Toughest Growth Hurdle.

Biggest hurdle?

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Took me nearly two years, including several setbacks, to get from SL to APL. Now that I've made and pased APL, it seems like getting to BSL is a breeze. I will be full BSL no later than December of this year, even with a trim. ;)
I'm voting SL to APL. When my hair was relaxed it was always APL but i think stylists find this to be an akward length and woul trim back to just below SL. So maintaining APL is harder than making it there. However there are more thant 4 inches between APL and BSL for me so I think once I make it to APL natural that will be the hardest hurdle. I'll see when I get there. Grow hair grow!!
I am trying to get to APL. I was before and I didn't do much for it to get that length. But it has been 5 months with one major setback with 1.5 inches cut to 2 inches and I just dusted my hair recently. I know that I will be it soon but soon seems forever.
apl to bsl ive done too much my hair is long celebrating and my old updo's dont work anymore because my hair is too heavy. but im getting back on track and hopping to get there around the summer time
It would be interesting to know what people consider to be a long time. Going from one milestone to another in six months sounds pretty reasonable to me, but perhaps other people view this differently. I've only just started the battle between SL to APL, but hopefully allowing a year will be sufficient.
I voted APL to BSL because I had gotten from SL to APL and I hadn't even realized it but now I swear I've gotten NO growth the last few months, thanks to a minor setback with the wrong products, hair color and breakage :wallbash:
SL to APL for me. I was at full SL by Deb 2007 and, the last time I checked, I still haven't reached APL.
I voted neck length to shoulder length. I've had longer than shoulder length hair when I was relaxed, but as a natural I tend to trim off all my growth as it comes because I am forever leaving my ends to battle the elements unprotected. :wallbash: Sooner or later I'll learn...
I'm starting to think BSl to MBL and beyond is kinda slow. I refuse to give up or say that it's not working, but it was easy to get from APL to BSL and now I want the same results for longer lengths. I just need patience; I have faith that I will get there.
SL is it for me and it is mostly due to previous negligence,lol. If you knoew better, you'd do better, right? well thanks to the forum i do so we'll see :-)
This is discouraging me from thinking I can even touch BSL this year... As for APL I'm almost there, for the 3rd time:rolleyes:
From SL to APL, that is the hardest part, but it is coming along. I have to now use better quality products.
I've been at BSL for the last let me see umm SEVEN YEARS! That's including all the trims.I love my stylist but my hair never made it beyond that point and I always asked her and she seemed to not know.That's when I had to high tail it right out of there!!!But when you know better you do better,so I'm on my way MBL or bust.The ultimate goal is WL anything after that to me is scary lol
For me it's SL to APL. When I was relxed it took forever and I still didn't get there. I was an inch away when I bc'ed. Now I'm natural and just about SL so now I'm in braids trying to get to APL by December, maybe for Xmas. But I think I should give myself till Valentine's Day. I'm trying to wear braids for a year but I'll pace myself and go month by month. It's APL or bust!!!
SL to APL. :swearing: Sooooo hard. Though this is the longest my hair has been with healthy has taken forever it seems to acheive this. I am finally about 1 1/2 inches from APL.
for me its BSL to WL...

I've been at midback for the last 8 months... and it looks like i wont be hitting waist length for another 8 to 12 months at the rate my hair is growing...

It's funny because my waist is just a couple (3) inches under my bra strap... so i'm wondering what the hold up is....
For me, it was neck(ish) to shoulder(ish).

The reason was because I didn't know what I know about haircare now. At the time I was taking care of my own hair and thought I had to trim it more often for it to look right and to grow. So some of the trimming I did had me loosing length when I could have been retaining.
Oh dear, I hear all the problems with SL to APL and its making me nervous. Time to run out of this thread! :Run:

Lol but in all honesty, I've noticed from alot of ladies on LHCF that after reaching Full SL their hair doesn't necessarily grow longer but thicker and fuller. Do any of you trying to reach APL from SL notice this with your hair?
I feels like getting to Full WL is taking forever!
I've seen some ladies on the board mention the TL words.

ssshhhhhhhhh..... 'terminal length' UGH!
I've never been APL I have had hair past APL, now I know all those years my hair was growing like a week but the perm breakage was just falling off!:wallbash: Im Transitioning and hoping for APL my goal is MBL :rolleyes:
i cant seem to get from apl to bsl. i've had a couple of setbacks---hair color forced me to cut a few inches. but, in general, my hair seems to be on a growth hiatus.