Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread


I honestly don't. If I did I'd go insane. I usually just play it by sight. If I see more breakage then normal I'll adjust my regimen to mend it, but if not I just go about my business. I honestly don't even count how much shed. I just go by ball size. I usually shed a small gum ball size amount of hair a week. If its bigger, I introduce some black tea into my rinse. If not I stick to my Rooibus based blend.

Thats it.
EnExitStageLeft, not sure. I'm at an unhappy place and just will go until I feel it's time. My last TU didn't go great. I lost a lot of hair. I feel like my hair is weak and not as healthy as it use to be since my last TU. I want to stretch a little longer to help strengthen it. Plus, I don't know if I want to texlax or relax. I will be going to a different stylist on my next TU --- I use to go to this stylist long time ago. Her work was awesome but she just overbooked so I left.
EnExitStageLeft, not sure. I'm at an unhappy place and just will go until I feel it's time. My last TU didn't go great. I lost a lot of hair. I feel like my hair is weak and not as healthy as it use to be since my last TU. I want to stretch a little longer to help strengthen it. Plus, I don't know if I want to texlax or relax. I will be going to a different stylist on my next TU --- I use to go to this stylist long time ago. Her work was awesome but she just overbooked so I left.
A bad touch-up was what started me on my HHJ and brought me to this forum. I did it to myself and I've been trying find a way to undo it since then. Thankfully, I found this forum and a group of ladies with the best advise and techniques ever or I'd probably be bald by now. Keep the faith, lady.
I'm like Cattypus1 I don't want to say the T word either but I don't think i can retain with relaxing so I'm stretching until I figure out what I'm gonna do

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MileHighDiva havilland, this thread is pretty cool. I would pop in every now and then but felt it was out of my league since I wasn't transitioning. I now know this thread is open to anyone. Thanks for having confused ppl like me. :yep:

Cattypus1, I found LHCF because my hair broke off while dealing with dh's health struggle with cancer (praises to God he's healed). I'm so glad I found this forum. It's helped me in so many ways.

EnExitStageLeft, girl you know I'll never do anything to harm my, OOPSY, mean your hair. :giggle:
I'm still hanging in there, Ladies! It's 19 months post-relaxer for me this month.

Here's a recent pic of my go-to. I twist the front right side and pull the rest into a bun or two. I moisturize and tie it up at night and keep it that way through my morning run.

MileHighDiva havilland, this thread is pretty cool. I would pop in every now and then but felt it was out of my league since I wasn't transitioning. I now know this thread is open to anyone. Thanks for having confused ppl like me. :yep: Cattypus1, I found LHCF because my hair broke off while dealing with dh's health struggle with cancer (praises to God he's healed). I'm so glad I found this forum. It's helped me in so many ways. EnExitStageLeft, girl you know I'll never do anything to harm my, OOPSY, mean your hair. :giggle:

Glad your DH is healed...I know exactly what you mean by the help on this forum. Sometimes I just lurk to take my mind off the drama. I was distressed when my subscription didn't auto renew as I thought it would. I'm addicted. So glad to have my LHCF Fam.
Hello Ladies!

I resubscribed to LHCF because I'm transitioning and lurking wasn't enough. I'm around 12 weeks post texturizer (I wish I hadn't relaxed after my last 6 months stretch) and aiming for a 3 year transition.
You will find some great advice here :yep: Dont be afraid to post your questions. Im like you. If this stretch turns into a transition Im not cutting off any hair before 3 years in. Why would I trade BSLish relaxed hair to be a bald natural is how I see it :look:

Hello Ladies!

I resubscribed to LHCF because I'm transitioning and lurking wasn't enough. I'm around 12 weeks post texturizer (I wish I hadn't relaxed after my last 6 months stretch) and aiming for a 3 year transition.
You will find some great advice here :yep: Dont be afraid to post your questions. Im like you. If this stretch turns into a transition Im not cutting off any hair before 3 years in. Why would I trade BSLish relaxed hair to be a bald natural is how I see it :look:

Exactly! I will not go back to having short hair.
I washed my hair yesterday and found it's getting harder and harder to detangle. I'm going to try some of the suggestions in this thread next time.

I'm not sure if anyone here wears hats in the winter, but I'm wondering if it's possible to wear them without seeing a lot of breakage? I'm in the northeast and really don't want to freeze, but I don't want to risk ruining my hair either.

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I washed my hair yesterday and found it's getting harder and harder to detangle. I'm going to try some of the suggestions in this thread next time.

I'm not sure if anyone here wears hats in the winter, but I'm wondering if it's possible to wear them without seeing a lot of breakage? I'm in the northeast and really don't want to freeze, but I don't want to risk ruining my hair either.

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Last winter I wore my bonnet under my hat.