Transitioners support thread

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gradygirl said:
I had a problem with tangles last night that was unreal. I had knots in my hair and I was still in the shower this morning when my husband went to work at 4:30:eek: . I was so upset that started to just cut all my relaxed hair off and be threw with it. I got most of them out but some I had to cut out. My husband must of knew I was upset because he called me to see if I was alright when he got to work. I did an indigo treatment last night for the first time and he thinks that is what tangled my hair so bad but I think I just went to long without detangling or combing my hair. I thought by not combing I could cut down on losing so much hair but I'd rather lose a few hairs by combing than a whole handful that I to cut out.

So did you just cut the knots or did you chop your hair?!?!? I have found for me personally that not combing my hair for weeks or even more than 3 days gives me tons of knots and finger combing just aint doing it. So I start co-washing allowing me to comb more often. I do that usually 2 times a week and then a full wash on the weekends. But since I baggy with phony buns or baggy my whole head with twists and perm rods it works for me because I do not straighten my hair.
seraphinelle said:
Just taking out my braids... my hair needs a good wash, then I'll go to bunning, i only survived a week and a half with my braids, but I really couldn't wash them properly.

I might rebraid my hair this coming weekend.

I'm still mad at myself for relaxing my hair... UGH....

I know how you feel I was just thinking that this morning. My first transition - my last relaxer was in 2000, by 2002 I was completely naturaly. I did wear my hair in double strands only. In 2003 I decided to relax my hair....why oh why! So I transitioned 2005 I decided I wanted to relax again :ohwell: so here I am again transitioning, and I swear for the life of me it's taking forever to grow out one side of my relaxer!!!!!!!!! If it wasn't for the left side, I'd be done by now. And get this I am thinking about texturizing! But I wont do it:perplexed :perplexed :perplexed I do have self control.
imstush said:
I know how you feel I was just thinking that this morning. My first transition - my last relaxer was in 2000, by 2002 I was completely naturaly. I did wear my hair in double strands only. In 2003 I decided to relax my hair....why oh why! So I transitioned 2005 I decided I wanted to relax again :ohwell: so here I am again transitioning, and I swear for the life of me it's taking forever to grow out one side of my relaxer!!!!!!!!! If it wasn't for the left side, I'd be done by now. And get this I am thinking about texturizing! But I wont do it:perplexed :perplexed :perplexed I do have self control.

:lol: We could be hair personality twins. I have let my perm grow out and then permed. Gone 6-9 months without a perm and then permed again....its a vicious cycle..and I keep reading the posts on texlaxing and I am like...hmmmmmmm still gives me the desired affects....We can aid each other with the self control factor:D
i'm considering transitioning again. i gave up way too quick.:ohwell: i wasn't even natural a full year. i think i just got lazy/bored with the whole thing. and i think i made it too hard.

i used to wash my hair a lot. my hair was always wet. i think if i'm armed with some new techniques (blowdrying perhaps..:eek: ) i may be able to get long natural hair, which is the goal. or texturized at worst so i can go back and forth btwn curly and straight.:p
Checking in....going into my 11th month of transiton here!! YAY!! I'm glad i survived so long. I want to cut off the relaxed ends sooo bad but I want my natural hair to be a lil longer. Right now it's about 3.5-4 inches. i want to wait til it's at least 6-7. I'm surviving with sewn-ins and wigs for now. I'm hoping to get braids when the summer months get here. I want to transition for another 6 months if possible. Tangles can be a bother at times but I'm maintaining!!
hey ladies I'm checking in.

I really wanted my natural hair to be at least shoulder length when I BC but it is not going to happen. The liddle section of my head is growing slowly. the front is catching up with the length in the middle. I am so comfortable with my ponytail that I don't know what exactly I am going to do when I chop because I don't think I will have enough hair to put it all back into a ponytail.
But it is looking like i will do the BC this coming Monday....I'm going to Sally's tomorrow to buy hair scissors, some fantasia gel, as well as noodlehead creme because I plan on trying wash and go's and attempt a curly fro/puff for the first week. Then I plan on getting comb coils done. I'll keep you ladies posted!
Blackoutzangel05 said:
So did you just cut the knots or did you chop your hair?!?!? I have found for me personally that not combing my hair for weeks or even more than 3 days gives me tons of knots and finger combing just aint doing it. So I start co-washing allowing me to comb more often. I do that usually 2 times a week and then a full wash on the weekends. But since I baggy with phony buns or baggy my whole head with twists and perm rods it works for me because I do not straighten my hair.
I just cut the knots out. I'll make sure I comb from now on atleast once a week.
Tenejita10473 said:
HI ladies, I have been natural for over 2 years now (didn't even realize that) I went back and forth in the past. But I am sticking to is a long road but trust me it is worth it...Don't give up....Thank god someone told me about the twist out.
Does anyone have any ideas for hair styles.
Also I like to do the twistout like cornrows but it takes hours and hours to dry (overnight-sometimes not even) Any advice?

I LOVE A TWIST OUT!!! You can also do a flatwist out, just french braid hair using two strands instead of one. I do it on dry or wet hair. If you want to shorten the drying time, I suggest a hooded dryer attachment. Mine cost like $10 and you just attach it to your regular hair dryer. It's fabulous. Also a bantu knot, or bantu knot out, make really loose curls almost waves. I have done this on both dry and wet hair, although on dry I just bring a littlle cup of water with me and some leave in. Wet my fingers and run it through the piece, spray alittle leave in and the moisturzer of your choice( your not trying to soak your hair just wet enough so it will take the curl nicely). Twist the around it self into a knot. After I'm done I sit under the dryer for about 30 or so minutes, and voila. ( I really need to post a pic of this) Also a twisted updo, which I do when I don't want know how my twist turned out(usually because I didn't take the proper steps) I just do the twists on dry hair, then do a french roll in the back and either a pomp in the front, or a little sideswept bang. You gotta get the feel of it, but it can come out really nice. I also love a little puff, a twisted bun, or a mix of the twist in the back and flattwist the front, then wear that one day, and the next day take out the back and leave the front (kind of an I just came back from spring break look)
I always go on forever, hope that helps. And good luck with all of y'all's transition:)
:) I am happy to report that I am going to be 17 weeks post relaxer on this Saturday! When I transitioned last time I didn't pay attention to my hair, it was simply in a ponytail it went, however this time its healthier and I am loving it! I have noticed that my hair gets tangled when I am just done washing it and I have a lot of shedding (could be relaxed ends breaking) but it still looks and feels healthy so I am not that much worried about it. I don't wear my hair straight so that is the main reason I try not to let it bother me.

I have discovered co-washing and right now I am doing that 2 times a week. It allows to me rinse the residue from baggying off my head. I am loving this because it elevates the dandruff problem that I was having. I can tell now that every other day I need to co-wash my hair. I wash and dc on the weekends when I have more time.

Ladies we can do this journey!!!! And I am going to do mine without BC'ing:p
After combing through, I was finally able to fit my hair into one ponytail again.

thank goodness..

I want to cut bangs.. lol, and then just keep it growing.

I just get so bored with my hair. I'm not sure if I want to go natural, or to try this texlax thing one last time.

Man oh man...

