Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Happy New Year Ladies!!! I am 32 weeks post, Freakin 8 months!!!! Wow, time flies. I am kind of getting in a rut with my hair so I think this week I am going to get a sew in. I think it will help keep my hands out of my hair and I can stop flat ironing.
:lachen::lachen::lachen: She was giving this long speech about how it's impossible to manage and how I can't do it and was irritating the h*** out of me with her negativity so I had to clamp her shut.
lmao i would have done the same thing, just shut up lol..good thing i can braid my own head cuz girl..... lol
I DC with Giovanni smooth as silk conditioner on dry hair, it melts the tangles. I slather it on in sections and sit for an hour with a cap on and then jump in the shower and detangling is soo easy. Keep up the good work ladies, you are definitely helping me stay motivated!
Hi everyone!

I am almost 7 months post-relaxer and have been enjoying my transition so far. Design Essentials products and my steamer have been life savers during this journey. Once a month, I go to the salon to give myself a break, and to do length checks. I went from APL to just past shoulder length during month 2 of my transition, and that greatly eased my wash days! I have been maintaining a length of about 7 inches in the back by trimming relaxed ends every 2 months.

I plan on going 18 months, so 11 more months to go! I will start celebrating in May when I reach 1 year!

Happy transitioning ladies!
Hey ladies, what are you cowashing with lately? I just cowashed for the 1st time (i used Herbal Essence LTR) I'm gonna observe if this is what my hair needs in order to be more manageable.
Hey ladies, what are you cowashing with lately? I just cowashed for the 1st time (i used Herbal Essence LTR) I'm gonna observe if this is what my hair needs in order to be more manageable.
i alternate between Paul Mitchell Tea Tree special conditoner and Giovanni Triple Treat conditoner
Oooh, I've never tried those before. I wanted to try the Aussie Moist Condiotioner, I've read a lot of good reviews on that. BTW, does it make sense or is it ok to DC after a cowash or is it one or the other?
Oooh, I've never tried those before. I wanted to try the Aussie Moist Condiotioner, I've read a lot of good reviews on that. BTW, does it make sense or is it ok to DC after a cowash or is it one or the other?
they are both the bomb, i use the aussie moist on my husbands hair it works real good for him....I still DC shoot more moisture lol
Bumping! Also peeps if you have not tried the tension blow dry method you are missing out. Enough said. I did a blow dry only tonight turning out great, no breakage using Smooth infusion.
Bumping! Also peeps if you have not tried the tension blow dry method you are missing out. Enough said. I did a blow dry only tonight turning out great, no breakage using Smooth infusion.

How do you do the tension blow dry method? It sounds pretty good!
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It so simple you'll hit your self in the head I swear.
You just sectin of your hair apply your leave in detanlge with a wide tooth comb, grasp a small section of hair as if your were going t brusk or use the comb attachment but instead use the concentrator (the narrow nossle) and blow dry your hair while slowly working from the root to tip. I have been using comb attachments and paddles brushes and loosing a ton of hair. I got the same results using this method. Just remember to detanlge and use small sections.
Oooh, I've never tried those before. I wanted to try the Aussie Moist Condiotioner, I've read a lot of good reviews on that. BTW, does it make sense or is it ok to DC after a cowash or is it one or the other?

Oh Aussie Moist is the bizness!! I love it. So yes I believe it would totally make a good cond for cw's. I use it for regular conditioning too and it's great for detangling. Def don't sleep on Aussie Moist. I'm glad I finally broke down and tried it!:yep:
I've finally mastered braidouts for my hair. The key is to moisturize, seal and three braids every night and roll ends with satin foam pillow curlers. Remoisturize and seal the ends just before taking them down as well. LOTS OF WORK FOR ME but I :love2: the results. :yep:
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Bumping! Also peeps if you have not tried the tension blow dry method you are missing out. Enough said. I did a blow dry only tonight turning out great, no breakage using Smooth infusion.

When I blowdry, this is the method I use. I blowdry on cold/low and it comes out beautifully. I have never used a comb attachment...too scary! I apply fantasia ic straightening serum beforehand, so maybe that's why it comes out nearly as straight as using heat.
When I blowdry, this is the method I use. I blowdry on cold/low and it comes out beautifully. I have never used a comb attachment...too scary! I apply fantasia ic straightening serum beforehand, so maybe that's why it comes out nearly as straight as using heat.

i need to go get me some one that serum!
ima try the tension method my next wash. thanks ladies
It so simple you'll hit your self in the head I swear.
You just sectin of your hair apply your leave in detanlge with a wide tooth comb, grasp a small section of hair as if your were going t brusk or use the comb attachment but instead use the concentrator (the narrow nossle) and blow dry your hair while slowly working from the root to tip. I have been using comb attachments and paddles brushes and loosing a ton of hair. I got the same results using this method. Just remember to detanlge and use small sections.

Do you re-wet the hair that begins to air-dry while you are working on one section?

Does my question make sense?
i need to go get me some one that serum!
ima try the tension method my next wash. thanks ladies

You will have to experiment with how much to use, however. Use too little = not straight. Use too much = goopy hair. They have a spray too, I think, but I've never used it.
Do you re-wet the hair that begins to air-dry while you are working on one section?

Does my question make sense?

