This is in her myspace "me" If it is her, she's a pretty girl and probably the type who wouldn't be caught DEAD with short hair, much less natural!


she aiight... she could be in a video but she aint tight enough to be goin around talkin about folks big chop with them burgundy ashy 90's highlights... hello? moisture anyone? and are those racoon eyes?
agh I went too far forgive me lol
I know ignoring is the right thing to do...but insulting is so much more fun. I'd want to say something like "well, that's because you're ignorant and still working with that slave mentality that we need to add fake hair because ours isn't good enough. I hate to see black women like THAT. [disclaimer: not dissing fake hair, but those who'd rather be caught dead than wearing their own hair--and project that self-hate onto others].

no need for the disclaimer girl... agh insulting is so much toxic fun!!! i know it aint right but geez she started it so we're ok lol
This is in her myspace "me" If it is her, she's a pretty girl and probably the type who wouldn't be caught DEAD with short hair, much less natural!


she aiight... she could be in a video but she aint tight enough to be goin around talkin about folks big chop with them burgundy ashy 90's highlights... hello? moisture anyone? and are those racoon eyes?
agh I went too far forgive me lol
id say something!! i feel like its almost our civic duty to educate the ignorant and not let their ignorance go un-checked and CLEARLY...miss thing needs to be checked
Pretty face, nice body, ugly mind. "look like that"? like what? a black woman with short kinky hair? And she'll get you looking right by braiding fake hair into yours? :rolleyes: My people!

I'm sure you know your hair is lovely and there is nothing wrong with it, but just in case you want/need to hear it again, your hair is lovely!
Ladies I need your help!

Last night I decided to publish a picture with my current hair (I BC almost 7 weeks ago) on myspace. So, about 5 minutes ago I logged in to myspace only to find this in my inbox...:rolleyes:

From: ANNAPOLIS BRAIDS ( :sekret:
To: Tu Morenita Papi
Date: Jul 30, 2009 2:33 PM

ay mami!!!! i was browsing people and i saw this picture lol! honey you are in serious need of my help! no disrespect but i can help you get right! you look like a hot chicken head mess! lol! i will even give you a discount! who ever chopped your hair like that needs to be chopped! and what is that grease down part on top? not sexy! please leave your number in my inbox with your name and i will put you on top priority!! please dont be offended i just hate when black women look like that! remember your hair is your crown and you should be proud of it!!

I can think of a lot things to respond this bright person but that would be too boring; therefore, I would like my LHCF sisters to give their clever response to this hating a$$ chickl!!....NOW I KNOW ya'll have something to say :giggle:

How I feel about this? :lachen::lachen::lachen: put a smile on my face...she claims she is a good braider, I wonder if she got all the experience while serving time in jail? :grin:

My profile pic on myspace

Oh, I would respond. Getting a comment like that would make my day. I like putting people in their place.

Dear Concerned Person Of Color:

Thank you for your concern in regards to the hair that rests on MY HEAD. First of all, you shouldn't ASSume that I don't know how to care for my hair. I recently cut off my hair off because I am going natural. I decided to rid my head of all those chemically treated ends and start fresh. So, your assessment that it looks a "hot chicken mess" is not only immature but shows that you don't know what you are talking about. I know that because I posted my picture on this site, it might give others the impression that I care about their personal assessment of my hair, clothing or lifestyle, but it does not. I am secure and confident in knowing that the hair the rests on MY HEAD is going to grow out healthy and long.

I suggest in the future that if you are trying to drum up business, not to come on so disrespectful to people that you don't even know. How do you know that my hair didn't fall out due to chemo or some other illness? It is obvious that you have a lot to learn about being professional and how to approach people, even those via the internet.

In closing, I wish you well and hope that you are never approached in the same disrespectful manner in which you approached me. No harm done but you needed to be schooled.

Peace and Blessings
This great, I think you should use it!!! Amazing how ignorant some people can be!

Oh, I would respond. Getting a comment like that would make my day. I like putting people in their place.

Dear Concerned Person Of Color:

Thank you for your concern in regards to the hair that rests on MY HEAD. First of all, you shouldn't ASSume that I don't know how to care for my hair. I recently cut off my hair off because I am going natural. I decided to rid my head of all those chemically treated ends and start fresh. So, your assessment that it looks a "hot chicken mess" is not only immature but shows that you don't know what you are talking about. I know that because I posted my picture on this site, it might give others the impression that I care about their personal assessment of my hair, clothing or lifestyle, but it does not. I am secure and confident in knowing that the hair the rests on MY HEAD is going to grow out healthy and long.

