Hair Growth Rate, .5" per Month? REALLY NOW?

For Real Nah, How fast Does your Hair REALLY grow nah

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okay ya'll i'm on the slow boat to china with the back to africa movement!!!! I just pulled out my twa ruler and as of today I am yet to be 2" by now :nono:! I have 1" of hair since my clipper cut in jan. '08.

Ravenhairbellydancer...I hate to bring this up but does anyone think that maybe you slow growers are not necessarily genetically predisposed to slower growth rates but that years of relaxers on your scalp can cause follicular damage,, slowing down your hair growth rates over time??,,, the only people who could fairly say their hair grows slower would be ones who never relaxed their hair,,,,i suspect i damaged a few follicles from maybe 4 years of relaxers in delicate areas of this isn't possible, because chemicals can not penetrate past the skin altering the way hair grows...either by growth rate and/or by type nor color, that's a genetic thing. but braids and any tension to your hair can have an effect if pulled out from the roots and not grow back at if I can just pull my super hairs our right w/out a laser so they don't grow back blonde and long:rolleyes:
I got 6 inches last year. I used my highlights as a guide.


:yep: I colour so I use that as a guide too- I definitely got at least 6 inches last year (I BC-ed to 2/3 inches AND trimmed after that) and I'm over 7 inches 13months later.

I DO think my hair grows slower certain times of the year but in total it does amount to an average 6 inches.
I hate to bring this up but does anyone think that maybe you slow growers are not necessarily genetically predisposed to slower growth rates but that years of relaxers on your scalp can cause follicular damage,, slowing down your hair growth rates over time??,,, the only people who could fairly say their hair grows slower would be ones who never relaxed their hair,,,,i suspect i damaged a few follicles from maybe 4 years of relaxers in delicate areas of scalp.......

no, for some it is genetic. 1/2 inch a month is the average growth rate not the minimum growth rate. some people will have a growth rate above average and others will have a rate below average. it is just like any other physical trait of the human body. think of hair growth the same way you would think of height. some people will be taller than average and others will be shorter than average.
I really do not think that as a natural 4ab girl, my hair is living up the the average growth rate.

I think that .25" per month or 3" a year is more likely for me. For real ya'll, when I hear about 1" per month I get skeptical.

What say you?

We're in the same boat - i got about 3 inches last year (my new growth was my guide). but i dont work out and i dont eat vegetables all the time - i rather drink them (veggie drink or vitamins) - so that plus genes is probably the problem.
I hate to bring this up but does anyone think that maybe you slow growers are not necessarily genetically predisposed to slower growth rates but that years of relaxers on your scalp can cause follicular damage,, slowing down your hair growth rates over time??,,, the only people who could fairly say their hair grows slower would be ones who never relaxed their hair,,,,i suspect i damaged a few follicles from maybe 4 years of relaxers in delicate areas of scalp.......

Lately I've been wondering this also. My hair would grow so fast when I first started getting relaxers as a teenager. But now it has seemed to slow. I don't know if its just b/c I'm paying more attention to it now. Do you think the damage is reversible?
most parts of my head gets normal growth rate but the back and front get about 0.3 a month. my problem isn't growing it's retaining. my hair shoots out my head and breaks right off but i never notice cause my end SEEM strong and don't break but i have a hard time retain what ever growth i have got.
Since June of 07, my hair is about 4.5 inches longer (I use a measuring tape from my hairline, untill the ends of my hair--Went from 16" to 20/21"), and ive dusted all together about an inch 1/2 off and had a breakage spell over the winter. (ETA--i think i lost about 1.5" from dusting and breakage together)

And believe me, im not one to try and front or make myself see something thats not LOL, if the general saying is that everyone is getting 6" a year, im not going to just believe its going to happen for me and everyone---its all about the measuring tapes LOL.

My hair was growing really fast this summer, and i retained alot because i kept it in braids, but the winter time :nono: OMGoodness i swear it felt like my hair was at a standstill and just breaking.
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I get over 6 inches a year. The very crown of my hair grows 3/4 to 1 inch a month. Since using the OCT I am getting at least an inch all over and 1 1/2 in the crown.
I have no idea how much my hair grows per month ...I have never measured...I keep forgetting to get some measuring tape!