I apply my leave in sections too so yes. I use a few spays of brillant spray, a gab of style prep smoother, and finally a tiny bit of serum. then dry.
Yesterday was a bad hair day. I washed and decided to straighten for first time in 3 month. I had done my usual detangle in shower but once it was dry I discovered so many knots and tanles. I usally braid while damp and I detangle with wide tooth comb so I missed it. Also parts of the ng was almost dreaded (I think I have no experience with dreads). To be honest I have been afraid to comb ng for fear of breakage.

Anyway I lost so much hair and I had to cut a few tangles. I mostly lost relaxed hair. I was ready to bc but dh stopped me. I am glad he did. He thinks it happened because I only braid and never straighten. I think I have not been detangling well at the root. What do you think?

I think I am going to cut 3 or 4 inches so I can detangle better.

Have you tried not piling your hair on top of your head when washing/co-washing? Not doing that, coupled with detangling in the shower with lots of conditioner with good slip, results in virtually tangle free hair for me. Hang in there and try not to get too frustrated :yep:.
Is anyone else wearing their hair straight while transitioning?

This is what I plan on doing (via professional flat irons/hydrating steam treatments). I have very rough tight 4b hair, and I think this will be the easiest way for me because I won't have to fight tangles on a daily. I don't really like braids or weaves/wigs. And in the past I've had micro braids pull out my hair esp the edges. In the past with relaxer stretches I have tried to do no heat styles :nono::nono::nono: I had tangles/breakage for days. its been breezy for the most part though with wearing it professionally straightened.

This is my first post so bear with me if I mess this up. I have been transitioning since September 2008-started with almost bra strap length hair. I've been trimming a little every month so I'm just past shoulder length right now. I just don't have the guts to BC-even with several inches of new growth at this point. So I trim every month to speed it along a little. I do wear my hair straight most days-otherwise I'm wearing a ponytail. I have been using the complete Mizani Thermasmooth line and flat ironing with a Chi. I think it works great-most people can't tell I'm transitioning. You can't see the line of demarcation. I do use the Thermasmooth Shampoo, Conditioner, Smoothing Serum, and Anti-Humidity Spritz. It seems like if I try to short cut and not use all of them, the results are not as good.
Unfortunatley, as we speak, I feel like the transitioning to natural is not for me right now. Initially, my main concern is that I did not want a hair regimen that is overly dependent on relaxers or any chemical processing. (and not to mention that the movie good hair made me look at relaxers in a horror filled way, lol) I thought that relaxed hair= bad hair and I was just like "bump it", I'm over the relaxer thing....But, now, I'm literally a second away from a mild relaxer and then just continue forward with my hair care regimen. With my lifestyle now of half wigs and weaves, it just clashes with what I'm into right now and I'm finding myself wanting to be a long term stretcher like the Sylvers2 method and just relax or texlax 2 to 3 times a year MAX. Do you all get where I'm coming from? Has anyone ever gotten cold feet or put off their transitioning or do I need to start a seperate thread on this? It's very annoying and a bit embarassing right now, because I feel like I'm selling out on something that I was so hyped about. The upside is that I've learned a lot over the past few months on the best hair if i decide to relax or texlax again. Meaning, I'm now more confidant and comfortable with taking the measure necessary to maintain healthy chemically treated hair. Thx for listening fam...please excuse the disappointment since I started this thread in the 1st place. Like i said before I'll make my final decision when I take it out my upcoming sew-in.
^I feel you and its your decision, you still started a great thread! If its not gonna work for you right now then so be it, you have to do whats best for you and YOUR hair.

Think about it really hard though, think about why you want to go natural (like for me its the UBER strength and thickness my natural hair had that it doesn't have now, i want my DH to be able to play in my hair without holding my breath to hear snapping sounds) think about your reason and weigh the pros and cons, you can always relax at any time if you cant take it anymore but think how long it took you to get where you are now, and if you relax how long it will take to get back to this point.

I just dont want you to regret it later on and say "man, i could have been -- months post now!" So think about it and then do what you think is best. HHG!
Smiley in the end you have to do what you want. If you want to relax then go for ot. Just make sure it is what you want to do. There have been a few times when I have wanted to relax (earlier on and then at 7 months hehe). I didn't and things became easier. Transitioning is not always easy. Doing it long term isn't either. lways happy to put in my thoughts if you need them. K
THANK YOU so much Kiffany. I really appreciate that. That's why I want to wait till after my sew in so I can give it plenty of thought and not do anything that I'll regret.
Smiley, I feel your pain. I think it's normal to have some doubts about transitioning every now and then. But as someone already stated, weigh the pros and cons of each. In the end you have to do what makes you happy. And I know you would be able to take better care of your hair if it was relaxed since you have a new knowledge of healthy hair care. Just don't act drastic and really think about it. Transitioning is not easy and it's not for everybody. Whatever your decision, you will be supported either way.
My reasons for going natural were that I no longer wanted to be dependent on a product to make my hair look a certain way. I also didn't like the thin look of my hair after a fresh relaxer. Now my hair is so full and thick and all due to my natural hair. Good luck in whatever you do and know that it's not a death sentence should you decide to take the plunge and go back to relaxers.

Best Wishes.
:bighug: smiley.... what ever you choose to do, you got the knowledge.. i agree completely with khaiya's post. and at the end of the day, as long as you are happy, then that's all that matters. :)