7 weeks post.
Im not transitioning anymore girls, i did the chop. It feels so great, im happy i plucked up the courage to do it.
Ugh, I don't what I'm gonna do with my hair. I kinda want to transition but I don't. My last relaxer was a sorry attempt I made to do my own hair, that was back in either October or November. I'm tired of the weave and kind of want to start working with my own hair. I'm so confused!!!!!
Ladies I am ready to texlax my hair!!! Please stop me....Im getting frustrated with the thick middle and just want to be able to put it in a nice ponytail without stressing...I am here venting so that I can go home and love my hair tonight and get it back under control...Thinking about trying to do a roller set and see how it goes from there....
Blackoutzangel05 said:
Ladies I am ready to texlax my hair!!! Please stop me....Im getting frustrated with the thick middle and just want to be able to put it in a nice ponytail without stressing...I am here venting so that I can go home and love my hair tonight and get it back under control...Thinking about trying to do a roller set and see how it goes from there....

what's up with your middle section blackoutz?

tangles? poofiness? detangling?

if it's causing tangles or it's hard to detangle, try some WGO while your hair is wet - for some reason when i hit a rough patch, this stuff really helps soften it and make things easier to get through.

in general though Wild Growth Oil has gotten me through some of the really tough spots sections of my head (see back and nape) seem to get into.
Blackoutzangel05 said:
Ladies I am ready to texlax my hair!!! Please stop me....Im getting frustrated with the thick middle and just want to be able to put it in a nice ponytail without stressing...I am here venting so that I can go home and love my hair tonight and get it back under control...Thinking about trying to do a roller set and see how it goes from there....

Please dont give up. When I get stressed out about it I usually wear a half wig or get it flat ironed. Maybe you could get braids or anything to give yourself a break from having to deal so much with your hair. My middle is extra thick and the scarf method helps me out alot. Hang in there girlie.
Thanks ladies....I was so on the verge of just texlaxing this afternoon. The whole head is extra puff and thick as I don't know what. I can see the ng and its gorgeous but its super thick! I believe that I am going to put a 1/2 wig on tonight with flat twist in the front and baggy it so that I don't have to mess with it. That is probably going to be the way for me for a while because the stress of it all is getting to me.
I am still transitioning. It's a pain because the right side and all of the back is 100% natural. But the left side which is thin, and apparently grows sloooooooooooow I still have a lot of relaxer left.:(
Still transitioning and I do have to say that my 1/2 wig has helpled me alot today...still considering texlaxing but might try this for a whole year and then go from there.
I plan on trasitioning to go natural. I am scared that I will go back to the relaxer again, I have done it twice already. Once I stretched for 20 weeks and then got fed up and put a relaxer in. I stretched another time for 18 weeks and then got fed up and put another relaxer in my head. I don't know how I am going to do it, but this time I mean business. I wish I had enough courage to just to cut it off, but I am not so sure about the shape of my head:lol:
Good luck to all you ladies in your transition. I forgot to post in thsi thread yesterday to let you guys know that I did the BC (I started a thread though)

It was nice to have you guys here as support throughout my process. Thanks alot. I hope that I can be of assistance to anyone that needs encouragement or advice.
I can't wait until I'm completely natural. The difference in textures is making it difficult to do cute hair styles. I think I'm going to try a twistout:ohwell:
I did a surprise BC today. I went in for braids and a trim. The stylist showed me that the longest layer of my natural hair was at the base of my neck. So we did the BC. I have no pictures of the BC because it was not planned but tomorrow I will try and post pictures of my braids. I plan to keep them 8-10 weeks and then unleash the 'fro.
I am about to Big Chop. My hair is breaking off something fierce:mad: !! The new growth is fabulous. The relaxed hair is going crazy popping off. I deep condition, I protein-- I'm tired. My hair is sooo uneven too. around the front edges I have about 2 inches of hair. The sides 6 inches. The crown 2 inches. The back 4 inches. Bunning is making me look like an old lady. I haven't had a relaxer since 12/24/06. I must have at least 3 inches of natutural hair to sport a fro right?

Please ladies...I need some advice. I'm getting a little sad:ohwell:

Oh yeah, because I'm into healthy hair treatments, no weave (natural hair can not get the moisture/protein balance it needs). Thanks
Im so happy to find this thread! As I've said in my intro in another discussion board....

