early as does everyone in my family.

Whew. So now-thanks to all of you-I'm taking supplements, doing co-washes and debating the stretch/transition issue. Currently 7 weeks post relaxer. Incidentally, my last relaxer was Silk Elements with lye. It did not get my hair straight so I guess you could say that began my transition to texlaxing at least. Now I'm not so sure about going natural- It's been many, many years since I was natural and as I recall it was not my idea of fun. Again, that was before I discovered LHCF so I'm tempted to try it again. Definitely, I want to stretch as long as possible and do either a texlax or transition-just not sure which.

I'd love to hear from other women with 4 something hair who've celebrated a few birthdays. I'm anxious to see if I can grow serious hair at my age. I am currently at neck-almost shoulder length. Will try to upload a laughing now. :-)

Thanks again, and good luck to each of us. This thread is very timely.
As I said in another forum:

Well, the trim wasn't so bad after all. It still feels a little (I'm trying to be nice) short but at least I didn't have to get too much cut off. This is after a flat two strand twist set. I will definitely be making the religious 6 week appointments for a trim, my ng looks so nice compared to the relaxed, wimpy ends. I didn't get a chance to take photos of my hair wet but will do it this weekend when I co-wash and restyle with a strawler set. I am working towards not using ANY heat or tight hairstyles. So far that I know how to do: Straw sets and flat two strand twists. I will be rotating these two styles every week until I learn a new one. :grin:

All of you alls tips and suggestions have been ingenious. Thanks so much!!


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I thought I posted this question already but.... Ladies PLEASE help me. I don't know how I should wear my hair right now.. it is just below my ears and I have some breakage around the edges that are just starting to grow back in so if any of you could give me some suggestions on how I can transition and a good way to style my hair, I NEED help NOW!!!!
Ok, so I wasn't around due to friends visiting, but I am 1 year post as of 2 days ago! Here's to another year of transitioning


Hi everyone! This is my first post with my new LHCF account. I haven't been on this board since I gave up trying to get to BSL with relaxed hair a couple of years ago. I'm too scissor happy! Since I've now decided to go natural, I thought I'd come back...and my how the board has changed! It seems like most LHCF members are natural these days! Anyways, my story is that my last relaxer was March 26th, the day before my wedding, and I decided that I'm over the relaxed hair. I hadn't really noticed, but most of my family is natural now, too, and that gave me the extra push I needed to transition. I know nothing about styling natural hair because I haven't seen mine since I was 11 years old, but this weekend, I discovered that after watching a few youtube videos, I can do a somewhat decent job at flat twisting the front of my hair and rollersetting the back. After doing this style, my hubby is now on board with the idea of me being natural. He knows that I am somewhat naturally challenged, but he's excited that I'm trying to learn how to style it instead of just pulling it back into a messy bun (which is what I did when I was trying to get to BSL relaxed). Well, that's my little story. I'm excited about this transitioning without BC'ing support thread! It's awesome and extremely motivating!:grin:
I have been thinking about something relaxed hair seemed to disappear the whole 15 months I spent in that Im out they seem to not be going if I "retain" all of my length and Im not getting regular trims, my relaxed ends wont go anywhere until I trim right????? (im at apl, with about 4-5 inches left)
Hey to all my LHCF sisters! I'm back after being away for a longggg time. Currently transitioning at 7 months post.
^^^ wow Lavender - so much growth.

I'm now at a stage where i'm wondering why exactly i am hanging onto my relaxed ends. My comb and brush go through my regrowth like butter but stops at the demarcation line. I spend so much time trying to hang onto what i don't want. I rarely wear my hair down now so why am i fighting to keep this length?
I have been thinking about something relaxed hair seemed to disappear the whole 15 months I spent in that Im out they seem to not be going if I "retain" all of my length and Im not getting regular trims, my relaxed ends wont go anywhere until I trim right????? (im at apl, with about 4-5 inches left)

Do you mean the relaxed ends broke off more whilst in the weave?
Yes, if you don't trim and baby the ends so they don't break off you'll have some great length.
^^^ wow Lavender - so much growth.

I'm now at a stage where i'm wondering why exactly i am hanging onto my relaxed ends. My comb and brush go through my regrowth like butter but stops at the demarcation line. I spend so much time trying to hang onto what i don't want. I rarely wear my hair down now so why am i fighting to keep this length?

This is my situation too. I'm going to keep going though...:)
I'm def in...I'm a newbie to posting but I've been transitioning since May of 2008 and haven't found the right regimen for my hair. Now the edges are breaking and I'm losing length...please anyone with advice help. I would like to know if anyone has a hairdresser that they would suggest could help in New Jersey or if you have similar hair issues offer advice and what has worked for you. Thanks :-)
When I washed last week, I had to cut hair out of my head! I've been wearing perm rod sets religiously, and I guess I let it get too dry before washing and it got tangled. I tried to no avail to get that knot out:crying3:

I was NOT happy :nono:
I'm in as well! I am 9 months PR (post relaxer) and I am loving what I see! It's amazing how much I appreciate my natural hair now, but when I was in 7th grade, I was "dying" to get it relaxed! I didn't know how good I had it! Anyway, I don't plan to BC until after 2 years, but the verdict is still out on that because this hair is getting big under this half-wig!
Ladies, just wanted to give you a boost...I was a long term transitioner, too. Stick with it! In the end, it'll be worth it and you will have gained a wealth of knowledge in the process!
OK, so I cowashed my hair yesterday and took a picture of my texture. Again, I "think" I could be a 3c but not quite sure. I don't even know the definitions of the different levels :lachen:. Anyways, ng length is about 3 inches and my relaxed hair is about 7 1/2 inches. I've got a LONG way to go :perplexed.


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