Transitioners support thread

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Thanks Hopeful:)

hopeful said:
Hi ladies:wave:,
I haven't stopped by in awhile so I just wanted to wish all of you the very best of luck. I bc'd on March 21st and I am amazed at how quickly my hair is growing. MzJones your hair looks great, good for you for cutting off all of that scab hair, your hair will grow in so quickly and beautifully. You look beautiful with it very short too, lucky you:).

So ladies, hang in there, and when you start to see your natural hair suffering because you are scared of losing length, just have faith that if you cut off the relaxed hair, you will look just fine and that your natural hair will thank you with health and length.

Also, I have been reading a lot of books on natural hair and that has been really helpful to me this time around. I bc'd last year but ended up relaxing again 5 1/2 months later. This time around I am determined to stay away from relaxers. That stuff just is not good for my hair or my spirit. I am 2 1/2 month natural and I have a nice little fro, it barely looks like a twa anymore:). Natural hair books can help give you the knowledge and strength you need to stay natural. I'll try to find and bump the thread on good books to read.

Happy Transitioning!
I have been a transitioner myself for about two months. I just had a trip to the salon and my stylist told me I would have to chop off my relaxed ends. They look really bad and are damaged. Since you have been transitioning, you have two types of textured hair: your natural hair and the realxed hair. It would be best if you cut all the realxed part off. I know it sounds scary but girl it will be worth it. With the realxed hair that you have now, you are just making it shed because your new growth has not had a touch up. You are shedding because of this. You must touch up the new growth or get the realxed part cut off. If you continue taking care of your hair, it will grow back. It will be thick though. I would advise you to get some braids or a weave.
im finally natural i cut all the relaxed ends off this thread has been very helpful and gotten me soo happy finally after 8months and 3 weeks im done i dont think i could go any longer...ill be updatin more be sure to check it out..thankya ladies happy healthy hair growing...:-)
luv04 said:
im finally natural i cut all the relaxed ends off this thread has been very helpful and gotten me soo happy finally after 8months and 3 weeks im done i dont think i could go any longer...ill be updatin more be sure to check it out..thankya ladies happy healthy hair growing...:-)

Your hair looks great! Congrats! How many inches of hair did you end up with?

Checking in...
Today marks the 11th month of my Transition, so far so good!! :grin:
Just one more month until my 1 year Transitioning Anniversary. :bouncy:

How are you doing? I haven't check the thread in about 3 weeks, so I wanted to find out how your transition is going. I'm still in my cornrows, but they are pretty worn now. I will have my baby in 3 weeks, so I want to keep them in until then.

xippy said:
My hair is currently in braids (cornrows). I will try to keep these in until July. Before I got my hair braided, I wore my hair in a bun with a the baggie for 1 month. I covered the baggie with an afro puff.

I was happy to braid it again, but in that month's time it got very strong and healthy. I deep conditioned every weekend and had very little breakage of the relaxed ends. However, I don't miss my hair when it's in braids, because I'm too lazy to comb it anyway. I have a 3 year old and I exercise. Soon I'll have a newborn. That does not leave a lot of time to mess with my hair. :)
8 months 3 weeks here! Whew! Can you believe it? Anyhow, I decided to BC on my 28th birthday. I figure I'll go to the family reunion (which is around that time) with my new hair. Im saying its tentative because I have no idea what the future holds.
Good luck to those just starting and Congratulations to those who have completed!
ETA: HHB by Carols Daughter is okay...we'll see the long term effects.
I'm in my fourth month of transitioning. Dealing with the two textures are a headache,but i'm so afraid to bc. Do ya'll cut your hair yourself or go somewhere to have it done?
cecepassion said:
I'm in my fourth month of transitioning. Dealing with the two textures are a headache,but i'm so afraid to bc. Do ya'll cut your hair yourself or go somewhere to have it done?
I cut my own hair.

I wanted to drop in and wish you ladies much success with transitioning. Don't give up, if I can do it, ANYBODY can do it! HHG.
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cecepassion said:
Another question is it best to cut dry or wet?
I cut mine wet so that I could see the difference between my natural hair and relaxed ends.
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i think its best to cut wet when you are trimming to get rid of permed hair and dry/flatironed when you are trying to even up your hair

i usually cut my own hair but i went to super cuts last time $11 well spent

i need moisture support
MzTami said:
I cut my own hair.

I wanted to drop in a wish you ladies much success with transitioning. Don't give up, if I can do it, ANYBODY can do it! HHG.

I cut my own hair as well while wet, I later had it evened up by a hairdresser. Continued luck to everyone, it's difficult but you will get to where you want to be.

i wanted to BC sooooo badly today :( I haven't seen my hair in about 3 months and today when I went for my new sew in i had to colour the front portion of my hair to blend with the sew in tracks and after it dried all I could do was play in my hair, it was so thick and lush, and this was without product. why didn't i go natural sooner??

i was tempted but i'm holding off until next year. i have about 2 inches of new growth and i've learned that my hair is 4a crown and 4b nape and my edges are just DRY and breaking so they are a 7 f.

how are you ladies doing?
SilkyandSmooth said:
Great thread Bubln. At this stage of my transition (11 & 1/2 months), I think the worst is over. I think the roughest period for me was between the 6 month and 9 month mark. It's been smooth sailing ever since.
Now that's great to hear. I am in my 8th month and I have gone after the scissors a couple of times or wanted to relax again, but I hung in there. I plan to transition for eighteen months. I wear my hair back in a low bun during my work days, and in a high ponytail or loose in a head band on the weekends.
Thanks for starting this thread...
Never posted because this thread was tooooo long...or maybe I did and dont remember...but I thought that I would check in....

I am 14 months into my transition and happy :grin: I used to battle with cutting off my relaxed ends every time I washed...but as I have found products my hair likes...I dont have that urge anymore...

The last three months of my transition...I have been rocking buns and cornrows...and plan to try my first sew-in within the next month or so...

Experimenting with twists and twistouts...but havent had success yet...I always end up looking like :antlers: But I have hope...I am going to keep trying

Not using heat in my hair, deep conditioning often and finding products that make my hair happy have been the key to my newbie PJism has paid off :lol:

Things are going well....I just want to stop thinking about my hair so the time can just pass quickly...nahmean?!
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Today marks my 1 year Transitioning Anniversary!!!

:dance7: :dance7: :dance7:

I’m so proud of myself for making it this far in my Transition.
It really doesn’t seem like a year, the time reallyyy flew by.
There were a few bumps in the road, but overall my Transition is still going smoothly, my hair is healthy and growing at a nice rate. I’ve gained a lot of new growth, so much so that my natural hair reaches my ears when stretched. If I were to BC now I would have a nice cute fro, just saying I’m not gonna actually do it though. :look: :lol: Now that I have 1 year under my belt, I have another 2 years to go. Yep, that’s what I call slowlyyy Transitioning. I don’t wanna sacrifice any major length just yet, atleast until my natural hair is brastrap length or mid back length when stretched. So hopefully within the next two years it’ll be at that length, if things continue to flow in a positive direction, I have a feeling that it will. :grin:

I absolutely adore my natural texture. I love playing with it, I love looking at it, it’s like I’m rediscovering the "natural me”, in essence I am. This is something I should have done years ago, but back then the thought of going natural didn’t even cross my mind, coz I was so accustomed to having relaxed “straight” hair. One of the things that motivated me to take the natural leap was this site as well as another. I became inspired by seeing all the beautiful natural haired ladies especially on this board, I stalked a lot of fotki’s y’all just don’t know! :sekret: :lol: All of the beautiful natural manes just motivated me to give relaxers the boot for good. My hair didn’t “need" it in the first place. I’m so thankful that such a wonderful board like LHCF exists, not only has it helped me obtain long healthy hair, it has also helped me realize that natural hair is beautiful no matter the texture no matter the length, if it’s properly taken care of it will thrive regardless. Of course the members of this board make LHCF what it is, it can be bumpy sometimes, but nevertheless it’s an awesome board! :D

~Special shout outs to~:

*Onepraying (girl you’ve documented your transitioning journey so well)

Your albums are so inspiring, thanks for sharing. :kiss:

Now I just have to work on my album. :lachen:


Sweet_Ambrosia said:
Today marks my 1 year Transitioning Anniversary!!!

:dance7: :dance7: :dance7:

I’m so proud of myself for making it this far in my Transition.
It really doesn’t seem like a year, the time reallyyy flew by.
There were a few bumps in the road, but overall my Transition is still going smoothly, my hair is healthy and growing at a nice rate. I’ve gained a lot of new growth, so much so that my natural hair reaches my ears when stretched. If I were to BC now I would have a nice cute fro, just saying I’m not gonna actually do it though. :look: :lol: Now that I have 1 year under my belt, I have another 2 years to go. Yep, that’s what I call slowlyyy Transitioning. I don’t wanna sacrifice any major length just yet, atleast until my natural hair is brastrap length or mid back length when stretched. So hopefully within the next two years it’ll be at that length, if things continue to flow in a positive direction, I have a feeling that it will. :grin:

