Those Who Claim More than 1" Per Month

VERY good point...I have not seen anyone get 1 inch or more all 12 months...maybe 2 or 3 months in a row, maybe 1 month then it doesn't happen again for 3 months etc. Everything runs it's course eventually but do believe it is possible to get this type of growth and there have been plenty threads and pics proving this.
That's been my experience too.:yep: I will have some months during the warmer weather where I get 1" a month but typically as the weather cools, I will go back to a more common growth rate. The key, as someone already said, is retention. I went from an ear length inverted bob to just above APL in around 1 year thanks to info gained here.
None of the threads I have found have pictures documenting consistent 1"-2" over the course of a year, which is the point of this thread. I was quite surprised when you claimed that there were lots of such threads. However, it seems you and I have been looking at the same threads, which do not address my questions (because those threads are always about one or two months, never have pictures clearly showing the growth, and have no evidence that such growth is sustainable). Thanks anyway. :wave:

Let me clarify..I am talking about getting an inch or more per month ONLY ..not getting an inch per month every single month. I have not seen any pics or posts that show this so maybe my post did not address your concern. Alot of people are skeptical that it is possible to get this type of growth at all so my post was directed more towards that aspect. I think just because you see posts about people getting this type of growth that you shouldn't assume they are claiming it was like that all year long because you might be putting words in people mouths.
It can happen! Trust me. However, it has to do a lot with a person's capability to grow hair in terms of genetics. A lot of the women who get extreme growth using stuff usually have good growth anyways. For example, my hair grows like a weeds anyways, but with the help of something it skyrockets.

As well, most of the times something will work really great for people on this board and then they will stop doing what they were doing out of laziness or whatever other reason. You cannot expect to see constant progress when no one is keeping up with their regimen.

That is why I keep it simple and go with the easy things to maintain that still works great for my growth. MN worked, but I got tired of doing that on a daily basis. Same thing for BT. The only thing I do now is co-wash 2-4 times a week (depending on my workout schedule), PS with low manipulation, jheri juice daily, and wash with shampoo about once a month. I also take my vitamins (but even that I don't keep up with everyday). That's it.

This is what I got from doing that as of late.

March 19


April 30



So it can be done IF you are consistent.
My hair grows pretty fast. I don't tend to measure or document it month by month but I typically chop to get fresh ends in the spring and it grows considerabley during the warm months before slowing in the winter months. It is common for me to go from SL or APL to BSL and below in less than a year before I get bored and chop again.
Tenins, to give a better idea of the length (scale) you're looking at in the photos, below is a photo of my fore-(er, five)head showing how big it is. So using that as a reference, you can sorta see that the stretched lengths are as I say they are.

This is the size of my fivehead:

And once again for comparison, this was 5-6 inches of length (an increase of 4-5 inches with trimming, since I started off with 1 inch):

And this was 9-11 inches of length (an increase of 8-10 inches in two years with trimming, ie 4-5 inches/year):
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When I saw this thread, I thought of candy c. I'm not sure if she's still a member, but she had alot of growth in a month using ayurveda and she had pics too. I don't think the growth was consistent, but she did gain an inch in a month. The link is below.

I am just learning to be patient with my hair. Regardless I have seen people here reach their goals in no more than 3 years so I am just aiming for a goal like that. Anything in btw would just be an added bonus to me. I don't feel the need to rush anymore. I'll get there eventually. :yep:
Hi ladies! I can't speak to sustained growth rate because I've only been at this for 4 months but, it seems to me that I'm consistently getting good growth and retention too. I've documented 2 inches growth in March in my album. I'm taking supplements because I think healthy growth starts within. I've also been using a homemade growth mix pretty much from the beginning. I do think that you can get your body and scalp in a condition conducive for growth. Similarly, you can also inhibit growth.

I firmly believe that if you think that you can't do something, you won't. Maybe I haven't been on the board long enough to know better but I'm expecting to reach wl by year's end. :saythat: (<- Been waiting to use this guy) Only time will tell. And I don't need anyone to try to convince me otherwise, please. I believe my hair is growing quickly and definitely expect it to continue through the summer months for sure.

