totally over my hair...2011 change or im done.

MY hair is now between 3-4inches as i cut it off June 2010 for the summer. I'm natural 4a too and what i do is wash/co wash more often about 5-6 times a week and leave conditioner in. Like you my hair is delicate so i don't braid or twist. I have a twa.
I just realized that you are in Europe. I was born in Britain so I understand. It's the hard water causing most of the problems. Someone recommended a steamer and thats a great idea. Living in the UK I went to the hairdresser every fortnight for deep conditioning under the steamer/drying and my hair thrived.
Yes, if you have hard water that is a big stumbling block in having and maintaining healthy hair. They do make filters for the tap too.

Good luck and stay positive. I would highly recommend a steamer. If you get a steamer make sure you use distilled water. Some steamers DO NOT require distilled water, but if you have hard water I would not use it in the steamer, just use distilled water. As suggested, make sure you get a shower head filter for your water. If you can't get a filter start rinsing your hair with distilled water. I'm not sure how much distilled water costs in Europe, but it is inexpensive in the US.
Good luck with finding a solution that works for u. Sounds to me like u r on the right track with venting and getting your frustrations out, then movin forward with a fresh start. Get a good trim. Sounds like a water filer would be good for u too. And stick with the basics. Gentle shampoo. Deep condition. Moisturize and seal. Also, take some pics. In a year u will be glad u did.

Keep your head up and don't give up. It gets better with time. :)
I hope you can figure out a good regimen OP. I just wanted to add that I guess you flat ironed at 200C and not F. That's pretty high. I flat iron my hair at 120C and get it pretty straight.
you ladies are right, i have a hood dryer if i use a shower cap and sit under it can that still work? im going to search for a tap filter too, im getting more encouraged thanks allot ladies!!

plus i was going to put in a wig/weave i know... but i would really like to not style my hair right now, so im on the quest to find a kinky curly-ish hair that can blend with my 4a/b-ish hair... any suggestions!!

i will cut it i have decided to, and throw-or give away- the products i don't need too.

its so random i never gave the whole hard water thing a second thought but hopefully i should find a solution, seen a few tap filters online too!

I feel like I cracked the case! It's def. the shower filter you need!:grin:

yes you did hon- yes you did, ok i prepping myself for the new year water filter, good routine, fresh chopped hair, hair friendly protective style and dedication as well as motivation.

i will be on track!

love you girlies!!
ooohhh you totally are a gem, has anyone used this!! i getting over excited!!

I know I saw a thread on here before where someone used it, but I don't remember the name or anything so I can't search for it... :sad:

But I remember it definitely resembled 4a/b hair - it didn't even look like a weave. If you google you can probably get some YouTube reviews too.
everyone here pretty much offered some great advice and what i noticed is that you had a complaint or excuse for almost all recommendations. maybe you're not ready to start a hhj?? :perplexed i mean it sounds like you want the RESULTS of a healthy hair journey without having to take the JOURNEY and that's really not gonna happen....good luck and i hope you at least try some of these great suggestions...

I agree! my mom is a true 4a and she does not like to do her hair. She is use to going to the hair salon and not doing much with her hair. Her hair kinda grows on the slower side, but recently since she has been taking care of her hair MORE & she has notice some growth and health changes.

She also lives in wigs(im pretty sure she does not want me to mention that:lol:) or twist. I always like to show her long-haired naturals with her hair type because it always encourages her.

She has now started to co-wash occasionally, deep condition once a week or bi-weekly, shampoo once a week or bi-weekly, and style with twists, braids, or just simply a wig. Also just started to shampoo in braids because she notice less tangles afterward.
She still has some bad habits like shampooing more then deep conditioning:lol:, not liking to comb her hair more then once a week or at all(it is prone to tangles), just using a leave-in conditioner instead of deep conditioning(after shampooing):lachen:

I too lost tract of my hair recently and have suffered breakage because of it. For some of us, we just have to work harder for healthy hair.
you ladies are right, i have a hood dryer if i use a shower cap and sit under it can that still work? im going to search for a tap filter too, im getting more encouraged thanks allot ladies!!

plus i was going to put in a wig/weave i know... but i would really like to not style my hair right now, so im on the quest to find a kinky curly-ish hair that can blend with my 4a/b-ish hair... any suggestions!!

i will cut it i have decided to, and throw-or give away- the products i don't need too.

its so random i never gave the whole hard water thing a second thought but hopefully i should find a solution, seen a few tap filters online too!

