Well-Known Member
I've been in church my entire life. I was the "church girl" amongst my friends. I say that to say I've seen a lot growing up and my parents did a good job in balancing me out between church and other activities. It was no question that I was going to go to college and all that. I also grew up in a home with two loving married parents and clearly expected to be married and happy and all that.
My first memory of noticing singles as church is when I was about 17-18 years old and I recall an announcement for the singles at church to meet for a meeting. I wasn't going to the meeting but I recall passing by the pews where the singles were sitting and most of them (mostly women) did not look happy. Their faces looked absent, or mean, or sad, or... I don't know. But right then I thought "I DO NOT want to look or be that way".
So fast forward to the church I've attended pretty much my whole adult life and I noticed two things: 1) the way the church treated the single people: like they were not complete. The singles did not seem to get the same level of attention or position. And 2) the way some of the singles looked themselves: down, looked like they were barely hanging on. I think some of the singles that did look relatively happy were getting some on the side look....
From what I can tell, it seemed that most of the single women had been married and divorced or widowed, or that they had never been married but had relationships and either the relationships broke up when they got saved or they simply didn't work out. Some of these women have been married more than once.
I think some of them get fulfillment in a variety of ways, like we all should, but there's that longing for companionship. I long for companionship, too. There may be some younger women who look at me and don't want to "end up like me", either. That makes me very sad because I have a wonderful life and have so many opportunities. It makes me feel like I am deficient or inadequate. Even reading some of these posts and even on this board. Like because I've reached this certain age and I'm not yet married that I must be a mutant or worse, unworthy of marriage. That's why I have to be very careful to make sure to lift up my eyes unto the hills. From whence cometh my help? My help cometh from the Lord, Creator of heaven and earth.
There was one particular thread that cut me very deep on this point...that I should be ashamed that my parents contribute to my life at this age. If only they knew the whole Good Lord....
Wow I'm sorry to hear that. I'm extremely close to my parents and they are an integral part of my life. But the longer I live the more I realize that there are quite a few people who have really bad relationships with their parents. I have no concept of not talking to my parents for over a week, let alone weeks or months.
That's truly a shame....