Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Thanks Girl! :) What gels did you use to use? I've got a couple on my list already. Curl Junkie Pattern Pusha, Homemade Flaxseed Gel, Kinky Kurly Curling Custard and Pink/Black Eco Styler.

EnExitStageLeft I used the Kinky Kurly Curling Custard and it was perfecto! DH hates how it smells though so I'll have to find something else. I have the Argon Oil Ecostyler on hand so maybe I'll try it with that.
So you transitioned a little over a year and you're already APL??? That's insanely fast growth~! Congrats caliscurls! I don't know how many inches of natural hair that I have but I think I got my first SSK in my nape. My baby hairs seem to be totally natural back there and any relaxed stuff has broken off. They are so coily. Doing a pull test, it goes close to the bottom of my neck! yay!! Going on 18 weeks post!!!

naija24 yeah it's why my hair grows in an extreme V shape. The back middle has always grown like a weed, the general back I would call normal, and the top and sides seem slow. So right now the middle back is about an inch below APL from there the hair on both sides in the back swoop up and is generally right at or a little above APL. I used to always try to even it out but I'm over it now. What's interesting is that my curl pattern is different in each of the growth zones.

Congrats on making it this far!
I need some more hair yall. This transition is taking too daggone long. me about growth aids. :look: Have you used them? Did you see results?

im gonna be needing this too.

i had tried maxi hair. dont know really about growth but i know i had thicker hair, way less breakage and more eyelashes ( always seemed longer).
(Cough) Um pics from my little impulse chop. Sigh.

This shrinkage thing is a beast. I think my hair would have to be TBL in order to look like a non fro...:ohwell:


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i had not been regretting my virgin relaxer in december.... until yesterday!
i saw a lady with beautiful hair, same texture as mine. it was blow fried and bsl....
i was bsb when i relaxed. now after looking at her hair i started to regret. thinking i would have been bsl by now....

If I relaxed my hair y'all would still be my friend right? :look:

Lol. I've been thinking about that for a long time. I never had the intention to go natural, it was more like I got a relaxer 4 times a yr, then 2 times a yr, then just never went back to the salon. It's been almost 2 yrs for me and I'm itching to get a texlax.
nemi95 that's my story exactly! The number of relaxers I got just started to gradually decrease and now here I am :look:

Lol. I've been thinking about that for a long time. I never had the intention to go natural, it was more like I got a relaxer 4 times a yr, then 2 times a yr, then just never went back to the salon. It's been almost 2 yrs for me and I'm itching to get a texlax.

sharifeh I'm tryna stick it out but ummm :nono:


Don't leave me!!!!!!' Not yet!!!!! :(

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EnExitStageLeft Ill still visit y'all but if you see me in the relaxer reveal thread :yawn: :look:


Of Course. Just DON'T DO IT! We need you in here.

shyekiera that Eco is the truth. Even he knows :rofl:

My 14 year old son came home and asked me to buy him some Eco Styler....
I think I'll.straighten next wash day. It frizzed up almost immediately last time. It was super humid, but still...

What do we know of that weighs down hair without, you know, weighing it down? I'm thinking maybe amino acids....?
Okay I won't relax my hair. I'm not BC'ing either so that way when/if I rerelax I won't be a baldie :look: Hope I'm not a natural that never wears her hair out cause I'm pretty certain I'm about to call my hairstylist.
SuchaLady I was here to say if you do i so am I! My attitude about my hair is horrible. Ima blamed it on these baby hormones. I keep saying I'm gonna get a sew in and then I go and buy baby stuff. Guess that's a part of being a mom. I think about relaxing everyday but I'm gonna stay strong for now.
This shrinkage is a beast.....:nono:

Please excuse the conditioner I had in my hair lol

I'm still striving for my TBL TWA....


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SuchaLady I was here to say if you do i so am I! My attitude about my hair is horrible. Ima blamed it on these baby hormones. I keep saying I'm gonna get a sew in and then I go and buy baby stuff. Guess that's a part of being a mom. I think about relaxing everyday but I'm gonna stay strong for now.

Yeah I've just been on cruise control with my hair. freckledface. I haven't really been complaining about wanting a relaxer because I was over it. My hair wasn't and still is not looking how I want it to and I'm at my wits end. It's just so thick! I swear I have enough hair on my head for 3 people. I've been one year post at least twice and that's the only thing stopping me :perplexed: I know if I relax it I'm gonna get to one year post again and think about how long my hair could've been natural. *sigh*
SuchaLady I was here to say if you do i so am I! My attitude about my hair is horrible. Ima blamed it on these baby hormones. I keep saying I'm gonna get a sew in and then I go and buy baby stuff. Guess that's a part of being a mom. I think about relaxing everyday but I'm gonna stay strong for now.
Oh no, you ladies are scaring me! How far are you into your transition? I thought it was supposed to get easier :spinning:
This is random but one of the things that's keeping me from relaxing is how my hair has waves when I wear it slicked back into a bun or ponytail. I can't wait until the waves reach all the way back.