Thin/Fine Support Thread

Just a question for the fine stranded ladies...

Did any of you go natural because of the way your relaxed fine strands looked. Latetly its been really bothering me how thin and limp my fine strands look against my new growth. Just wondering if I can transition and wear my natural hair straight... Has anyone struggled with this or done this for these reasons???

I tried transitioning a couple of times and wasn't successful. I am still chasing that dream...:rolleyes: But when I did flat iron the new growth I did get some breakage but not as much as I did when I airdried. So you might be successful with wearing it straight and transitioning. My hairdresser told me to keep heat down to a minimum she would only flat iron to reduce the curl pattern and not get it as straight as possible. This worked fine and I had fuller looking hair. Its was all good until I washed.:nono:

With me, keeping it from tangling when I washed was my biggest challenge...another dream I am chasing.:spinning:

Good luck with your transition.
^^ Haven't fully decidded whether to transition. Just a thought bouncing around my head.

Didn't a good blow dry get it straight enough? my hair usually gets quite straight with a good blow dry... I am wondering if that would suffice...

Right now I am in a sew-in to help me stratch till at least Dec.
Just a question for the fine stranded ladies...

Did any of you go natural because of the way your relaxed fine strands looked. Lately its been really bothering me how thin and limp my fine strands look against my new growth. Just wondering if I can transition and wear my natural hair straight... Has anyone struggled with this or done this for these reasons???

I have decided to transition back to natural b/c of my fine strands. Yesterday, I contacted a lady here in Memphis for a consultation for a braid style I want. She emailed be back this morning stating to just stop by with the pic and to set up my appointment. I plan on transitioning for 1 year and big chopping Oct. 2010. My plan is to transition with braids and do an occasional blowdry/flatiron to trim the relaxed ends away(every 3-4 months).
Just a question for the fine stranded ladies...

Did any of you go natural because of the way your relaxed fine strands looked. Latetly its been really bothering me how thin and limp my fine strands look against my new growth. Just wondering if I can transition and wear my natural hair straight... Has anyone struggled with this or done this for these reasons???

Yes, transitioning now. Buuuut I don't wear my hair straight that often. People who are fully natural wear their hair straight and if the difference in textures is large enough your best bet might be to wear it in a straight-ish style to protect the line of demarcation when manipulating it.

Also I'd like to give a big shout out to my homie Nupur henna! :lachen:

After using the henna for hair from and continuing with this my natural hair is much fuller than the textlaxed strands below, but all of my hair is fuller than it used to be.
I have decided to transition back to natural b/c of my fine strands. Yesterday, I contacted a lady here in Memphis for a consultation for a braid style I want. She emailed be back this morning stating to just stop by with the pic and to set up my appointment. I plan on transitioning for 1 year and big chopping Oct. 2010. My plan is to transition with braids and do an occasional blowdry/flatiron to trim the relaxed ends away(every 3-4 months).

do you plan on wearing your hair straight as a natural?
This thread is what I needed. I have not finished reading all pages. But I currently texlax and stop bone straight relaxing about 10mths ago, I stretch 10-12wks and minimize heavy products when I am not protective styling. I recently started using JBCO on my hair and edges to thicken them up.
do you plan on wearing your hair straight as a natural?
I have not decided yet but most likely I will wear it straight more than curly. There was a thread started by Pinkskates(IIRC) regarding heat styled naturals that I plan on reading through b/c I plan on wearing braids for a year to obtain a little length(aiming for shoulder length natural hair by Oct. 2010).
^^ Haven't fully decidded whether to transition. Just a thought bouncing around my head.

Didn't a good blow dry get it straight enough? my hair usually gets quite straight with a good blow dry... I am wondering if that would suffice...

Right now I am in a sew-in to help me stratch till at least Dec.

When she did it, she put me under the dryer then used a blow dryer then lightly flat ironed the roots. Flat ironing it partially straight lasted longer although she never didn't flat iron it and I won't blow my hair dry at home with a hand dryer after all the breakage I got years ago. I just do roller sets at home. But maybe just blowing it would work. :yep:
Just a question for the fine stranded ladies...

Did any of you go natural because of the way your relaxed fine strands looked. Latetly its been really bothering me how thin and limp my fine strands look against my new growth. Just wondering if I can transition and wear my natural hair straight... Has anyone struggled with this or done this for these reasons???

Well I'm not going natural but I am transitioning to texlaxed hair for the thickness effects. I probably will not be wearing my hair straight very often. I would more often wear a loose, kinky-curly, wash & go kinda look. Be careful with straightening fine hair daily though, you could end up losing even more hair as a result.

In my opinion, straightening fine natural or fine relaxed hair ends up with virtually the same results - fine see-through hair. When the hair has more of a kiny curly look to it, it appears to be thicker and fuller than it really is.
Just a question for the fine stranded ladies...

Did any of you go natural because of the way your relaxed fine strands looked. Latetly its been really bothering me how thin and limp my fine strands look against my new growth. Just wondering if I can transition and wear my natural hair straight... Has anyone struggled with this or done this for these reasons???
I have just finished reading this thread from beginning to end. I have always known that I had fine/thin hair. The idea of texlaxing was never thought of to remedy my thin hair issues. But what I have decided to do is go natural to have a healthier thicker -looking head of hair. While transitioning, you would think I had a head full instead of just a hand full. So yes, this was a reason for me wanting to let the relaxers go.
I am going from relaxed hair to texturized hair for the same reason, to give my fine strands more texture to appear to have thicker hair and I can see a BIG difference! I am not BC'ing though. I will just trim really, really slowly until all of the relaxed ends are gone. Even when I am 100% texturized, I don't see myself wearing straight styles too often either. What's the use of going through this whole process just to lose the helath of my hair to too much direct heat?
I also have naturally fine strands and used to experience a lot of breakage and shedding back in the day. But oddly, my hair was able to retain some length, but I think my hair grows in pretty quickly. I also agree with some of you ladies that LESS IS MORE. I've realized that the less I did to my hair, the less products I added, and the less heat I used, it started to look healthier and silkier. We definitely need to keep it simple with our hair texture.

Since joining LHCF, I've discovered co-washing which has helped tremendously as well as avoiding the shampoo's/sulfates. Daily oiling on my ends and constant moisturizing/conditioning has helped my ends stop breaking so much and stay strong. I also use a denman brush to detangle or my fingers, but I don't use a regular brush (only use it to smooth my roots into a ponytail which takes less than 15 seconds). Having fine, soft strands is one thing, but when it's dry and brittle??? Yeah, my hair def loves it's co-washing! :)

The only downside at least for me, is that I'm too afraid to color my hair or add any other type of chemicals fearing that it will make me thin more. Even heavy protein treatments or henna sounds scary to me! :ohwell:
I am a fine haired girl. I went natural 11 years ago because Chems were killing my hair.

While my hair is thin, I have lots of strands. I have also found that my setbacks are VERY different than other folks' setbacks. while some might say it will take them 6 months to recover - it will take me a year.....

That is my 2 cents................
I have just finished reading this thread from beginning to end. I have always known that I had fine/thin hair. The idea of texlaxing was never thought of to remedy my thin hair issues. But what I have decided to do is go natural to have a healthier thicker -looking head of hair. While transitioning, you would think I had a head full instead of just a hand full. So yes, this was a reason for me wanting to let the relaxers go.
co-signing. this is the reason for me transitioning this time around.
So I was watching Nick on "What Not to Wear" do a lady's hair that was both fine and thin. He suggested a hair cut where the hair was all the same length but at the ends, instead of blunting it off completely, he had it a little uneven. It looked really good when he was done.

May I say that using the Jazzing black cherry rinse makes my hair appear fuller, and it seems that I have to wear my hair with the ends curled under when it's out. I can't do the flat-iron look with just a bend/ bump, my ends just look see through.
I've accidentally discovered my answer. The last few relaxers that I've had have left my hair underprocessed/texlaxed. I noticed how much thicker the texlaxed half is vs the bottom, processed, thin half. I've decided that I'll continue to texlax my hair for thicker strands.
I'm in love with sweet almond oil! It does not weigh my hair down and my strands absorb it so well. I was in a rut over my fine hair not holding curls all day. I was using a sheen with soy bean oil in it, and while I got sheen, my hair was falling. Sooooo.... me being the science major that I was, I went online searching the densities of all the natural oils out there. I knew Jojoba was the lightest, but for some reason it makes my hair look stringy. So I've tried almond oil coz it's also lightweight, and my curl lasted all day and was shiny. I got it at the grocery store in the organic food section. I'm gonna buy an oil-mister coz I'm heavy handed. So try it, or a product that has almond oil in it. Worked for me.
Another fine hair lady checking in....Thank God for this forum!!! I was like a lot of u here, asking myself "why is it NOT working for me". I often gave up over the years. But it makes me feel good that I found out how to deal with my fine strands. Im going to try to texlax and BKT to see if I can get a thicker head of hair. Thanks ladies!!!!
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Another fine hair lady checking in....Thank God for this forum!!! I was like a lot of u here, asking myself "why is it NOT working for me". I often gave up over the years. But it makes me feel good that I found out how to deal with my fine strands. Im going to try to texlax and BKT to see if I can get a thicker head of hair. Thanks ladies!!!!
That is exactly what I did and by golly its working for me. When I was natural even through my hair was braided 90% of the time the single strand knots were killing me.

The BKT has allowed me to stretch for 4 months now after my initial textlax. I'm sure I can go 6 months easy...I may even consider transitioning just because my hair is so carefree right now...we'll see.

I am retaining length and I have styling / maintenance ease. I'm very pleased with the progress I have made with the BKT.
I've been natural and relaxed in the past. So far low manipulation and no heat is the only thing working for me. I'm thankful for my hair but I do wish at times my strands were thicker. If my hair continues to make progress during bootcamp I'll probably use no heat/low manipulation styles for bootcamp 2010 again next year.
What protective hairstyle do you ladies find best for fine hair?

Wearing wigs. I put on a satin bonnet, and then I put on my wig. Wearing wigs keep me from manipulating my own hair so much, but I can still take the wig off at the end of the day and attend to my hair (moisturizing ends, applying moisture to edges, etc.).
Wearing wigs. I put on a satin bonnet, and then I put on my wig. Wearing wigs keep me from manipulating my own hair so much, but I can still take the wig off at the end of the day and attend to my hair (moisturizing ends, applying moisture to edges, etc.).
this is what I plan on trying to help me stretch my relaxer until Dec. This weekend, I have plans to purchase my first half wig at a local bss.
I went natural, and my hair was still thin. I couldn't wear twists because they were so scraggly. I relaxed bone straight about a month ago, because my texlaxed hair was too frizzy and tangly for me. I just stopped manipulating it so much. Now my ends are looking less see through.
how's everyone doing?

My hair is kinda strange...sometimes it looks really full and thick and other times, really thin and fine....what gives? Is it me?

*sigh* I know i've made progress, but sometimes it doesn't seem to come fast enough...
how's everyone doing?

My hair is kinda strange...sometimes it looks really full and thick and other times, really thin and fine....what gives? Is it me?

*sigh* I know i've made progress, but sometimes it doesn't seem to come fast enough...

Its not just you. My hair looks really thick and full if I let it air dry and then just use a curling iron. But my hair can also look thin, wispy, and flat as Caucasian hair if I blow dry and flat iron. OK I can't make it look like that, but my stylist can. And I love her for it. :grin: :heart: