Transitioners support thread

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Ok, I lied. I said in my last post that I would chop Wednesday, but I got anxious and did it last night. First, I washed and let it dry to see what it looked like. It wasn't as scary as I thought, but when I straightened it, I had a moment of panic. My hair hits my shoulders, but its all the same length. Meaning around 7+ inches, but 7 inches from my forehead is different from 7 inches from my nape. Making a natural ponytail was difficult, but so was making a ponytail when straight. the front reached, but barely. This morning my ends were a mess, frizzy and dry because I didn't flat iron my hair thoroughly, so my ponytail looked worse. But I just flat ironed my hair again and everything is smooth and relaxer-like. It should look better tomorrow. I'm in the process of updating my album so peek when you can.
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PerfectDoak[B said:
]onepraying, we started transitioning at around the same time, about a month apart. Are you planning on BCing or transitioning all the way with trims?[/B]Jkelly0204, luckily, everyone I know has been supportive. A few times my mum said "So, you're really never going to relax again? Really?", but that's all.
Ignore your MIL!

I plan to keep transitioning...I've never trimmed or cut's just naturally(by God's grace) breaking off, by 1-2 inches.

This had been said to me plenty times. I get a lot of mixed reactions...the diehard permies compliement my hair when it is straight and other compliment at different times... Oh well...:look:
thanks ladies! Chocolate, is there anything I can do with my hair to disguise the different lengths? what did you do?
Ok Ladies,

I just started a thread in the HC tips, but thought I'd ask in here... I'm about 7 mons into my transition and have never done a protein treatment. After getting a press recently I was told that I have a bit of breakage in the center of the back, but if I arrest the breakage now it won't be a huge deal. I'm reading about Nexxus Emergancee & Keraphix and then Aphrogee but don't know which is the best choice for a protein treatment.

Any thoughts? Any other products that work great and can be picked up from a local BS? I'm in the Atlanta Metro, so most BS should have what I need here, I'm not too interested in doing the ordering online and paying for S&H.

FAMUDva said:
Ok Ladies,

I just started a thread in the HC tips, but thought I'd ask in here... I'm about 7 mons into my transition and have never done a protein treatment. After getting a press recently I was told that I have a bit of breakage in the center of the back, but if I arrest the breakage now it won't be a huge deal. I'm reading about Nexxus Emergancee & Keraphix and then Aphrogee but don't know which is the best choice for a protein treatment.

Any thoughts? Any other products that work great and can be picked up from a local BS? I'm in the Atlanta Metro, so most BS should have what I need here, I'm not too interested in doing the ordering online and paying for S&H.


Hey girl! :wave: Glad to know you're still hanging in :up:

Well, you know Aphogee is a hard core protein treatment that stops extreme breakage in its tracks. Emergencee isn't as hard core but effective in stopping medium breakage. In fact, there was a thread not long ago about using emergencee like you do Aphogee and getting the same effects. Meaning, the poster sat under the dryer and let the product dry hard. I always thought Keraphix was a reconstructor, it probably won't be as effect as the above mentioned products. Also, QP has a breakage control serum of which is pretty good too.

However, every time I press I do some kind of protein treatment. I've moved away from Aphogee because I believe it is too harsh for my natural hair. Unless, of course, I was a regular presser.


OT: congrats on your weight loss! Phenomenal!
I've been transitioning for 3 months now. I still have a long way to go but I can't wait to be fully natural.
Tomorrow will be 7 months and I am so happy because the last time I transitioned, I tried to texturize at 6 months. From here on out its new territory. I plan to get it flat ironed next week for graduation along with a serious trim/cut. I'll be doing more and more braidouts until I can figure out the flat twists.
Good Luck Famudva! I tried emergencee and I used it under the dryer and my hair felt wonderful.
I agree with Onepraying about aphogee. Its serious business!
What a great thread! I am currently 12 weeks post-relaxer and it's so easy now because I'm crown & glorying it with braid extensions. Once I take the braids out in a few weeks, I'll see how I handle the two textures but I plan on pulling my back into a phonytail or bun to keep from handling it too much.

I'm not making any promises but I'm going to try really hard not to go back to relaxers. And I think I can find some pretty good natural hair care salons here in Jersey to take over when I can't handle it anymore. I can't wait to see what my natural hair looks like. With no exaggeration, it's been almost 40 years since I've seen it, so I have no idea what it's like.

Thanks for the support and keep the tips coming, ladies!
onepraying said:
Hey girl! :wave: Glad to know you're still hanging in :up:

Well, you know Aphogee is a hard core protein treatment that stops extreme breakage in its tracks. Emergencee isn't as hard core but effective in stopping medium breakage. In fact, there was a thread not long ago about using emergencee like you do Aphogee and getting the same effects. Meaning, the poster sat under the dryer and let the product dry hard. I always thought Keraphix was a reconstructor, it probably won't be as effect as the above mentioned products. Also, QP has a breakage control serum of which is pretty good too.

However, every time I press I do some kind of protein treatment. I've moved away from Aphogee because I believe it is too harsh for my natural hair. Unless, of course, I was a regular presser.


OT: congrats on your weight loss! Phenomenal!

Hi Onepraying :wave:! Yeah, girl I'm still hanging in there... I had a slight moment of weakness this weekend after the beach thinking I'd get a relaxer, but I'm hanging in there. I went ahead with the APhogee last night. I'll look out for the QP you mentioned to maintain. I do press more often than most, I think. I press maybe once a month or so, but I have very thick, coarse hair, so far it seems resilent and coils right back up after the pressing.

ETA: Thanks for the compliment regarding weight loss... it's been a hard road! Now that I'm nearing the goal, I decided to take up a new "goal-oriented hobby"... HAIR :)
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mscounselor said:
Tomorrow will be 7 months and I am so happy because the last time I transitioned, I tried to texturize at 6 months. From here on out its new territory. I plan to get it flat ironed next week for graduation along with a serious trim/cut. I'll be doing more and more braidouts until I can figure out the flat twists.
Good Luck Famudva! I tried emergencee and I used it under the dryer and my hair felt wonderful.
I agree with Onepraying about aphogee. Its serious business!

Thanks! They were out of Emergencee when I was at the BS yesterday, so I went with Aphrogee and you guys are right... it's no joke. I did a DC after treatment and used a leave-in ampule for Curly-Coarse hair and it seems fine.

BTW, it's been 9 months for as of 5/6, so I can feel your excitement! I just thought of getting a relaxer this weekend, but it was just a moment of weakness :look: .
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i'm hating my text hair right now it splits like nobodys business and the worst is the mid shaft splits or splits that start 1in from the end of the hair WTF
I just need to vent. I shampooed and conditioned my hair before work this morning. A friend let me borrow her ceramic flat iron (I'm saving for the Maxiglide), so after I washed my hair, I actually used a blowdryer :eek: and then I flat ironed my hair. I am almost 14 months post-relaxer and I'm transitioning so you KNOW it took me a long time to flat iron my hair.

Well, when I was done my hair was really soft and got extremely straight. And I can't believe how much my hair has grown in 1 yr. of transitioning :) But it's the length that bothers me!!!! The longest layer in the back is 1 inche past shoulder. The shortest layer is chin length in the front. I can't do a style AT ALL!!!! It's in that "in-between" stage where its not all one length and wont hold a curl (b/c of the permed ends).

I'm not ready for the BC but today I was so frustrated in my hair's lack of style that I am thinking of scheduling an appt. to get my ends trimmed. Maybe getting an inch cut off will help me A) get rid of the permed ends a little at a time and B) allow me to have a decent hairstyle when I actually DO press my hair out.

This was the first time I used heat in a year! And I'm so dissappointed. :( After I tried a side part, middle part, straight back, etc. I just put it up in a ponytail. :mad:
cupcake said:
I just need to vent. I shampooed and conditioned my hair before work this morning. A friend let me borrow her ceramic flat iron (I'm saving for the Maxiglide), so after I washed my hair, I actually used a blowdryer :eek: and then I flat ironed my hair. I am almost 14 months post-relaxer and I'm transitioning so you KNOW it took me a long time to flat iron my hair.

Well, when I was done my hair was really soft and got extremely straight. And I can't believe how much my hair has grown in 1 yr. of transitioning :) But it's the length that bothers me!!!! The longest layer in the back is 1 inche past shoulder. The shortest layer is chin length in the front. I can't do a style AT ALL!!!! It's in that "in-between" stage where its not all one length and wont hold a curl (b/c of the permed ends).

I'm not ready for the BC but today I was so frustrated in my hair's lack of style that I am thinking of scheduling an appt. to get my ends trimmed. Maybe getting an inch cut off will help me A) get rid of the permed ends a little at a time and B) allow me to have a decent hairstyle when I actually DO press my hair out.

This was the first time I used heat in a year! And I'm so dissappointed. :( After I tried a side part, middle part, straight back, etc. I just put it up in a ponytail. :mad:
Girl, don't sweat it...relax, take a deep breath....:look:

I maxied my hair yesterday for the first time in like two months. I NEVER know what to do with straight hair anymore. I was playing in it and playing in it, going to do some up do but I'm always doing that when I straighten. Talk about BORING! So, I smoothed everything back and went out to breakfast with my husband.

After getting my mind off my hair for a while I was inspired again...I decided to take the glide and make some curls. I thought they would be more like 'bends' or 'bumps' and would give my hair some life. Chile, I started grabbing chunks and curling with the big old clunky maxiglide and the curls were surprisingly curly. It looked like a rollerset and was sooo cute! I mean, I really couldn't believe it. It was big bodacious, luscious hair that my had my husband drooling.:grin:

Some times you need to take a breather and give your mind some time to work things out.
Thanks so much for your inspiring story. :) I'm just letting my hair breathe right now. It feels good!
onepraying said:
Girl, don't sweat it...relax, take a deep breath....:look:

I maxied my hair yesterday for the first time in like two months. I NEVER know what to do with straight hair anymore. I was playing in it and playing in it, going to do some up do but I'm always doing that when I straighten. Talk about BORING! So, I smoothed everything back and went out to breakfast with my husband.

After getting my mind off my hair for a while I was inspired again...I decided to take the glide and make some curls. I thought they would be more like 'bends' or 'bumps' and would give my hair some life. Chile, I started grabbing chunks and curling with the big old clunky maxiglide and the curls were surprisingly curly. It looked like a rollerset and was sooo cute! I mean, I really couldn't believe it. It was big bodacious, luscious hair that my had my husband drooling.:grin:

Some times you need to take a breather and give your mind some time to work things out.
Quick question- What is a good leave-in conditioner for transitioning hair. I haven't relaxed in 5 months and I want the new growth moisturized as much as possible.
nubianqt86 said:
Ok, I lied. I said in my last post that I would chop Wednesday, but I got anxious and did it last night.

Congrats on your bc! I checked out your album and your hair looks great! Happy natural hair growing :antlers:.
Miz Jackson said:
Quick question- What is a good leave-in conditioner for transitioning hair. I haven't relaxed in 5 months and I want the new growth moisturized as much as possible.

I love Paul Mitchell The Conditioner and Giovanni-Direct Leave-In
Hello all,

Just wanted to say that I've decided to transition. I do not plan to do the big chop for at least a year. My hair is texturized with Elucence now and already looks pretty natural. I've just decided that I want to embrace my hair with all that it comes with.

I was natural for a very short time (had about 8 months of growth on my head) and got freaked out by the shrinkage and how my hair wound so tightly around itself that some strands would just knot. I decided to texturize to maintain some texture and cut down on these problems. I started to transition originally because I knew my hair was uber-thick, and though it looked healthy with the relaxer, the drastic difference btwn the new growth and relaxed hair bugged me. I also felt that my hair would be much healthier and stronger naturally.

The texturizer has definitley helped with the shrinkage and knots, but I find myself being afraid the new growth will knot or matt up as I stretch. I decided that this is ridiculous. I refuse to live in fear of my new growth or what my hair decides to do...shrink and knot up. I don't like to be afraid of things, and it's really been bothering me that I have been afraid of my hair and how thick it would look (and how others would react not just because its' natural, but how thick it is) in its natural state. I do not have the natural hair people would call "good hair" either.
I do not like the history of chemicals, and the message it sends out, but I have been using it to make my hair more "manageable". I don't really have a problem with the fact that it cuts down on styling time and shrinkage...My problem is that I have been scared of my hair and the reactions it could receive once it got long. I just came to terms with this fear today, so I plan to transition until my hair is at a length I feel totally comfortable being natural with.
I figure, God created our unique hair to shrink, be tightly curled, defy gravity and be infinitely versatile. Why on earth am I afriad of it, and afraid to scare other people with it? I feel like if I can get to know my natural hair, and learn to style/deal/manage it, I'll have gotten to know another bit of myself.

Thanks for listening to my thoughts and I plan to use all of your suport on this journey...
Im looking for a long transitioner. Someone who is nearly a year and is goign for another. I am 1 year in as of May 13th. Looking for a partner to go another year with... *sigh* and to keep my away frm scissors :) Come on who's with me :) Please be atleast 6 months in... Not hating on anyone who is less than this but Im beyond the early days of transitioning.
africa said:
Hello all,

Just wanted to say that I've decided to transition. I do not plan to do the big chop for at least a year. My hair is texturized with Elucence now and already looks pretty natural. I've just decided that I want to embrace my hair with all that it comes with.

I was natural for a very short time (had about 8 months of growth on my head) and got freaked out by the shrinkage and how my hair wound so tightly around itself that some strands would just knot. I decided to texturize to maintain some texture and cut down on these problems. I started to transition originally because I knew my hair was uber-thick, and though it looked healthy with the relaxer, the drastic difference btwn the new growth and relaxed hair bugged me. I also felt that my hair would be much healthier and stronger naturally.

The texturizer has definitley helped with the shrinkage and knots, but I find myself being afraid the new growth will knot or matt up as I stretch. I decided that this is ridiculous. I refuse to live in fear of my new growth or what my hair decides to do...shrink and knot up. I don't like to be afraid of things, and it's really been bothering me that I have been afraid of my hair and how thick it would look (and how others would react not just because its' natural, but how thick it is) in its natural state. I do not have the natural hair people would call "good hair" either.
I do not like the history of chemicals, and the message it sends out, but I have been using it to make my hair more "manageable". I don't really have a problem with the fact that it cuts down on styling time and shrinkage...My problem is that I have been scared of my hair and the reactions it could receive once it got long. I just came to terms with this fear today, so I plan to transition until my hair is at a length I feel totally comfortable being natural with.
I figure, God created our unique hair to shrink, be tightly curled, defy gravity and be infinitely versatile. Why on earth am I afriad of it, and afraid to scare other people with it? I feel like if I can get to know my natural hair, and learn to style/deal/manage it, I'll have gotten to know another bit of myself.

Thanks for listening to my thoughts and I plan to use all of your suport on this journey...
Great post! I admire your attitude about going natural! Be blessed and take care!!! :)
beyondcute said:
Im looking for a long transitioner. Someone who is nearly a year and is goign for another. I am 1 year in as of May 13th. Looking for a partner to go another year with... *sigh* and to keep my away frm scissors :) Come on who's with me :) Please be atleast 6 months in... Not hating on anyone who is less than this but Im beyond the early days of transitioning.

I actually just reached my year April 1...I REFUSE to do the wayyyy! I would totally do this with you...I've been wearing weaves and braids for the past year..When I'm not wearing braids and weaves I wear my hair in buns. I really would like to try to go another year..I'm not ready to part with my!
beyondcute said:
Im looking for a long transitioner. Someone who is nearly a year and is goign for another. I am 1 year in as of May 13th. Looking for a partner to go another year with... *sigh* and to keep my away frm scissors :) Come on who's with me :) Please be atleast 6 months in... Not hating on anyone who is less than this but Im beyond the early days of transitioning.

I reached my 1 year mark in March. I want to go another year at least, so I'll gladly join. We can motivate each other. I wear my hair in braids most of the time. When I'm not in braids I wear it in a ponytail with an afro puff phoney pony. I just braid my hair on April 30th and plan to keep these in until July.
Miz Jackson said:
Hey I'm six months in, tired of my hair but not ready to cut. Any suggestions on hairstyles? Help,please! Thanks

You could try braid outs, twist outs, buns, rod sets, flat twists etc...
Check out
MotownGirl for more styling options.
