lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo im sorry, lmfao that was so FUNNY

" imma need you to show me some Celiy from the color
purple hair some dry a$$ brittle shT that you brought
back to life, resurrected like Nazareth"
" imma need to take my hurr back to school to get another grade because the grade that it got, idk if it cheated and got this grade but this grade is graded on a curve "

DEAD. i love her.
I feel her on her new video......because where I am natural-hair women do not live naturally....they are fat or obese, smoke or worse and the only thing they take care of is their hair. They are gross fast-food (junk food) loving, never exercise type people. They just spend their money on hair products and whatever other thing that is not meant for someone claiming to be 'all-natural'. Makes no sense but then want to say they are natural. No, you're not natural your hair is just relaxer-free. I see too many obese or smoking relaxer-free women claiming they are natural. No, you are not.
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I feel her on her new video......because where I am natural-hair women do not live naturally....they are fat or obese, smoke or worse and the only thing they take care of is their hair. Makes no sense but then want to say they are natural. No, you're not natural your hair is just relaxer-free. I see too many obese or smoking relaxer-free women claiming they are natural. No, you are not.

Hair without a relaxer applied to it = natural hair. Relaxer free hair = Natural hair.

Lifestyle has absolutely nothing to do with it. :lol:

You have to live a certain lifestyle or be a certain weight to have natural hair? Seriously? :rofl:

Imma have to agree to disagree big time on that one. You're entitled to your opinion, but in my opinion that line of thought is highly irrational.
She has a point, but the way she brings it out is ridiculous. How she do all that while she driving?! I hate the gum chewing thing, but where the hell is she from? All that and no cops spotted her?:rolleyes::giggle:
I couldnt watch it all the way through, I dont like listening to people say the word "hurrr" to mean hair seriously, plus all the cussing, I think my IQ dropped about a good 50 pts
I couldn't watch more than a few minutes of this. :nono:
Nothing funny about her....((very sad)).
That's all I can say here~
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Have to disagree with you there. I have 3c/4a mix. I have the definition of the 3 girls but all the drama of the 4 girls. When I started my journey, I couldn't find a 3c/4a girl to save my life!! I've broken brushes, combs, clips, etc.

Yes, which is why I said type 4 hair is MORE susceptible, while maintaining the notion that some type 3s might experience this too. I'm just saying it's MORE LIKELY for type 4s to experience this than type 3s. I wrote that comment based on strictly type 3 or strictly type 4, not a mix. I could imagine that a person with 3c\4a mix would experience the challenges that most type 4s deal with.
I think she's on a bad hair(care) rampage. I understand taping it however she should have "skipped" the posting of that 1st video. As for the one above (post# 148 ), I get her point, don't agree with all of it I was thinking about a very related topic recently; will post my questions shortly ..... unless I find that someone else has already pondered this.
She has a point, but the way she brings it out is ridiculous. How she do all that while she driving?! I hate the gum chewing thing, but where the hell is she from? All that and no cops spotted her?:rolleyes::giggle:

I think she said she was sitting in her car during a break on her job.

Vis a vis what she said I guess it's no point - the choir got it and the rest did not. People who don't have 4z hair are going to keep assuming that we're just slow 4a types who don't know how to use a bottle of conditioner. People who do have 4z hair will nod and keep rolling. Honestly it's not about self hate. Some of us had natural hair long before there were hair boards. A yt'er once assured me that 4b hair could clump up into curls if the right sequence of a dozen conditioners and gels was used. I didn't debate her but I know what the "cussing lady" is talking about. It's just observation.
It's her opinion about her hair.... that she must love because obviously she wants it to grow and be healthy. I've seen much more ignorant comments on this board regarding hair textures. Her video really wasn't a big deal, just her venting.
I thought this was hilarious! It's youtube, not college. Her language didn't bother me b/c that's just how she talks when she's in her downtime mode.

Her sense of humor is so entertaining though!!!!
Wow that was crazy! I couldn't watch it all because I just couldn't take the language. I agree, very ignorant.

Hair without a relaxer applied to it = natural hair. Relaxer free hair = Natural hair.

Lifestyle has absolutely nothing to do with it. :lol:

You have to live a certain lifestyle or be a certain weight to have natural hair? Seriously? :rofl:

Imma have to agree to disagree big time on that one. You're entitled to your opinion, but in my opinion that line of thought is highly irrational.

I respect that.
I feel her on her new video......because where I am natural-hair women do not live naturally....they are fat or obese, smoke or worse and the only thing they take care of is their hair. They are gross fast-food (junk food) loving, never exercise type people. They just spend their money on hair products and whatever other thing that is not meant for someone claiming to be 'all-natural'. Makes no sense but then want to say they are natural. No, you're not natural your hair is just relaxer-free. I see too many obese or smoking relaxer-free women claiming they are natural. No, you are not.
wow, really??:look:
interesting viewpoint. why do you feel this way, may i ask? what prompts you to conflate the status of hair and one's lifestyle choices?
wow, really??:look:
interesting viewpoint. why do you feel this way, may i ask? what prompts you to conflate the status of hair and one's lifestyle choices?

Id like to know too. What does one have to do with the other? If Im natural do I have to be a "hippie" and use crystals for deodorant and brush my teeth with baking soda grow all my own food cook all my bread from scratch walk everywhere I go and never shave ect ect ect? All b/c I chose not to put a relaxer in my hair? Ummmm......ok.
I was not offended at all by the way she spoke. This chick is hilarious!!! I wonder why people think profanity equals ignorant and unintelligent? She made some great points IMO.

I agree with this- seriously the woman is not defending a thesis- its just youtube she can say what she wants, she is funny and some of the things she says have some truth in them!

People on youtube have no moral responsibility to be eloquent, to speak responsibly etc. She said she was just messing about and having a rant. There is no law against that. Freedom of speech.
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probably the same line of logic that makes people assume that women who relax hate's hair, folks. there are real problems in the world.

wow, really??:look:
interesting viewpoint. why do you feel this way, may i ask? what prompts you to conflate the status of hair and one's lifestyle choices?
LMAAAAAAAOOOO @ her new video "U damn natural hair girls, part 2."
at 7:57: (edited for her colorful language:D)
"somebody left me a comment saying the natural hair community is furious. *** the natural hair community!! what the natural hair community gon do to me? whup my arse??"

"talmbout some i been natural for 5 years. muhluver, i been natural for 20. this year will be 20. RIDE THAT.":lol::lol:
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I loved her vid. I usually love her vids. She's raw and uncut. Doesn't sugarcoat anything. I don't think this makes her ignorant at all.
I've seen a sh*tload of type 4 naturals that HAVE grown their hair long...but DURRRRRRR you won't see it cause of shrinkage! There were tons of ladies that grew their hair past shoulder length on nappturality. Bu since they don't wear it straight you wouldn't know how long it is.

But I've learned that there's a certain klass of folks that are futile to argue with.
LMAAAAAAAOOOO @ her new video "U damn natural hair girls, part 2."
at 7:57: (edited for her colorful language:D)
"somebody left me a comment saying the natural hair community is furious. *** the natural hair community!! what the natural hair community gon do to me? whup my arse??"

"talmbout some i been natural for 5 years. muhluver, i been natural for 20. this year will be 20. RIDE THAT.":lol::lol:

:lachen: I was waiting for the "run and tell that, homeboy!"