Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

:hiya2: Happy New Year...!!! I'm 22 weeks post and still doing very swell.

Clarify, porosity & protein treatment

  1. Prepoo moisture/dandruff/garlic powder for two hours
  2. Clarify with KeraCare 1st Lather, moisture shampoo with Silicon Mix
  3. Protein treatment with Silicon Mix Protein Pearl for 45 mins :love2:
  4. DC w/ Silicon Mix moisturizing conditioner for 1 hour, no heat
  5. Detangle in shower with lots of conditioner and running water
  6. Final rinse with Roux Porosity Control for one minute
  7. Towel dry w/o disturbing position of detangled hair
  8. Apply Chi Keratin Mist, Nexxus Humectin and EVOO
  9. Airdry in 5 braids, wear braidout
  10. Moisturize as needed w/ Nexxus Humectin and EVOO
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Since my hair has started breaking I am using my aphogee 2 min reconstructor once a week. I dc with mostiure con afterwards. I have started moisturizing my hair every other day instead of everyday.

I know some people are afraid of protein but I think you need to incorporate a stronger protein into your reggie at least once a month or every 6 weeks. The longer you transition the demarcation line will become more fragile. My hair loves protein. I dc 2x/wk and 1 is with a protein dc. I also cowash with light reconstructors or protein condishes. You have to find what works for your hair.
I am having a hard time contemplating whether to get a trim, or to just wait until I get to my goal length then maintain that length by getting trims.

I have the same problem. My ends are nowhere near perfect either :blush: I was personally going to keep growing and concentrate on reviving the health of my hair and then cut an inch off in June and again in December. That way when I get to my final goal (BSL[or]MBL), I can get regular trims to maintain that length and eventually cut all my unhealthy ends off.

Which reminds me, does anyone feel a little more stress about cutting their hair now that they are consciously trying to grow their hair out? I used to not care and would cut my hair to chin length bobs just for the sake of it before getting braids but now I'm actually thinking about the act of cutting length. :perplexed Anyone noticed that?
Ima have to order the Giovanni direct, because I can't find it anywhere. :nono:

Do you have a Pulblix nearby? I live near two and they both sell it. Also so does the Bed, Bath and Beyond near me. ( I live in Jacksonville)

UGH, I'm in...

I can never find anything to lay my edges down WITHOUT making them hard and/or greasy. My longest stretch was 9 most. Right now I'm only 8 usual is 20 weeks. I'm texturized (7 mins start to finish) and my texturized hair is not that much different from my natural hair so I don't expect any major issues.
i need to get twists again... it's the only way to keep my hands out of my hair lol.. plus my hair has been getting tangled alot lately.. i'm bunning this week and getting the twists done again this weekend.

i'm half-way to a year! :drunk:

and i need to baby my edges more... they're growing in better but still
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Checking in at 2 weeks away from my 8 month mark! So far so good, though I feel I have a lot more shedding. Not sure if its the hormones as I am nursing my baby less and my body is readjusting or if it's the transitioning. Yesterday I pre-pooed with garlic oil, did an Emergencee treatment and DC'd with a combo of La Plancha and Humectress. Afterwards I rinsed with Porosity Control and rollerset using HE LTR and coconut oil. Flat ironed ng and that's it. Hair came out nice, but I think I might have used a little too much coconut oil :ohwell: I can't complain though because it is cold and dry up in these parts and I can't afford my hair drying out. Either way, I have cut back to combing 2 x week and washing every 2 weeks. Hopefully, that will keep the shedding at bay and minimize breakage...I am going to do another Emergencee during my next wash. I hope it helps!

^^*knocks on wood* Pretty good so far. Been relying on braidouts, twistouts, and flexirod sets. I'm bunned up until spring now. How about yours? I am contemplating braids for the summer but my edges are so fragile. I do love braids. I've had all types in the past.
have you tried, braidouts and bantu knot outs?

I have tried braidouts and bantu knots but they looked a hot mess, lol. I can't braid so the braidouts are definitely shot. I just need to practice. I guess I just miss wearing my hair out and I find myself gawking at relaxed heads with all that swang!
twisted my hair today because it was getting on my nerves so much that i was actually considering a weave, and i don't do weaves. they came out nice and seem like they can last 2 weeks or so. its my first time trying and i am happy i did. low manipulation yay!
^^*knocks on wood* Pretty good so far. Been relying on braidouts, twistouts, and flexirod sets. I'm bunned up until spring now. How about yours? I am contemplating braids for the summer but my edges are so fragile. I do love braids. I've had all types in the past.

it's been an adventure.
my hair is thick & tangling easy :perplexed
but otherwise not so bad.. i've lived in braids and twistouts. i want to try flexirods, but ima wait till it's warmer. i think i will alternate with senegalese & kinky twists and cornrows and buns till spring. i need to keep my hands out of my hair :look:
I have tried braidouts and bantu knots but they looked a hot mess, lol. I can't braid so the braidouts are definitely shot. I just need to practice. I guess I just miss wearing my hair out and I find myself gawking at relaxed heads with all that swang!
girl just be patient with you hair and keep trying those styles, those are the best ways to blend the two textures, or you can just get braids. I'm taking the braid route for now then going back to bantu's and braidouts next yr maybe.
Hi, and pls count me in as well. I did the bc in Dec 08 and could not deal with the little knots on my ends, so I textlaxed for 5 min in Feb 09 and regretted it ever since.

At first my hair came out beautifully, but later as it grew it was either textlax the roots or let it go. So I decided for me and my hair no more chemicals period! Which is a good thing for me at least. I will be hitting my anniversary Feb 9th of this yr from my one and only textlax disaster. My hair is in braids now and I plan on keeping up with the braids until Dec 2011! God willing!!!!! I just refused to cut all of my progress off because of some textlaxed ends. At least for the moment.
In your it ok to just not comb the unmanageable new growth or could this lead to disaster. What are your thougts?
I am about 20 weeks post. I am excited that I got my first hater yesterday. My brother's girlfriend stated to him "that I act like I got good hair". I thought this was so funny. I currently have my hair in a flexi rod set, and it looks full and natural. I am loving my new hair.
it's been an adventure.
my hair is thick & tangling easy :perplexed
but otherwise not so bad.. i've lived in braids and twistouts. i want to try flexirods, but ima wait till it's warmer. i think i will alternate with senegalese & kinky twists and cornrows and buns till spring. i need to keep my hands out of my hair :look:
Mine is thick and tangling easy also. So putting it up & away is best. I figured out wearing it out too much leads to tangles. Braiding in like 4-6 braids each night stretches my hair and leads to less tangles. Also had to finally break down and detangle with a comb and follow up with the denman brush.

In your it ok to just not comb the unmanageable new growth or could this lead to disaster. What are your thougts?
Do you mean never :look:? I only comb on wash days and I have to detangle my hair or it would be a matted mess. What are you doing for moisture? How are you wearing your hair daily? This really affects the manageability of your ng.
Checking in for January. All well and good. Got my braids in last week and will be keeping them in till February. The stylist that put my braids in tried to discourage me from transitioning but I told her to mind her own business and concentrate on what i came for.

For all those who are discouraged you should check this out, it'll keep you going. I found it on another thread

I think the lady has a fotki too.

Happy transitioning :)
Yesterday was a bad hair day. I washed and decided to straighten for first time in 3 month. I had done my usual detangle in shower but once it was dry I discovered so many knots and tanles. I usally braid while damp and I detangle with wide tooth comb so I missed it. Also parts of the ng was almost dreaded (I think I have no experience with dreads). To be honest I have been afraid to comb ng for fear of breakage.

Anyway I lost so much hair and I had to cut a few tangles. I mostly lost relaxed hair. I was ready to bc but dh stopped me. I am glad he did. He thinks it happened because I only braid and never straighten. I think I have not been detangling well at the root. What do you think?

I think I am going to cut 3 or 4 inches so I can detangle better.
Checking in for January. All well and good. Got my braids in last week and will be keeping them in till February. The stylist that put my braids in tried to discourage me from transitioning but I told her to mind her own business and concentrate on what i came for.

LOL That's funny!
Checking in for January. All well and good. Got my braids in last week and will be keeping them in till February. The stylist that put my braids in tried to discourage me from transitioning but I told her to mind her own business and concentrate on what i came for.

For all those who are discouraged you should check this out, it'll keep you going. I found it on another thread

I think the lady has a fotki too.

Happy transitioning :)
I know that's right tell her how u feel shoot lol
You've been doing this forever. You're my idol. Any pics? How much relaxed hair have you cut off? How much do you have left?

twisted my hair today because it was getting on my nerves so much that i was actually considering a weave, and i don't do weaves. they came out nice and seem like they can last 2 weeks or so. its my first time trying and i am happy i did. low manipulation yay!
In your it ok to just not comb the unmanageable new growth or could this lead to disaster. What are your thougts?

I sarted on mani before my transition. I would only comb in the shower twice a week. Those were some awful detangling sessions early on! I wore twist outs all some and would finger detangle to retwist every day. So I think that you could totally get away with it It no problem now for me to do this especially when straight. I won't comb for 2 weeks at a time, but I do finger detangle to remove shed hairs. For me this is he most important step shed hairs = knots.
Hey ladies, its been about 6 months now since my last relaxer!! I am so THANKFUL for my BKT disaster, yup THANKFUL because my relaxed hair is so damage there's no point in ever stopping my transition . I would have bc'd already but I know I have a wedding to walk-in in Aug. so after August its on!:grin: Oh yeah I got my hair in a sew in(wet n wavy) with very little hair out, I plan on leaving it in for 3 months.