Before: Only .25 inch/month; Now: .5 + inch/month


Well-Known Member
Now, it is said that the average rate of hair growth is 1/2 inch per month but for some reason, there are folks who get much less than that.

For those that used to get only 1/4 inch or less of growth per month but now get 1/2 inch or MORE per month, what were you missing out of your diet or vitamin intake so that when you finally added it, your growth took off?

Also, are there any of you who eat healthy, take vitamins, and exercise regularly, and still do not get at least 1/2 inch per month? Do you think the reason is just genetics?

Looking forward to hearing your stories,

i can attest that my problem was because of diet so now i take vitamins, but i can't tell you how much new growth i get per month because i'm even sure. i don't think its 2 inches or anything maybe just 1/2 inch or an inch. certain areas that didn't seem to grow are now longer than they have ever been.

my diet isn't where it should be but their are some things i can't control because of my situation, but i do the best i can.
Hi Ebony

I don't know at what rate my hair is growing or even if it's any different from before, now that I'm on supplements. I determined not to measure it for as long as I can help it since daily measurements caused me more stress than I wanted to deal with. So growth has sort of taken a back seat in my mind. I'm working on establishing an unshakable regimen and getting my hair to its optimum state. And I'm pleased to say, I am no longer having to deliberately resist the urge to check the length every time I redo my braids. Hopefully many months from now when I measure it, I'll be pleasantly surprised. *fingers crossed*
My hair has been neck length for years. So I'm not sure how much growth I was getting prior to LCHF. If you would have asked me then, I would have said that my hair didn't grow at all. I did not know that my hair was doing it's part by growing; I wasn't doing my part by abusing it. My hair stayed the same length because it was breaking off at the same rate as it was growing!!

Anywho,back to the point....since taking vits and daily washing, it seems like I get at least 1 inch a month.
My case was water intake. I got close to a half inch in growth monthly, but once I started making sure that I drank lots of water and take my supplements RELIGIOUSLY... I definately get 1 full solid inch every 2 months. Also, I stop social (black and mild cigars) smoking 100% and if I do drink it is ONLY a glass of Red Wine when I go out to partys or dinner.


Multi vitamin
Evening Primose Oil
Royal Jelly
Amino Acids

(3) 16 0z glasses of water excuses. I'm serious about WSL.
Now, it is said that the average rate of hair growth is 1/2 inch per month but for some reason, there are folks who get much less than that.

For those that used to get only 1/4 inch or less of growth per month but now get 1/2 inch or MORE per month, what were you missing out of your diet or vitamin intake so that when you finally added it, your growth took off?

Also, are there any of you who eat healthy, take vitamins, and exercise regularly, and still do not get at least 1/2 inch per month? Do you think the reason is just genetics?

Looking forward to hearing your stories,


The bolded is me. Yep, it's genetics.
My case was water intake. I got close to a half inch in growth monthly, but once I started making sure that I drank lots of water and take my supplements RELIGIOUSLY... I definately get 1 full solid inch every 2 months. Also, I stop social (black and mild cigars) smoking 100% and if I do drink it is ONLY a glass of Red Wine when I go out to partys or dinner.


Multi vitamin
Evening Primose Oil
Royal Jelly
Amino Acids

(3) 16 0z glasses of water excuses. I'm serious about WSL.

Wow! So you stopped social smoking and little drinking for hair growth?