LOL I'm sorry but I feel this way sometimes


Check out what she says @6:00

E'erytime people try to bring up "Kunta Kintay" hair we get told that it doesn't exist and anyone who thinks they have it really is just too dumb to read the instructions on their jar of curling custard right. On another board when the subject came up someone started e-crying at the idea that super kink exists and maybe the po' thing was crying into her computer. smh. But honestly this yt'er is annoying but she makes some valid points and some of it was funny too - lol @ "type fo' d-".
:lachen: she said Ceily color purple hair.. she said 4D- hair 5a hair..:lachen: omg.. she is hilarious.. I understand where she coming from tho... I dont think she was doing it to be Ignorant..she just sounds ignorant..
I can't believe I watched the whole thing. laugh I've had in a minute. I'm not a fan of profanity but "this chick right here...this chick right here". :lachen: She had me at the Marilyn McCoo hair comment...I haven't heard that name mentioned in decades!...and how her hair must have gotten graded on a curve....she needs to see some 5a hair! OMG!

Folks keep calling her "ignorant" but I honestly didn't hear anything ignorant in this particular rant of hers. In fact, she quite well spoken, glib, quick witted, whatever despite the profanity. If she isn't a comedian she should be because she is hilarious!
I couldn't even watch the whole thing. After the cell phone call and the gum smacking I couldn't take it anymore. If she wants to find videos of people with "real" type 4 dry hair she should look for it herself. It's not hard.
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I will never look at gum the same way again :look:

I half expected it to fly out and stick on the lense LOL.

*cryin* "I wanna see sum 5d type hair"

"I wanna muphucka to sell sum shyyyt that done had bald spots and then grew they hair"

"My hair ain't get no passin grade......imma hafta go back and take the test over cuz I think my hair cheated"

she said 4d minus hurrrr
*here lays iri9109*


If she was on LHCF she would get me fired. I would be dying and crying at my desk. I can only begin to imagine her response to some posts.


so agree :lachen:

Not solid gold Marilyn Mc Coo hair or Sammy Davis baby hair :lol: but 4D and 5a hair
I couldn't stop laughin.... but she makes a point.

so so true :lachen:

as someone pointed out, she prolly just rlly frustrated with her hair right now.
See, I was right there with her (in spite of the wild gum chewing) until the bolded. Sammy Davis? Baby hair? Huh???? She's hilarious.

Not solid gold Marilyn Mc Coo hair or Sammy Davis baby hair :lol: but 4D and 5a hair
I couldn't stop laughin.... but she makes a point.
lmao!!!!! But i do understand where she coming from. She wants to see people who have 4b and beyond who started short and grew it long, like to waist lenght (which is hard to find) and i must admit before i came to this board i only seen people with 3c hair talking about how they grew hair. (Resurrected like lazureth:lachen: :lachen::lachen:)

The 4d minuses and 5a's please stand up - :lachen::lachen::lachen:
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I feel wat she sayin but she didnt have to be so STUPID ALL THA CURSING,USE god name out in vain with tha NASTY LANGUAGE .
ALL she have do is GO TO HAIR DOCTOR wat work for other might not work for her she has her own head of hair .........make it grow she look/talk triflin .she disable so we cant comment i got somethin tell tha .....
unsurprisingly this is the general view out there among black women who do not know how to look after their hair.... shakes head and walks out of thread....
It just seems as if my hair requires more of a hands off approach. I can't cowash my hair everyday. I can't wear it out in a puff too often. It does best and receives the most growth when it is tucked away for long periods of time. The only time I've seen someone with my hair type retain length is constant and consistent protective styling or locing.

I do love my hair, it's just extremely frustrating at times considering I've been natural for 2 1/2 years and should have a decent amount of growth to show for 3 years w/o relaxers and I don't. I think a lot of people may have this problem but who wants to document their extremely slow progress when everyone else is flying by.

I honestly thought it would be a lot easier before I bc'd to care for my hair but I've learned that everyone's experience is different. The only thing I can tell her is patience and constant protective styling and that's about it. And routine dusting of split ends (Nonie!)
Can I ask yall a question? I know I'm a newbie, so excuse the ignorance, but what exactly is "5d" or "4z" hair?

Growing up, I was always told how "thick" and "coarse" my hair was (nice for "nappy"). Most of my hair is 4b, with the perimeter and back being 4a (I think). However, since joining the forum and looking at other ladies who claim 4zzzz hair and the like, I don't see much of a difference between theirs and mine. I wonder how many folks who claim 4z and up hair just think that because their moisturizing game isn't up to par, or they just haven't observed that many true 4b heads.

