" f*** natural hair people, you're like in a f*** gang or cult or some s*** leave me the F*** alone" :lachen:

LMFAOPIMP!!!!!!!!!!! I lost it! Hysterical!!! I wanted to leave her a comment, but it didn't go through :-(

I never post videos like this because I know the poor person is going to get e-ganged up on
She's a hoot. I didn't watch the whole video, I skipped certain points but there were still so many hilarious quotables! :lachen: there's something to be said for a colorful and skillful use of cussing. not everyone can do it but this vid shows that, when done right, it makes the delivery stand out even more. :yep: And I definitely get where she's coming from!

This lady is funnnay! She has a point - whenever anyone mentions long 4b hair, the same few names are thrown out. I can't begin to even count the longhaired type 3s I've known IRL and see on the Internet - at least 20 right off the top of my head.

This! Exactly what I was gonna say. The bolded speaks volumes. People think they are bucking conventional wisdom or debunking myths when they throw those names but truth be told, when looked at the recurring pattern, it does quite the opposite.
" f*** natural hair people, you're like in a f*** gang or cult or some s*** leave me the F*** alone" :lachen:

LMFAOPIMP!!!!!!!!!!! I lost it! Hysterical!!! I wanted to leave her a comment, but it didn't go through :-(

I never post videos like this because I know the poor person is going to get e-ganged up on

Yea i was actually laughing at that too... that was really funny
But in all seriousness, I do get where she's coming from (I just don't approve of HOW the message was being relayed). Type 3 hair isn't as susceptible to single strand knots, frequent breakage, and dryness compared to type 4 hair. That doesn't mean that a person with type 3 hair might not experience those things, but it sure is more likely to happen to a person with type 4 hair. Because type 3 hair doesn't have as tight a curl pattern as type 4, it can withstand abuse and still grow. I don't think watching people with type 3 hair is relevant to me either.
I'm just sayin'! xD
LOL at the nuts and berries and rainwater!!!
I can understand, though.
I'm a 3c - natural - now APL and have been trying so hard to help my 4c mum - relaxed with her constant 2 inches hair forever. The day I started to buy her some effective natural products and the day I sent her some videos from Sera was the day she didn't think I was crazy anymore and she started to consider my information. LOL
But in all seriousness, I do get where she's coming from (I just don't approve of HOW the message was being relayed). Type 3 hair isn't as susceptible to single strand knots, frequent breakage, and dryness compared to type 4 hair. That doesn't mean that a person with type 3 hair might not experience those things, but it sure is more likely to happen to a person with type 4 hair. Because type 3 hair doesn't have as tight a curl pattern as type 4, it can withstand abuse and still grow. I don't think watching people with type 3 hair is relevant to me either.I'm just sayin'! xD
Have to disagree with you there. I have 3c/4a mix. I have the definition of the 3 girls but all the drama of the 4 girls. When I started my journey, I couldn't find a 3c/4a girl to save my life!! I've broken brushes, combs, clips, etc.
couldnt get through the first 30 seconds of this video.
I automatically zone out when people talk stupidness.
Have to disagree with you there. I have 3c/4a mix. I have the definition of the 3 girls but all the drama of the 4 girls. When I started my journey, I couldn't find a 3c/4a girl to save my life!! I've broken brushes, combs, clips, etc.

Girl me neither!
Wow she had one of them "ignant" moments. There are plenty of 4bs on YT that grew hair long. RusticBeauty is one of them I can name off the top of my head. Other than that, her speech was funny to me, and she resembles Paul mooney to me a lot.
Wow she had one of them "ignant" moments. There are plenty of 4bs on YT that grew hair long. RusticBeauty is one of them I can name off the top of my head. Other than that, her speech was funny to me, and she resembles Paul mooney to me a lot.
There is nothing ok about that
I don't take the video seriously. It seems to be a joke.

As for the type 3 vs. 4 debate....

Yes, type 4 hair is more coily, has more bends (and points of weakness), is generally harder to detangle and tends to be more dry and can take less trauma.

However, I don't get why it's so upsetting. It is what it is. If you know the structure of hair, then all of this is fact.

If you have type 4 hair... that's what God/Genetics gave you. Work with it. IMO it's not a curse. You just really need to be on top of it. Instead of complaining and comparing your hair to people with a different hairtype, do what you need to do to make your hair flourish (if that is your desire)

If you have type 3 hair... yes, our hair is different. This in no way should be taken as an insult. Just a fact. Doesn't mean that type 3's have no issues with their hair.

The one that is really crazy to me is type 4a vs. 4b. It's almost like some 4b's want to make it out that their hair is "the worst" or some type of curse. Not even other type 4's know anything of "their pain."

I feel that it's human nature to divide and get an "us vs. them" mentality for practically everything. It's SAD. :nono:
See...I feel like I qualify to give someone advice on their hair because 1. my hair gets nappy. Curly doesnt mean it doesnt get nappy and mine make my mom cry when I was a kid. I still break combs with relaxers and bkt's.

2. Yes, my hair was long as a child, but when I got a bit older it "stopped" growing and ended up looking like a dry, chemical damaged, chewed up shoulder length. as at one point, it was chin length. I decided to take care of my hair and that's what changed. Also, I have to put my hair up in a sew in just to retain length. Right now, i wanna see if i can grow my hair out without sticking it up in a sew in every two monthes. I take hairfinity pills also, which helps me grow. so idk. just because someone HAD long hair as a kid doesnt mean they don't qualify. also I BELIEVE my hair type is like 3c/4a. but im not sure. but it doesnt matter cuz this mess gets nappy and tangled and scary when it's got no relaxer. so i think she's biased in alot of ways. she obviously doesnt think she can grow her hair. and refuses to listen to the advice someone is giving her becuse she obviously is prejudice towards females with a softer and more moisturized texture. but what ive realized is. the difference between our hair and theirs is that the curl pattern is different, and we need more moisture. If she actually found out what moisturizes her hair well and kept her ends maintained, she'd see growth. my hair is the dryest thing ive ever seen. but i recently found out what works with my hair and i don't even think this is my real hair sometimes.
I don't take the video seriously. It seems to be a joke.

As for the type 3 vs. 4 debate....

Yes, type 4 hair is more coily, has more bends (and points of weakness), is generally harder to detangle and tends to be more dry and can take less trauma.

However, I don't get why it's so upsetting. It is what it is. If you know the structure of hair, then all of this is fact.

If you have type 4 hair... that's what God/Genetics gave you. Work with it. IMO it's not a curse. You just really need to be on top of it. Instead of complaining and comparing your hair to people with a different hairtype, do what you need to do to make your hair flourish (if that is your desire)

If you have type 3 hair... yes, our hair is different. This in no way should be taken as an insult. Just a fact. Doesn't mean that type 3's have no issues with their hair.

The one that is really crazy to me is type 4a vs. 4b. It's almost like some 4b's want to make it out that their hair is "the worst" or some type of curse. Not even other type 4's know anything of "their pain."

I feel that it's human nature to divide and get an "us vs. them" mentality for practically everything. It's SAD. :nono:


what annoys me is that people make type 4 hair sound like it's inherently bad or weak. Or that it's not authentic unless it exhibits "negative" qualities. It is very possible that the wrong methods are being used to care for the hair. Before i found the hair boards, the texture of my hair was different and the detangling was a nightmare. Now with the newfound knowledge my texture is totally different and I can detangle with my fingers alone in maybe ten minutes. The big difference some moisture and regular conditioning can make. No pain, no nothing. I used to have dry scalp and since i started using GOOD products and stopped using mineral oil, i don't even have to pay attention to my scalp, anymore. I think self-hatred and ignorance as to how to care for your hair type, fuels a lot of the frustration and perceptions about "bad" type 4 hair. 9 times out of 10, it's how the person treats their hair that makes it "bad", "nappy" and or "little nubs". Hair grows no matter what you do, that's why u need touch ups. It's how you treat it, that decides whether or not u keep it.
what annoys me is that people make type 4 hair sound like it's inherently bad or weak. Or that it's not authentic unless it exhibits "negative" qualities. It is very possible that the wrong methods are being used to care for the hair. Before i found the hair boards, the texture of my hair was different and the detangling was a nightmare. Now with the newfound knowledge my texture is totally different and I can detangle with my fingers alone in maybe ten minutes. The big difference some moisture and regular conditioning can make. No pain, no nothing. I used to have dry scalp and since i started using GOOD products and stopped using mineral oil, i don't even have to pay attention to my scalp, anymore. I think self-hatred and ignorance as to how to care for your hair type, fuels a lot of the frustration and perceptions about "bad" type 4 hair. 9 times out of 10, it's how the person treats their hair that makes it "bad", "nappy" and or "little nubs". Hair grows no matter what you do, that's why u need touch ups. It's how you treat it, that decides whether or not u keep it.
I didn't get that from her all. She is describing her frustrations with her hair. She acknowledges that she doesn't know how to care for it and she is asking for videos from people who have had similar experiences with their hair to help. She may have phrased her request in a let's say unconventional way. But I'm not seeing the self hatred here. It's not like she's asking how to make her 4b hair look like 3c. She just wants to grow her hair.
That lady is a SEVERE hot mess. However, if you look past her delivery, she actually has a good point. I think some people are genetically prone to having thick hair that grows fast...some aren't. The women in my family have thick long hair, and it does normally grow back fast if it is cut. However, I know some people have never had long hair and have a hard time growing hair period. I am guessing that the lady in the video is one of those people, and she needs help from someone in her shoes. She would like to see someone who has always had coarse/brittle/short hair do videos on how THEY were able to grow their hair long for the first time ever...
mwahahaha My friend showed me this yesterday! This woman is so ghetto its sad. -4d hair! Girl that's just a 4b that isn't up on proper hair care! And just because water and gel make some hair wavy/curly, and they got a lot of baby hair doesn't mean it grows fast. My hair does all of that and only grows 1/3 inch per month and that's in the Summer! Black people = Diversity. Different skin tones, different hair textures, different attitudes. So yeah she's right some black chicks hair will grow quicker and longer with less effort. But all hair can grow long it just take proper care and patient. first glance, she looks like Paul Mooney....

but'r uh...i liked her better when she was on her lunch break....chewin dat gum....