I suggest in the future that if you are trying to drum up business, not to come on so disrespectful to people that you don't even know. How do you know that my hair didn't fall out due to chemo or some other illness? It is obvious that you have a lot to learn about being professional and how to approach people, even those via the internet.

In closing, I wish you well and hope that you are never approached in the same disrespectful manner in which you approached me. No harm done but you needed to be schooled.

Peace and Blessings
You know...I think it's amazing she has a master's at the ripe old age of...20.:rolleyes:

Tatianna Richmond
* 20 / Female
* Annapolis, Maryland, US
Fleet Business School

* Annapolis,MD
* Graduated: N/A
* Degree: Master's Degree
* Major: computer and information systems manager

People trip me out with their LYIN'!!! :lachen:

She's been braiding up hair since she was 10!
With over 10 years of experience, I am a hair braider from Maryland, I specialize in authentic African hair braiding of all kinds. My customers include men, women and children. I do any and all kinds of hair and specialize in short hair. I guarantee that all of my customers will walk away completely satisfied.
Oh, I would respond. Getting a comment like that would make my day. I like putting people in their place.

Dear Concerned Person Of Color:

Thank you for your concern in regards to the hair that rests on MY HEAD. First of all, you shouldn't ASSume that I don't know how to care for my hair. I recently cut off my hair off because I am going natural. I decided to rid my head of all those chemically treated ends and start fresh. So, your assessment that it looks a "hot chicken mess" is not only immature but shows that you don't know what you are talking about. I know that because I posted my picture on this site, it might give others the impression that I care about their personal assessment of my hair, clothing or lifestyle, but it does not. I am secure and confident in knowing that the hair the rests on MY HEAD is going to grow out healthy and long.

I suggest in the future that if you are trying to drum up business, not to come on so disrespectful to people that you don't even know. How do you know that my hair didn't fall out due to chemo or some other illness? It is obvious that you have a lot to learn about being professional and how to approach people, even those via the internet.

In closing, I wish you well and hope that you are never approached in the same disrespectful manner in which you approached me. No harm done but you needed to be schooled.

Peace and Blessings

This is awesome!!! Thanks! is like really classy but at the same type taking the taste out of her mouth!! B!tch slap!:grin:
You know...I think it's amazing she has a master's at the ripe old age of...20.:rolleyes:

People trip me out with their LYIN'!!! :lachen:

She's been braiding up hair since she was 10!

:scratchch hmmmmm this could be a "troll" then...and there is only one person that comes to mind that have all the time in the world to create an account and approach me in this manner...I didn't think of her first because she have dreadlocks!!! :ohwell:
Lol. You couldn't be serious where do these pscyhos come from.....Does she think by insulting you that she is going to get you to come on her side. Honey attracts flies not rudeness. She doesn't know you.
Thank you ladies for your responses and well taken compliments, I am choosing to ignore her just because I can't even take her serious LOL!!! I have been long enough on LHCF to now better...I'm going to bed GOOD NIGHT!!!!

Thanks for being a lady and ignoring that woman--she is obviously a bit off. Some people don't need a response.:grin:
Oh, I would respond. Getting a comment like that would make my day. I like putting people in their place.

Dear Concerned Person Of Color:

Thank you for your concern in regards to the hair that rests on MY HEAD. First of all, you shouldn't ASSume that I don't know how to care for my hair. I recently cut off my hair off because I am going natural. I decided to rid my head of all those chemically treated ends and start fresh. So, your assessment that it looks a "hot chicken mess" is not only immature but shows that you don't know what you are talking about. I know that because I posted my picture on this site, it might give others the impression that I care about their personal assessment of my hair, clothing or lifestyle, but it does not. I am secure and confident in knowing that the hair the rests on MY HEAD is going to grow out healthy and long.

I suggest in the future that if you are trying to drum up business, not to come on so disrespectful to people that you don't even know. How do you know that my hair didn't fall out due to chemo or some other illness? It is obvious that you have a lot to learn about being professional and how to approach people, even those via the internet.

In closing, I wish you well and hope that you are never approached in the same disrespectful manner in which you approached me. No harm done but you needed to be schooled.

Peace and Blessings

No, you didn't end this letter with Peace & Blessings, but it was well-written and planned out. Someone needs to become an author.

I found it funny.:grin: