
Tithing 10% was the amount God commanded his ppl to give to as a sacrifice. I'll come back with some scriptures in a bit!

Thanks! God did command this when tithing was a law. Do you believe Christians are under the same law, or do you belive what the New Testament says about freewill giving?
Also..."tithe" = tenth. It helps to have some type of historical correspondence with the scriptures so that you know the meaning of Hebrew words/terms and the context of which these scriptures are written and spoken.

Lev 27:30-32
Deut 12:1-6
Luke 11:42; 18:2

Maybe I'm just gullible, but why when it comes to money, people need to have it broken down and flipped upside down to have an exact interpretation of what to do with it when it comes to giving it up to the church? So what if you don't know what that pastor or church is doing with it! You follow God's command(s) and once it's out of your hands, it's not about you anymore; God will deal with it, if it's not used right. You give a homeless person some money on the street but you don't know if they are going to drink it up or really use it. You send money to charitable foundations but you don't really know if those children starving over in a 3rd world country actually getting it; you see the same 5 on the commercials for several years. God said give it...GIVE IT. I rather give and be obedient with only 10% or more of my income of which God blessed me to get in the first place then to spend it on something I don't need or will waste.
Thanks! God did command this when tithing was a law. Do you believe Christians are under the same law, or do you belive what the New Testament says about freewill giving?

Hey there lauren450!

That to me applies to giving sparingly and bountifully. I'd give freely if I was you! :yep: But seriously, some laws God says that they apply to ancestors and their children's children; I'm part of that group. It really takes the guidance of the Holy Spirit for interpretation. But honestly, do you think all of God's laws should fall by the way-side just because the books of the bible are separated from Old Testament to New Testament? Such a confusing thing, I KNOW, but I rather be safe then sorry and following from the old as much as possible! I'm a cheerful giver.

The Holy Spirit says, "Have I not promised that greater is the very least in My kingdom than the greatest of all the Old Testament prophets who walked the earth in My time. If those words are true (and they ARE written), then they are for you even in this day."

Everyone wants a blessing but not everyone wants to sacrifice.
Hey there lauren450!

That to me applies to giving sparingly and bountifully. I'd give freely if I was you! :yep: But seriously, some laws God says that they apply to ancestors and their children's children; I'm part of that group. It really takes the guidance of the Holy Spirit for interpretation. But honestly, do you think all of God's laws should fall by the way-side just because the books of the bible are separated from Old Testament to New Testament? Such a confusing thing, I KNOW, but I rather be safe then sorry and following from the old as much as possible! I'm a cheerful giver.

The Holy Spirit says, "Have I not promised that greater is the very least in My kingdom than the greatest of all the Old Testament prophets who walked the earth in My time. If those words are true (and they ARE written), then they are for you even in this day."

Everyone wants a blessing but not everyone wants to sacrifice.

Hey! No, I don't think all of the laws are obsolete...after all, we still abide by a lot of the moral laws like the Ten Commandments. I think we just have to be careful when dealing with the Old Covenant. God sent His son to die for us, and he fulfilled the law. He did away with the Old Cevenant, and we are now under a New and better one. We have to be careful not to place ourselves under that old law. If we say we still obey the law of the tithe, then don't we have to also obey the laws of animal sacrifice? What we wear? What we eat?

Thing is, the principle of giving is very much alive today! We are instructed to give cheerfully, what God has purposed in our hearts. Whether that's 10%, 20%, or 5%, each person has the freedom, through Christ, to give. We don't want to be legalistic, especially when it comes to the less fortunate, since they received one of the tithes directly when it was law.
I wish the poor did recieve what we give. It would make my heart swell and we'd be a real community, helping each other out. :yep:

But previously...no animal sacrifice because that changed when He allowed us to eat clean animals (previously it was stated that we were giving plants and fruits to eat). And not to mention Jesus was the LAST sacrifice. I'm not harping on that example of yours specifically but just for my POV on that because I did a long reference study on it a while back. The other 3 types of tithes do not apply to us. Back then everyone had animals, it was their form of living so they gave what they had. But Jesus was the last sacrifice. I'd be too squimish to be slicing animals unless it's chicken breast for my salad :look:.

But I understand what you're saying! That's why we just all need to get in the Word and as for decernment in what we read and pray that we are listening to the spirit and not ourselves and man.

But good thread though! I know many got educated and it provoked them to look deeper into this.

Be Blessed!
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I wish the poor did recieve what we give. It would make my heart swell and we'd be a real community, helping each other out. :yep:

But previously...no animal sacrifice because that changed when He allowed us to eat clean animals (previously it was stated that we were giving plants and fruits to eat). And not to mention Jesus was the LAST sacrifice. I'm not harping on that example of yours specifically but just for my POV on that because I did a long reference study on it a while back. The other 3 types of tithes do not apply to us. Back then everyone had animals, it was their form of living so they gave what they had. But Jesus was the last sacrifice. I'd be too squimish to be slicing animals unless it's chicken breast for my salad :look:.

But I understand what you're saying! That's why we just all need to get in the Word and as for decernment in what we read and pray that we are listening to the spirit and not ourselves and man.

But good thread though! I know many got educated and it provoked them to look deeper into this.

Be Blessed!

You be blessed as well! I love discussions like these, because I'm always forced to get into my Bible and study even more. I've learned a lot from you ladies!:grin:
Hi Ladies,

I haven't been to LHCF for a while, then I ran upon this thread and I just had to chime in.

I think someone already clarified this, but the word tithe means a "tenth".So, that's where the 10% comes from. All the scriptures used are great for clarifying the old and new testament laws and fullfillments; but there is one that wan't listed that I think is important for proving the case for tithing outside of the Old Testament laws. Matthew 22:15-22

15 Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words.
16 They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. "Teacher," they said, "we know you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren't swayed by men, because you pay no attention to who they are.
17 Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?"
18 But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, "You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me?
19 Show me the coin used for paying the tax." They brought him a denarius, 20 and he asked them, "Whose portrait is this? And whose inscription?"
21 "Caesar's," they replied. Then he said to them, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."
22 When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away.

Now a days Uncle Sam (Caesar) takes what's his before we even see it. And if Uncle Sam says we owe more than what he took over the year; we are quick to have it to him by April 15. That's the law, we abide, and don't expect anything in return. But when it comes to giving to God what is His ( and it's all His by the way) we question, and research why, and what is the correct amount.
We should be freewill "cheerful" givers, but if you're not cheerful about it, keep it. God's definetly not begging you for it. I believe in God providing an increase on my giving; but I can't say what the incease will be. I believe my continued existance is a blessing, and everything I have on top of that is a blessing, my job, my health, my family, my belief in knowing Him, and that He will provide. There has been times that I haven't been consistant with my giving, and I felt terrible. It was my beliefs in God's promise that convicted me to feel remorsful. Because I spent my money on "other things" first, there wasn't anything left to tithe. I didn't put God first, but things.
Matthew 6:33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

Another thing about giving outside of 10%, whatever you feel is going to be you offering, and that you've promised to God, stick with it.
In Acts one can find a narrative relating to a man and wife who promised to sell a piece of property and donate it to the Church. Instead they only brought part of the selling price before the Lord and were struck dead for lying to God (Acts 5:4). A clear examples that the first-century Church did not establish nor insist on a 10% (or tithe) rule but instead emphasized freewill giving.

I hope this discussion blesses someone.
Another thing about giving outside of 10%, whatever you feel is going to be you offering, and that you've promised to God, stick with it.
In Acts one can find a narrative relating to a man and wife who promised to sell a piece of property and donate it to the Church. Instead they only brought part of the selling price before the Lord and were struck dead for lying to God (Acts 5:4). A clear examples that the first-century Church did not establish nor insist on a 10% (or tithe) rule but instead emphasized freewill giving.

I hope this discussion blesses someone.

Is it possible that the ROOT of the reason that that couple was struck dead was because they LIED/DIDN'T KEEP THEIR VOW (regardless of what the vow/promise was)? The principle of tithing does not apply to this scripture.

Acts 5:3-6 (The Message)
"3-4Peter said, "Ananias, how did Satan get you to lie to the Holy Spirit and secretly keep back part of the price of the field? Before you sold it, it was all yours, and after you sold it, the money was yours to do with as you wished. So what got into you to pull a trick like this? You didn't lie to men but to God."

5-6Ananias, when he heard those words, fell down dead. That put the fear of God into everyone who heard of it. The younger men went right to work and wrapped him up, then carried him out and buried him.

7-8Not more than three hours later, his wife, knowing nothing of what had happened, came in. Peter said, "Tell me, were you given this price for your field?"

"Yes," she said, "that price."
9-10Peter responded, "What's going on here that you connived to conspire against the Spirit of the Master? The men who buried your husband are at the door, and you're next." No sooner were the words out of his mouth than she also fell down, dead. When the young men returned they found her body. They carried her out and buried her beside her husband.
Is it possible that the ROOT of the reason that that couple was struck dead was because they LIED/DIDN'T KEEP THEIR VOW (regardless of what the vow/promise was)? The principle of tithing does not apply to this scripture.

This scripture relates to tithing in relation to freewill giving. An earlier post suggested that in the New testaments freewill giving was emphasised more than tithing. For those who are in agreement with freewill giving over a set tithe par se should just be consistent with what they purposed to give. Yes lying was a part of it, but what they lied about was their freewill gift.
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Luke 18:9-14

To some who were confident of their own righteousness and looked down on everybody else, Jesus told this parable: 10"Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11The Pharisee stood up and prayed about[a] himself: 'God, I thank you that I am not like other men—robbers, evildoers, adulterers—or even like this tax collector. 12I fast twice a week and give a tenth of all I get.'

13"But the tax collector stood at a distance. He would not even look up to heaven, but beat his breast and said, 'God, have mercy on me, a sinner.' 14"I tell you that this man, rather than the other, went home justified before God. For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
QUOTE=missty1029;3628171]Ok so I have some questions. I just started back into the church and I often stayed awayvbecause of the money issue.

Know what I dont understand about tithing? If someone does it they have that choice. But people who dont are cast out and said to be disobedient. Why? The bible and everything in it is interpretation. No one may want to hear that but unless you were there and can read the original language the bible was written in, its interpretation. There is nothing wrong with that. And I am may get blasted for saying this. But when I got to church and my pastor singles out all the people who have the exact amount he asks for or always talks about how you have to catch up and if you dont pay you dont need to be there, then that is messed up. I know I shoudl have faith in God but when lights get cut off and car being repossessed its hard to see a pastor pulling up in him BMW in his three peice suits of whatever church you may go to.

From all the differnet quotes I read on tithing it seems to stress the importance of giving a portion of what you have. But it also seems like that has lost its focus because it must be 10% of your salary.

There are people of different faith who dont tithe and are blessed and there are people who tithe and still face hardships.

What happened to just being a good person? What happened to giving what you can with what you have?

I know this question of tithing runs a lot of people out of the church and it ruins a lot of peoples faith. To me thats the really issue and I dont think thats what Gods plan is. I dont think in any way God has it if you dont give your 10% your not as good as the next.

But Im just someone who believes God loves me, I was born in his image and he has great things for me. I will always give back because that is in my heart on being a good person. But I think its messed up when churches, pastors and whoever else tries to make me feel like a bad person because I dont give what is an interpretation of the bible to be 10% of my salary.[/QUOTE]

Misty, could I just minister to your heart and from a place that I have been
I totally understand where you are coming from: a place of discouragement. When people come to the Lord, broken and in need of restoration, there can be many stumbling blocks placed in your path. Often great discouragement.
Let me share this with you. You may be able to see the humor of some of the situations. When I was searching and wanting God in my life....before I became a Christian, I had people, "well meaning Christians" coming out of the woodwork. I knew nothing about "church", I was raised from a babe to believe that "all Christian Churches were synogues of Satan" so you know I was totally clueless and fearful living in a community full of "gasp!!!"churches. I had never associated with any Christians. It took so much courage for me to walk inside of a church, knowing that when I did, I would be considered forever dead to my family and friends, forever and shunned privately and publicly by them. I was already being shunned once they found out I was reading the Bible. I was on 9 months bedrest and received only one visitor one time who told me they had been warned to stay away from me. I truly had to forsake family and friends to seek Jesus so I decided to give the "Christians" a chance. All I had was a Bible that I had been reading like it was food, and a heart for God. I was just "one of those little ones that believe." based on what I had read in the Bible by myself. People who were raised in the church or had "Christian relatives" or friends, take a lot for granted and do not realize that they can be stumbling blocks to one of his little ones, in their eagerness, and bruise the spirit. But Jesus said " a heart broken and contrite He would no means turn away". And Jesus will not turn you away over money.

People are imperfect, as are Christians and Pastors. I share this with you to encourage you to keep seeking Him and pray that He will give you a pastor after His own heart. When I was going through that, I came across that in His Word, and I held on to it, like a dying woman. Jeremiah 3:15 " And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding" ..I pray that for you. I have since been exposed to many different pastors and some are tried and true and have a heart for God who do feed with knowledge and understanding and even more ...wisdom. To continue what I was sharing: on discovering that "this lost, unsaved person" was up for "grabs," ( I have to look back on some of this with humor!), pastors and all kinds of professing christians were turning up at my doorstep. At work, I would get bombarded and harassed. What they said was dogmatic law and that was that, no questions asked, with not a few "or else you are going to hell!!!!". Their first concern was to inform me even before I attended their services that I needed to "tithe", or "speak in tongues", or worship on Saturday, or pray to Mary", based on their beliefs..."or else I was going to hell!" everybody was just so intent on ramming their particular doctrines down my throat, they left nothing to God and the Holy Spirit to draw me and lead me, beating me with her Bible everyday on hard doctrines I had never heard and shoving "meat" down my throat before I had even tasted the milk! And they were so sincere! They stood in the path of eternal life and blocked it, like a toll booth and gatekeepers and guards. I said to one lady at work" I would love to come to Jesus, I just wish you would get out of the way...maybe people like you are the reason people do not want to listen to you Christians." Her unloving attitude, rudeness, arrogance, and self righteousness and threatening fire and brimstone had actually become a part of her character, and I had to work with this woman. ( Girl it was a trip!) In another situation, I was on a lunch break, minding my own business, and a "christian" sat down at my table, and literally harassed me in what she thought was "witnessing" to me the whole time, despite my requesting her to leave my table. I did not know this lady. This was in a large government cafeteria. She worked in one of the departments.

See, the Bible says "No one comes to the Father unless the Spirit draws them", and they were not using wisdom and it was a turn off and stumbling block and an offense. Had they been led by the Spirit, their methods and approach and spirit would have been different. I pray they have gotten wiser over the years.

"There is a time for every affair under the sun.." I am believing that you feel that it was the wrong time in your life and the wrong place for that to be directed at you by a believer and by a pastor and especially publicly. Now I do not know what is in his heart, but God knows your heart and what you need. Ask Him to lead you to where you should be to receive what you need at the time. He is so faithful I tell you. And the business about the money will be straightened out too if you trust Him. "Why so downcast, O my soul, put your trust in {GOD!}"
If He could do this for me when I was yet an unbeliever, before I was His child, I know He can do so much for you!!!
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I agree with the bolded. I can hear your heart on this, and this is why I am so frustrated about the false teaching going forth.


I have an honest question........:)
If you believe it's false teaching......does that make what "you" believe correct?
Everyone has different ways of interpreting the Bible.
I believe that we're still under the law. And no we're not going to tithe exactly like they did then.....we're in a totally different time and place. We live under the law in this time....not BC. (my opinion)

Do you think it's possible that you're understanding it wrong and the majority is not?

Me? I believe in tithes and offerings. :grin:
Thank you Mahalialee4.
I guess part of my problem is the sacrifice and faith. Because in all honestly if I walk to church and give 10% of what I make then someone is not getting paid. I have had enough homelessness, repossessions and lawsuits to last me a life time. I barely pay my bills now. And I have three jobs well now two. But I guess thats where faith comes in. If I give the 10% it will come back to me some way somehow. Its kind of hard to see that when financial problems are my downfall right now. And I also understand the taking the money and spending it else where. Where again I don't do. I cant do. So my questions come from not wanting to give but when you don't have 10% to give. Ill sacrifice myself but my obligations are to others and how do you tell bill collecters in court thanks but i am blessed.
Hi Missty: Keep the faith! You may want to consider the following:
When a Christian does not pay their bills, it can cause the "Way" to be spoken of abusively. "We are to pay Caesar's things to Caesar and God's things to God". When we do not pay our mortgages...taxes...bills, we can wind up with our homes repossessed and if we steal from man we can end up in prison. God is far more merciful than man.
First Step:
Do what you can to give "reasonable" service To Him in ways that you can. Present your self to Him to do His will with the sacrifice of the fruit of your lips. In all you do "give thanks" for what He has done for you and what He is going to do for you. Pay your bills. Pay Caesar. God is long suffering and kind. Caesar and the bill collectors are not! Now "Christian folk" may in spite of your circumstances hold you "hostage" to 10 per cent with no mercy and no justice and no mercy that God can turn your situation around! So they may have to wait.

However....The main thing to consider....Do you believe God is a loving God and do you trust Him to work through all of this with you and guide you through this valley of need? Personally. I stand by what I said in my previous post. Some things take time to work it out. God is for you, not against you! He did not call us "to get our money!" He did not send His Son to die for us in order to "get our money!". He wants our hearts. He wants our faith and He wants our trust. When He has your faith and your heart, then He can start to miraculously move the mountains in your life. He can break bondages and help you be an overcomer. He can bless you and when He does, you will want to be a colaborer in His Kingdom interests. God is not a "pay me first" and then I will love you and then ...we will see." No. First, Jesus died for you. Then, the Father, He has blessed you by sending the Holy Spirit to draw you and teach you. every good thing in your life is from Him. He has kept you and never left you. He placed you in the Body. See, God does His part first. He already loved you even when you were a sinner. It is about LOVE. He says that "if you draw close to Him, He will draw close to you. He is talking about an intimate relationship. It is about RELATIONSHIP...NOT MONEY. If it was about money and that is His main concern, He would have called only rich people! If you have a heart longing to give, with His blessing, You will become blessed to give, not out of compulsion but out of a heart of thanksgiving. If that is the "cry of your heart" then:

"Wait...I say...wait on the Lord....in all your ways take notice of Him, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
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