Transitioners support thread

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angellazette said:
Well my natural hair is incredibly thick and stretches to about the end of my neck. My cut is horrendous though lol and there's about another inch I think I need to cut so eventually I'll straighten it out.
I saw this coming....enjoy that beautiful natural hair of yours!!!
onepraying said:
Wow are you serious? Sorry about your problems....You gave it, as we say in the US, the "old college try". When is your bday? Please post pics!
Yes i'm serious!!! i'm not into the big hair thing anymore!!1 lol my bd is Dec, hahaha, a looong way, so there is always room to change my mind again lol. i must have changed mind about 50 times already. if i don't make it to natural now, maybe some other time.
den1 said:
Yes i'm serious!!! i'm not into the big hair thing anymore!!1 lol my bd is Dec, hahaha, a looong way, so there is always room to change my mind again lol. i must have changed mind about 50 times already. if i don't make it to natural now, maybe some other time.

I empathize with you den1...This past week I was sooo frustrated with my dry, dull, brittle hair. I was this close to going and buying me an ORS relaxer. I'm back on track now. I went to the BSS yesterday and bought all kinds of goodies.. like Jamican Mango Catus leave-in Moisturizer, ORS jojoba oil hair and scalp moisturizer, Kemi Oil shea butter pomade, ph balance shampoo, doctor daily leave-in conditioner, natural oil sheen.

When I get the urge to relax, I say to myself, I've come this far I can't turn back. Even though my natural 4z hair can be unruly, I truly adore it! I think I would miss it if I were to relax.
Well ladies--

We went through bumps and bruises, hugs and laughter, joy and pain. It's been so fantastic having the support of my sisters during my transition. I will always be here for all of the transitioners...


I did the BC 12 days ahead of schedule. :dance7:

That's right--I'm happy to be nappy. Kool and Kinky. Captivating and coily. It's done, after a 12 month 2 week transition. Uploaded photos in my new photo album, with more information about my first few days as a nappy. No regrets, even though I don't have a clue as how to style my hair.
Cheleigh said:
Well ladies--

We went through bumps and bruises, hugs and laughter, joy and pain. It's been so fantastic having the support of my sisters during my transition. I will always be here for all of the transitioners...


I did the BC 12 days ahead of schedule. :dance7:

That's right--I'm happy to be nappy. Kool and Kinky. Captivating and coily. It's done, after a 12 month 2 week transition. Uploaded photos in my new photo album, with more information about my first few days as a nappy. No regrets, even though I don't have a clue as how to style my hair.

Congrats!!!!! That's wonderful! Enjoy your new journey:)
Oh WOW! Your hair is soooo purty! It's beautifulll(That's with 3 L's)

Do you ladies add anything special to make it curl up so coily?(I've always wanted to ask this question)
Thank you my sisters (you know I'm more conscious now that I'm nappy, right?) :lachen:

Really though I transitioned for one year, two weeks. My hair coils on its own, to varying degrees. You can add styling products to encourage the coils if you want though. The very front to just before the crown has very little coil, just kink. It's also the thickest part of my hair--I call it the woolly mammoth. It thins out from the crown down, as well as the sides and hairline.

Thank you so much so1913, qtgirl, mz.tami, and den1.
Cheleigh said:
Thank you my sisters (you know I'm more conscious now that I'm nappy, right?) :lachen:

Really though I transitioned for one year, two weeks. My hair coils on its own, to varying degrees. You can add styling products to encourage the coils if you want though. The very front to just before the crown has very little coil, just kink. It's also the thickest part of my hair--I call it the woolly mammoth. It thins out from the crown down, as well as the sides and hairline.

Thank you so much so1913, qtgirl, mz.tami, and den1.
Congrats, former hair buddy.
You shall remain an inspiration until I join you on the nappy side.
*I changed my mind, I am transitioning now, too.*
I'm going to be natural fairly soon only plan on doing a 6mth. transition and I am already on week 9!
Congrat cheleigh!

On another note are there any year+ transitioners? Im about to cross the 1 year mark in a month and a half and I was wondering did anything change once you hit the year mark? Were you more inclined to chop?

Im glad to say that I think I will hit or surpass 6 inches by my year mark. Ih hoping for 7 inches but hey 6 inches is good enough :)
beyondcute said:
Congrat cheleigh!

On another note are there any year+ transitioners? Im about to cross the 1 year mark in a month and a half and I was wondering did anything change once you hit the year mark? Were you more inclined to chop?

I was a year and two weeks. I knew that I didn't want to go much longer than a year (didn't see the point). I really started feeling the urge to BC about month 11, because I started to feel more like a natural head than a transitioning or relaxed head at that point, yet I couldn't do any natural styles on my head.

Yeah, I can't pull it into a bun/puff, which is a goal for me, but I will tell you that now I can see why people start with the TWA stage. It's a shock being confronted with 5-6" of wild thick hair all at once! :lol: My hair in the front is so long (and more 4b, so it actually has less shrinkage than my coils) it's out of proportion a bit with the rest of my hair. It's a weird in-between length--not short enough to be a TWA, and not long enough to put in a ponytail. But I'm not complaining--I'm conditioned, detangled and styled in under 20 minutes instead of the hours it used to take. It will be fun to learn about my hair while I achieve that next goal.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes! I really liked my transition, but I like this new phase a little better! :D
I have a question for those who are 6+ months into their Transition:

Have you noticed that your new growth is becoming more softer?

Eariler in my Transition my new growth was kinda rough/course (ok it WAS rough/course) w/o any products and soft w/products.
Now for the last 2-3 months I've noticed that my new growth is softer w/o any products and much sofer w/ products. I basically use the same products that I did eariler in my Transition.

