Transitioners support thread

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cupcake said:
I am scared to admit that I am almost 13 months into my transition and I haven't even thought about BC'ing. :look: However, I can tell that my mindset is changing...I don't think about super straight, silky hair the way I used to-- I see coils, curls, kinks as beautiful... So I guess as my hair is transitioning, so is my mind. :) I don't know when exactly I'll BC but I know I can't wait to get rid of these thin, weak ends-- they're no comparison to my healthy, thick curly hair! :p

ITA! This statement is so true.
KiSseS03 said:
GIIIIIRRRRRLLLLL Me Neither!!! Hahah... I keep chopping little chunks that no one will be able to see, so I can kinda guess what I'll look like all natural. And I'm definitely taking pics!

That's what I did :)
KiSseS03 said:
I keep chopping little chunks that no one will be able to see, so I can kinda guess what I'll look like all natural. And I'm definitely taking pics!

I thought I was the only one who did this. My nape and sides are completely natural and so is most of my hairline. It sounds jacked up, but you can't even tell that I cut the relaxed off. It's the just the middle and the crown that's gonna hit me!

I got some questions for you.

Are you BC'ing yourself or going to a salon? I want to do it myself, but I'm worried I'm going to look like krusty the clown with uneven hair. I guess if it comes out uneven I can always go to this natural salon I know.

Are you cutting it wet or dry? Whats your technique?
beyondcute said:
Congrat cheleigh!

On another note are there any year+ transitioners? Im about to cross the 1 year mark in a month and a half and I was wondering did anything change once you hit the year mark? Were you more inclined to chop?

Im glad to say that I think I will hit or surpass 6 inches by my year mark. Ih hoping for 7 inches but hey 6 inches is good enough :)

I will reach my year of transitioning in May and I finally feel the urge to get rid of these relaxed ends. I still don't have the nerve to do it. I finally know what people are talking about when they say they are dealing with two textures and the surprise is the relaxed ends are the parts that are tangling not the natural part. I can easily comb through the natural part but those ENDS :mad: . I spent like three hours detangling the ends when I took my last set of braids down...then flat ironing with my maxiglide when I was ready to put new braids in.

For some reason I'm still holding on to those ends which are mostly in the top of my head the slowest growing part. The back is probably 85-90% natural I was growing out a short haircut. I still need them to get a decent ponytail when I take out the braids once I pass that point I think I'll be ready to BC.

On another note I wore my natural hair out for the first time this past weekend..:bouncy: I did a braidout semi-puff it turned out cute I used one of those brastrap head bands to secure it. I will definitely keep that as one of my styles once I am completly natural. Happy transitioning!
Thanks Onepraying!:)

Well, I'm joining this bandwagon. I'm transitioning.

My last relaxer was Nov. 13, 2005. I hope to stretch until November 2007 before cutting the relaxed portion off. I basically want to be able to put my natural hair in a neat bun before shorting it.

Thus far I've been wearing cornrows with extensions, I wore a wig for a few days, but I'm having problems finding wig styles that I like. I am really nervous about wearing my hair out.

I am certain I have scab hair, which the most unbelievable and horrific thing -- having serious brillo hair; but I'm still planning on taking these extensions out this week and wear my hair in a bun for a month or so. (That's the idea anyway ;) )

Thanks for this thread, I've read just about all the post. My theme for this new journey is Patience.

onepraying said:
BUMPING for Mzjones...
shellzfoshizzle said:
I thought I was the only one who did this. My nape and sides are completely natural and so is most of my hairline. It sounds jacked up, but you can't even tell that I cut the relaxed off. It's the just the middle and the crown that's gonna hit me!

I got some questions for you.

Are you BC'ing yourself or going to a salon? I want to do it myself, but I'm worried I'm going to look like krusty the clown with uneven hair. I guess if it comes out uneven I can always go to this natural salon I know.

Are you cutting it wet or dry? Whats your technique?

LOL! @ Krusty the Clown!

I want to BC myself, but I'll have my sis or Mom around to check the back. My relaxed ends are really straight so the difference is pretty obvious, I don't think I'll have too much of a problem.

I was looking in Lovelymissyoli's album and she chopped with shampoo in, I had planned on using conditioner, but in her pics the shampoo really made the natural hair standout. Either way, I'm definitely doing it with wet hair.
Ive finally found the courage to go last relaxer was Febraury 2006 & I plan on transitioning till February 2008....while chopping an inch off every 2 months. I still have a lot to learn, and plan on incorporating the crown & glory technique in my transition.
Wish me luck! :)
jaded_faerie said:
Ive finally found the courage to go last relaxer was Febraury 2006 & I plan on transitioning till February 2008....while chopping an inch off every 2 months. I still have a lot to learn, and plan on incorporating the crown & glory technique in my transition.
Wish me luck! :)

Whoot!! Congrats on your decision Jaded! I've always loved your hair... It'll be gorgeous natural!! :dance7:
jaded_faerie said:
Ive finally found the courage to go last relaxer was Febraury 2006 & I plan on transitioning till February 2008....while chopping an inch off every 2 months. I still have a lot to learn, and plan on incorporating the crown & glory technique in my transition.
Wish me luck! :)

Yay! :yay: Yay! :yay: Welcome to the club girl!!!!

Your hair is gorgeous and you will make a gorgeous natural.

Btw, you need to post a comparison shot of the beginning of your journey until now.. I'm a sucker for comparison shots and they always inspire me and remind me that healthy hair can be achieved!
mzjones said:
My theme for this new journey is Patience.

...and that's what it takes. You are well on your way! Don't be in a hurry to wear you hair out. Do it when you are ready. This journey is one step at a time...
onepraying said:

Yay! :yay: Yay! :yay: Welcome to the club girl!!!!

Your hair is gorgeous and you will make a gorgeous natural.

Btw, you need to post a comparison shot of the beginning of your journey until now.. I'm a sucker for comparison shots and they always inspire me and remind me that healthy hair can be achieved!

Thankyou!!! ill post pics sometime this week :)
Just wanted to post an update. I am almost at 7 months post and Im still hanging in there. The style of the moment is a braidout. I do them a little smaller so they last longer. All I do in the morning is apply some moisture style and go. My hair hasn't changed texture yet but the majority is 4a.
Im getting a blow dry and press for graduation so I'll see my progress then....then I'll trim after....
Anyhow...thats where I itching to B'c just yet. Considering just flat ironing once a month until I gain the length I want.
I about 9 months post. I wear sew ins right now and plan on cutting the rest of my relaxed hair off in May. I now have enough new growth to determine that am a 4a. I can not wait until it grows out because i love my texture. I just switched from taking Purtian Pride's Hair vitamins to GNC Nourishair and GNC horsetail.
Hey ladies! :wave:

Thought I'd report that I was able to create an effective wash, shake 'n go lastnight using Ayanapooh's Accordian Method!(sorry no pics at the moment) The time to create style: 20mins.

I have about 4.5 inches of newgrowth and 1 - 2.5 inches of relaxed ends. This inables me to wear my hair out now! I am feeling more and more liberated as the days go by...I love it! :love:
Hi ladies. New transitiioner here checking in. I have decided to transition for at least a year, by way of sewn-ins. I did this before for 7 months and my hair was great and thriving. Then the last two times I washed [when taking down the weave] my hair started matting up like locks. Ugghh!! It was horrible I had to cut some out and then I caved in and went back to relaxers.

Well now I have patches of hair that has been whittled down to nothing in the front and on the sides and in the back and I think it's because of the chemicals. So, I'm transitioning again. I think now that I know how to properly wash my hair and I am using the correct products for my hair type, I will avoid the matting issue. We'll see. Sorry so long, but just wanted to introduce myself.

Thanks ~
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mscounselor said:
Just wanted to post an update. I am almost at 7 months post and Im still hanging in there. The style of the moment is a braidout. I do them a little smaller so they last longer. All I do in the morning is apply some moisture style and go. My hair hasn't changed texture yet but the majority is 4a.
Im getting a blow dry and press for graduation so I'll see my progress then....then I'll trim after....
Anyhow...thats where I itching to B'c just yet. Considering just flat ironing once a month until I gain the length I want.

Hey mscounselor, I'm glad to hear you have decided to transition again! Hang in there, good luck!
This weekend I put my hair in a ponytail, different from my usual bun. My hair was for the most part all curly, except for the very top which was straight. I realized, that I had already cut off most of my relaxed hair. I was in the mirror feeling like a fraud, thinking, "I'm a fake transitioner!" So, I have decided to chop the rest off this wednesday, after my last day of class. If I have to leave town for a meet, I'll do it on Monday. Wish me luck because I'm doing it myself (just getting rid of whatever is straight) I'll get a cut sometime this summer.... Go Me!
Checking in....I'm exactly 13 months post in this transition journey. I'm at the point where I don't feel ready to cut yet but I feel like I can't do anything to my hair. I have only 3 1/2- 4 inches of new growth (which isn't a lot for a year :( ) and about 5-6 inches of permed ends. So nothing looks quite right! My new growth is SOOOO much thicker and curlier than my permed hair that a braidout or twistout looks ridiculous. The only good thing about it is that I LOVE my new growth! LOVE IT. Also, I also have not used heat in over 1 year. :)

I am honestly thinking about pressing my hair out next month to get a better idea of how much my hair has grown and get a breather from protective styling. I think I want to BC at Christmas.

ETA: After over a year of transitioning, I have found out that I have 90% 3c hair with a little 4a at the crown and 3b at the nape and hairline.
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I am officially transitioning. My last relaxer was the beginning of april. I feel that it is time for a change . After clipping my ends, I figured why not. Just spoke with my husband. Are conversation went like this:
Me Well I'm giving up relaxers and transitioning to natural.
HubbyOh, you aren't getting a bald head are you?
Me No just trasitioning to natural for a while then cutting my hair
HubbyOk , Well I've been teliing you to do that anyway.
Me Yea ok.
Hubby Go for it, I'll support you.
So I plan to transition basiaclly unitl I get a little length to work with.

So wish me luck. I am going to need plenty of patience.

Seems like I've been transitioning forever!
I've got extension braids in at the moment, I think I'll be taking them out within 2 weeks. After that, BC, how exciting!
PerfectDoak said:
Seems like I've been transitioning forever!
I've got extension braids in at the moment, I think I'll be taking them out within 2 weeks. After that, BC, how exciting!
I know the feeling!:look:

Congrats on your decision Jkelly, it's so much easier witht he support of you other half!

Go legaldiva, you can do it!!
Aw thanks. It is helpful with his support. His is the only one I reaaly need. My mom basically will not care she is always supportive. My mil on the other hand will probably drive me crazy like she always does.
Have you felt people generally accepted and supported your decision to go natural? I know patience will be key for me. My hubby is a real sweetie.

onepraying, we started transitioning at around the same time, about a month apart. Are you planning on BCing or transitioning all the way with trims?

Jkelly0204, luckily, everyone I know has been supportive. A few times my mum said "So, you're really never going to relax again? Really?", but that's all.
Ignore your MIL!
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I need your help and your support LHCF ladies!!! I am very excited about transitioning, butI am not going to do the Big Chop and every now and then I think about returning back to getting relaxers. I have officially been transitioning for more than 6 months and I have been doing well. My hair is currently in a sew-in weave where the top part of my hair is left out (just a little bit). I really like sew-ins. It looks like this will be a keeper style. Prom is coming up and I plan on doing a nice hairstyle, but I guess I am just frustrated and I want my hair to be easy to comb. That is why I want to return back to getting relaxers and also it seems as if I have been using more heat when I am natural and trying to transition rather than when I am relaxed. If I get a relaxer again it will be like a texturizer. Please help me to persuade me NOT to get a relaxer. Give me advice please. Thanks in advance.
Congrats Jkelly!!! how long do u plan on transitioning?

But to answer your question, everyone ive mentioned it to as been very supportive. my mother is natural so that helps a ton....and her hair is just so beautiful to me. it also helps one of my close friends has been natural for a year now, and many other friends have BC or are transitioning. I am very excited about my natural journey