For me, I decided to remain natural because relaxers and texturisers just did not work for me no matter how well I took care of my hair. One of the main reasons is because I have several curl patterns and my hair is extremely dry so my hair would never take to any chemicals. I was tired of the damage. I also have what some people call a 'good face' which means that if my hair looks crappy, I can still carry my looks off with confidence which was important when I started to wear my natural hair frequently. In the end, I think what sold me on being natural was finding the right moisture balance or else I would have either had to straighten with a pressing comb every week or continue extension braids. I grew up in a West African household where all my female relatives wore natural hairstyles and we could never get a hang of that relaxer cycle. I don't like how I look with a relaxer my face and features lose a lot of character. And when I press my hair straight, my hair has more body to it than with a relaxer. And to top that off, I never liked going to hair salons.

Almond Eyes
For me, I decided to remain natural because relaxers and texturisers just did not work for me no matter how well I took care of my hair. One of the main reasons is because I have several curl patterns and my hair is extremely dry so my hair would never take to any chemicals. I was tired of the damage. I also have what some people call a 'good face' which means that if my hair looks crappy, I can still carry my looks off with confidence which was important when I started to wear my natural hair frequently. In the end, I think what sold me on being natural was finding the right moisture balance or else I would have either had to straighten with a pressing comb every week or continue extension braids. I grew up in a West African household where all my female relatives wore natural hairstyles and we could never get a hang of that relaxer cycle. I don't like how I look with a relaxer my face and features lose a lot of character. And when I press my hair straight, my hair has more body to it than with a relaxer. And to top that off, I never liked going to hair salons.

Almond Eyes

A good face? Please elaborate.
It seems like everyday my hair gets thicker and the thicker it gets the dryer it feels. I can not get enough moisture in this hair no matter how hard I try.:wallbash: It also seems like the thicker it gets the more shrinkage I have, which is very discouraging because I can't tell if my hair is growing or not. For me length is just as important as health. I seem to have health but not growth. :nono:

I am currently cowashing everyday
Moisturize twice daily with homemade shealoe or with a glycerine and water mix.
I try to DC twice a week.

Shouldn't this be enough?
It seems like everyday my hair gets thicker and the thicker it gets the dryer it feels. I can not get enough moisture in this hair no matter how hard I try.:wallbash: It also seems like the thicker it gets the more shrinkage I have, which is very discouraging because I can't tell if my hair is growing or not. For me length is just as important as health. I seem to have health but not growth. :nono:

I am currently cowashing everyday
Moisturize twice daily with homemade shealoe or with a glycerine and water mix.
I try to DC twice a week.

Shouldn't this be enough?

Are you sure you don't have scab hair? That was the only time my hair felt dry and resistant to moisture.
This is a great thread.
I am currently 16wks post relaxer and as of right now I say I am transitioning. I don't really know what my natural hair looks like and I really want to find out. My family thinks that I am crazy and they all say I will look funny. My Bff says that I dont have the face for it, she says my face is too small. So my reply was "how do you know that?"
Some days I get really frustrated about the whole thing but I'm still determined to grow out this realxer and have kinky goodness all over this head.

Don'ty worry avout what others say, even though it's harder when it's family. I had comments from my fam when I told them I wash my hair every other day and don't grease my scalp!

Myself, I am 22 weeks post relaxer and I finally made up my mind to go natural. I made my salon appointment yesterday to just get a shampoo and style. I think it is the best choice for me. When I do get a relaxer, it's straight for about a week and then it goes back to looking like my regular hair anyway. They just don't take on me. My hair is something like a 3c I think. Also I love co-washing!
Don'ty worry avout what others say, even though it's harder when it's family. I had comments from my fam when I told them I wash my hair every other day and don't grease my scalp!

Myself, I am 22 weeks post relaxer and I finally made up my mind to go natural. I made my salon appointment yesterday to just get a shampoo and style. I think it is the best choice for me. When I do get a relaxer, it's straight for about a week and then it goes back to looking like my regular hair anyway. They just don't take on me. My hair is something like a 3c I think. Also I love co-washing!

Thanks for the encouragement. I've decided that I'm not going to tell my family or my friends about my transition anymore. I'm just going to do it and one day they'll realize that I am serious.
I've been natural for 6-7 years. I've spent 100% of that time straightened with no problems until I got highlights. I went natural only because I could not keep relaxed hair healthy (wish I'd been here back in '01). Anywho, being a natural who straightens no longer fits in with my lifestyle - I want to work out, wash 2x a week, rollerset in less time (way less time). I have an appt to relax on Nov 5th and after thinking long and hard about it, I"m ready. My hair is thin so I'm texlaxing (straight enough to be able to rollerset). I'll probably miss my hair in its thicker state, but I'm confident the ease will be worth it. Think hard, then do what's right for you.
Boy am I glad I found this thread, I'm pregnant right now due anyday so I'm an emotional wreck about everything including this decision.

I have been caring for my natural hair since jan. of 2007. Before then I had a relaxer since childhood and my hair grew pretty long, past APL.

Lately I have been wanting to relax my hair but I can't really tell if its because of pregnancy hormones and me being tired of doing any and everything or if I really do want to relax my hair again.

I think what I may do is invest in a great flat iron, stay natural for another 6 months and whenever I want straight hair just flat iron and see what happens.
Boy am I glad I found this thread, I'm pregnant right now due anyday so I'm an emotional wreck about everything including this decision.

I have been caring for my natural hair since jan. of 2007. Before then I had a relaxer since childhood and my hair grew pretty long, past APL.

Lately I have been wanting to relax my hair but I can't really tell if its because of pregnancy hormones and me being tired of doing any and everything or if I really do want to relax my hair again.

I think what I may do is invest in a great flat iron, stay natural for another 6 months and whenever I want straight hair just flat iron and see what happens.
I have decided to put a time line on this as well. I have not decided what that time line is, but I am working on it.
I am trying to at least make it to the one yr mark which will be in March.
What is scab hair? Is that the traces of relaxed ends?

Supposedly relaxers leave a residue in the scalp and the first few inches of hair that grow through that layer are dry, brittle and unresponsive to products. A lot of people notice that when they first go natural their hair is like that and then after a few months it starts to grow out of the scalp differently. Like it's a whole different texture. I had scab hair the first few months. Once it was cut off, my hair was much softer. Everybody doesn't get it though and some people think that it doesn't exist.
Supposedly relaxers leave a residue in the scalp and the first few inches of hair that grow through that layer are dry, brittle and unresponsive to products. A lot of people notice that when they first go natural their hair is like that and then after a few months it starts to grow out of the scalp differently. Like it's a whole different texture. I had scab hair the first few months. Once it was cut off, my hair was much softer. Everybody doesn't get it though and some people think that it doesn't exist.
Ummm....I don't know if I have it or not. My hair texture seems to be pretty much the same all around, except the completely different texture I have on the back of my head.
Ummm....I don't know if I have it or not. My hair texture seems to be pretty much the same all around, except the completely different texture I have on the back of my head.

It might be too soon to tell. Mine started growing out differently after a few months but I did have scab new growth when I was stretching my relaxers before I even decided to transition. My hair is totally different now even when wet.

Or that could just be your true texture. How long have you been natural?
It might be too soon to tell. Mine started growing out differently after a few months but I did have scab new growth when I was stretching my relaxers before I even decided to transition. My hair is totally different now even when wet.

Or that could just be your true texture. How long have you been natural?
I have been natural for 7 months. WOW, I can't believe it has been that long:yep:
Mandy you have good growth for 7 months!! It looks good, I wish one day I could make up my mind on what to do with my hair, I am thinking of just letting it do what the heck it want to!
Mandy you have good growth for 7 months!! It looks good, I wish one day I could make up my mind on what to do with my hair, I am thinking of just letting it do what the heck it want to!
Thank you. My problem is that I can't see any grow unless I stretch my hair. Shrinkage is something else I tell you!
Girl we see the Growth and it is Fantastic, do you take Pics? One day you are gonna go through all these threads and say "What was I Thinking" BECAUSE YOUR HAIR IS GONNA BE BANGING! and you will be Glad you stuck it out! See what the Next 5 months bring you, Make it to a Year! It might surprise you and blow up over night!!!
Girl we see the Growth and it is Fantastic, do you take Pics? One day you are gonna go through all these threads and say "What was I Thinking" BECAUSE YOUR HAIR IS GONNA BE BANGING! and you will be Glad you stuck it out! See what the Next 5 months bring you, Make it to a Year! It might surprise you and blow up over night!!!
Yeah, I do take pictures. I think I am set to make it to a year.
***fingers crossed*** pray for me please!:grin: