The woes of a product junkie


Well-Known Member
So I go to my closet last night to get something and I notice a strange odor . So im like what is that smell. So SO's like " I dunno, probably some of that stuff you got down there", referring to my hair products. so im like :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.

So I go on about my business and I go back to my closet later and the smell is even stronger. So I'm like omg, it smells like throw up or something . I was baffled because we dont have any pets and the kids haven't been sick or anything. I continue sniffing around and the smell, though awful was vaguely familiar.

I happen to look down into one of my product bins ( more like tub, lol) and I see my bottle of Ultra Sheen Duo Tex turmed upside down. I go to pick it up and the whole thing is empty. An entire 33.8 oz bottle of that horrible smelling, but great for the hair stuff spilled out into my shampoo and conditioner tote :wallbash:. I was so mad, I had to spend 45 min last night wiping down product bottles with Fabuloso and bleach trying to get rid of that smell :nono::nono:, and SO's just standing there like " I told you it was some of that stuff , with a stupid smile on his face.

I think I may need to get rid of some of my stash.
Girl, I totally feel your Pain.:blush: The Life of a PJ is Hard!

Luckily for You, it was Duo Tex and not Dudley's DRC 28 at $50.00+ a Pop!:blush:
do you have pics?

No, I should've taken pics of the mess but i was too mad to :sad:.

I might take pics of my stash this weekend if I can get everything all in one spot. But this is seriously it. Im using up what I have now and then only buying as needed from now on :yep:.

The reason why it spilled is because I wind up throwing everything in there any old kind of way because there's not enough space. I've "lost" products and i'm too lazy to dig through the stash looking for it so I just wind up buying duplicates. I lost a brand new jar of JCNS for like 2 monthe one time.
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You know.....I'm not recommending you do this....but I might have been tempted to schmear a little bit of "that stuff" as he so eloquently put it on him. right before he walked out the door.

Just saying. :look:
Girl....I have scooped too in a Heartbeat!:blush:

Ain't No Shame in the PJ Game!:lachen:

tell me about it when we were moving from ny to fl i had to leave clothes behind to fit 70 of my 100 bottles i had giving 30 away was hard and yes i will post pics soon as i get home
So I go to my closet last night to get something and I notice a strange odor . So im like what is that smell. So SO's like " I dunno, probably some of that stuff you got down there", referring to my hair products. so im like :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:.

So I go on about my business and I go back to my closet later and the smell is even stronger. So I'm like omg, it smells like throw up or something . I was baffled because we dont have any pets and the kids haven't been sick or anything. I continue sniffing around and the smell, though awful was vaguely familiar.

I happen to look down into one of my product bins ( more like tub, lol) and I see my bottle of Ultra Sheen Duo Tex turmed upside down. I go to pick it up and the whole thing is empty. An entire 33.8 oz bottle of that horrible smelling, but great for the hair stuff spilled out into my shampoo and conditioner tote :wallbash:. I was so mad, I had to spend 45 min last night wiping down product bottles with Fabuloso and bleach trying to get rid of that smell :nono::nono:, and SO's just standing there like " I told you it was some of that stuff , with a stupid smile on his face.

I think I may need to get rid of some of my stash.
See, this would have started an argument in my place:lachen::lachen: