Transitioners support thread

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bluebearfanatic and xippy youre on! So whats going on with you right now? Im out of braids for another month :( I may go 2 more months just because I miss my hair :) 347 days to go for me :)
So I see that there are some transitioners that are not planning to chop. That was my ?
I am transition curious--I'm 4 months post relaxer.
I am really pleasantly surprised to see that my new growth is not too hard to handle at this point. It is wavy in most places and when brushed out, doesn't really look much diff than the texlaxed hair. Except for my temples, my hair is very curly/wavy. The temples are the nappiest.

I really like my texture and would love to have it the length of my hair. But I've made so mch progress and my hair grows slowly--and I don't want to part with my bra strap hair. I just want it to gradually grow out.

But I thought you had to chop those ends off eventually--say 18 months into it. Do you or don't you?:perplexed
melodee said:
So I see that there are some transitioners that are not planning to chop. That was my ?
I am transition curious--I'm 4 months post relaxer.
I am really pleasantly surprised to see that my new growth is not too hard to handle at this point. It is wavy in most places and when brushed out, doesn't really look much diff than the texlaxed hair. Except for my temples, my hair is very curly/wavy. The temples are the nappiest.

I really like my texture and would love to have it the length of my hair. But I've made so mch progress and my hair grows slowly--and I don't want to part with my bra strap hair. I just want it to gradually grow out.

But I thought you had to chop those ends off eventually--say 18 months into it. Do you or don't you?:perplexed

Im with you here...i do not plan on doing any sort of big chop anytime soon....just keep trimming till theres no relaxed hair left.

But i dont think theres any restriction on how long u can transition....just go with what your comfortable with, whether it be 3 months or 3 years :)
I just wanted to say continued luck to everyone on your journeys and congrats for making it as far as you have no mattter where you are on your journey, see you on the natural side!
Sigh....sigh...sigh...alas I've been having thoughts of going back to the crack...I don't know, my hair just can't...well...stay cute after I style it. I'm dreaming of flowing long that doesn't puff and frizz out, hair that easy to pull back....sigh....sigh...however, beyondcute, I haven't snip a hair and don't plan to. I'm 15 months into my transition and plan to transition til the last relaxed piece falls off...I just gotta shake myself!:hammer:
jaded_faerie said:
Im with you here...i do not plan on doing any sort of big chop anytime soon....just keep trimming till theres no relaxed hair left.

But i dont think theres any restriction on how long u can transition....just go with what your comfortable with, whether it be 3 months or 3 years :)

I have never done a big chop. My last relaxer was almost 3 years ago. I have had a series of mini chops and my last was this weekend. It does take patience, but you can do it. If you get tired of it you can always grab the scissors, because they aren't in short supply. Good Luck.
The first time I went natural I did the BC. I'd transitioned for 4 months or so and was really tired of dealing with 2 textures. So one day I just woke up and cut it! I was pretty happy that day. Though I was surprised that those waves and swirls I'd seen as new growth didn't translate to curls once the relaxed ends were gone. But I still liked it.

The next day I went to work and all heck broke out. People were so mean to me! Especially other black people. I've never felt so ugly in my life. So I immediately went out and bought a wig which I wore for several weeks. After that I spent $$$ on twists. After 2 months of wearing fake hair I'd had enough. I started wearing my hair the way I wanted and people would just have to deal with it.

I loved how soft my hair was and how easy it was to manage. My signature hairstyle was flat twists with the back out. It was cute.

This time around I'm going to do a few things differently to make my transition easier.

1.) I will transition longer. I'd like my natural hair to be long enough to wear flat twists. Some people look great with really short hair. I'm not one of them.

2.) Continue to baby my relaxed hair. The first time around I neglected it.

3.) Be patient.
onepraying said:
Sigh....sigh...sigh...alas I've been having thoughts of going back to the crack...I don't know, my hair just can't...well...stay cute after I style it. I'm dreaming of flowing long that doesn't puff and frizz out, hair that easy to pull back....sigh....sigh...however, beyondcute, I haven't snip a hair and don't plan to. I'm 15 months into my transition and plan to transition til the last relaxed piece falls off...I just gotta shake myself!:hammer:
You are doing good with your transition. 15 months is a loooooong time and you've come too far to turn back. Don't give up!

I know you can do it!

Good Luck!
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shelli4018 said:
The next day I went to work and all heck broke out. People were so mean to me! Especially other black people. I've never felt so ugly in my life. So I immediately went out and bought a wig which I wore for several weeks. After that I spent $$$ on twists. After 2 months of wearing fake hair I'd had enough. I started wearing my hair the way I wanted and people would just have to deal with it.
I can relate to you about the BC. When I did my BC I didn't go to work the next day. I went and bought me some accessories so that I can look cute for work the day after.

My co-workers wasn't mean to me, but they didn't say anything at all, as if they didn't notice my hair. I didn't know if that was good or bad. Anyway, I knew that some didn't care for it, and some did. In my mind, I cared about others opinions, but I wasn't going to let it affect me. There was no way, I was going to wear a wig or get braids. So I developed an attitude of well if they don't like it, they don't have to look at me. I'm embracing who I am and the heck with what anybody thinks.

It has been almost 2 months since my BC and my hair is growing out nicely, and now nobody looks at me weird anymore. I guess they've adapted to my new look.

I'm not going to sugar coat my experience, it is very difficult to face people after the BC, especially if you are use to having longer hair and don't feel attractive with short. But, you have to keep in mind that your hair will grow and the short hair is only temporary. You are embracing your natural self and how God made you, and ain't nothing wrong with that.

Good Luck!
I get worried all the time about having short hair. I've got a little over an inch at the mo and my BC is planned for June 1st - next week. I've never had hair as short as it's going to be next week in my life. I am a bit worried about what people will think, but I figure, like myself, they will just get used to it. Originally I was gonna wait til July after graduation but before my 21st birthday because I'd have a cute puff by then but I figure if I cut if off now I'll still have a cute puff by then.

I can deal with the textures fine, my hair hasn't looked this cute ever, but I just dont like my relaxed hair anymore and boy does it know it! I been snippin little bits to get my HIF on lol I can't help it. I'm gona miss my hair for the next couple of months while I walk around perhaps looking like a little boy but once it starts growing back I'm gonna be in heaven!

I've only told my friend (shes natural already) whose help I've enlisted and a friend of a friend who has dredds and my mum and little brother. Anyone else can see me when they see me. One of my friends - who has some insecurities I guess - told me "You'd look ugly with short hair, I'm not gonna lie" I don't really fel the same way towards her anymore and I certainly haven't told her about my BC. It's her friend who has the dredds who knows and she's being very supportive. As a matter of fact everyone is but that one friend. Nevermind.

lol Sorry this post has been so long I just wanted to get that all out. I'm excited about my BC but I know once we start snippin there's no going back. I've got my cute earrings lined up, I've gotta get some eyeshadow and some new mascara cos it's gonna be all about the eyes! I get kinda angry about some people disliking other peoples BCs because I KNOW if they cut their hair that short, even shaved the back but the rest was relaxed, them same people would be swarming all over them cooing about how cute it is. Just goes to show how much people want to deny the truth about themselves...
dimpalz said:
I get worried all the time about having short hair. I've got a little over an inch at the mo and my BC is planned for June 1st - next week. I've never had hair as short as it's going to be next week in my life. I am a bit worried about what people will think, but I figure, like myself, they will just get used to it. Originally I was gonna wait til July after graduation but before my 21st birthday because I'd have a cute puff by then but I figure if I cut if off now I'll still have a cute puff by then.

I can deal with the textures fine, my hair hasn't looked this cute ever, but I just dont like my relaxed hair anymore and boy does it know it! I been snippin little bits to get my HIF on lol I can't help it. I'm gona miss my hair for the next couple of months while I walk around perhaps looking like a little boy but once it starts growing back I'm gonna be in heaven!

I've only told my friend (shes natural already) whose help I've enlisted and a friend of a friend who has dredds and my mum and little brother. Anyone else can see me when they see me. One of my friends - who has some insecurities I guess - told me "You'd look ugly with short hair, I'm not gonna lie" I don't really fel the same way towards her anymore and I certainly haven't told her about my BC. It's her friend who has the dredds who knows and she's being very supportive. As a matter of fact everyone is but that one friend. Nevermind.

lol Sorry this post has been so long I just wanted to get that all out. I'm excited about my BC but I know once we start snippin there's no going back. I've got my cute earrings lined up, I've gotta get some eyeshadow and some new mascara cos it's gonna be all about the eyes! I get kinda angry about some people disliking other peoples BCs because I KNOW if they cut their hair that short, even shaved the back but the rest was relaxed, them same people would be swarming all over them cooing about how cute it is. Just goes to show how much people want to deny the truth about themselves...

Making sure you have cute accesssories and some idea of how you might style your hair is key. I also think its important to take some things in to account the shape and size of your head. I have a big dome piece! So extremely short hair isn't becoming on me. However, I was really comfortable with say...3 or 4 inches of hair because I had a few more style options.

Yeah, some of the people who gave me a hard time about my natural had some hair issues of their own: They relaxed their edges away! Ends were fried! Hair had been the same length for years.

I wonder why people think its ok to walk around with messed up relaxed hair versus healthy natural hair? I'm not knocking relaxers. There are some beautiful relaxed heads on this board! But its a d@mn shame that so many black women struggle with their hair. When did we forget how to do our own hair?
shelli4018 said:
Making sure you have cute accesssories and some idea of how you might style your hair is key. I also think its important to take some things in to account the shape and size of your head. I have a big dome piece! So extremely short hair isn't becoming on me. However, I was really comfortable with say...3 or 4 inches of hair because I had a few more style options.

Lol, I think I got a good shaped head. I've had canerows a couple of times whilst being being relaxed and I think I looked okay from the side :sekret: I hope I looked okay from the side...

I know what your sayin about the relaxed heads shelli, some people are just lucky enough and take enough care that their hair can look healthy and grow long but I don't think I'm one of them. I'd rather not wait for my hair to shrivle up and die from relaxing lol the curls are my calling now
So far so go. the responses I have gotten have been getting have been positive. Even my cousin who refuses to stretch relaxers more then 3-4 weeks was positive. If only I could get her to at least take better care of her hair. Oh well .

dimpalz said:
Lol, I think I got a good shaped head. I've had canerows a couple of times whilst being being relaxed and I think I looked okay from the side :sekret: I hope I looked okay from the side...

I know what your sayin about the relaxed heads shelli, some people are just lucky enough and take enough care that their hair can look healthy and grow long but I don't think I'm one of them. I'd rather not wait for my hair to shrivle up and die from relaxing lol the curls are my calling now

Well, you'll be 100% natural soon enough! I can't wait to see the pics.
beyondcute said:
bluebearfanatic and xippy youre on! So whats going on with you right now? Im out of braids for another month :( I may go 2 more months just because I miss my hair :) 347 days to go for me :)

My hair is currently in braids (cornrows). I will try to keep these in until July. Before I got my hair braided, I wore my hair in a bun with a the baggie for 1 month. I covered the baggie with an afro puff.

I was happy to braid it again, but in that month's time it got very strong and healthy. I deep conditioned every weekend and had very little breakage of the relaxed ends. However, I don't miss my hair when it's in braids, because I'm too lazy to comb it anyway. I have a 3 year old and I exercise. Soon I'll have a newborn. That does not leave a lot of time to mess with my hair. :)
onepraying said:
Sigh....sigh...sigh...alas I've been having thoughts of going back to the crack...I don't know, my hair just can't...well...stay cute after I style it. I'm dreaming of flowing long that doesn't puff and frizz out, hair that easy to pull back....sigh....sigh...however, beyondcute, I haven't snip a hair and don't plan to. I'm 15 months into my transition and plan to transition til the last relaxed piece falls off...I just gotta shake myself!:hammer:
Clear your mind of the crack!!!!:spank: :spank: :spank: :spank:
onepraying said:
Sigh....sigh...sigh...alas I've been having thoughts of going back to the crack...I don't know, my hair just can't...well...stay cute after I style it. I'm dreaming of flowing long that doesn't puff and frizz out, hair that easy to pull back....sigh....sigh...however, beyondcute, I haven't snip a hair and don't plan to. I'm 15 months into my transition and plan to transition til the last relaxed piece falls off...I just gotta shake myself!:hammer:

Girl, you know that a'int nothin' but the debil talkin' ! :fallenang

It's hard to transition without at least trimming. You're a stronger woman than I--I felt like I could never look good with those two textures hanging around. You're probably into the home stretch now though.
Cheleigh said:
Girl, you know that a'int nothin' but the debil talkin' ! :fallenang

It's hard to transition without at least trimming. You're a stronger woman than I--I felt like I could never look good with those two textures hanging around. You're probably into the home stretch now though.

You ladies are something else!.... :kiss: Thanks for the encouraging words. I am in the homestretch now though. I just don't believe in cutting, that's all. I just been wanting, drooling over long flowing hair...:ohwell:

However, I have been working with my curls and doing some wash 'n gos that have been pretty cool, but the shrinkage is something else...I guess I'm just on a length trip....
Ok ladies...I have decided to transition to natural. Since being on this board I have learned some great methods for taking care of my hair. Thanks to all you wonderful ladies!!!:) My last touch-up was April 7, 2006. I plan on braiding it up for the summer because I can't be bothered with it. If I feel myself trying to go back to crack :lol::lol::lol: I will come in this thread so JCoily can give me a few whacks!!!!:lol: for support.:grin::grin::grin:
I couldn't hold out ladies. I got tired of battling with the two textures. The relaxed hair had to go.

I BC'd a week ago (see pic in siggy).

On Friday night, I cut off all the relaxed hair (and some of the natural hair). I thought that after transitioning for 7 months I would have a nice little fro, but the natural hair was so rough and fierce -- scab hair; nothing like what my natural hair used to be like. So the next day I went to the barber and had him cut off almost all of my hair -- all 2.5"-3.0" of it.

I like the results. Three cheers to the start of a new journey!:grin:
mzjones said:
I couldn't hold out ladies. I got tired of battling with the two textures. The relaxed hair had to go.

I BC'd a week ago (see pic in siggy).

On Friday night, I cut off all the relaxed hair (and some of the natural hair). I thought that after transitioning for 7 months I would have a nice little fro, but the natural hair was so rough and fierce -- scab hair; nothing like what my natural hair used to be like. So the next day I went to the barber and had him cut off almost all of my hair -- all 2.5"-3.0" of it.

I like the results. Three cheers to the start of a new journey!:grin:

:D You look BEAUTIFUL Mzjones. I really, really like the look! Congrats on your BC and the start of your new journey. Don't forget to moisturize like crazy!
Hello... I'm transitioning.... close to nine months now.... I'm kinda scared to do the BC.... Not quite sure why I'm holding on to these raggedy, sick, anemic relaxed ends.... I've been transitioning with weaves and braids. I have in my mind that I need enough hair for the braider to catch. As of this morning, I have about two inches of new growth... looks coily/a little bit curly.... Kinda amazing.... Overall, I'm not looking back at 30 years of relaxers (yes, I was under 10 years old! Augh!)

What's holding me back from the BC?
Thanks Cheleigh:)

Cheleigh said:
:D You look BEAUTIFUL Mzjones. I really, really like the look! Congrats on your BC and the start of your new journey. Don't forget to moisturize like crazy!
Well I have been transitioning for 3 months now...and these 3 months have flown by. My transition style is wearing sew-in weaves (hair cornrowed underneath) for 6 weeks then give my hair a break for 2 weeks. I don't plan on BC'ing anytime soon. The biggest problem I am having right now is the lack of moisture. My hair tends to be a little dry. I have received some great advice on this board on how to handle this problem and I can't wait to put it to use!
Hi ladies:wave:,
I haven't stopped by in awhile so I just wanted to wish all of you the very best of luck. I bc'd on March 21st and I am amazed at how quickly my hair is growing. MzJones your hair looks great, good for you for cutting off all of that scab hair, your hair will grow in so quickly and beautifully. You look beautiful with it very short too, lucky you:).

So ladies, hang in there, and when you start to see your natural hair suffering because you are scared of losing length, just have faith that if you cut off the relaxed hair, you will look just fine and that your natural hair will thank you with health and length.

Also, I have been reading a lot of books on natural hair and that has been really helpful to me this time around. I bc'd last year but ended up relaxing again 5 1/2 months later. This time around I am determined to stay away from relaxers. That stuff just is not good for my hair or my spirit. I am 2 1/2 months natural and I have a nice little fro, it barely looks like a twa anymore:). Natural hair books can help give you the knowledge and strength you need to stay natural. I'll try to find and bump the thread on good books to read.

Happy Transitioning!
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i just got my hair cornrowed yesterday and i in my 8th month of transitioning..i plan getting my hair braided two more times this summer and then hopefully going to a natural stylist...sophia's sunflower salon..she specializes in "natural" hair to chop sum more relaxed hair braider has a texturizer and was saying how good it would look if i had one...i told her i thought about it but..i still want all natural hair no CHEMICALs or anything.....i know i can ...obtain that..ill be updating very soon pics of my new braided style...happy healthy growing ladies...
I finally tried washing my hair in plaits tonight, and I feel like transitioning is going to be soooo much easier from this point on. The only thing that I hated about transitioning was washing because of all the tangles, and I felt like I lost sooo much hair. Tonight I lost mere strands! I also discovered NTM Shampoo which I am now in LOVE with!