Here's my starting pic compared to the pics I took on saturday.


I have monthly (some every 2 weeks) in my album.

My hair is longer and healthier than it's ever been and I'm doing my part to keep it that way. I just started exercising 2 weeks ago so, I can't attribute anything to exercise (as if you couldn't tell from the back fat :blush:) but, if that helps, GREAT!!

Just thought I'd chime in. But, I always say, there are always going to be naysayers and cheerleaders. The important question is, what do YOU believe?

Oh I know someone who had this growth spurt you all talk off. I don't know how many inches she got that month or was it a couple, but her growth rate was like Dlewis': Sweet Cashew. I don't remember if there was a thread on it or if this was being raved about in the OT. But my jaw did drop. :yep:

I can probably agree with the theory that the 6 inches a year or 9 can be reached by inconsistent monthly growth rates. I do like the photos Dlewis posted with the very same hairdo and showing each month's results. :yep: It'd be nice if there were more such documentations and not just claims. Njoy, your progress is like WOAH. Nice clear photos. :up:
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If I got two inches a short time, I'd be like Dlewis and Njoy. I'd have documentation coz I wouldn't believe it myself. Once again, I am one of those who believe what is seen not told, and if I make a claim, trust I'll show it to you.
I think people have growth spurts...I have had growth spurts in the summer where I can gain a inch or more in a month...Then the next months I get barely a 1/2 inch....

So my growth pattern is never really the same
Hi ladies! I can't speak to sustained growth rate because I've only been at this for 4 months but, it seems to me that I'm consistently getting good growth and retention too. I've documented 2 inches growth in March in my album. I'm taking supplements because I think healthy growth starts within. I've also been using a homemade growth mix pretty much from the beginning. I do think that you can get your body and scalp in a condition conducive for growth. Similarly, you can also inhibit growth.

I firmly believe that if you think that you can't do something, you won't. Maybe I haven't been on the board long enough to know better but I'm expecting to reach wl by year's end. :saythat: (<- Been waiting to use this guy) Only time will tell. And I don't need anyone to try to convince me otherwise, please. I believe my hair is growing quickly and definitely expect it to continue through the summer months for sure.

Here's my starting pic compared to the pics I took on saturday.


I have monthly (some every 2 weeks) in my album.

My hair is longer and healthier than it's ever been and I'm doing my part to keep it that way. I just started exercising 2 weeks ago so, I can't attribute anything to exercise (as if you couldn't tell from the back fat :blush:) but, if that helps, GREAT!!

Just thought I'd chime in. But, I always say, there are always going to be naysayers and cheerleaders. The important question is, what do YOU believe?


NJoy, I have had growth similar to you. I hope we can do it!
I've taken biotin with b vitamins and at times I use MTG. haven't done any of that this month. I'm seeing that it's really not that necessary.

I will say that these aids made my hair thicker and healthier. I don't know about adding lots of inches though. Diet, routine and good hair products matter more than anything else.
Hi ladies! I can't speak to sustained growth rate because I've only been at this for 4 months but, it seems to me that I'm consistently getting good growth and retention too. I've documented 2 inches growth in March in my album. I'm taking supplements because I think healthy growth starts within. I've also been using a homemade growth mix pretty much from the beginning. I do think that you can get your body and scalp in a condition conducive for growth. Similarly, you can also inhibit growth.

I firmly believe that if you think that you can't do something, you won't. Maybe I haven't been on the board long enough to know better but I'm expecting to reach wl by year's end. :saythat: (<- Been waiting to use this guy) Only time will tell. And I don't need anyone to try to convince me otherwise, please. I believe my hair is growing quickly and definitely expect it to continue through the summer months for sure.

Here's my starting pic compared to the pics I took on saturday.


I have monthly (some every 2 weeks) in my album.

My hair is longer and healthier than it's ever been and I'm doing my part to keep it that way. I just started exercising 2 weeks ago so, I can't attribute anything to exercise (as if you couldn't tell from the back fat :blush:) but, if that helps, GREAT!!

Just thought I'd chime in. But, I always say, there are always going to be naysayers and cheerleaders. The important question is, what do YOU believe?


You were the one I was referring to with the 2 inches..I am glad you posted cause I am terrible with names.

Your progress is wonderful! Do you know how many more inches to WL you have to go? Your documentation is great and it's nice that you will be doing it all year.
If I got two inches a short time, I'd be like Dlewis and Njoy. I'd have documentation coz I wouldn't believe it myself. Once again, I am one of those who believe what is seen not told, and if I make a claim, trust I'll show it to you.
THIS. I love seeing the pictures that actually prove such claims. Njoy, your hair is looking fantastic. :grin:

oh, and it is my personal belief that you can't really see your true growth potential with a crappy diet and no physical activity. sometimes i want to tell people that before trying growth aids, why not try changing your diet, exercising more, and perhaps taking a simple daily multivitamin? :drunk:
I love the pictures in this thread! There are certain things that keep coming up in posts:
  • Exercise
  • Diet
  • Multivitamins

I am Tenins and I confess that I am a junk food junkie. I also do not exercise, get enough sleep, drink enough water, or take multivitamins. Despite all of this, I still get 1/2" per month. So, I feel really encouraged now, because if what posters here have noticed holds true for me, I might be able to increase my growth rate just by changing my lifestyle (easier said than done, I know :look:).

It seems that most agree that sustained 1"-2" is implausible, but a growth spurt to motivate me with quick results is very sustainable. I can get with that.

Ok, I am starting today with a basic multivitamin and a better diet (I have been planning for a better diet for a while). I will post an update in two months (someone please remind me if I forget).
You were the one I was referring to with the 2 inches..I am glad you posted cause I am terrible with names.

Your progress is wonderful! Do you know how many more inches to WL you have to go? Your documentation is great and it's nice that you will be doing it all year.

Thanks, Frisky. Well, as you can see, my lovely back fat makes a crease at wl (:nono:). I have about 4 inches (if my roots are flat). I have over 7 months to get there. In the winter months I've been more than 3/4" per month so, I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing what the summer months bring.

I'm DEFINITELY documenting this publicly because if I can do it, then maybe others will feel more assured that they can. And truthfully, that's why I believe that I can, because I came to the board and saw that other sistas were getting crazy length ~ so, why not me? :lick: If I can be an encouragement AND meet my personal goals?! What more can I ask for? I'm not discouraging ANYone. We can all get in on this, ladies. Think positive and put in the effort. Hair grows. That's what I know for sure. :yep:
The only time I gained 1 inch in 1 month, I was drinking a Whey protein shake every morning and taking a nioxin vitamin, 1country life, 1 biotin, and a fish oil pill every day that month. That was too much pill poppn for me and money on supplements for an extra 1/2 inch of hair. So now I just take my country life vite and I get 1/2 inch per month. If I dont take them reguarly, I get my ususal 1/4 inch.
i think dsd's hair grew that long in a yr. w/ pics check her fotki. but what grows for one may not grow for other words...she may have achieved 12"/yr but doggone it, I haven't.
VERY good point...I have not seen anyone get 1 inch or more all 12 months...maybe 2 or 3 months in a row, maybe 1 month then it doesn't happen again for 3 months etc. Everything runs it's course eventually but do believe it is possible to get this type of growth and there have been plenty threads and pics proving this.

ITA ^^^^^....I GET 1 INCH in a month but not every month! I have gotten 1.5 inches one month between weave installs before too....

But not every single month which I am learning just recently to be true...

I did the weave thing for like 18 months and went from TWA to past APL...Some women got more...It would have been longer had I not had so much breakage...In Dec 23 2009 I took down the weaves and noticed the following:

Jan 1.0 inch (APL-longest layers)
Feb 1.0 inch
March I could not even tell. :nono: ( growth?)
April 0.5 inches...but I have noticed a lot more shedding since its gotten warmer in April....this is NORMAL for my hair....

April 28 (before I got braids on April 29) my longest layer is grazing BSL while my shortest layers range from chin length (from nose length in Dec----bangs) to SL (top and sides)...I know...its weird buts always been like that...:perplexed

This is what was actually retained. I did weekly washes, conditioners, etc...and twists and twist outs only. I had a lot of growth aids...I have breakage of course. I didn't think my hair would grow past APL but it has finally....

I am a fast grower and always have been...but I think that its not fair to just say its 100% hype cause its not... surely my hair is not the be all end all cause it looks funky most days with all its weird layers and funky breakage....

May (Braids for now until July) Having a lazy summer after a hectic winter/fall and spring!!!!:drunk:

edited to add: I do extra protein shakes (not daily trust me) for when I exercise only....I forget to take my vitamins...but I have a multivitamin I take..some folic acid and B complex for health.......not for hair....

I think some people are naturally slow or fast growers.....All this time I didn't realize my hair was actually a pretty good growth rate until I started to pay attention this past January....(I have 3 jobs ya'll).....and started taking more pics and measuring....but its still hard as a natural cause I barely flat-iron and my curly naps like to bounce back and don't stretch as well........
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I love the pictures in this thread! There are certain things that keep coming up in posts:
  • Exercise
  • Diet
  • Multivitamins

I am Tenins and I confess that I am a junk food junkie. I also do not exercise, get enough sleep, drink enough water, or take multivitamins. Despite all of this, I still get 1/2" per month. So, I feel really encouraged now, because if what posters here have noticed holds true for me, I might be able to increase my growth rate just by changing my lifestyle (easier said than done, I know :look:).

It seems that most agree that sustained 1"-2" is implausible, but a growth spurt to motivate me with quick results is very sustainable. I can get with that.

Ok, I am starting today with a basic multivitamin and a better diet (I have been planning for a better diet for a while). I will post an update in two months (someone please remind me if I forget).

You are dead on. Like I said, I believe that it is as simple as this: the things that increase your metabolism can increase hair growth rate. It seems obvious but its something to think about. :grin:
I do not measure my hair! I get the most joy in length checking with photos about twice a year....Its not like trying to lose weight and hopping on the scale to check your progress weekly or monthly. I can tell by looking at my hair if its growing. Its not breaking everyday and Im not combing it all out in the shower weekly so thats the only indication that I need for growth. As far as these growth aids, pointless. The best advice I've ever received since joining this journey is that techniques in the form of haircare, not products, help your hair grow!
Hi ladies! I can't speak to sustained growth rate because I've only been at this for 4 months but, it seems to me that I'm consistently getting good growth and retention too. I've documented 2 inches growth in March in my album. I'm taking supplements because I think healthy growth starts within. I've also been using a homemade growth mix pretty much from the beginning. I do think that you can get your body and scalp in a condition conducive for growth. Similarly, you can also inhibit growth.
. you have this written down somewhere or do you care to share!?!?

I firmly believe that if you think that you can't do something, you won't. Maybe I haven't been on the board long enough to know better but I'm expecting to reach wl by year's end. :saythat: (<- Been waiting to use this guy)
AMEN to that!!!
I have come to the reality that my hair does not grow at least a 1/2 inch every month. If that were the case I should have 3 1/2 inches of growth from the October 2009(avatar pic) to now May 2010(siggy). It appears my hair only grew about 2 inches(maybe). I think it grows a little faster in summer months, but on the average I think it only grows about 1/4 inch a month. I am fine with that because my goal is not really a certain length. I just want to see how long it will grow by the time I reach my 50th birthday. I have 4 more years to go.
i've been told i grow fast but honestly and truly, i have no clue in actual inches what my growth rate is. i know it takes me 3mos to go from sl to mbl, 3mos form mbl to wl, and i havent made it to hl ever so i dunno... but that seems to be my average... and i dont really know in inches how far each thing is from each other......

so basically this is a long way of saying i
I get 3/4" naturally if I exercise regularly. Otherwise it's .5". I got 1" (every month) to 1.5" (only one month) while using Megatek. After a while, I just felt it wasn't worth it when I walk and extra veggies could give me almost as much growth and a healthier bod, to boot.