So, is this a normal occurrence, the more your natural hair grows out the softer it gets?
Hmmm I think I just answered my own question.....:lol:
No and yes. Mines no. Its been the same soft hair from jump. BUT my auntie. Her hair was ROUGH when it first started growing out but then it got softer and softer. I think it was scab hair that grew out first on her head. The same for my boyfriend. When he forst grew his hair out it was rough and felt like a brillo pad. This time it was so soft I didnt think his hair would loc up. He's cut in since.... Going on 6 months and not locced kinda made him mad...
Sweet_Ambrosia said:
I have a question for those who are 6+ months into their Transition:

Have you noticed that your new growth is becoming more softer?

Eariler in my Transition my new growth was kinda rough/course (ok it WAS rough/course) w/o any products and soft w/products.
Now for the last 2-3 months I've noticed that my new growth is softer w/o any products and much sofer w/ products. I basically use the same products that I did eariler in my Transition.

So, is this a normal occurrence, the more your natural hair grows out the softer it gets?
Hmmm I think I just answered my own question.....:lol:

This could be scab hair. I haven't noticed any personally, but many say they have.
beyondcute said:
Congrat cheleigh!

On another note are there any year+ transitioners? Im about to cross the 1 year mark in a month and a half and I was wondering did anything change once you hit the year mark? Were you more inclined to chop?

Im glad to say that I think I will hit or surpass 6 inches by my year mark. Ih hoping for 7 inches but hey 6 inches is good enough :)

I passed the year mark and I have thought more about chopping. The way I see it after waiting this long, 3 more months is nothing AND I will have a little more length. Honestly, I can't believe its been so long. I swear, yesterday I was mad about being only 6 weeks post.
I am scared to admit that I am almost 13 months into my transition and I haven't even thought about BC'ing. :look: However, I can tell that my mindset is changing...I don't think about super straight, silky hair the way I used to-- I see coils, curls, kinks as beautiful... So I guess as my hair is transitioning, so is my mind. :) I don't know when exactly I'll BC but I know I can't wait to get rid of these thin, weak ends-- they're no comparison to my healthy, thick curly hair! :p
cupcake said:
I am scared to admit that I am almost 13 months into my transition and I haven't even thought about BC'ing. :look: However, I can tell that my mindset is changing...I don't think about super straight, silky hair the way I used to-- I see coils, curls, kinks as beautiful... So I guess as my hair is transitioning, so is my mind. :) I don't know when exactly I'll BC but I know I can't wait to get rid of these thin, weak ends-- they're no comparison to my healthy, thick curly hair! :p

Girl i know how you feel. When i BC'd 5 years ago. I was shocked to find out how thick my unrelaxed roots were. I had no idea i had such thick beautiful hair. I could kick myself for relaxing again, but i didn't know how to take care of natural hair. I had been relaxed since i was 8 years old. This time i know more about how to take care of my natural hair. I am loving my new growth.
I just passed the six months mark about a week ago, and I'm beginning to get really antsy to CHOP! I'm not having a hard time dealing with my hair or anything, I just want to be 100% natural really bad, so I can start doing all the natural styles that I drool over in other's albums.

If I don't chicken out, I want to chop in July... by that point I should have at least 4 inches of natural hair (maybe more) and I'll be able to do a puff! I'm going to the islands in August, and I would just love to be able to chill on the beach and swim without having to worry that my relaxed ends will get wet and turn stringy...
KiSseS03 said:
I just passed the six months mark about a week ago, and I'm beginning to get really antsy to CHOP! I'm not having a hard time dealing with my hair or anything, I just want to be 100% natural really bad, so I can start doing all the natural styles that I drool over in other's albums.

If I don't chicken out, I want to chop in July... by that point I should have at least 4 inches of natural hair (maybe more) and I'll be able to do a puff! I'm going to the islands in August, and I would just love to be able to chill on the beach and swim without having to worry that my relaxed ends will get wet and turn stringy...

Hey kisses03. I'm with you on BC'ing in July. I actually plan on doing it at around August 1st. Wanna BC together? How can you have a puff with 4 inches of hair though?
shellzfoshizzle said:
Hey kisses03. I'm with you on BC'ing in July. I actually plan on doing it at around August 1st. Wanna BC together? How can you have a puff with 4 inches of hair though?

Hey Shellz! That sounds like a plan... I'm going away in early August, so that date should be good for me too! As for the puff... check out my thread called umm.. Naturals! How long did it take to make a PUFF... or something close to that, I'm not trying to make a ponytail... just with a headband, and actually I'll probably have closer to 5 inches by late July/ early August.
KiSseS03 said:
Hey Shellz! That sounds like a plan... I'm going away in early August, so that date should be good for me too! As for the puff... check out my thread called umm.. Naturals! How long did it take to make a PUFF... or something close to that, I'm not trying to make a ponytail... just with a headband, and actually I'll probably have closer to 5 inches by late July/ early August.

Thats wassup then! Now I'm hype. I got someone who is BC'ing the same time I am! I plan on taking pictures. Are you? I just saw your post called " long did it take..."...

shellzfoshizzle said:
Thats wassup then! Now I'm hype. I got someone who is BC'ing the same time I am! I plan on taking pictures. Are you? I just saw your post called " long did it take..."...


GIIIIIRRRRRLLLLL Me Neither!!! Hahah... I keep chopping little chunks that no one will be able to see, so I can kinda guess what I'll look like all natural. And I'm definitely taking pics!