
New Member
Ladies I need your help!

Last night I decided to publish a picture with my current hair (I BC almost 7 weeks ago) on myspace. So, about 5 minutes ago I logged in to myspace only to find this in my inbox...:rolleyes:

From: ANNAPOLIS BRAIDS ( :sekret:
To: Tu Morenita Papi
Date: Jul 30, 2009 2:33 PM

ay mami!!!! i was browsing people and i saw this picture lol! honey you are in serious need of my help! no disrespect but i can help you get right! you look like a hot chicken head mess! lol! i will even give you a discount! who ever chopped your hair like that needs to be chopped! and what is that grease down part on top? not sexy! please leave your number in my inbox with your name and i will put you on top priority!! please dont be offended i just hate when black women look like that! remember your hair is your crown and you should be proud of it!!

I can think of a lot things to respond this bright person but that would be too boring; therefore, I would like my LHCF sisters to give their clever response to this hating a$$ chickl!!....NOW I KNOW ya'll have something to say :giggle:

How I feel about this? :lachen::lachen::lachen: put a smile on my face...she claims she is a good braider, I wonder if she got all the experience while serving time in jail? :grin:

My profile pic on myspace
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Ignore it forever act as though you never saw the comment, your dissing will drive the poster crazy..don't feed the negative have the source right here.
Ladies I need your help!

Last night I decided to publish a picture with my current hair (I BC almost 7 weeks ago) on myspace. So, about 5 minutes ago I logged in to myspace only to find this in my inbox...:rolleyes:

From: ANNAPOLIS BRAIDS ( :sekret:
To: Tu Morenita Papi
Date: Jul 30, 2009 2:33 PM

ay mami!!!! i was browsing people and i saw this picture lol! honey you are in serious need of my help! no disrespect but i can help you get right! you look like a hot chicken head mess! lol! i will even give you a discount! who ever chopped your hair like that needs to be chopped! and what is that grease down part on top? not sexy! please leave your number in my inbox with your name and i will put you on top priority!! please dont be offended i just hate when black women look like that! remember your hair is your crown and you should be proud of it!!

I can think of a lot things to respond this bright person but that would be too boring; therefore, I would like my LHCF sisters to give their clever response to this hating a$$ chickl!!....NOW I KNOW ya'll have something to say :giggle:

How I feel about this? :lachen::lachen::lachen: put a smile on my face...she claims she is a good braider, I wonder if she got all the experience while serving time in jail? :grin:

My profile pic on myspace

OMG! No she didn't say a "hot chicken head mess" :lachen::lachen: Cold blooded. I mean, geeze, I chuckled since it seems what else can you do when someone is nicety like that. I don't know if to be mad for you or what laugh!

I'd ignore her or wait till your hair grows out and them update your picture with a super cute style, like "oh, what were you saying?" I saw her pictures, she seems to be a good braider. However, what a horrid approach!
Ignore it forever act as though you never saw the comment, your dissing will drive the poster crazy..don't feed the negative have the source right here.

I was thinking the same will eat her up!!! that's why I had to come in here and share cause God KNOWS how bad I want to answer.
She is crazy! You should tell her you are one of her customers and that's why you decided to go natural, LOL!!! Just kidding take the high road and don't look down to acknowledge her.. we're in a recession and she is just doing whatever she can to get customers.
OMG! No she didn't say a "hot chicken head mess" :lachen::lachen: Cold blooded. I mean, geeze, I chuckled since it seems what else can you do when someone is nicety like that. I don't know if to be mad for you or what laugh!

I'd ignore her or wait till your hair grows out and them update your picture with a super cute style, like "oh, what were you saying?" I saw her pictures, she seems to be a good braider. However, what a horrid approach!

I KNOW :lachen::lachen: I didn't know what to say at first!! well this will be my first time being abused because of my hair.
Hit IGNORE!!! Hiding behind a computer screen can make someone so witch!!! Congrats on ur BC sister
She is crazy! You should tell her you are one of her customers and that's why you decided to go natural, LOL!!! Just kidding take the high road and don't look down to acknowledge her.. we're in a recession and she is just doing whatever she can to get customers.[/QUOTE

maybe is a marketing strategy of hers.
I bet if you had the same length, but had a relaxer it wouldn't be so much a problem.

When will we stop hating ourselves?

As you already know... She's probably an idiot. :lol:

I would respond personally. People think they can get away saying stupidness like that just because you're online?

I understand if you choose to ignore though.

Congrats on your BC!
I don't know whether to :lol: or :rolleyes::angry2:. I agree with everyone else, just ignore her. Her approach is all wrong (you can catch more flies with honey than vinegar) and she shouldn't jump to conclusions about your hair. Unfortunately, not everyone understands the concepts of BCing or transitioning to natural.

Just do you. Rock that TWA, you look beautiful.
Honestly, hearing this kind of stuff makes me glad I'm not on Myspace. Be the more mature person and ignore her.
I don't believe she was being a hater. Seems like she was trying to just give advice and look out for you as she feels your hair is a mess.

I'm not saying it is, haven't looked at the pic, but i don't get a haterish vibe. I got a "i don't know how to be pc" vibe.
Thank you ladies for your responses and well taken compliments, I am choosing to ignore her just because I can't even take her serious LOL!!! I have been long enough on LHCF to now better...I'm going to bed GOOD NIGHT!!!!
I don't believe she was being a hater. Seems like she was trying to just give advice and look out for you as she feels your hair is a mess.

I'm not saying it is, haven't looked at the pic, but i don't get a haterish vibe. I got a "i don't know how to be pc" vibe.

:yep: Yes, and a definite "I don't know what to say out my mouth" vibe.
Ladies I need your help!

Last night I decided to publish a picture with my current hair (I BC almost 7 weeks ago) on myspace. So, about 5 minutes ago I logged in to myspace only to find this in my inbox...:rolleyes:

From: ANNAPOLIS BRAIDS ( :sekret:
To: Tu Morenita Papi
Date: Jul 30, 2009 2:33 PM

ay mami!!!! i was browsing people and i saw this picture lol! honey you are in serious need of my help! no disrespect but i can help you get right! you look like a hot chicken head mess! lol! i will even give you a discount! who ever chopped your hair like that needs to be chopped! and what is that grease down part on top? not sexy! please leave your number in my inbox with your name and i will put you on top priority!! please dont be offended i just hate when black women look like that! remember your hair is your crown and you should be proud of it!!

I can think of a lot things to respond this bright person but that would be too boring; therefore, I would like my LHCF sisters to give their clever response to this hating a$$ chickl!!....NOW I KNOW ya'll have something to say :giggle:

How I feel about this? :lachen::lachen::lachen: put a smile on my face...she claims she is a good braider, I wonder if she got all the experience while serving time in jail? :grin:

My profile pic on myspace

You look lovely.

She has a great deal of nerve, stupidity or outright contempt for your intelligence to think she could say that to you and you would actually seek HER out for service! :rolleyes:

Where has tact gone? :nono:

Ignore her, indeed. :yep:

Stupid is as stupid does. :lachen:
I would've told her that while she's braiding my hair I have a friend that can help her out with the wackass baby fat she still toting twenty years after she gave birth. My homie will enroll her in a hoodrat boot camp that is sure to bring her baby daddy back from that white chick he effin' wit. She's right on point. Look how she got Kelis her money and Angelina Jolie her role in Wanted after she gave birth. Please, let her help you. I hate to see you looking a starving ethiopian with you belly extending like that.
I would've told her that while she's braiding my hair I have a friend that can help her out with the wackass baby fat she still toting twenty years after she gave birth. My homie will enroll her in a hoodrat boot camp that is sure to bring her baby daddy back from that white chick he effin' wit. She's right on point. Look how she got Kelis her money and Angelina Jolie her role in Wanted after she gave birth. Please, let her help you. I hate to see you looking a starving ethiopian with you belly extending like that.

OMG!!:lachen::lachen:I had to read this a couple of times!!
wow what a way to drive off maybe future potential customers. it is a recession and blah blah blah but i wouldnt give my business to someone who just insulted me :|
is that how she gets her customers, by insulting them? terrible!!!

i'd probably say something mean back, but that's just fueling the fire. your hair is beautiful & your opinions of it matter most; bump what people like that have to say!
This is in her myspace "me" If it is her, she's a pretty girl and probably the type who wouldn't be caught DEAD with short hair, much less natural!

Some black people just irk me:wallbash: It's your choice to cut your damn hair..Why do you need long hair to look good..Ughhh..There she goes with a damn weave in her head, typical. Just ignore the her.
I know ignoring is the right thing to do...but insulting is so much more fun. I'd want to say something like "well, that's because you're ignorant and still working with that slave mentality that we need to add fake hair because ours isn't good enough. I hate to see black women like THAT. [disclaimer: not dissing fake hair, but those who'd rather be caught dead than wearing their own hair--and project that self-hate onto others].