Hair Growth Rate, .5" per Month? REALLY NOW?

For Real Nah, How fast Does your Hair REALLY grow nah

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I think that .25" per month or 3" a year is more likely for me. For real ya'll, when I hear about 1" per month I get skeptical.

I'm not skeptical about 1" per month, I just know I average 3" per year. I haven't had a touch up since last July and I don't have 3 inches yet. That's how I know about my hair growth.
Southern Tease, the rate of hair growth across individuals and races varies greatly. So I don't think you can say that nearly everyone gets 1/2". I chat on forums with lots of naturals who minimally use combs and brushes and wear a lot of protective styles and even when they don't their hair isn't brushing against their shoulders cuz it's natural afro hair and that hair stands up and isn't brushing anything but air. Some grow/retain a lot, some don't. Most people here aren't saying their hair *can't* grow. In fact, I think the majority of the responses say that they think their hair grows around this .5 inch/month. But many others are simply saying that their hair grows more slowly. As for the books, I don't really pay much attention to anecdotal stories, I'd rather see statistical data and real lab research behind it. The last study I read on different hair rate growth across races did in fact show that on average black people grew it more slowly than white people who in turn grew it more slowly than Asian people. I'm not sure if it's true, probably there should be a lot more studies done, but until someone does a better study, I still think this is more indicative of the reality than people's anecdotes and personal reasonings of "this sounds like it would make sense to me." And if people believe such a study, I would hope that the self esteem of black people is not so intimately connected to how fast their hair comparatively grows that believing it would be some tragic admission or cause for despair.
Southern Tease, the rate of hair growth across individuals and races varies greatly. So I don't think you can say that nearly everyone gets 1/2". I chat on forums with lots of naturals who minimally use combs and brushes and wear a lot of protective styles and even when they don't their hair isn't brushing against their shoulders cuz it's natural afro hair and that hair stands up and isn't brushing anything but air. Some grow/retain a lot, some don't. Most people here aren't saying their hair *can't* grow. In fact, I think the majority of the responses say that they think their hair grows around this .5 inch/month. But many others are simply saying that their hair grows more slowly. As for the books, I don't really pay much attention to anecdotal stories, I'd rather see statistical data and real lab research behind it. The last study I read on different hair rate growth across races did in fact show that on average black people grew it more slowly than white people who in turn grew it more slowly than Asian people. I'm not sure if it's true, probably there should be a lot more studies done, but until someone does a better study, I still think this is more indicative of the reality than people's anecdotes and personal reasonings of "this sounds like it would make sense to me." And if people believe such a study, I would hope that the self esteem of black people is not so intimately connected to how fast their hair comparatively grows that believing it would be some tragic admission or cause for despair.

wow...I completely agree. I'm glad you posted your thoughts! :yep:
My hair is growing a lot faster, because I had to deep conditioner it a lot, plus I had to take my vitamins!
I used to think my hair could never grow
I think it's the fundamental problem with
women of color...
This is not my opinion this is fact
... the problem
it's that you're not retaining length
think about this...
unless your hair is locked up
how can you tell if it's growing or not???
Seriously... keep reading...
new growth (if you're relaxed) isn't an accurate
measure because there's the issue of scab hair
when you're stretching. That hair growing out of
your scalp is still chemically processed/relaxed.
Again... this is NOT my opinion...
Unless you have an illness or disease of some sort
most people will get about .5" a month +/- a few milimeters
I suggest getting books by Akbari, Howse, Shamboosie, Hofstein, and Kinard
I'm willing to bet any money for those who think
their hair isn't growing it's because you're manipulating
your hair... I just think it's sad we are conditioned to
think our hair can't grow it's a big bad myth that has
been proven wrong by thousands of Black women on and
off LHCF... don't believe the hype.
If you want to see a change...
ease up on the combs and brushes, stop pulling hair into tight
ponytails and braids, and wear your hair up and off your shoulders
so it isn't brushing against your clothes.
I promise promise promise you... it worked for me...
IT WILL WORK FOR YOU it's not a phenomenon that
Black women grow long hair it's just that some are
better at retaining it... THAT's MY 2 CENT!

did you read all those books? finally out of the closet...I must say...i absolutely LOVE your hair....can I be like you when i grow up?
I can see my hair growing, I took my twists down from last week and my son was like :blush: when I retwisted a few...They grew from last week...I'm not crazy....I have a son who would be happy to tell me I was wrong if I were.

I'm going to wash and DC my hair tonight, retwist and take pictures for a visual marker. I'll do pictures once per month and put up one of those fokti thingies...
Southern Tease, the rate of hair growth across individuals and races varies greatly. So I don't think you can say that nearly everyone gets 1/2". I chat on forums with lots of naturals who minimally use combs and brushes and wear a lot of protective styles and even when they don't their hair isn't brushing against their shoulders cuz it's natural afro hair and that hair stands up and isn't brushing anything but air. Some grow/retain a lot, some don't. Most people here aren't saying their hair *can't* grow. In fact, I think the majority of the responses say that they think their hair grows around this .5 inch/month. But many others are simply saying that their hair grows more slowly. As for the books, I don't really pay much attention to anecdotal stories, I'd rather see statistical data and real lab research behind it. The last study I read on different hair rate growth across races did in fact show that on average black people grew it more slowly than white people who in turn grew it more slowly than Asian people. I'm not sure if it's true, probably there should be a lot more studies done, but until someone does a better study, I still think this is more indicative of the reality than people's anecdotes and personal reasonings of "this sounds like it would make sense to me." And if people believe such a study, I would hope that the self esteem of black people is not so intimately connected to how fast their hair comparatively grows that believing it would be some tragic admission or cause for despair.

I agree w/ Mwedzi.....most of us have learned about protective styling and how to be gentle when styling our is just a fact that some people have faster growth rates and some have slower growth rates....if one has a slower growth rate, no matter how much protective styling they do, they will have shorter hair at the end of the year than someone w/ a faster growth rate who also protects their hair....

A perfect example would be studying people w/ locs b/c of the low manipulation......Not everyone w/ locs has the same exact growth rate...I had locs for three years and of course there was very little manipulation to my hair but my husband (then boyfriend) started his locs a year after I did and his hair was almost my length at the end of his first year...we had similar routines for maintaing our fact my aunt who is a loctician took care of both of our heads the same way, using the same products, etc.......his hair just naturally grew much faster then mine ......and locs can be considered the most protective style there is!!!!.......

All I can do is try to maximize my growth w/ growth aides, vitamins, etc...and of course maintain protective styling & low manipulation to help me retain the little bit I do get each month LOL.....:spinning:
Southern Tease, the rate of hair growth across individuals and races varies greatly. So I don't think you can say that nearly everyone gets 1/2". I chat on forums with lots of naturals who minimally use combs and brushes and wear a lot of protective styles and even when they don't their hair isn't brushing against their shoulders cuz it's natural afro hair and that hair stands up and isn't brushing anything but air. Some grow/retain a lot, some don't. Most people here aren't saying their hair *can't* grow. In fact, I think the majority of the responses say that they think their hair grows around this .5 inch/month. But many others are simply saying that their hair grows more slowly. As for the books, I don't really pay much attention to anecdotal stories, I'd rather see statistical data and real lab research behind it. The last study I read on different hair rate growth across races did in fact show that on average black people grew it more slowly than white people who in turn grew it more slowly than Asian people. I'm not sure if it's true, probably there should be a lot more studies done, but until someone does a better study, I still think this is more indicative of the reality than people's anecdotes and personal reasonings of "this sounds like it would make sense to me." And if people believe such a study, I would hope that the self esteem of black people is not so intimately connected to how fast their hair comparatively grows that believing it would be some tragic admission or cause for despair.

Well Said!!:werd:
Since relaxing, its easier to track my newgrowth more carefully. I grow a solid .5 a month unless I'm having a spurt of some sort.
I would say about 5-5.5 inches in a year. After I cut my hair to SL in September, I had about 5.5 inches to get to APL I have 2 inches to go to get to APL and that should be by September.
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Wow, I could not have said this any better and that is the point I was trying to make.

When I first started here the .5" average hair growth was the only standard I saw, and it made me feel inferior that I MUST be doing something wrong why I am not attaining that amount. It's even been hinted in a few posts here that if you are not getting the average then it must be retention, or it's because I am not thinking positively or I MUST BE DOING SOMETHING WRONG...., give me a break!

