totally over my hair...2011 change or im done.

^^I'm in the same boat as you. Been almost 2 years and I think I'm a little passed neck length if I straighten it. I have mad knots everywhere and can't do anything with my hair BUT HAVE IT LOOSE in a puff therefore adding more knots on knots. I know had I permed it I would have been apl or beyond by now it's just ridiculous what you have to deal with in order to wear your own hair.
i feel you hon, but i know there is a way i have decided that the way my hair thrived was when it was saturated in something with high levels of slip like organixs kids shea butter detangling lotion or carrot cream etc i have now noted that if i dont have ones of these of something similar saturated in my hair, i will not even attempt to detangle.

plus at the stage my hair is at now it needs more moisture than protien and needs to be separated fro other strand ALL THE TIME.

i.e. when washing, dc whatever so i have decided to keep my hair in cornrows,was twice a month take them down kee them in at least 10 sections, detangle etc... if thats what it takes with my hair to keep the strands as separated as possible then i will do it.

my hair is coily/curly and needs to be tamed!! we can do this girls we can.... lets start a support topic!?!?
Pureebony- I'm also starting heat training for 2011, beginning tomorrow. My dry hair is much easier to style without breakage when it's hot combed (not even flat ironed). I will only be hot combing once a month when i take my cornrows out and do my heavy protein/moisture treatments. During the month my hair will be cornrowed under a wig, and I will cowash every other day and wash/dc weekly while in the cornrows.

I still have enough faith left for 2011 that we will see some nice progress :)

I also agree with others, get you a steamer girl! Your hair will love it! Be sure to wear a headband under it though to prevent the drippies from running down ur face. And where a towel around you bc when that hot water drips on you, you'll be having a fit!
im going to buy a tap filter, there is no room for a steamer and i already have a hood dryer so i will be using the hood dryer method to steam, i saw the you tube tutorial from a member that posted it here xx
I know heat training is unpopular, but I think it's what will work for me long-term (less tangling, less knots, less breaking). I'm just going to do gradual, light heat-training (instead of flat ironing twice a year, I'll do it three to four times and blow dry hot/cold three to four times, too). I think... BrittanyNic16? has good heat training videos. But it's important to put health over heat, b/c if your hair isn't prepped or balanced it can cause major damage, rather than light "damage".
i know the whole heat training issue has mixed views, but i truly believe it does work if down 'properly' bt if done on damaged hair like mine it = more damage.
I scrolled thru this thread a few days ago, so forgive me if I am repeating things that have already been said. I'm 4b and steaming weekly or every other week definitely improved the condition of my hair.

What kind of shampoo are you using? A good moisturizing sulfate free shampoo also makes a huge difference in my hair.

How are u incorporating protein? I found for my hair I have to kind of "sneak" the protein in so it doesn't dry out my hair. Either do it as a pretreatment before a I shampoo or mix it with a moisturizing conditioner. and I never ever do hard core protein only mild protein conditioners.

How are u detangling? I use Kimmaytube's method. I sleep with my hair in soaked in olive oil under a conditioning cap, then detangle wet the next day.
@Solitude, but shouldn't you get rid of all the damaged ends...then start over with the TLC?

sorry - I think my tone was rude the other day. Yes, she should cut off severely damaged hair. That's how I started off my hair journey. But, OP's hair is probably just dry from a lack of TLC and she said she had already cut quite a bit recently.

It seems like she's comfortable with the advice that has been given, I just feel like the constant cutting will continue to set her back!

Best of luck, OP. I'll be checking back for your progress...
thanks, i look closely at my ends and they are indeed split and knotted so its something that needs to be dealt with by a good trim, i don't want to cut it but i know my hair is not in the best state, i didn't give it 'constant tlc' so i think with a fresh cut and new mind set i can better look after my hair.

thanks ladies.

Imani i have got some good advice so i think i am prepped on what to do, but thanks so much for the eagerness to help xx