Transitioners support thread

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My sister just came back from the salon and seeing her hair is really making me think that I should get a relaxer tomorrow. My sister's hair is about waist length and it looks so smooth and shiny and beautiful (she just got a relaxer) . I have an appointment tomorrow and I really am trying to stay strong and not get a relaxer, but I'm having a serious case of hair envy right now! Hopefully I will stay strong for my appointment tomorrow and just opt to get a roller wrap instead...Pray for me!
You can do it Ashmak! Don't give up, it's sooooo worth the transition. I went to my stylist's open house for her brand new salon and all the fresh relaxers that I saw made me cringe. I miss my short, whispy, sexy hair! But my thick natural hair and my little bush have me trying to look to the future.

Here's my little update: I had to blow dry my hair the other day b/c I was trying to get braids. I felt like I was killing my hair with all the heat! A few days later I washed my hair with my Sap Moss stuff, then threw in my Oyin Honey Hemp as a leave in. Then I decided, I'm gonna take a ride on the wild side and try to make a ponytail! I ended up getting two buns on the top and one in the back. I felt like the 3 and 4 year olds in my mom's home daycare! But whatever, I can make ponytails! I'm going to Riah's in Baltimore tomorrow to get the hair done, who knows what I'll get done, but I'll take pictures!
thanks, LilChocolateMa! I need all the support I can get. It's going to take a lot of will power for me to get through tomorrow cause right about now my new growth is getting pretty serious. I will try to hang in there. Can't wait to see your new pics!:grin:
Just the board that I need!!! I am 17 weeks post relaxer this Saturday and I am loving my hair, always have! But my concern is that I have been told on numerous occassions that I can not put my hair in a ponytail because it could destroy the point where the new growth meets the relaxed hair...I have gone without perms before and without the knowledge that I have now and I wore ponytails. I might have had some breakage, really cant remember it was from 2003-2005, but not that bad. I know this is silly but not wearing buns and ponytails is making me confused about going natural....HELP ME!!!
Blackoutzangel05 said:
Just the board that I need!!! I am 17 weeks post relaxer this Saturday and I am loving my hair, always have! But my concern is that I have been told on numerous occassions that I can not put my hair in a ponytail because it could destroy the point where the new growth meets the relaxed hair...I have gone without perms before and without the knowledge that I have now and I wore ponytails. I might have had some breakage, really cant remember it was from 2003-2005, but not that bad. I know this is silly but not wearing buns and ponytails is making me confused about going natural....HELP ME!!!

There actually may be some truth to that, but you just have to be careful and not make it too tight. I wear a bun 90% of the time, and the spot where the bun sits at the most is where I notice mild breakage (the relaxed ends). That just leads me to be more careful, to moisturize and strengthen those strands, and to not make the bun too tight.
8+ months & still going strong! I have still been bunning (I'm sick of the bun, lol!). I really need to get a trim because it's been a while since I've had one.
I'm only 11 weeks post relaxer and I'm transitioning too. Is is possible for my ng to break off as the relaxed ends break? The B/C is out of the question. What can I do to treat both relaxed hair (7 in) and the ng (1 1/2in)? I'm using the Cathy Howse method and my hair is really strong with little or no breakage. Please help.
Me personally I would stick with that if you aren't experiencing any breakage. I know that I am getting a lot of shedding but I believe its from not combing my hair but once a week. I wouldn't change a rountine right now that seems to be working for you
dlove said:
I'm only 11 weeks post relaxer and I'm transitioning too. Is is possible for my ng to break off as the relaxed ends break? The B/C is out of the question. What can I do to treat both relaxed hair (7 in) and the ng (1 1/2in)? I'm using the Cathy Howse method and my hair is really strong with little or no breakage. Please help.
What is her method? Did you read her new book? Plaese share.
I failed! Today I got a texturizer because I could not handle all of the breakage! I hope to attempt to transition againg one day :ohwell:
Your hair is beautiful! I truly need your assistance here! I have only been transitioning since Dec 2006. I would like to transition for at least a year and have experimented with the twist outs only. If I don't twist my hair, I simply pull it back. Was this pic taken at the year mark??? It's beautiful! Please visit my site at I am on a friend's computer. I am not Micarae:-) lol...
ive been looking for this thread..oh do i need the support last week i was just thinking about going back short with my hair and relaxing my i actually had a dream and was so disapointed with myself because i relaxed my hair but it was touching my shoulders..but when i woke up and realized it was a dream i think i was more disapointed with me relaxing my hair and not sticking to transitioning and what i set out to do then having my hair shoulder length...i think thats a good sign then...i just set up my appointment for a consultation at a natural/transitioning salon for next weekend...