I usually go by where my hair hits on my face, etc....I think that my hair grows pretty slow though....I have gone from a short ceasar cut in July '06, almost 2 years ago and I don't even think my hair is 6 inches yet!!! My hair in the front has just recently reached my top lip!!...I get soo discouraged sometimes when I see others who manage to get 6 inches or more per year and actually retain it too.....:ohwell:

I have trimmed/dusted several times but I really do think my hair grows slower than the "average" and my hair is extrememly fragile & DRY, which leads to breakage...I do have some medical conditions that I think congributes to the dry brittle hair & slow growth ...but I am trying to increase my vitamin intake, eat right, take some growth aides, etc
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I get 0.5 per month with growth aids, descent amount of protein intake and vitamins. I've slacked off with the protein and vitamins so I'm giving myself till December to reach my final goal which is 3-4 inches away.
I can't say for sure, because I don't really check. By looking at my progress from last year, I'd say I was getting around 1/2 in. + a month.

JustKiya posted a link to a site though, that claimed 1/2 in. a month is not average growth for kinky hair. 1/4 in. a month is.

I'll try to find that link, OP.


hmmm... so according to this source, our hair grows .35 inches per month which would mean 4.2 inches per year. Seems about right for me.:ohwell: RATS
I am averaging a little more than .5 inch each month, but never really retained it until I starting lurking here. Since January, with protective styles, more water, baggy method and more vitamins, I can honestly say that I have gotten a good 2 inches of RETAINED growth. I did mess up this month and do twists instead of braids and they didn't last as long, so my hair doesn't like it, but I will be back to braids the remainder of the year. I am hoping to get an additional 6 inches of retained growth by Jan 1, 2009, so I am definitely looking for more than .5 inch per month. Aggressive,:perplexed I know.
my hair consistently grows at about 3/4 inch a month or a little more with vitamins. i never got into taking specific hair growth vitamins tho.
I get over 6 inches a year. The very crown of my hair grows 3/4 to 1 inch a month. Since using the OCT I am getting at least an inch all over and 1 1/2 in the crown.
I realized after your post that my hair grows much faster in the back and on the sides than it does right in the temple areas on either side. I measured a twist in the back last time I measured, I need to make sure I measure back there again next month. I am also going to start measuring the slower growing / shorter area in the front to see how fast it grows there as well.
i voted more than 0.5" a month. usually the hair is supposed to slow down in the winter, but i had my growth spurt in the winter hehe (the secret go to a humid and hot country like africa so as to skip the winter dry out season!:grin:) looking forward to summer and the next growth spurt hihi:rolleyes:
I realized after your post that my hair grows much faster in the back and on the sides than it does right in the temple areas on either side. I measured a twist in the back last time I measured, I need to make sure I measure back there again next month. I am also going to start measuring the slower growing / shorter area in the front to see how fast it grows there as well.

hey girl how u been? me too it s the same thing. it s mostly the back and sides that grows the fastest but my right side grows faster than my left :look:??? go figure:lachen:
I'd never measured my hair before LHCF, but in some older threads I measured and provided the total in inches.

I've never measured my hair on a monthly basis. I just know that visibly my hair went from SL to BSL in 1 yr and then from BSL to WL in 1 yr. and I trimmed at retouch (usually 6-8 wks). Since I didn't measure during or after my trims, I couldn't provide that data. If I had to guess, I wouldn't say that it grew more than ½"/mo. I know for a fact that my hair has never grown 1-2 inches per month.
hey girl how u been? me too it s the same thing. it s mostly the back and sides that grows the fastest but my right side grows faster than my left :look:??? go figure:lachen:
How YOU been Ms. World Traveler!!