Feel free to educate me if I'm wrong :look:

I proudly claim 4z all the way. My hair is brillo pad soft. steel wool soft. and no amount of shea butter, jeri curl juice, or cones will change it. I should not have to use a half of bottle of product per day to "soften my hair" there is nothing cottony about my locs. I accept that. I accept the fact that i dont have a curl pattern, i have a chunk pattern. I like soft hair , touchable hair , manageable hair. if it's loaded with 5011 products all i will end up with are stained pillow cases and handfulls of stickiness. I'm learning to work with what god has given me. it is what it is. im trying heat training, and so far, that's a huge challenge. my hair never presses or straightens all the way, my ends always look chewed despite many trims and cuts. No matter what, it's hard. i accept that.
Wait...I can't even be mad at her, LOL! Type 6 hair? Honestly, I get where she is coming from...I cringe when natural women are asked by relaxed women "how they got their hair to curl" and they're like "I just went natural! Your hair will be curly too if you do it!" Since we all know not ALL hair curls...I think it perpetuates the false hope that a lot of transitioners sometimes get.

That is true because your hair looks different when the permed hair is weighing it down so you really don't know what your working with until it grows all the way out
i do that!!! i never really thought about it, but imma stop tellin ppl their hair will be curly if they stop relaxing b/c it might not...i dont wanna raise any false hopes that end up in dissapointment

this was a HUGE disappointment for me. I thought that my hair would have a looser curl pattern although I knew deep down I was a true 4. I thought I could pop off waves or something but nope, not in my cards realistically.



*DEAD* :lachen:
Hmm, I do understand her POV, but does she really need to talk like that? Ugly. That's all that I'll say b/c if I say anything further, it will sound just as ignorant.
I was not offended at all by the way she spoke. This chick is hilarious!!! I wonder why people think profanity equals ignorant and unintelligent? She made some great points IMO. this my! I swear..I understand exactly what she is saying..lmao! I agree with hair 150%. Most of these naturals on youtube had long hair ALWAYS.(when they were permed..or natural). My hair was always if my hair that's a miracle! lol at 4 d minus
She had me :rofl: But I have to admit she has a point. My eldest has 3/b type hair and 7 year old has somewhere between a type 2 or 3. They have that type of hair that will grow in spite of them especially my 7 year old. She goes to sleep hair wild, twirls her hair around her fingers all day, shoot the other day she had her hair all twisted around her backpack straps and yet it's hip length.:nono: She's doing everything to be bald and still has hair down to her butt. I wonder how long it will be if she actually cared about it:lol:

My eldest is similar. She takes better care of her hair but shoot I'd never grow past a TWA if I did like her. She's mid back length with almost no effort.

Now me? I wash my hair in braids, moisturize, DC with heat, seal, protective style and sleep in the sex life destroyer bonnet and am JUST NOW grazing APL and it doesn't even look great (Transitioning so it makes my ends look see through)

I've been on this site since 2006. I've learned a few truths about my type of hair that aren't the case for other types. Like for instance my hair will NOT retain length if left in it's natural unstretched state. My hair will not retain moisture if air dried. I pretty much have to use heat and then braid it or twist it up like LongHaiDontCare. I have noticed that since I've stopped air drying I've had a LOT less breakage, more retention, and my hair feels softer and stays moisturized for days.

Bottom line, I cannot follow the same regimen as a type 3 and expect similar results. It is what it is. this my! I swear..I understand exactly what she is saying..lmao! I agree with hair 150%. Most of these naturals on youtube had long hair ALWAYS.(when they were permed..or natural). My hair was always if my hair that's a miracle! lol at 4 d minus

I know they hate to admit it because they feel like it detracts from their success but it's true! I mean it's like my daughters shaving their heads and then it growing back being like "Wow! ABC product works!" Mamma knows the truth:rofl: Now do good products and techniques help hair reach it's maximum potential? Yes. But seriously some people just have "good hair":duck: When I say good hair I don't mean texture because there are people with type 4 hair (MsLala comes to mind) that have good hair. By good hair I mean hair that has the same make up as steel wire that won't break for nothing! They can fry it, dye it, leave it out, sleep on cotton sheets, wear cotton scrunchies, etc. and it will still be long. Makes me sick too:lachen:

That's why I seek out advice from women with my type of hair because I know that there's a LOT more care and babying that goes into it.