Top 10 womens rules by


Well-Known Member
Ok there's some porfanity in this and I tried to get it all and clean it up, also he's giving a brutal reality check, there's one for men too. I'll post it 2nd.

SUNDAY, MAY 31, 2009 AT 06:17PM
Rule #1 Be Confident

Confidence is key. I met
a girl who was a pretty girl and is the dream of a million men, but because her
self-esteem is shot she gets ****ed over weekly because she banks on her beauty
and her p**sy to keep a man yet she is “single” every other week.

Rule #2 Stay maintained
to be an option

Always look great,
whatever your income. It is mandatory to have your hair and nails done as a
grown woman…no excuses. I don’t give a damn if it’s not in the
budget. If you stop eating out then it will be in the budget. Please don't do it yourself...we can tell. You have
the advantage, you are the woman. Look your best as you could meet a potential
anywhere at any time. Funny thing about women is you all aren’t allowed
to have bad days in a man’s eyes. Try and stay in shape and involve some
fitness regime at a gym or your home. However much you hate it, he loves your
body as much as your mind. You have to be hot all the time. When
your single you need to look good when you run to the store or going to get
gas. Not saying you have to have on make-up. I’m just saying if you
have to put on a hat because of a bad hair day make sure it’s a cute hat.
If you can’t dress, have bad weave, and your make-up is bad then consult my
sister Kimberly Williams [email protected]
or Zakiya Larry [email protected] they are pretty fashion
forward and would love to help (Yeah I just threw them under the bus). There is nothing wrong
with getting help.

Rule #3 F**k at your own

The p**sy is all you got. Every dude that meets you and wants to engage in getting to know you has one thing on his mind…..p**sy. It’s your job to mend the sexual attraction to mental attraction then you lock his *** in. I’m sure at this point you’re thinking I should have used a better word for it, but that’s the word men have come to love and use. Never ever sleep with a guy until he has fallen for you. Sex early in your dating game plan will ruin everything. Now if your grown and horny and you just want to f**k then put it in his life, but just know that’s just what it is. If you don’t have history with him then keep your p**sy. This is the #1 killer of dating. Your friend’s circumstances are not yours. Just because she f**ked on the first night and they are still together don't mean that **** will work for you.

Everything is all good til’ sex gets involved. After sex they start charging you up, stalking your facebook page, sitting outside your house when you get home from the club, and
coming to your house drunk late at night with their friends because you didn’t
answer your phone. I’m sorry I had a flashback.

Rule #4 Know the signs

If any man shows the
slightest signs of possessiveness or insecurity run like the wind. Women refuse
to see signs in the beginning because you just so want this dude to be the
one. If he ain’t then dammit he ain’t. You know he was a little off
when you met him. Everybody you meet will have flaws. The key is to
find someone with flaws you can deal with. I can deal with a girl that
talks a lot, but I cannot deal with a girl that ****s a lot. And when I
say f**ks a lot I mean she f**ks everybody but me. That’s a flaw I can’t
deal with.

Rule #5 Information

Never reveal too much information.
An enigmatic woman keeps us thinking. Keep dates brief but your men interested.
Less is always more. Never ever talk about previous boyfriends and particularly
their prowess in the bedroom. The number of ex boyfriends is your business
only. And DO NOT tell him how many dudes you had sex with or the last
dude you had sex with. Men use that to gauge a timeframe that they think
they can hit that a**. Pretty much keep the convo in general. And keep
your drinking to a minimal. Give ya’ll a**es two margaritas and you start
telling your life story. Honestly, he might be nodding and grinning, but
he really doesn’t give a damn.

Rule #6

Never be too available
when he wants you to be. Never be at the end of a phone when he calls and
always let him leave a message or two first before replying. Don’t be so
damn eager all the time. Men like to be on the chase for a minute.
We like it when ya’ll act funny. There is no fun in a game that can be
beat easily. If he stops pursuing then he really isn’t worth
pursuing. Now if the case is you’re scheduling dates and standing him up
or just plain bullshi**in’ on your end then its your bad and not his.

Rule #7 Make him spend

Make him spend
money. Every time he calls you tryin’ to kick it make his *** take you
somewhere. A man’s love is his money and a man’s money is his life.
If he takes you out and his intention is just to f**k then you will know when
he stops tryin’ to take you out because he has not gotten a return on the money
he spent. Now if he is genuine he will take you out and not trip because
sex is not his motive. Me personally I like to wait til’ she wants me to
have it. The sex is so much better. I’m sorry…..that was T.M.I.

Rule #8 Game Life

Game has a lifeline. Give it a
chance to let the game run out. Dudes can only try to impress and run
game for so long. After a while his true self shows. Most of ya’ll
f**k before the game runs out so when he show himself your disappointed, but
it’s your fault not his. Most of ya’ll know these dudes are full of s**t
from jump. Take responsibility for choosing to be an idiot in hopes of
finding love. This s**t ain’t a movie. Pretty Woman never happened
in real life. Be smart and let the game run out.

Rule #9 Return Policy

Funny thing about men is
that we would love to come back around and hit that *** once more for old time
sake. Don't fool
with him if he just got out of a relationship. It’s called "Rebound P**sy". He gon act like he wants to come back around and do right by you. 99.8% of the time he is lying his a** off. He is emotional and
lonely and he wants to be held (Yeah we get weak like that too). The
moment something new comes around he gone again. Let him take you out and
you pledge his a**. Treat that ni**a like he brand new. He gon
leave as easy as you let him back in if you don’t pledge him. Make sure
your fly when ya’ll go out and make sure you get on your phone and cut the date
short. He is gonna assume you left him to see another dude and he ain’t
gon sleep right all night. And if it was one of them 2-7+ year
relationships you might as well let it go. If he don’t love you by now
and ain’t tried to marry you that’s because he not. Don’t waste your time.

Rule # 10 Demand he does you a
certain way

You can’t allow yourself to get
f**ked over. If you don’t hold some kind of standard for yourself then he
is gonna set a standard for you and that is never good. Never call or
chase a guy. And if he says he been busy that’s a bunch of
bulls**t. That means your not wassup anymore. Nobody is that busy. Barack
Obama has time to love his wife and he is fixing a f**ked up economy of a
nation. If he doesn't call he is either not interested or interested in somebody

I’m sure I lost my playa’s card for
this one. stand up…lets go!
the mens rules

So I’m at the Skybar one night and I over hear a guy trying to talk to a female and he is bombing terribly. I would assume that he knew what he was doing then I took into consideration maybe he doesn’t know. So here are The Ten Men Rules. Live by these basic rules and you will stand a better chance of meeting and keeping women. These rules are made by Lewis Williams and have worked for me and have given these rules to other guys that it worked for. If you don’t have women talking to you or calling you back then it don’t hurt to try.

Rule #1: Always have chap stick, gum, and cologne. I buy two bottles of whatever cologne I wear. One for house and one for car. Same goes for gum and chap stick. And buy real gum like Icebreaker or Extra polar ice gum. Don’t buy bull**** gum that taste good, but don’t last. Bad breath is unacceptable for a grown man. Good colognes are Chrome by Azarro and Lacoste in the green bottle. Haircut once a week. No ni**a not every two weeks…every week. Gotta stay fresh.

Rule #2: I don’t care how much you had to drink talk to her like she is a woman and keep your cussing down to a minimal. The “I was drunk” excuse doesn’t work anymore. You want to maintain a professional attraction.

Rule #3: What the **** you got on. If you’re a grown man and you have on High School urban wear then you f**kin’ up majorly. Had a friend that wore Coogi, LRG, Sean John, etc. and wasn’t gettin’ to the next level with meeting women. Since we went to the galleria and got him right now better chicks are digging him and he thanks me often and swears by his new style. If you don’t know what to wear either get a GQ magazine or come shopping with me. **** anybody can come with me to shop. I want to see you boys do better.

Rule #4: Speak to the friend. If you walk up and speak to the friends first you have a 30 second window to say what you gotta say and capture the audience (her). Unless you got a good wing man which is hard to find. The purpose of the wing man is to distract the friend til you finish doin’ your thing. If you see me and we out I’m a good wing man, but I ain’t takin’ one for the team.

Rule #5: If you don’t know what to say then ask her a question and let her talk. You close a deal with your ears not your mouth. If you not a smooth talker then stay cool and ask questions. Let her talk and she will tell you how to date her. Honestly, she don’t really care about you so only ask about her. When she starts asking you questions then you’re on the right track. You actually have a chance then.

Rule #6: Compliment her, but not heavily. Just once will do. I told a female “I wish my a** would sit right in a dress like that” She found it hilarious but that type of compliment is risky. She caught me looking so I had to say something quick. If she got her cleavage out and you get caught lookin’ just keep it real and say something like. “Lady you can’t wear that no more cause I can’t stay focused.” Make sure you smile and she will laugh with you.

Rule #7: If your homeboy ain’t player enough to know what to say then leave that ***** at home. I dress ni**as before we leave. You can have a shirt out of my closet and shoes on my feet if it will help you. Your homeboys gotta be on the same page with you. Your clique gotta look approachable.

Rule #8: Only buy her a drink if she is worth pulling. If she ain’t worth pullin’ then leave her *** where she at. Don’t get in the business of being a trick at the bar homie. Then you buyin’ her and her friends drinks and the only numbers you get is the drink bill.

Rule #9: Work-out, Work-out, Work-out. Why buy nice clothes if you don’t look good in them. If you don’t look good in your clothes then your chances of getting her are slim. Maintain a healthy weight and diet regimen so you can be an option. You can’t walk up on the baddest chick if you ain’t the baddest *****. I walk in like not a ***** in the building can top me and what I got on. Your confidence is higher when you work out and have on new clothes. Only buy clothes that make you feel alive. If you don’t feel alive then don’t buy it.

Rule #10: Chill. Just stay cool. You can never screw up if you stay cool. Don’t call her 4 times the next day. If she ain’t answer the first time she damn sure ain’t gon answer the other 3 times. Text her to do lunch with you and ask her when she is free and make it happen. Girls don’t pass up free meals, but DO NOT let her pick a restaurant you ain’t never heard of. Chances are its high as hell and she ain’t worth eating like that on the first date. If she meets you with a friend then leave and delete her ***. She looking for a sponsor and you ain’t got a chance.

Stick with these rules and the game will change for you.

Ladies you ain’t left out. I got the 10 Women Rules coming. They lookin’ real serious and I’m sure their enlightening. It’s not easy, but somebody gotta say somethin’. stand up…lets go!
"Women refuse to see signs in the beginning because you just so want this dude to be the
one. If he ain’t then dammit he ain’t. You know he was a little off when you met him."

:lachen::lachen::lachen: funny because it's so true.
Wow, he's vulgar but I agree with most of it. A couple of the Men's rules are a little shaky but for the most part I agree with those. I'm glad he said something about appearance and breath. It's a darn shame how many grown men have bad breath when they approach you.
Well, most dudes are more concerned with pulling women and women are more concerned with making a relationship. *shrugs*
Sounds like the the hood version of "The Rules".

But personally, I'm tried of always seeing what women should be doing to get a man.

Ain't nobody writing books and articles telling men how to be real men and how to treat women, and PLENTY of em need the advice.

You can be the baddest chick on the planet in every sense, but if all you're coming across is raggedy a** negroes, then what?
this is my mantra---aint no one that damn busyyyyyyyy--if the president can make time for mimi--his *** can make time for you boo!!!!

Rule # 10 Demand he does you a
certain way

You can’t allow yourself to get
f**ked over. If you don’t hold some kind of standard for yourself then he
is gonna set a standard for you and that is never good. Never call or
chase a guy. And if he says he been busy that’s a bunch of
bulls**t. That means your not wassup anymore. Nobody is that busy. Barack
Obama has time to love his wife and he is fixing a f**ked up economy of a
nation. If he doesn't call he is either not interested or interested in somebody
I don't like his approach, he must be looking for one night stands or short term adventures. Because a real woman will see past all the "games" ;)
alot of these books and advice are being written to keep people playing games with each others egos

the only 3 of the women's rules i agree with are the confidence and maintain yourself and the know the signs of the man, they show them early on

true confidence alone in a woman who knows herself and is assure of herself means all other rules can pretty much go out the window....she will always have men to choose from to be with and she can be herself any way she pleases.... her biggest issue won't be trying to keep a man or a relationship but how to not be tempted by all the options available and to not hurt people's feelings who want more from her

and yes temptation is a mug--when alll your options are greattttttt!!!!
and not hurting anyone in the process

im booed up now but it was a longggggggg way coming--when your so use to certain things from your male audience

alot of these books and advice are being written to keep people playing games with each others egos

the only 3 of the women's rules i agree with are the confidence and maintain yourself and the know the signs of the man, they show them early on

true confidence alone in a woman who knows herself and is assure of herself means all other rules can pretty much go out the window....she will always have men to choose from to be with and she can be herself any way she pleases.... her biggest issue won't be trying to keep a man or a relationship but how to not be tempted by all the options available and to not hurt people's feelings who want more from her
Well, most dudes are more concerned with pulling women and women are more concerned with making a relationship. *shrugs*

Mzlady said it best: "Ain't nobody writing books and articles telling men how to be real men and how to treat women, and PLENTY of em need the advice." By following those rules, women inadvertently challenge men to step up to the plate. As usual, men are not being explicitly challenged to move past a widely-accepted obsession with simply 'pulling' women. So, as the old story goes, it's up to the woman to set the standard and forge the direction of the relationship, which, as old-fashioned as I may accused of being, should not be the case.
alot of these books and advice are being written to keep people playing games with each others egos

the only 3 of the women's rules i agree with are the confidence and maintain yourself and the know the signs of the man, they show them early on

true confidence alone in a woman who knows herself and is assure of herself means all other rules can pretty much go out the window....she will always have men to choose from to be with and she can be herself any way she pleases.... her biggest issue won't be trying to keep a man or a relationship but how to not be tempted by all the options available and to not hurt people's feelings who want more from her

Great advice, ITA, when you have confidence you can't help but look good and keep yourself up anyways, and men can't resist that.
Everything is all good til’ sex gets involved. After sex they start charging you up, stalking your facebook page, sitting outside your house when you get home from the club, and
coming to your house drunk late at night with their friends because you didn’t
answer your phone. I’m sorry I had a flashback.


If you don’t hold some kind of standard for yourself then he
is gonna set a standard for you and that is never good. Never call or
chase a guy. And if he says he been busy that’s a bunch of
bulls**t. That means your not wassup anymore. Nobody is that busy. Barack
Obama has time to love his wife and he is fixing a f**ked up economy of a
nation. If he doesn't call he is either not interested or interested in somebody

this whole paragraph is so true
i believe people make time for what they want to make time for

thnx for posting, op. i enjoyed this. i may have to check his blog out...