TITHES: on Gross or Net???


Fearfully Wonderfully Made
The Bible instructs us to give a tenth of 'everything' in several verses in the following books: Genesis, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Nehemiah, Malachi, Luke, and Hebrews.

When it comes to receiving a pay check as your main source of income, do you give a tenth on your gross or net? Does it really matter? Wouldn't the net amount be your actual income after taxes/deductions are taken out?

What exactly is a tenth of one's income? A tenth on the total amount you earn or a tenth on the total amount you bring home?

Also, do you tithe on other sources of income you may receive besides your paycheck from your job/career?

Thanks in advance!!! ;)
I use to do net, but I do gross now. I just had this inner feeling that that's what I nedded to be doing. As far as monetary gifts are concerned, I don't tithe on them because that money has already been tithed by the giver. Of course I'm not sure if this is the what I should do or not, but I don't feel any other conviction on the gift money.
Gross...It's not God's fault that we live in America and they take a fat chunk out of our checks. :lol:
Honeyhips said:
Do you tithe on a loan?
Good question. I wouldn't think so since you are paying the money back. Also if you did, would you tithe on the principle or the whole amount being repaid (fees included)? This is enough to give you a headache.
Yes. But you can also see the extra money as offering. We are obliged to give tithes AND offering.

BTW, I tithe on gross. Gross is your salary, net is what is left over after the feds get to it. BUT this is the same as any other bill. It just happens that the feds make you pay it on pay day.

sprungonhairboards said:
If you tithe on gross then tithe on a tax refund aren't you tithing on the same money twice?
natalied said:
Yes. But you can also see the extra money as offering. We are obliged to give tithes AND offering.

BTW, I tithe on gross. Gross is your salary, net is what is left over after the feds get to it. BUT this is the same as any other bill. It just happens that the feds make you pay it on pay day.

Tax refunds aren't 'extra' or 'free' money. It's money you've already earned and paid out, you're just getting it later, if you're lucky enough to get a refund and not owe, kind of like deferred payment courtesy of the gov't :lol:

Thats why I'm saying, if you tithe on gross, youre tithing twice on the same money. If you tithed on net then tithed on your return it seems that would be adequate (as far as what's required of us not what your heart leads you to do :)
sprungonhairboards said:
Tax refunds aren't 'extra' or 'free' money. It's money you've already earned and paid out, you're just getting it later, if you're lucky enough to get a refund and not owe, kind of like deferred payment courtesy of the gov't :lol:

Yes I agree with this. It would be double tithing, that's why I would say its more of a free will offering. Money you give over and above your tithe if you wanted to give.

sprungonhairboards said:
Thats why I'm saying, if you tithe on gross, youre tithing twice on the same money.

You are only double tithing on the amount of the refund.

sprungonhairboards said:
If you tithed on net then tithed on your return it seems that would be adequate (as far as what's required of us not what your heart leads you to do :)

I don't agree with this statement. You net and tax refunds have nothing to do with your increase. Let says you set your deductions so that you neither owe or get a refund and you only tithe on net. You are not giving God the tithe off the part you gave to the gov't. It would be like having your car payment taken directly out of your paycheck yet only paying tithe on the net. Taxes are just another bill.:)
I personally don't believe in tithing..I haven't seen a verse in the new testament commanding tithing. From reading the new testament, Im am left with the impression of giving freely. If there is a verse please post it so I can be made aware of my error.

Sometimes my only income is $50 so my tithe would be..5 dollars but I give 10, just because thats whats on my heart. sometimes my income is 100, but I will give 5, because im in dire straights and the lord allowed me to get that 100 to pay bills that he knows ive been asking to be paid.

So, I give freely I don't tithe. Thats just me. I this doctrine came to me out of that story with the pharisses and that lady that gave basically her last penny. While the pharisses were giving their 10%, her last penny was seen as the greater offering. Because she was giving all that she had. So to me sometimes 10% isn't good enough..so I let the Lord lead me in my giving.

I don't think God's concerned about things like this because it causes drama and confusion. As long as we give our tithes and offerings with a pure heart, that's all that matters.
Yeah, I did it anyone, really without thinking. But I wish I would have marked it as an offering and not a tithe.
sprungonhairboards said:
If you tithe on gross then tithe on a tax refund aren't you tithing on the same money twice?
I was also thinking about the kind of loan from a parent without the principle. when I was out of work, my Mother and Father hit me up a few times. I think I tithed on what I could.
ThickHair said:
Good question. I wouldn't think so since you are paying the money back. Also if you did, would you tithe on the principle or the whole amount being repaid (fees included)? This is enough to give you a headache.
I tithe on net earnings and then tithe on any tax refund I get. If the holy spirit tells me to give more then I will.

When you think about it, the difference between Net & Gross isn't really that much anyway. When I got my job and I was debating gross vs. net, I looked at the numbers and was like "please, I wouldn't even save that much tithing net, so why be stingy with God."
natalied said:
I don't agree with this statement. You net and tax refunds have nothing to do with your increase. Let says you set your deductions so that you neither owe or get a refund and you only tithe on net. You are not giving God the tithe off the part you gave to the gov't. It would be like having your car payment taken directly out of your paycheck yet only paying tithe on the net. Taxes are just another bill.:)

Well since you put it like that... :cool:
I guess I was thinking about my individual situation, where I always get a refund and my net and gross are pretty equal at the end of the year. I also never looked at taxes as another bill, I always looked at it as money I don't make :lol: especially before I started actually getting refunds.

I see what you mean though.
sprungonhairboards said:
Well since you put it like that... :cool:
I guess I was thinking about my individual situation, where I always get a refund and my net and gross are pretty equal at the end of the year. I also never looked at taxes as another bill, I always looked at it as money I don't make :lol: especially before I started actually getting refunds.

I see what you mean though.

That's what the feds want you to believe so you don't make a big stink about so much taxes being taken out. If we had to pay taxes as a seperate bill, after we took home our gross, I promise you our taxes wouldn't be so high. People would be making a big stink over that HUGE payment. Its the smartest thing the Feds have ever done. B4 people would have to pay there taxes in one lump sum on 4/15.