Not using a product because of the smell?

Would you stop using a product that worked well because you didnt like the smell?

  • No, if it made my hair look/feel good, I'd still use it

    Votes: 19 16.4%
  • Yes, I'd dump it in a heart beat

    Votes: 49 42.2%
  • I'd use it sometimes, but not on a regular basis

    Votes: 30 25.9%
  • It would depend on the product.

    Votes: 17 14.7%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 0.9%

  • Total voters
Rosemary oil:perplexed. I've used this twice in my essential oil mixture and I'm scared to use this again.

Interestingly, I recently started paying extra attention to the scent of Poo/Cond ever since my male coworker discussed how he loves hair that smells heavenly:rolleyes:. Now all of a sudden I'm sniffing
I was just having this inner dialogue last night. I used White Rain Ocean Mist conditioner in a pre-poo and the smell really bothered me. I like the ocean, but I don't a fake ocean smell in my hair. I gave 1 bottle to a woman's shelter but I still have 1 and 3/4 of a bottle left. I might have to just dump this.
i tried the VS conditioner and i dont think i will purchase again cause the smell is so strong.

creme of nature just smells weird to me...looking to replace it ASAP although i got the 32oz bottle of it :wallbash:

i stopped using cocoa butter lotions and stuff cause the smell was irritating. shea butter is quickly making its way down that path.

i hope i dont get sick of suave tropical coconut but i have a feeling it is coming, so i rotate it with other scents often.
I will not use any product that stinks...sorry..don't care how good it works...all that stong smelling stuff like wild growth oil, mtg way :nono:


Yeah, I'm very sensitive to smell, so any product that makes my stomach queasy would have to go. I did once have that experience with coconut oil, but found another brand that smelled fine.


Yep the first thing I do is open up a hair product and smell it in the store. If it don't smell good I can't do it.


I can't use anything funky to me in my hair - esp. as it gets longer.... I love the smell of henna, :lol: which is odd, but that's just me. That's about the 'strangest' smelling thing I use on my hair, though.
kids organics shea butter detangler. smells like hot fart and cotton candy. i hate the smell of all kids products. :nono:

i use olive oil sparingly on my hair, because i don't want it to smell like a pizzaria.

i REALLY want to try ghee, but everyone who uses it talks about a faint rancid butter smell, and i'm not sure how i'd react to that.
Lmao! I had to give that stuff up. I didn't smell fart LOL, but it was funky. I can't stand any product that stinks. I didnt know so many had problems with coconut oil. I swear I thought it was only me. I love the stuff though.
I was just having this inner dialogue last night. I used White Rain Ocean Mist conditioner in a pre-poo and the smell really bothered me. I like the ocean, but I don't a fake ocean smell in my hair. I gave 1 bottle to a woman's shelter but I still have 1 and 3/4 of a bottle left. I might have to just dump this.

I'm with you. Fake ocean smell is so gross!!!
I have allergies and if something smells to strong...It's trashed! BUT if it doesn't give me the quezzies...then I'll use it once in a while. The Nyle oil I use is strong but tolerable...But that NEEM oil!!! YICK...I have a whole bottle that just sits there! I buy the coconut oil from GNC...Food grade...Light smell...better in my hair than in my mouth...Yick!
I was just having this inner dialogue last night. I used White Rain Ocean Mist conditioner in a pre-poo and the smell really bothered me. I like the ocean, but I don't a fake ocean smell in my hair. I gave 1 bottle to a woman's shelter but I still have 1 and 3/4 of a bottle left. I might have to just dump this.

ITA! I just use it at night and can't smell it in the morning.
Garnier makes a leave-in that smells like burned erasers. And it lingers. It's horrible and even competes with the scent of the shampoo you use to wash it out.
elatsa qp creme conditioning shampoo smells awful. it has a very strong chemical smell.
This is so true! I still use it though. It takes a lot for a scent to really bother me. Amla, Aphogee, and Vatika don't bother me, especially since they get rinsed out, but I agree with the poster that said she hated the smell of most children's products. They are sickeningly sweet! Speaking of, the one product that I won't EVER use again is HE HH. The smell is like Steve Hightower cologne!:nono:
my 1st time natural i liked jane carter's twist and lock but i stopped b/c of the scent. now i'm back on it and i love the product and scent. maybe they made the scent lighter b/c it does not make me ill anymore
MTG grew my hair some, jane carter nourish and shine made my hair feel great. the MTG had a stank smell and the N&S gave me migraines so they both had to go!!
Miss Jessie's Curly Buttercreme. :nono:

Man, even if I put the teeniest bit in my hair, that smell is SO STRONG. Way too strong for me...

I rarely use it. If it didn't cost so much money, I'd toss it...
I love the effect of Amla oil but the smell overwhelms me so i rarely use it. Esp the Dabur.


That's how I feel about keracare humecto and motions moisture plus... even Aubreys GPB conditioner.

Those strong perfumes also irritate my scalp!

I almost didn't buy AO GPB because I couldn't smell it in the store. I used it and it has a really strong smell. I'd rather use mayo on my hair to get some protein.
I have almost a whole bottle of Wild Growth Hair Oil in my stash, gathering dust, because the smell is just so bad. I used it to seal my leave-in, and everytime I turned my head, I would get a whiff of it; I was sure that others smelled it too, so I just stopped using it.:ohwell: That oil was not cheap, though, so I need to find a way to use it up.
I used to LOOOVE wgo for the way it made my hair feel. I can deal with the smell but I get paranoid when others are around because they may take offense to it so I don't use it.
Ojon was too strong of a smell!
I ALWAYS sniff a product before i buy it and if it stinks i put it back. I can't stand the smell of vatika oil it makes me feel sick :barf:. I couldn't get the seal off in the shop and thought it would smell like 'coconuts!' so i bought it :nono:.
I tried mixing it with a strong smelling conditioner but i could still smell it so im never gonna use it again.

kids organics shea butter detangler. smells like hot fart and cotton candy.
:lachen:thanks you saved my nose this was on my wishlist
For a leave-in? No way. For a shampoo where the smell rinsed out, well, maybe, it depends on how bad it smells. Like I've done acv rinses even though I hate the smell, but it rinses out and once the hair dries you can't smell it. And mayo on the hair, too. I hate the smell of mayo. But once it's out, it doesn't smell. So I guess it depends.
Has anyone liked the way a product worked on your hair, but couldn't get over the smell? I love the way coconut oil feels on my hair and used it for awhile, but then one day the smell just got to me. I just couldn't' use it anymore, the smell made me nauseas. I ended up giving it all to my best friend.

Have you ever stopped using a product because of the smell?

Today I purchased the Jane Carter Nourish and Shine. Loved it on my hair:grin:. HATE the way it smells:cry3:. For some reason it reminds me of old-school Giorgio perfume. It really bothered me. I am going to give it one more try but I may have to end up saying byebye to it:(
For a leave-in? No way. For a shampoo where the smell rinsed out, well, maybe, it depends on how bad it smells. Like I've done acv rinses even though I hate the smell, but it rinses out and once the hair dries you can't smell it. And mayo on the hair, too. I hate the smell of mayo. But once it's out, it doesn't smell. So I guess it depends.

That's a good point. Though I do sometimes smell my conditioner even if I rinse it all out.

kids organics shea butter detangler. smells like hot fart and cotton candy. i hate the smell of all kids products. :nono:

i use olive oil sparingly on my hair, because i don't want it to smell like a pizzaria.

i REALLY want to try ghee, but everyone who uses it talks about a faint rancid butter smell, and i'm not sure how i'd react to that.

Oh my gosh, that one had me dying. :lachen:
dr. miracles temple balm.. it works wonders for me

but the smell my mother loathes it

and my boss specifically asked eme not to wear whatevr smell that is to work ever!!--lmaoo

so i can only wear it when i will be home for a extended period of time--it grew back my temple area---
I love the effect of Amla oil but the smell overwhelms me so i rarely use it. Esp the Dabur.

OMG, I was just about to post about that stuff. I get offended everytime I open the bottle
. I've tried so hard to think of a way to use this up but nothing will mask the smell. Recently I saw a lady on youtube use this to add to her mayo for a dc treatment so I thought I'd try that just to use it up.
I have almost a whole bottle of Wild Growth Hair Oil in my stash, gathering dust, because the smell is just so bad. I used it to seal my leave-in, and everytime I turned my head, I would get a whiff of it; I was sure that others smelled it too, so I just stopped using it.:ohwell: That oil was not cheap, though, so I need to find a way to use it up.
I must be the only one that dosen't mind the smell of wgo, lol. To me it dosen't smell good but it dosen't stink either, I can deal with it.
a couple months ago i treid mtg for a couple of days and had to throw the whole bottle out cuz i couldnt deal with the smell:nono:
and it dried my hair out
wat a waste of money..
now that i think about it i should have sold it to someone