I absolutely adore my natural texture. I love playing with it, I love looking at it, it’s like I’m rediscovering the "natural me”, in essence I am. This is something I should have done years ago, but back then the thought of going natural didn’t even cross my mind, coz I was so accustomed to having relaxed “straight” hair. One of the things that motivated me to take the natural leap was this site as well as another. I became inspired by seeing all the beautiful natural haired ladies especially on this board, I stalked a lot of fotki’s y’all just don’t know! :sekret: :lol: All of the beautiful natural manes just motivated me to give relaxers the boot for good. My hair didn’t “need" it in the first place. I’m so thankful that such a wonderful board like LHCF exists, not only has it helped me obtain long healthy hair, it has also helped me realize that natural hair is beautiful no matter the texture no matter the length, if it’s properly taken care of it will thrive regardless. Of course the members of this board make LHCF what it is, it can be bumpy sometimes, but nevertheless it’s an awesome board! :D

~Special shout outs to~:

*Onepraying (girl you’ve documented your transitioning journey so well)

Your albums are so inspiring, thanks for sharing. :kiss:

Now I just have to work on my album. :lachen:



Congrats girl!!!!!! I cant wait till i get to my one year mark. The time has really gone by fast. I think i have found most of the products that work for my 2 textures of hair. I just need a natural shampoo i like and i am set.
Hello all!!

I've been reading this board since April, when I made the conscious decision to go natural. Everyone always told me that i did not need a relaxer because I had "good" hair (i've always questioned people of their definition of "good" hair). I have been getting relaxers since 1999 and never thought twice about it; never even looked to see what my new growth looked like, I just felt the thickness growing in and knew it was time for a relaxer!

What made me decide to go natural is that I used to have long BSL hair and color and relaxers, resulted in me having to cut my hair chin length in 2003. I never even thought to stop relaxing, I just realized being blond wasnt an option any longer. I have not been able to grow my hair since then and the waves I had previously had been able to get with my long relaxed hair turned into short scraggly pitiful waves.

Your posts have reinforced my belief tat everyone has good hair if they take the time to nurture it and how bamboozled we are as African Americans to believe we must chemically alter our hair.

I am almost 9 months post relaxer and am embracing my beautiful curls!! I cannot deal with these relaxed ends, so my transitioning style has been a weave because everytime I wash my hair and see these relaxed pitiful hairs hanging off my curls I always have the urge to chop them off.

I have about 4.5 inches of new growth and wanted to see if anybody with a knowledge of weaves can tell me how long is the max I can keep the weave in (I've had my current one in 2 months), and will keeping my hair in constant weaves mess up my curl pattern since it is constantly in the cornrow style???

Sorry this is such a long post, but I'm just so excited that I finally can post on the website and join in conversation with all of you.

P.S. Perfectdoak, you're "boring" hair blog has been very helpful to me, because my hair type is similar to yours, so thank you for keeping such detailed notes
Just bumping this thread so that I can find it later- I'm rather early on in my transition & know that I will need it for encouragement as I progress.
I've been wearing braids forever and my hair is completely natural. I took my braids out last night and pressed my hair. It's not quite long enough to do a cute afro puff.. It don't even know if that will work for me becaue my hair is soooooo tightly curled. I looks one inch long and then when I press, it looks 6 inches long. I don't know to manage my hair especially since I love to workout and I sweat very badly. I'm so confused as to what to do, I'm tired of brading, I'm not sure if I have to get a relaxer.... I at a big loss right now!!

Sigh ... sorry for whining!:ohwell:
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I was wondering if there were transitioners still out there. I am almost to my 1 year mark. I will going in for the long haul. I have to be able to put it into a pony tail. So i think i maybe take another 1 1/2 years to get rid of all my relaxed ends. My hair is in a blunt cut and i dont want layers again, so it will be awhile. I am just loving my new growth. I just have to touch it after wash it. It feels so much softer then my relaxed hair. Then in a bun it goes, lol.
Sweetcoco82 said:
I was wondering if there were transitioners still out there.

I am still transitioning it is a little over 10 and a half months. Can't wait to get rid of these relaxed ends. I have been trimming and cutting my hair about every 2 months. I don't know when I will do the BC...I would also like to beable to put my hair in a pony tail so I don't know how much longer I will need to transition.

Transitioning has gotten SOOOOO much easier since I started using the BBD strech..that product is a gift from heaven.
Isn't it funny how you start to hate your relaxed ends when you're transitioning?
I transitioned for 2 years and I'm fully natural now. My hair is really healthy and I love it! I can wear a curly puff, twists, a braidout (my favorite), spiral set, or pressed straight. Transitioning is worth it! Keep it up ladies.