In the past, I did every thing in the world to become average! I am one of the healthiest eaters around town plus I am an exercise junkie. In addition to that, I tripled my effort just to get what other people are getting - 6" per year. It didn't work! and the let down was painful! That was a long time back. Now I am happy with my 4" per year. If I get more than that, great! But I do not go around proclaiming that the average growth is .5" - individually, yes, that might be the case for some. But MANY only achieve .4" or so per month and that should be advertised as well. I would hate for a newbie or someone else to be let down as I was.

Southern Tease, the rate of hair growth across individuals and races varies greatly. So I don't think you can say that nearly everyone gets 1/2". I chat on forums with lots of naturals who minimally use combs and brushes and wear a lot of protective styles and even when they don't their hair isn't brushing against their shoulders cuz it's natural afro hair and that hair stands up and isn't brushing anything but air. Some grow/retain a lot, some don't. Most people here aren't saying their hair *can't* grow. In fact, I think the majority of the responses say that they think their hair grows around this .5 inch/month. But many others are simply saying that their hair grows more slowly. As for the books, I don't really pay much attention to anecdotal stories, I'd rather see statistical data and real lab research behind it. The last study I read on different hair rate growth across races did in fact show that on average black people grew it more slowly than white people who in turn grew it more slowly than Asian people. I'm not sure if it's true, probably there should be a lot more studies done, but until someone does a better study, I still think this is more indicative of the reality than people's anecdotes and personal reasonings of "this sounds like it would make sense to me." And if people believe such a study, I would hope that the self esteem of black people is not so intimately connected to how fast their hair comparatively grows that believing it would be some tragic admission or cause for despair.
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I started Ayurvedics at APL last November, and it looks like my growth averaged at most about 1/2 inch per month since then.
Southern Tease, the rate of hair growth across individuals and races varies greatly. So I don't think you can say that nearly everyone gets 1/2". I chat on forums with lots of naturals who minimally use combs and brushes and wear a lot of protective styles and even when they don't their hair isn't brushing against their shoulders cuz it's natural afro hair and that hair stands up and isn't brushing anything but air. Some grow/retain a lot, some don't. Most people here aren't saying their hair *can't* grow. In fact, I think the majority of the responses say that they think their hair grows around this .5 inch/month. But many others are simply saying that their hair grows more slowly. As for the books, I don't really pay much attention to anecdotal stories, I'd rather see statistical data and real lab research behind it. The last study I read on different hair rate growth across races did in fact show that on average black people grew it more slowly than white people who in turn grew it more slowly than Asian people. I'm not sure if it's true, probably there should be a lot more studies done, but until someone does a better study, I still think this is more indicative of the reality than people's anecdotes and personal reasonings of "this sounds like it would make sense to me." And if people believe such a study, I would hope that the self esteem of black people is not so intimately connected to how fast their hair comparatively grows that believing it would be some tragic admission or cause for despair.

Thanks for voicing your thoughts. I totally agree.
I really do not think that as a natural 4ab girl, my hair is living up the the average growth rate.

I think that .25" per month or 3" a year is more likely for me. For real ya'll, when I hear about 1" per month I get skeptical.

What say you?
Ummm :look: I only get about 4" a year on average. It's weird that this time around I think I'm getting about 5"/year. I think my kelp pills and the amount of cardio I do may have something to do with that though. I hear all this 6" + business and I'm like "WOW!"...not me. :)
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Ummm :look: I only get about 4" a year on average. It's weird that this time around I think I'm getting about 5"/year. I think my kelp pills and the amount of cardio I do may have something to do with that though. I hear all this 6" + business and I'm like "WOW!"...not me. :)
I don't think I get 6 inches a year either...I know I wasn't before. This time I a taking vitamins/supplements, so we shall see when Thanksgiving rolls around.
I consistently get at .5 inch per month and on a rare occassion I get more. However, I just recently begain retaining length and can see the difference. I guess it doesn't matter how fast it grows if it's breaking off just as fast. :ohwell:

Bingo!!!! :yep:

I get around 1/2" per month, and sometimes a bit less. Each year i retain maybe 4-6", and that is factoring in trims.
I do not believe that everyone's hair grows at the same .5 inch rate. When I was younger my hair and nails grew super fast. I probably averaged more than .5 inches per month b/c once when I really took care of my hair for about six months I had gained 4 inches in a six month period. Now that I'm in my 30's and anemic my hair and nail growth have both slowed. My retention is much better and I can control that but my age and my anemia have definitely slowed my growth.

My BFF however, grows greater than .5 inch per month. Her hair all total must average 9 inches a year! She went from a shoulder grazing bob in March 2007 to now being almost APL and she's had two hair CUTS in between.

"Different growths for different folks"
I checked average. sometimes its beens slower, sometimes its been faster.

Grows a little more than 1/2 inch a month when i'm...

taking vitamins
stretching relaxers
and generally in summertime

However, my hair has been pretty short all my life due to breakage mostly from dryness. I've never had a problem growing hair, just retaining it. Which is why i got real hot when some dumb @$$ stylist tried to tell me that my hair just grows slow as to the reason its been short. Now, i'm no rocket scientist but i can see all the new growth coming out my scalp so I knew that was not the reason.
Wow, I could not have said this any better and that is the point I was trying to make.

When I first started here the .5" average hair growth was the only standard I saw, and it made me feel inferior that I MUST be doing something wrong why I am not attaining that amount. It's even been hinted in a few posts here that if you are not getting the average then it must be retention, or it's because I am not thinking positively or I MUST BE DOING SOMETHING WRONG...., give me a break!

In the past, I did every thing in the world to become average! I am one of the healthiest eaters around town plus I am an exercise junkie. In addition to that, I tripled my effort just to get what other people are getting - 6" per year. It didn't work! and the let down was painful! That was a long time back. Now I am happy with my 4" per year. If I get more than that, great! But I do not go around proclaiming that the average growth is .5" - individually, yes, that might be the case for some. But MANY only achieve .4" or so per month and that should be advertised as well. I would hate for a newbie or someone else to be let down as I was.

0.5 inches a month and 6 inches a year is just the average. Go a good portion will fall below that average, and a good portion will fall above that average.

5 inches a year. :ohwell: That was before Ovation. Now I get about an inch/month. :grin:

:blush:How did I miss Ovation? I just went and read that 24 page thread you started. Now I have to read that 120 pages thread! You results are great!

I voted "doesn't grow yall" cuz thats how I am feeling right now. ALthough, I know that my hair is indeed growing just not at the rate I would wish.
I checked average. sometimes its beens slower, sometimes its been faster.

Grows a little more than 1/2 inch a month when i'm...

taking vitamins
stretching relaxers
and generally in summertime

However, my hair has been pretty short all my life due to breakage mostly from dryness. I've never had a problem growing hair, just retaining it. Which is why i got real hot when some dumb @$$ stylist tried to tell me that my hair just grows slow as to the reason its been short. Now, i'm no rocket scientist but i can see all the new growth coming out my scalp so I knew that was not the reason.

I'm getting about a half inch per month on average. I started transitioning last year and I basically had patches in my head from a bunch of stress I was goin through. Now those patches that were less than a 1/4 of an inch are over 6 inches in length.
Couldn't agree more:grin:

Another slow grower here. I have about 1 inch of new growth now and I know this because I colored my hair about a couple of months back sometime in January. It is now April. I've just about given up ever getting my hair to my dream goal which is waist length. I'm going to save and get me a lacefront and have my BSL hair one way or another!
My sister hair grows 2x as fast as mines.... although she doesn't relax she does dye her hair, blow dries, flat irons, uses grease with mineral oil..she loves pink lotion....and her hair grows like weeds.

I am natural and have been for over nine years.....I haven't done half as much as my sister has done to her hair -- and even when I started taking care of my hair...her hair still grows faster.

I think I am one of those ppl that only gets 3 inches a year. It really does depend on the person..... and even in families it varies.....
Don't give up my dear. Once you accept the slow growth rate, it only gets better from there. There are WSL women here who attains 4" per year and still growing so hang in there.

Another slow grower here. I have about 1 inch of new growth now and I know this because I colored my hair about a couple of months back sometime in January. It is now April. I've just about given up ever getting my hair to my dream goal which is waist length. I'm going to save and get me a lacefront and have my BSL hair one way or another!