Hair Progress 2011-

Thank you for sharing your update. When I saw your name, I was like OMG - and rushed in :lol:

And I love that you press your hair with a pressing comb. I love being able to see what it looks like at longer lengths.
Yay it's Chicoro!! Your hair looks awesome as always. Did you use a heat protectant before pressing? If so, what did you use?

NappyNelle, I did not use a heat protectant. :blush: I pressed with a warm comb and did a light press. It felt 'greasy' when I was blowing it dry and I didn't want to add something over that. When I do use a heat protectant I use a light dab of Vitapoint. It looks better with the Vitapoint, though.
Chicoro, you are so inspiring, with your beautiful head of hair! Thanks so much for sharing your fabulous progress, and your maintenance techniques with us. I have learned much from you...keep the knowledge coming, and congrats again on a job well done. :yep::yep::yep:
You and your hair are absolutely gorgeous! I never get tired of reading your informative posts, as well as your book.:love:
OMG! :drool:! And thank you for the info about your ends thickening up. I was grazing MBL this time last year and chopped about 3.5-4 inches off because my ends were thin. Not even really thin just not as thick as the rest of my hair. I have regretted it ever since :nono:
Beautiful hair..and great progress..the longer mine gets the less patience I have..thanks for the inspiration to keep going. Thanks for sharing.
Hi there lovely hair as always!

My question is are you going to thicken up then ends by gradually trimming vs a mini chop. Or are you just going to wait for an extended period. When you say thickin up does this mean that newer hairs will grow to reach the current "hemline". Ultimately when will you trim.

I hope my question wasn't too confusing.
Hi Chicoro!!! Your hair is beautiful!!! I know you will reach your goals. You are one of my inspirations and it is always so good to see you post with updates! Thanks for sharing! :)

Simply beautiful, as always!!! :clapping:
And you did an awesome job flat ironing yourself. :yep:

Is this your goal length or are you growing longer as well? Chicoro
I'm relaxed, but I love seeing someone advocate letting healthy hair do its thing! Thank you for being an inspiration!!!
Hi there lovely hair as always!

My question is are you going to thicken up then ends by gradually trimming vs a mini chop. Or are you just going to wait for an extended period. When you say thickin up does this mean that newer hairs will grow to reach the current "hemline". Ultimately when will you trim.

I hope my question wasn't too confusing.

@carrie, I think I understand your questions. Let's use you in the example. In your photo, you are pulling your hair and it is reaching your waist. Your photo is an excellent example of what I would call a "goal point". A large bulk of your hair reaches to your waist, at that point. I advocate keeping the hair trimmed at this point until the majority of the hair reaches this length. There is no cutting or mini chop. You are simply trimming the hair to maintain the bulk at the goal point length, that point on your waist, until the rest catches up. That is what I am going to do with my hair. When the rest of my hair reaches this new length, this goal point, is when I consider my ends to "thicken". I will keep my hair trimmed, not cut and not mini-chopped, at this goal point until the shorter hairs catch up. In my case, this does involve waiting for an extended period along with trimming and protecting my ends with protective styling. And you are right, yes, this means the hopefully the rest of the hair will catch up to the current hemline. My hair fooled me this time. Instead of getting fuller and thicker, it decided to drop in length and get longer! I was sure that it would thicken up but I was wrong. I'm okay with it, though! Ultimately, I will trim when my hair gets full at the current length.


Simply beautiful, as always!!! :clapping:
And you did an awesome job flat ironing yourself. :yep:

Is this your goal length or are you growing longer as well? @Chicoro

@NJoy, If it thickens up at this length, after I trim it, I will let it grow longer.

Everyone, thank you for the compliments and the support. It really does make me feel very good!