Transitioners support thread

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bravenewgirl87 said:
How long should you transition b4 you do a BC? I think that i want 4 inches of NG (Right Now i am at 1 1/2-2)... but how will my hair look? Can i do a pretty puff with 2 inches? Does anyone have a photo of that? What do I do with it after that? Will My hair be as long as CBR if BC after 4 inches? Will I always have dry hard hair, or as the NG comes it it will become more malible? Should i just relax it already?

Can you even achieve a puff with 4a/b hair?

There's no rule on how long you should go before bc'ing. It's all about what you're comfortable with. Some people chop after a week, and some after two years. If you're nervous about how your hair will be once you chop take your time, and get to know your natural hair. No matter when you chop it will not affect the length you will get later. I've seen women chop with less than an inch of hair who know have bsl length hair, it may take longer if you chop w/ less hair. If you've never worked w/ curly hair, and don't like the look of your hair short, and a twa then I would wait to bc. If you want something like what CBR then you can do that with any length of hair just using the proper tools, but I would still wait to bc.
B4 I bc'd I had hard dry brittle hair. My natural hair grew, and I still had a problem keep ing my hair moisturzed. Once I bc'd my hair has done a complete 180. All I used to hear from people was you should put something on your hair, or are you using the right moisturizer, now I get the opposite. what're you using to do this etc? even my mom said your hair is so soft, :D .
Keep it in braids or whatever until it's at a length you think you can work with. Also if you stay in it, there'll come a point where you'll be looking at your natural hair looking full and healthy and those relaxed ends drooping at the bottom dry and scraggly, and get sick of it, and that's when you know it's time to chop. Good luck, and don't give up!;)
Hi Ladies :)

I am so new to all this. I began coming to the forum last year to find tips on shampooing and conditioning my relaxed hair, and only yesterday decided to subscribe.

I've had relaxers since I was 9. My hair is now at my shoulder blades. But it has never been particularly strong with a relaxer in it. I remember rough play with my cousins when I was younger and being dragged around the floor by my hair (no joke), with no breakage. I want that strength back. And the fullness too. I miss it. So I've decided to be strong and transition. Without relaxers, my hair grows quickly, about 1- 1 1/2 inch per month. So I hope to be ready for the BC by December.

Until then, I'll be wearing braids. It's been about four weeks since my last relaxer, I have about an inch of new growth and I'll be stopping in at the braider's this Saturday. Wish me luck.

I'll keep you up to date.
Temptress said:
Hi Ladies :)

I am so new to all this. I began coming to the forum last year to find tips on shampooing and conditioning my relaxed hair, and only yesterday decided to subscribe.

I've had relaxers since I was 9. My hair is now at my shoulder blades. But it has never been particularly strong with a relaxer in it. I remember rough play with my cousins when I was younger and being dragged around the floor by my hair (no joke), with no breakage. I want that strength back. And the fullness too. I miss it. So I've decided to be strong and transition. Without relaxers, my hair grows quickly, about 1- 1 1/2 inch per month. So I hope to be ready for the BC by December.

Until then, I'll be wearing braids. It's been about four weeks since my last relaxer, I have about an inch of new growth and I'll be stopping in at the braider's this Saturday. Wish me luck.

I'll keep you up to date.

Welcome to the forum, good luck! ;)
Hi all.
I am in the 4th month of my transition. Right now I'm wearing braids and doing C&G. Mainly lurking now, soaking up good hair info, and tripping off the celebrity/off topic section.
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bravenewgirl87 said:
How long should you transition b4 you do a BC? I think that i want 4 inches of NG (Right Now i am at 1 1/2-2)... but how will my hair look? Can i do a pretty puff with 2 inches? Does anyone have a photo of that? What do I do with it after that? Will My hair be as long as CBR if BC after 4 inches? Will I always have dry hard hair, or as the NG comes it it will become more malible? Should i just relax it already?

Can you even achieve a puff with 4a/b hair?

To answer your questions best I can:
You can transition as long as you'd like. I transitioned for a year and two weeks and I had about 5" of natural hair. If you look in my "A Nappy Affair I" album, you'll see my hair length in the days and months after the BC.

No matter how long your hair is when you BC, it's still a bit of a shock, IMO. Even if you've always had short relaxed hair, the texture is so different, it takes a while sometimes to get used to the new you.

It would be difficult to do a puff with 2", IMO, but you can do comb coils, twists, pretty hair accessories (I am the queen of hair accessories) and many other styles.

I think that CBR's hair is much longer than four inches, probably more like 10"--don't forget that naturally curly hair has a lot of shrinkage.

I think that although your natural hair doesn't feel like relaxed hair, it can and should be soft and malleable. Harsh shampoos, the wrong moisturizers, undermosturizing can turn a beautiful natural texture into a sahara dessert. I honestly think that achieving "soft" hair is a process of trial and error, because every head is different, and has different needs. I'm a year natural, and I'm still discovering what my hair does and does not like. But yes, with the proper care, your natural hair will be soft--people love to stick their hands in my hair. :look:

Achieving a puff on 4a, 4a/4b hair? Of course--there are tons of women on this very site--JCoily has an amazing puff in her signature. Poohbear, Blackcardinal, Naturallylovey (is that her name?), heck even I have a puff now. :lol:
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I know that people experience alot of tangles when transitioning...but how soon? im only about 9 weeks into it and im starting get alot of tangles and breakage.

i am moisturizing. im doing hot oil treatments. i also just started taking msm.i wash twice a week & roller set but dont do co washes because of the maintenance it takes to get my hair looking presentable again. The hair seems to be coming in very soft and curly.

Ive had a problem with breakge and alittle hair loss before so i just wanna make sure if its coming from the difference in texture or if my hair's getting weak again.
i I pre poo and deep condition after every cowash and I shampoo with diluted poo about once a month or as needed. I airdry most of the time and only used heat every two months or so.hth O and I moisturize daily and detangle in sections on wet conditioned hair only.hth
I've been transitioning since December without a BC because I have to (balding, thinning), not because I want to. I admit I'm about ready to take a hostage. The tiny coils are cool, my natural texture is interesting but dealing with it is becoming more and more difficult as it gets longer. I'd guess I've got approximately 3 inches of new growth now. I am not interested in braids or knots or weaves and I'm not a fan of heat, so it's a struggle to deal with the change. I've been doing scarf methods, henna, my usual rollersets and various conditioners but I'm stressed. And the thinned spots are not growing in; I'm just trying to keep them from getting worse at this point.

I made a few missteps/mistakes over the last two weeks and yesterday spent almost two hours detangling my knotted, almost matted hair; the resulting hair carnage was BAD. I just really want to relax so I can get a comb thru this stuff without all the drama and time! I'm pretty miserable, but I'm trying my best to hang in and keep trying.
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It official I'm transitioning back to Natural hair. I have had it trying soooo hard to have straight hair and touch up every 4 months it soo much easier and healthier for my fine Hair........ 4b coils here I come
nubiangoddess3 said:
It official I'm transitioning back to Natural hair. I have had it trying soooo hard to have straight hair and touch up every 4 months it soo much easier and healthier for my fine Hair........ 4b coils here I come

Good Luck! :)
I got another question for ya:

So today, i vamped up my condish by adding a cap full of amla oil, jasmine oil, lots of cholesterol, a sample sz Sunsilk HydraTLC condish, a dollop of Kids Organics Shea Butter Detangling Lotion, glycerine (whoa that stuff is sticky but good), olive oil, and god only knows what else. Anyhoo, afterwards, i did a DC mix with my cholesterol (mixed with oils). Well... i have not seem my hair this moisturized in... OH SNAP! NEVER! Yah me! Well, I don't know if it was the lack of dryness or just the excessive NG from Lenzi's Request, but i started noticing a lot of 3b 3c hair comming in at the root. I guess the end that are trimmed natural are more rough than the roots... is that what you all call scabbed hair? Is this my real hair texture? Honestly... im a littled dissapointed:(
Ladies ladies ladies...boy do I have a question for you...I will be 20 weeks post relaxer on this Saturday. My hair has been doing great as far as finally reaching that point where I had minimal breakage and the normal winter/spring shedding that I get. But I could do my hair and not have hairs EVERYWHERE. I wear 1/2 wigs during the week and give myself a break from them on the weekends by either wearing full cap wigs or buns. On my wash days I let my hair air dry and then the next day after baggying my whole head and I style the next day, which usually consists of flat twisting the front and cornrowing the back and back to the wigs. However, this week, I decided after washing to wear a phony pony and just baggy my bun. Did that for 2 days and then wore a donut bun yesterday. Well since this weekend I have noticed that my hair is breaking like crazy. I believe that I might need a protein reconstructor like Aphogee this weekend. So last night, I redid my hair to apply another wig and back to baggying all day....prayerfully this will work..I am open for suggestions.
Blu217 said:
I made a few missteps/mistakes over the last two weeks and yesterday spent almost two hours detangling my knotted, almost matted hair; the resulting hair carnage was BAD. I just really want to relax so I can get a comb thru this stuff without all the drama and time! I'm pretty miserable, but I'm trying my best to hang in and keep trying.
how are you detangling your hair blu?
what type of conditioners are you using?
are you detangling wet, dry or damp?
what type of comb or brush are you using?

are you detangling small sections (natural hair) at a time or treating your like relaxed hair?

you may need a clarifying poo?
you may need to change your conditioners to either a silicone based or nonsilicone based.
you may need something to give your new growth a bit more slip.

i know the gals are all crooning over porosity control poo's like crazy ladies:D........but you may want to give it a try (it's just one of those poo's most of us have but hardly ever use lol).

what it will do is lay your hair's cuticles down. it has to do with the low acidity that'll close your cuticles - it'll help with getting a comb through your hair much better if there's no interference from the hair itself.

your conditioner may not be doing a good job coating your hair - this also helps glide the comb through your strands. it might be time to start switching things up.

it might be time to clarify. a good clarifying poo will help remove any product build up (cones) that may be roughening your hair strands which of course, makes detangling that much harder.

take your time detangling and try not to treat your new growth like your relaxed hair.

try these things and see if it gets better.
Blackoutzangel05 said:
Well since this weekend I have noticed that my hair is breaking like crazy. I believe that I might need a protein reconstructor like Aphogee this weekend. So last night, I redid my hair to apply another wig and back to baggying all day....prayerfully this will work..I am open for suggestions.

it's either time to go with more moisturizing conditioners or more protein.

what are you using when you baggy?
LynnieB said:
it's either time to go with more moisturizing conditioners or more protein.

what are you using when you baggy?

I believe that my hair is moisturized enough so I think it might be time to do another protein treatment. I have heard that transitioners need to do them more often because of the weak points where the permed hair and natural hair meet. Right now I am using elasta mango butter and jojoba oil to baggy my hair. The moisturizer does wonders for my hair, as I found earlier watery conditioners do nothing for my head and in fact make it drier. So I know that my moisturizer is working but I believe that I didn't do my protein treatment...after I do this aphogee treatment this weekend I will see if its still breaking and shedding
Blackoutzangel05 said:
I believe that my hair is moisturized enough so I think it might be time to do another protein treatment. I have heard that transitioners need to do them more often because of the weak points where the permed hair and natural hair meet. Right now I am using elasta mango butter and jojoba oil to baggy my hair. The moisturizer does wonders for my hair, as I found earlier watery conditioners do nothing for my head and in fact make it drier. So I know that my moisturizer is working but I believe that I didn't do my protein treatment...after I do this aphogee treatment this weekend I will see if its still breaking and shedding

maybe you should try clarifying too before the aphogee.

that mango butter has a cone in it (dimethicone, i believe) and it could be causing a build up so your other products won't work as well.

just a thought and worth a try blackoutz.
Do you find your hair texture to be the same as when you were very young? Ive been getting a relaxer since i was about 7 & now im finally transitioning. My hair is growing out with a defined curl pattern...but when i look at pics from back in the day i had a little fro. ( my mother didnt know wut to do with it so she always tied it up )

Did anybody ever look at old pictures to try and tell your texture?? Was it accurate?
LilMorenita said:
Do you find your hair texture to be the same as when you were very young? Ive been getting a relaxer since i was about 7 & now im finally transitioning. My hair is growing out with a defined curl pattern...but when i look at pics from back in the day i had a little fro. ( my mother didnt know wut to do with it so she always tied it up )

Did anybody ever look at old pictures to try and tell your texture?? Was it accurate?

my childhood texture is the same as it is now. i had been doing relaxers since i was a teenager (picture in my fotki when i was reeeeeeeal young).

i have a very defined curl pattern but can be rid of it by simply and quickly by brushing it out after the hair has dried and manage to get a floppy afro out of it.

maybe you always had that texture but mom would either brush or comb them out to maintain/style your hair?


your texture could have changed since you've grown up.

sorry not much help here.
I think i'm back with the transitioning...

hahah, i don't know what i'm doing!!

stretching or relaxing, I don't know!!!... I'm 11 weeks post... (siggie says 2months 2 weeks and some days, because of the measurement in months... )
nataliehairisgrowing said:
Hey Ladies!!!!

I'm transitioning !!!!!

CONGRATS on your decision natalie!!!

Remember to be gentle with your transitioning hair and don't be afraid to try new products and styles :D
LOL i told myself no more trimming until thIS fall but i couldn't resist another couple inches.

my crown is still holding me up for the real BIG chop - i need about 4 inches til it reaches shoulder length. my bangs are natural, my nape is about 80%.

i'm now about 3/4's natural - unstretched curly hair reaches my shoulders. stretched, it's about armpit. i'd have to straighten it to check. i trimmed on unstraightened hair so it may be a bit uneven :lol: but when it's curly or in a braid out, no one would notice:grin:

i just can NOT wait to get rid of these permed ends!!

not long to go now - YAY!

How are the rest of the Transitioners group doing so far?
I'm doing okay and I'm keeping my regimen simple. I'm just tired of these layers. Still using shea butter and sweet almond oil.
Hey Ladies! I am no longer transitioning any more. I BC'd on 4/29/07 after almost a year of transtion. It's a lil longer than I thought it would be, which is good. I'm gonna be wearing braids and weaves until it grows to a length I'm more comfortable with.

Hang in there ladies!!!
This is my first post, but I have observed this forum for a while a I find it be very helpful...

Can someone please clarify this for me???

It has been approximately 4 months since my last relaxer, but if I am starting to understand 'our' hair, it's not abosolutely necessary to get a relaxer is it?
Are there any instances that that is the best option for someone's hair?

I don't have any future plans to relax so I guess that makes me a transitioner...Everything I did while my hair was relaxed, I can do with it natural right? Im referring to styles...

I'm still trying to understand this concept fully and would appreciate any and all info...

I have 4a/b, possibly a little 3 c...Currently I wear wigs and use the MTG due to thinning at the top of my head fom weave bondin tracks...When I am able to start back wearing my hair I will need to make a decision....:)
Jenaee said:
Hey Ladies! I am no longer transitioning any more. I BC'd on 4/29/07 after almost a year of transtion. It's a lil longer than I thought it would be, which is good. I'm gonna be wearing braids and weaves until it grows to a length I'm more comfortable with.

Hang in there ladies!!!
Congrats on your BC

I'm 4 months post and I am tired of dealing with the 2 textures but I know I'm not ready to BC so I will be going shopping this weekend for some new half wigs and giving myself and my hair a much needed break.