Here's a homemade steam treatment tutorial. Don't forget use distilled water on the towels or in your hair until you get that water filter.
YouTube - Steam Treatment Tutorial
Maybe you should let your hair out the weave for awhile. :look: Deep condition, moisturize, and minimize your stress level. What length are you now? How often do you detangle? Is it natural that you are tired of or just caring for your hair in general? I am the queen of cutting my hair. I probably could have been waist length if I didn't BC every year.:lol: Find one goal at a time and don't stress yourself out. Stress basically saps you and your hair of precious energy and nutrients. I wish you much success because you deserve it. Believe it and you will meet your hair goals. PS: Put down the scissors.:wink2::giggle:
i love being natural but i love and want long hair. i detangle whenever i wash my hair knots up so i have to use tonnes of conditioner wide tooth comb then the denman if not my hair curls on itslef, even after that i have to put it into at least 8 sections.

great tip on the steamer treatment Mrs. Verde! x
It sounds like you're feeling more encouraged, great! Glad to hear the case has been cracked. ;)

Just FYI huetiful table top steamers are well priced, they may ship overseas. I don't work for them or anything, but I purchased mine from them and I love it. Plus they have a positive message (beauty in many hues) and use "regular" girl models.
thanks honey, im going to wait for the sale to kick start and i will be purchasing ready for the new year! whoop whoop!!

now i need to get me a protective style.... hhmmmm xx
OP i would suggest using headbands & hair wraps to hide your edges while wearing your hair in afro puffs/twists etc. I would also suggest you start working on your thin spots with growth aids like castor oil and megatek.
I'm in the exact same boat as you! I've been a lurker for about 3 years, been on just about every bandwagon and I am just too through with not seeing any progress. All I do is protective styling, so I don't understand why I'm not retaining any length. I finally decided to join the site officially (extremely embarrassing - I actually just found out how to subscribe, I've been registered but of course couldn't use any of the features) in hopes that I'll be able to stay on top of regimens and tracking my progress.

Over the past 3 years I think I finally grasped what works and doesn't work for me. So Im just going to start doing the moisture/protein balance DC's b/c I think I've been doing that incorrectly (recently learned from Chicoro the proper way). I will also be baggying nightly and co washing daily to keep my 4a/b hair moisturized in this dry NYC winter. Also just finishing up my million growth aids that I have in stock. All the while wigging it up for the winter. If this seemingly simple regimen doesn't work for 2011, then I think I'll finally give up my pipe dreams of having long hair :(
I'm sorry, but your hair will NEVER get long if you keep cutting. I have no idea why folks keep telling you to trim/cut when you said in your post that cut it constantly and you just cut two inches off recently.

Good luck with your hair journey, but it's TLC, not scissors, filters, and steamers that will help you retain length.
that's what i was thinking too, should i not get rid of the parts that are damaged? then proceed with healthy haircare?

@Msevemarie- you and me both darling lets start over together and we can encourage each other, its not that easy to retain as a natural hence why i wanted to heat train!?!

but i am here as well as many other ladies who will love to help with anything you might want to ask?! xx
p.s yes i did cut allot off but i have damage almost halfway down my hair shafts so i need to cut more and start afresh...
When you say damaged do you mean that the ends are split? Unless the ends are split I would not cute your hair. You may be confusing dry ends with "damaged ends" your ends may rebound after you get a water filter. PUT THE SCISSORS DOWN, at least for now.