im wondering if i do do a big chop(to get rid of the relaxer parts) would it be possilbe to have a short Halle Berry do with it??....

im concerned about how and what my hair is going to look like...because i still want my hair to look good but a hairstyle that i can work with but will not make me shamed to wear it....
micarae said:
Your hair is beautiful! I truly need your assistance here! I have only been transitioning since Dec 2006. I would like to transition for at least a year and have experimented with the twist outs only. If I don't twist my hair, I simply pull it back. Was this pic taken at the year mark??? It's beautiful! Please visit my site at I am on a friend's computer. I am not Micarae:-) lol...

hi i just tried to go to the link you supplied but it gives me the message that fotki not found...
Well I am definitely on board with transitioning...after my last horrific experience at the salon and the fact that my right temple area is thinning, I have decided to go this route...I have my good days, and then I have my bad days...early last week my natural hair wanted to behave like a nest under my relaxed hair...I was so tempted to cut it off, but then I straw curled it for the remainder of the week and my hair looked really nice...I transitioned when I was in my second year of college and it seemed so much easier...Now that I am working, I find it hard with the fact of styling my hair...

Well here's to a good week with my hair, since I got it to behave with the flat iron (20 weeks post relaxer, never thought I would actually be able to say that:) ) ...I am glad this thread is here and that I can participate...

Happy Transitioning all!
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:D Still transitioning and very happy. I am loving all the waves that my natural hair has. I have actually been wearing bunned phony pony's this weekend and today I wore my real hair in a loose bun...worked for me!!!!
Ladies I am sad to say that I think I am at my wits end. I am pondering getting a relaxer. :(

I survived the past 7 months with sew-ins but now that I no longer have them in, and I can't seem to straighten my hair like my stylist, I thik it would be easier to style with a perm. I washed and straightened it this morning and it looks NOTHING like what my stylist did. I'm fine up until I wash it. I'll post comparison pics later. I really dont want to get another sew-in for monetary reasons and because I want to give my hair a rest from the braids. If I could go to my stylist everymorning I would but I'm not paying for that.:ohwell:

I really don't want a perm but it's getting tough.
p31woman said:
Ladies I am sad to say that I think I am at my wits end. I am pondering getting a relaxer. :(

I survived the past 7 months with sew-ins but now that I no longer have them in, and I can't seem to straighten my hair like my stylist, I thik it would be easier to style with a perm. I washed and straightened it this morning and it looks NOTHING like what my stylist did. I'm fine up until I wash it. I'll post comparison pics later. I really dont want to get another sew-in for monetary reasons and because I want to give my hair a rest from the braids. If I could go to my stylist everymorning I would but I'm not paying for that.:ohwell:

I really don't want a perm but it's getting tough.
You need to try braidouts and bantu knot outs. I would also give yourself some time because you probably have to practice flatironing, now that you have alot of newgrowth. Its your decision though and Good luck. I would wait a week or so and make sure you make the right decision for yourself.
I'm only 9 weeks post and I'm transitioning. I plan to transition for 2 years gradually cutting off my texlaxed ends. I'm glad I found this thread :)
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Checking in at 20 months post! :)
My transition is still going smoothly, I'm still rocking my protective/low maintanance styles, I'd be lost w/o them. :lol: The good thing is I only have a few inches of relaxed ends left, by the time my 2 Year Transitioning Anniversary rolls in (July 20th) my hair should be 100% natural, I'm hoping at least. :look: I will only trim the last 1-2 inches off, so I have a few more months to go. I cant wait until then, it's been a longggg journey! :lol:
Yeah!! We are like transitioning sisters! :D It will be 2 yrs. of transitioning for me on April 8th and I STILL don't feel an overwhelming urge to cut!! I am thinking of cutting the last 1-2 inches in October to make 30 months! :eek: :lol: I want to be able to have a nice long braidout and BIG hair when I chop!!! :cool:
Sweet_Ambrosia said:
Checking in at 20 months post! :)
My transition is still going smoothly, I'm still rocking my protective/low maintanance styles, I'd be lost w/o them. :lol: The good thing is I only have a few inches of relaxed ends left, by the time my 2 Year Transitioning Anniversary rolls in (July 20th) my hair should be 100% natural, I'm hoping at least. :look: I will only trim the last 1-2 inches off, so I have a few more months to go. I cant wait until then, it's been a longggg journey! :lol:
Just taking out my braids... my hair needs a good wash, then I'll go to bunning, i only survived a week and a half with my braids, but I really couldn't wash them properly.

I might rebraid my hair this coming weekend.

I'm still mad at myself for relaxing my hair... UGH....
cupcake said:
Yeah!! We are like transitioning sisters! :D It will be 2 yrs. of transitioning for me on April 8th and I STILL don't feel an overwhelming urge to cut!! I am thinking of cutting the last 1-2 inches in October to make 30 months! :eek: :lol: I want to be able to have a nice long braidout and BIG hair when I chop!!! :cool:

Wow! I hope that my transition can be that long. The last two times I went natural I did a big and a mini chop. I want to see how long I can go without cutting my hair at all. I already have 2 -2.5in of new growth already. I really love how soft and shiny it is.
Hang in there, you can do this! I can't lie, around month ummm...15 I chopped 2 inches off all around :D I just had the urge!! Keep going. :)
blue_flower said:
Wow! I hope that my transition can be that long. The last two times I went natural I did a big and a mini chop. I want to see how long I can go without cutting my hair at all. I already have 2 -2.5in of new growth already. I really love how soft and shiny it is.
HI ladies, I have been natural for over 2 years now (didn't even realize that) I went back and forth in the past. But I am sticking to is a long road but trust me it is worth it...Don't give up....Thank god someone told me about the twist out.
Does anyone have any ideas for hair styles.
Also I like to do the twistout like cornrows but it takes hours and hours to dry (overnight-sometimes not even) Any advice?
The Cathy Howse method simply involves
1- shampoo and condition every 3-4 days
2- deep protein condtion 1x week
3 -no brushes
4- no grease on scalp
5- moisturize- 2x a day. check out her website
I use her creme moisturizer ( no mineral oil or petroleum) and protein cond.
I had a problem with tangles last night that was unreal. I had knots in my hair and I was still in the shower this morning when my husband went to work at 4:30:eek: . I was so upset that started to just cut all my relaxed hair off and be threw with it. I got most of them out but some I had to cut out. My husband must of knew I was upset because he called me to see if I was alright when he got to work. I did an indigo treatment last night for the first time and he thinks that is what tangled my hair so bad but I think I just went to long without detangling or combing my hair. I thought by not combing I could cut down on losing so much hair but I'd rather lose a few hairs by combing than a whole handful that I to cut out.
gradygirl said:
I had a problem with tangles last night that was unreal. I had knots in my hair and I was still in the shower this morning when my husband went to work at 4:30:eek: . I was so upset that started to just cut all my relaxed hair off and be threw with it. I got most of them out but some I had to cut out. My husband must of knew I was upset because he called me to see if I was alright when he got to work. I did an indigo treatment last night for the first time and he thinks that is what tangled my hair so bad but I think I just went to long without detangling or combing my hair. I thought by not combing I could cut down on losing so much hair but I'd rather lose a few hairs by combing than a whole handful that I to cut out.

I'm sorry that happened to you.

I comb about every 2-3 days, because I co-wash every 2-3 days.

hope it works out better for you