My right side, especially in the back grows like crazy!!! My stylist used to trip out because every time she had to trim it she would complain about having to go back to even out my right side because it was ALWAYS longer. Come to think of it the twist that I have been measuring is on the back right side, that's sorta like cheating to take a measurement Now I'm going to have to measure my left side, right side and top, and then average the three to come up with my true growth rate :lachen::lachen: This is getting complicated! :lachen:
Well, I think mine is slow...I'm transitioning and using my NG as a guide; about 2.5'' since August. Thats about 1/3'' a month. Not very impressive, but its healthy.
I think i am growing the average .5inch a month and I am RETAINING what I am growing. I'm trying to drink more water and I need someone to hold me to taking my vitamins because they just sit on my nightstand all day and night :look:
I'm about average... .5" or LESS a month (usually less...)...even with my MN concoction and taking my vities :grin: but before I was barely getting 1/3" a month...For me, one inch a month is not happenin...
I have no idea how much my hair grows per month ...I have never measured...I keep forgetting to get some measuring tape!

I usually go by where my hair hits on my face, etc....I think that my hair grows pretty slow though....I have gone from a short ceasar cut in July '06, almost 2 years ago and I don't even think my hair is 6 inches yet!!! My hair in the front has just recently reached my top lip!!...I get soo discouraged sometimes when I see others who manage to get 6 inches or more per year and actually retain it too.....:ohwell:

I have trimmed/dusted several times but I really do think my hair grows slower than the "average" and my hair is extrememly fragile & DRY, which leads to breakage...I do have some medical conditions that I think congributes to the dry brittle hair & slow growth ...but I am trying to increase my vitamin intake, eat right, take some growth aides, etc

OK I finally used DH's measuring tape from his dusty tool box LOL....anyway, my predictions were pretty hair in the front is averaging 5.5 - 6 inches and the hair elsewhere is averaging 5-5.5 inches...

I will make 2 years natural in July! From a short short ceasar cut!

This is very discouraging b/c it tells me that I will average only 3-4 inches a year MAX give or take some dusting of the ends...that's beyond whack!!! :nono:

I sure hope this Mega-Tek growth aid and the vitamins, supplements, water increase, etc helps me out b/c it would take me forever and a day to reach my healthy waist length goal--I don't want to give up-it just seems sort of impossible!!!
I really do not think that as a natural 4ab girl, my hair is living up the the average growth rate.

I think that .25" per month or 3" a year is more likely for me. For real ya'll, when I hear about 1" per month I get skeptical.

What say you?

I just looked at your album, from May to December you gained 3 inches or more and massive thickness, I think you are mistaken about your hair growth.

My hair grows an average of .25 - .50 a month. I lose the same amount of hair ENDS each month to. I see the ends of my hair all over the house. My problem is retention, not growth.
I don't measure my hair so I really don't know how much it grows each month. I just know my hair doesn't grow fast.
I used to think my hair could never grow
I think it's the fundamental problem with
women of color...
This is not my opinion this is fact
... the problem
it's that you're not retaining length
think about this...
unless your hair is locked up
how can you tell if it's growing or not???
Seriously... keep reading...
new growth (if you're relaxed) isn't an accurate
measure because there's the issue of scab hair
when you're stretching. That hair growing out of
your scalp is still chemically processed/relaxed.
Again... this is NOT my opinion...
Unless you have an illness or disease of some sort
most people will get about .5" a month +/- a few milimeters
I suggest getting books by Akbari, Howse, Shamboosie, Hofstein, and Kinard
I'm willing to bet any money for those who think
their hair isn't growing it's because you're manipulating
your hair... I just think it's sad we are conditioned to
think our hair can't grow it's a big bad myth that has
been proven wrong by thousands of Black women on and
off LHCF... don't believe the hype.
If you want to see a change...
ease up on the combs and brushes, stop pulling hair into tight
ponytails and braids, and wear your hair up and off your shoulders
so it isn't brushing against your clothes.
I promise promise promise you... it worked for me...
IT WILL WORK FOR YOU it's not a phenomenon that
Black women grow long hair it's just that some are
better at retaining it... THAT's MY 2 CENT!
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