I've decided to go natural because my hair is thinning, breaking, and some is falling out. Im 24 yrs old and have been getting a relaxer consistenly for 16 i have NO CLUE what it will be like to have natural hair but im excited to find out. I attempted to transition once and gave up at 5 months. But from the NG i had its seems my hair falls between 3c & 4a. It has tight spiral curls. Im only about 8 weeks into my transition so i have a looooooong way to go!!

The one thing im worried about itthat when my NG starts to grow out more its gonna get very difficult for me because i cant tie it back with ease yet its to frizzy to let loose ( without using some form of direct heat). And i dont do braids, bantu knots, or wigs. I try to lightly flat iron my hair once a weak with a ceramic flat iron @ a low temperature. Any other ideas?

Thanks!! i will try to start getting pics up soon.
oowee - nice quiet saturday, no hubby around, my son is knocked out cold - time to play with some hair.

the 1st style i'm gonna do once i've chopped all my relaxed ends off is comb coils!!

I could only do the front since it's 100% natural and i love how they look and how easy they are to do (an entire head of 'em could be time consuming though).



holding up the idea torch for you gals!:grin:
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LilMorenita said:
Im so happy to find this thread! As I've said in my intro in another discussion board....

I've decided to go natural because my hair is thinning, breaking, and some is falling out. Im 24 yrs old and have been getting a relaxer consistenly for 16 i have NO CLUE what it will be like to have natural hair but im excited to find out. I attempted to transition once and gave up at 5 months. But from the NG i had its seems my hair falls between 3c & 4a. It has tight spiral curls. Im only about 8 weeks into my transition so i have a looooooong way to go!!

The one thing im worried about itthat when my NG starts to grow out more its gonna get very difficult for me because i cant tie it back with ease yet its to frizzy to let loose
( without using some form of direct heat). And i dont do braids, bantu knots, or wigs. I try to lightly flat iron my hair once a weak with a ceramic flat iron @ a low temperature. Any other ideas?

Thanks!! i will try to start getting pics up soon.

see, one thing about transitioning is; you're gonna have to get used to dealing with the frizzies (that mind transition thang) - not just from a little bit of new growth but inches and inches of it.

it's a battle (if you're going natural) that you will not win (unless you blowdry, flatiron or heat comb it - which is cool if that's what you want to do) instead, now might be a good time to start trying out the braid-outs and twist-outs for a nice longlasting, no heat style.

if you're trying to keep the frizzies at bay, you can try different products like fantasia ic gel, jamaican mango and lime wax and aloe vera gel......

you could even try a heavier silicone based product too but just remember, any product like the gels, waxes and silicones will need to be washed out of your hair with a clarifying poo or you may wind up with hayhair and that's not what you want ;)

try the braid/twistout styles - make about 6-8 braids or twists, allow to air dry and unravel them - you may want to curl the ends under with a perm rod or foam roller (use end papers).

see how that works for you, k.
gosh girl they're so easy. i cheated, i didn't use a comb. normally you use a rattail comb or a special coil comb (they have a special end on them to hold the hair) and just twirl it around all the way to the ends and release the coil from the comb gently.

you can use gel or nothing - whatever you'd like really, take a small section of hair (you can square it up or sorta go longways just keep the sections smallish) and twirl. (edited to add you'll need to get close to the root as possible!)

if your hair seems like it doesn't want to hold the coil well, then just use a bit more gel or make the hair section smaller. twirl it tightly then just gently release your fingers and the coil should stay like that even after they've dried. i didn't think the ends would hold for me since they're freshly chopped but they did.

girl our hair is just so full of options and we can do soooo much with it - it's amazing!
How long should you transition b4 you do a BC? I think that i want 4 inches of NG (Right Now i am at 1 1/2-2)... but how will my hair look? Can i do a pretty puff with 2 inches? Does anyone have a photo of that? What do I do with it after that? Will My hair be as long as CBR if BC after 4 inches? Will I always have dry hard hair, or as the NG comes it it will become more malible? Should i just relax it already?

Can you even achieve a puff with 4a/b hair?