Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I have just been wearing it back. I wash at night, put in my moisturizers, coat with alma oil, pin up the back in a two strand twist, and wrap it up with my satin scarf at night. in the morning i just take the scarf off and go. i don't touch it at all until i wash again. i never wear it out.
Have you tried bantu knots, or maybe half or full wigs? Flat ironing your hair everyday is not a good look.

yea i know and i usually wouldnt put this much heat because my hair is usually in braids. but from the last set of braids i had i lost WAY too much hair and now the hair around my temples is minimal and at age 20 thts embarrassing. how do half wigs work? and the bantu knots? im very tempted to get another perm but i hate how the hair just sticks to the scalp. =/
Ladies, I'd like to join y'all. I'm almost 20 weeks post and I really want to try to transition. I'm doing well so far with maintaining my hair without a lot of breakage and shedding so we'll see how it goes.
Any one want to share thoughts on winter hair styles? In the summer I was twisting but it's too cold for air drying now. What are your plans?

I'm flat ironing every two weeks after d'c'ing. This week going to jon alan for a flat iron.
I'm holding off on henna just b/c its cold out and I'm a little busy this month.
oiling scalp with a sulphur oil once a week
Working out 20 to 60 minutes days a week
refresh scalp with liquid leave in or Aveda damage remedy and camellia oil along the edges then scarf.

I realized this is way less and has been working.

Come on guys what are your plans?
found out that i can get my hair nice & straight by using small mesh rollers! so now i set my hair on rollers, airdry, & smoosh it all under a snood (slouchyhat) & leave a feathered bang out.

also found out that i can no longer detangle when my hair is damp. it either has to be on dry hair smothered in conditioner, or on dry moisturized hair, in tiny sections. my relaxed hair is too weak to be manipulated when it's wet.

my hair is a bit too short to braid in the back, so i'll try washing it in cornrows next wash day, & see if that helps a bit with tangling.

almost 14 weeks post, & enjoying the ride!
21 weeks 6 days in
i still have twists in... hair in a bun lol
i will be washing them this weekend and redoing the border
we'll see how they turn out :perplexed
Just checking in - I am 4 months post relaxer and have decided to join the 2010 weave challenge to transition. I have also had a sew in for the last 5 weeks. I will be taking that out today and doing a HUGE DC/ STEAM treatment !!! Yay !!!
I examined a few of mus trands today, as I looked at the strand I noticed eery 1/4 to 1/2 inch there was a weak spot, up and down the entire stand:nono:. I am so worried that I will not be able to maintain these strands for an extended period of time. I am still protective syling, and DC'ing as well. I jsut want to stay focused on my APL goal without big chopping! *If you have any suggestionts to maintaint the hair, please provide your input.:grin:
28 weeks post today. Still hanging in here. I'm in the braid it up challenge for next year so I'm not having to deal with it the two textures right now. Plus I had a curly perm so the two textures aren't quite as contrasting as if I had a relaxer.
I'm 7 weeks post and my new growth is so dry and brittle like. I don't know what to put on it. I have NTM, coconut oil, castor oil, but I don't know which ones to use. Coconut oil felt like it sat on top of my hair. So I guess I may have to try the castor oil on my new growth.
Decided that after 2+months without a is time to transition back to natural for the umteenth time. Tired of all of the drama for my fine, delicate strands! WOO HOO!

Definitely subscribing!
I think I already joined but I am 16 months post...No intention of big chopping ever. My hair is currently hidden under a quick weave wig. My length right now is bottom bra strap. I think I will start cutting at waist or hip length.
i flat iron once a day because i exercise and like IMANI mentioned above, once sweat hits my head im done. I look a mess. Does anyone have any suggestions about hair styles for short, bob-hairstyle hair cut? thts the way i have mine and i would like to do a hair style where i dont have to flat iron it or apply heat to it...also does anyone have any good regimes? i need a good routine and maybe one of yours might work for me...

as of now i use Nature's Own shamp and condition and deep condition. what are some other good styling products? (i use Olive Oil products as well..)

Are u tying ur hair down while u exercise? Also what is your wash day routine and hair type?

I have short hair as well, and tying my hair down while I exercise, it was like night and day. before I would leave it loose and my hair would puff up really bad and I'd have a tangled mess, like I couldn't even comb it with a wide tooth comb. Now, I cross wrap it down smooth and tie is down as tight as I can stand it and leave it that way until it dries.

I also just recently started using pure castor oil on my hair. that may have contributed to it staying straight.
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was 10 months post on the 12th. Still doing same regimen with no problems. Going to try going for 3 weeks before washing since it's so cold where I am now.
Checking in, Ladies! :)

I'm co-washing 1x per week now, down from 2 (it's just to cold to damp bun). My regi is very simple right now. Cowash w/ V05 moisture milks, apply KBB moisture milk leave in and seal with KBB coco butter, then bun or braidout.

I'm on auto pilot right now. Every 2-3 weeks, I DC w/ AO HSR, Giovanni SAS, and EVOO. If my scalp is itchy, I pre-poo w/ EVOO, EVCO, and tea tree oil. Then I rinse with very diluted Castille soap, and cowash as usual.

This is working for me right now. I'm not experincing any excess shedding or breakage (crossing fingers). I hope it stays this easy b/c my new growth has completly taken over. Caring for my relaxed ends is an afterthought. If my NG is detangled and moistured, the relaxed hair follows suit. HHG, Y'all! :)
I am 11 weeks post as of yesterday. So far all is well. I just need to find a style to do on my hair. It is hair with it being short. Tried a twist out and it failed due to I didn't roll the ends and I did it on wet hair. I am thinking about trying now on dry hair.
I'm 13 weeks post and I took out my braids yesterday, did a pre-poo, washed, protein and DC and air dried. Ok so far. I woke up this morning to flat iron so I could do a length check and my NG basically fell over itself laughing. The baby bliss flat iron didn't straighten it. After half an hour I was ready to cry and almost changed my mind about transitioning. After I gave up the flat ironing, I put on some coconut oil and tied a scarf round my head to flatten it. If I have only a couple of inches of NG and it's almost impossible to manage, what will happen when it's all natural :(.

Pic 1 is my hair after detangling. Pic 2 is my hair after DC.


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i'm FIFTEEN weeks post!!!

loving this! i couldn't imagine EVER having another relaxer. ever!

this week has been a breeze. no tangulation issues, no nothing! my easiest week yet. i think what truly saved me is Darcy's Botanicals curl detangling milk. it's perfect for smoothing down the hair & detangling.

i'm discovering the true nature of my hair type. every last strand coils up, & has an individual coil pattern. but some places it clumps together & gives me defined coils, while others, each strand does its own thing and puffs up. but when it's soaked with conditioner, it's made up of small very defined waves. i can't quite call it, but i love it more and more each day :)
I have a question I am 11 wks post and I am falling in love with cowashing. However I have fine hair and I wanted to know how often do you ladies cowash? I also would like to try Trader Joe's Noursih Spa conditioner but I live in Fl, is there a place I can purchase online. TIA
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13 weeks today. I flexi rodded my hair and now I have a pile of curls that should last me a week. Im hoping to make it till March 2010.
:hiya2: I'm 20 weeks post now. What has been helping me is:

  • Using Silicon mix for DC
  • Conditioner as a daily moisturizer on dry hair (Nexxus Humectin)
  • Adding 100% pure garlic powder to my prepoo
  • Roux Porosity Control as a final rinse for 1 minute
  • Continuing to moisturize my hair from end to root and sealing with EVOO
  • Sleeping in two pigtails and roll ends w/ satin pillow foam curlers, the one with the arms
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I'll be 8 months post on Friday.:grin: I'm so proud of myself. I have never been this long without a touch-up. I think I'm going to stay in braids for most, if not all of 2010. I have a hectic work schedule so staying in braids is a great option for me. I do a modified version of the crown and glory method and do henna treatments between braiding sessions. I haven't had any breakage since I decided to transition.

Keep up the good work Ladies!