How long is too long for you?

  • SL

    Votes: 1 0.3%
  • APL

    Votes: 4 1.1%
  • BS

    Votes: 12 3.2%
  • MBL

    Votes: 56 14.9%
  • WL: Waist Length

    Votes: 120 32.0%
  • Hip Length and Beyond

    Votes: 182 48.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
LOL, what do you not get. My wanting TBL braids, or my 'none of the above' answer? :)

TBL = Tail Bone Length?
I'm assuming that's what it means...
if so... the poll has included an option of Hip Length and beyond...
that would include TBL. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm actually surprised to see how many people
want to be HL & beyond... it's quite interesting.

A previous poster said something about not wanting to be a slave to
your hair, I couldn't agree more... in fact I was just writing about it on my blog.
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TBL = Tail Bone Length?
I'm assuming that's what it means...
if so... the poll has included an option of Hip Length and beyond...
that would include TBL. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm actually surprised to see how many people
want to be HL & beyond... it's quite interesting.

A previous poster said something about not wanting to be a slave to
your hair, I couldn't agree more... in fact I was just writing about it on my blog.

Yes, TBL = tailbone lenght. Ahhh.... I see. :) I interpreted the question a bit differently. How long is too long? None of those lengths, or beyond are too long to me. :D

I totally agree, that not being a slave to one's hair is very important. For me, having TBL would not be a big chore. I think it probably would be a chore if it isn't what a lady wants, but if it's what you want then it may not seem like a chore.
I can't imagine my hair brastrap level to even imagine how much work it would be. The picture in my avator I measure it againts the mole in my back which is two inches above shoulder length. I can't believe how close my hair is getting to armpit. But its a breeze to take care of so I can't imagine having trouble with it getting longer. I still cw everyday and yeah it takes a long time to dry but I feel no discomfort. Well I might have to come back to this question in a year or two when I have longer hair. Maybe because my hair is really thin, I don't know but I can't wait to come back and talk about it.
I voted for hip length and beyond. That would be too long for me. I think WL is very long but I eventually awnt it just to say that I once had my hair that long and I didn't want my hair that long. Then I'll probably cut it to MBL or BSL.
BSL is sufficient for me. I want to love my hair and I think for me being longer than that will be a chore and I would probably cut it off in a rage.
No option for "never will be too long" so I didn't vote. Sometimes, you gotta be careful what you pray for cuz you just might get it, but I can't imagine my hair being "too long" :look: It's like saying, I'm too healthy, or too beautiful, or too sexy. . . .Oy, I digress.

"Too long" hair is a problem I'm waiting to have . . .:yep: I mean would be easy to fix, just cut it :lachen:
Right ther with you. I want my hair to be as long as flowerhair's or Sweet Cashew's.
I dont think i'll ever hear myself saying or thinking "I think my hair has gotten too long", or " i think i have too much hair" or anything similiar...

but who knows... maybe once i grow to a certian length, i'll discover that longer isn't always better and i'll decide to cut it back a few inches...

but for now... my main hair desire is to have healthy waist or tailbone length hair... i think that if... no... WHEN i reach that length, then that would be when i stopped activey trying to GROW it... (i'll still keep up with all of the other standard "LHCF" healthy hair habbits)

if it kept going on its own after that... then i'm ok with that as long as it didn't look nasty or unflattering...
I voted hip-length and beyond.

Maybe I'm just strange :look:, but I find my hair is easier to take care of when it's longer because I don't have to spend as much time styling it (and I can't stand styling my hair!) Really, I have much more trouble caring for short hair than longer hair. :o

When my hair's longer, I can just throw it in a pony tail or finger-comb it out and go! However, once it gets past the waist, it can be very annoying (sitting on it, getting caught on things, detangling and the like). Styling choices also become a bit more limited. But it does make for showstopping braids and up-dos! :yep:
ITA with everything you said as well as Mestiza and other posters.
The longer my hair gets the easier for me,I was so happy when my hair was long enough to be thrown in a simply ponytail or ponybun instead of having to wear it out.

I can't ever see my hair being to long and if it does I'll know when I get there:yep:.
How I previous poster said this would be easy to fix... I'd just cut it.
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Since my ultimate goal is HBL, any length beyond that really wouldn’t be “too long” for me, if my hair grows beyond that I’d gladly take it. :D
Don't know if I have a limit but I am going to have fun finding out.:dance7: Right now I am focusing my on reaching a goal of waist length stretched and bsl not stretched. Everything after that will be serious gravy for me.:lick::yep:

I have never had hair long enough to even think of pondering the question of it ever being too long. So I will let it grow until... As others have stated I can solve the issue of too long (if I ever imagine that to be the case) with a nice pair of scissors.:grin:

In the meantime, I am going for broke!!!!!!!!!!!!! Putting the pedal to the metal to see just where this adventure will take me.:auto:
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i voted for waist length but i think BSL will be more than enough for me. I was BSL 4 years ago (when i was 13) & then i chopped it Halle Barry style. My goal is to be BSL natural stretched/straightened. I'm 5'1 & I think super long hair makes me look shorter/younger
Armpit length is just fine with me. :yep:

I have to agree with CandiceC. I think armpit will be good for me, maybe brastrap length, but that will be it. My hair is layered so the back is already past armpit, but I keep it braided so I don't have to deal with it. Oh I'm just about natural, so I can't imagine anything longer than bra strap length natural.:blush:
I think BSL as a natural will be plenty for me. I can't imagine trying to detangle natural mid-back or waist length hair. :spinning:
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It's shocking to see how many women REALISTICALLY
want to be Hip Length and Beyond btw.. that DOES include
Floor Length, Mile Length and whatever else is BEYOND
Hip Length... for those of you who wanted to choose
none of the above/never too long... Maybe my poll is a little bias,
but my logic was that anything beyond Hip Length was
extreme, I really hadn't anticipated so many responses
under that option, but this is LHCF.

I just can't believe women REALISTICALLY want hair that long.
I know we dream about it blah blah blah and who wouldn't want to
have hair that long... in a fairy tale... so it makes me wonder if
women truly answered the thread realistically or if they were still fantasizing... is anybody else as shocked as I am?
It's shocking to see how many women REALISTICALLY
want to be Hip Length and Beyond btw.. that DOES include
Floor Length, Mile Length and whatever else is BEYOND
Hip Length... for those of you who wanted to choose
none of the above/never too long... Maybe my poll is a little bias,
but my logic was that anything beyond Hip Length was
extreme, I really hadn't anticipated so many responses
under that option, but this is LHCF.

I just can't believe women REALISTICALLY want hair that long.
I know we dream about it blah blah blah and who wouldn't want to
have hair that long... in a fairy tale... so it makes me wonder if
women truly answered the thread realistically or if they were still fantasizing... is anybody else as shocked as I am?

Well, I have many aunts with 3a hair that is tail bone length and I must say trying to french braid it was very difficult. I think, REALISTICALLY:grin:
longer hair would be easy to just throw up and do something with instead of having little strands sticking out everywhere. I think if you follow Robin's method from and just put your hair in three or four braids to wash your hair, it wouldn't be that difficult.

You would just have to find ways of making things simple.:yep:

I'll let you all know when that time happens and if it becomes to much, just cut it off.:look:
I think due to my lifestyle and profession, anything longer than WSL would be too long. I would look "sluttish" with butt length hair (that's just me, I've seen many beautiful, butt length and longer heads)
I was thinking the same thing...
you could either look like a librarian/very homely & plain
or you could look like a porn star/stripper
I haven't seen anyone pull off the HL or longer
or even WL or longer
without looking one of these 2 ways...
I'd love to be proven wrong though.
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I think due to my lifestyle and profession, anything longer than WSL would be too long. I would look "sluttish" with butt length hair (that's just me, I've seen many beautiful, butt length and longer heads)

Oh my, please tell me what "sluttish" looks like cause I don't want to look that way.:lachen:
I was thinking the same thing...
you could either look like a librarian/very homely & plain
or you could look like a porn star/stripper
I haven't seen anyone pull off the HL or longer
or even WL or longer
without looking one of these 2 ways...
I'd love to be proven wrong though.

Hey, remember there are many members on here with Waist length or longer hair.:look:

Did you forget you were on LONG hair care forum?:drunk:
I voted for hip length - and I would want to be hip length unstretched, which would make my hair about thigh/knee length stretched, I suspect, since I have about 75% shrinkage

Do I think that's realistic? Heck yeah! The only thing that will prove that it ISN'T realistic is time and TLC, and I'm doing that anyway. :yep:
Will I go crazy taking care of it? Nope - I think the longer your hair is, the easier it is to take care of - but then, I'm not tied to having my hair rolled/set/curled/whatever - long hair is it's own style, in and of itself, and there are some FLY updos that can only be done with long hair. I can't wait til I can rock 6-8 two strand twists in a gorgeous and elaborate LOOKING bun that took me about 15 minutes to do. And the hair toys! Clips and sticks and bun covers and...... girl, I won't know what to DO with myself.
Am I worried about detangling all that natural hair? Nope, not in the least - it'll actually be easier because I'll be able to SEE the tangles, rather than acting like a blind woman and feeling them out with my hands.
Water bill? :grin: Well, I don't stand in the shower with the water running to wash my hair now - that's just a plain old waste of water! The only time the water is running is to get my hair wet, and to rinse the conditioner out - otherwise, why do I need the water running?
Cost of prodcts? I already mainly use cheap/homemade stuff for my hair, so the cost of my hair supplies might go up, but that's the cost of longer hair - no matter what. If you realllllly want the ultra cheap/easy to take care of hair, go bald. :lachen:
Salon time/expense? Ain't nobody but me touched my hair in well over 8 years, I don't see that changing just because I have longer hair....oh, wait I take that back. I might need some help hennaing all that hair! :grin:

So yes, I consider it to be totally realistic to want hair longer than hiplength - but then, I hang out over on THLC with women who HAVE hair that long, and so I have them as an example and an inspiration.

And I'm sure the women who DO have hair waistlength and longer really appreciate you saying they either look homely or like whores - thas real unappropiate on a board all ABOUT growing hair long. :perplexed
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im good o go with mid back..

i dont want anything longer than 18 sir...
I voted WL. I think I'd be comfortable with thick MBL hair. That's my dream length. That's the length I imagine myself with all the time.
Hey, remember there are many members on here with Waist length or longer hair.:look:

Did you forget you were on LONG hair care forum?:drunk:

Nope... I know where I am.
I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings but I was being frank...
That's always been my experience.
Obviously I admire women with hair that long...
it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain that...
It comes off as dated/homely/plain... or
the polar opposite which is stripper-ish...
I might even add "bohemian" like a belly dancer, an artist, or
something... it's very sexy & very admirable but
I don't think it's practical for me and it won't fly in
the corporate world either.

I said " pornstar /stripper-ish" and I was being light-hearted...
because having hair that long could come off overly-sexual...
that's why I said I would love to be proven wrong...
show me a women with hair that long that
doesn't look dated, stripper-ish, or bohemian...
I'm open-minded and I'm curious to see how she
pulls it off. It's a hard feat and a very very fine line.
I'd be happy to give props to her if she exists.
Challenge me.
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I voted for hip length - and I would want to be hip length unstretched, which would make my hair about thigh/knee length stretched, I suspect, since I have about 75% shrinkage

Do I think that's realistic? Heck yeah! The only thing that will prove that it ISN'T realistic is time and TLC, and I'm doing that anyway. :yep:
Will I go crazy taking care of it? Nope - I think the longer your hair is, the easier it is to take care of - but then, I'm not tied to having my hair rolled/set/curled/whatever - long hair is it's own style, in and of itself, and there are some FLY updos that can only be done with long hair. I can't wait til I can rock 6-8 two strand twists in a gorgeous and elaborate LOOKING bun that took me about 15 minutes to do. And the hair toys! Clips and sticks and bun covers and...... girl, I won't know what to DO with myself.
Am I worried about detangling all that natural hair? Nope, not in the least - it'll actually be easier because I'll be able to SEE the tangles, rather than acting like a blind woman and feeling them out with my hands.
Water bill? :grin: Well, I don't stand in the shower with the water running to wash my hair now - that's just a plain old waste of water! The only time the water is running is to get my hair wet, and to rinse the conditioner out - otherwise, why do I need the water running?
Cost of prodcts? I already mainly use cheap/homemade stuff for my hair, so the cost of my hair supplies might go up, but that's the cost of longer hair - no matter what. If you realllllly want the ultra cheap/easy to take care of hair, go bald. :lachen:
Salon time/expense? Ain't nobody but me touched my hair in well over 8 years, I don't see that changing just because I have longer hair....oh, wait I take that back. I might need some help hennaing all that hair! :grin:

So yes, I consider it to be totally realistic to want hair longer than hiplength - but then, I hang out over on THLC with women who HAVE hair that long, and so I have them as an example and an inspiration.

And I'm sure the women who DO have hair waistlength and longer really appreciate you saying they either look homely or like whores - thas real unappropiate on a board all ABOUT growing hair long. :perplexed

ITA: I'm slowly building my hair toy collection as my hair is growing, and my excitement is building as the months roll by.:yep::yep: I think it is very realistic, but we are just no longer used to seeing women of African heritage with very long hair, and such beautiful styles.

I hang out over there as well. That was the first hair forum that I started reading, when I decided to join the online hair growers.
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Nope... I know where I am.
I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings but I was being frank...
That's always been my experience.
Obviously I admire women with hair that long...
it takes a lot of time and effort to maintain that...
It comes off as dated/homely/plain... or
the polar opposite which is stripper-ish...
I might even add "bohemian" like a belly dancer, an artist, or
something... it's very sexy & very admirable but
I don't think it's practical for me and it won't fly in
the corporate world either.

I said " pornstar /stripper-ish" and I was being light-hearted...
because having hair that long could come off overly-sexual...
that's why I said I would love to be proven wrong...
show me a women with hair that long that
doesn't look dated, stripper-ish, or bohemian...
I'm open-minded and I'm curious to see how she
pulls it off. It's a hard feat and a very very fine line.
I'd be happy to give props to her if she exists.
Challenge me.

No, I'm not shocked by folks wanting to see how far they can grow. I'm actually surprised that so many are willing to put limits BEFORE they even get there!

To each her own. I don't think folks can know for sure how they will really look or how much time will be required until they're there and I'm not limiting myself yet. When it gets too much, I'll know. And the solution is so simple, it's a no brainer . . .ummm, I'll just cut it. For a fact, the longer my hair gets, the less time and energy I spend on it, the longer and healther it gets. Me happy and me want to see how long me can grow this here hair.

Everyone has own style and while may not be appealing to me, it's their style and while I may think is too much to handle, too long, too plain, to striper-ish, too librarian-ish, bohemian, boring or whatever, girlfriend rocking her hair and enjoying her own unique style. :yep: Shoot, it's her hair, her time, her energy, her choice. Obviously.