The Rori Raye Way

I just finished section 1 of Modern Siren. This is solid information. If you're not the type of person who is into visualization exercises, you probably won't connect with the materials.

@Black Ambrosia

Are you planning on doing on doing one section a week? How are you coming @LBoogie85 ? Any revelations?

I just finished the Heart Connection toolkit. I'm starting Modern Siren today and I"ll try to get through it this week. The heart connection toolkit confirmed some things that I already knew about myself; mainly that I'm very cerebral and not in touch with my feelings at all really. That's the main reason I'm going through her program so I'll definitely use a few of her exercises, specifically visualization and scripting.
I just finished the Heart Connection toolkit. I'm starting Modern Siren today and I"ll try to get through it this week. The heart connection toolkit confirmed some things that I already knew about myself; mainly that I'm very cerebral and not in touch with my feelings at all really. That's the main reason I'm going through her program so I'll definitely use a few of her exercises, specifically visualization and scripting.

That's my problem - people tell me that I lack vulnerability (which I'm still trying to understand since I do share myself and I'm also pretty perky/happy).

Interested in this piece for sure
I just finished the heart connection toolkit as well. The second part was very very helpful for me. Like @LBoogie85 said it's about getting in touch with your feelings. I realized a few things. I have a hard time identifying my feelings. You would think that would be simple right instead a lot of what I imagine as anger is really frustration and sometimes sadness and of course has nothing to do with anyone but me. I am very analytical and I thought I did a good job of this but me being analytical is exactly why I'm not good with feelings. Always in my head always trying to "think my way" to a new different/better feeling. It doesn't work. The only thing that works is identifying the feeling, feeling it so I can move through it. Damn I didn't think I would be able to get this deep on just the heart connection toolkit.

I also really enjoyed the visualization. I had to pause when we did the visualization on the perfect day with your man. Lol I took that bad boy all the way through to the end, eyes closed and smiling like a fool and everything. It was so cathartic because feeling so annoyed and frustrated with not being able to find someone I like makes me forget that I can control my thoughts. Instead of focusing on what you don't want focus on what you do. I went to my journal and wrote down the entire day writing in feeling messages. I wanted to start Modern Siren immediately after but I might need to digest this for a day.
That's my problem - people tell me that I lack vulnerability (which I'm still trying to understand since I do share myself and I'm also pretty perky/happy).

Interested in this piece for sure
Is it strategic though? Are you only putting out what you want the person to know?
Yes, but I don't know if my strategic positioning has become an unconscious habit :ohwell:
Then maybe you aren't actually being vulnerable. She explains her mantra and it basically let's you trust yourself enough to show yourself on the outside without having to figure out which parts to hide. You never have to worry about trusting someone enough to show all of you because you trust yourself on the inside and you know you will not intentionally hurt yourself. At least this is what I've taken away from it for myself. Below is part of the mantra.

The Mantra
Trust Your Boundaries
Follow Your Feelings
Choose Your Words
Be Surprised

I trust my boundaries – I trust myself. I believe I will not
knowingly toss my pearls before swine, throw myself into the path
of destruction, hide from the truth, go along with or tolerate
something that is damaging to me. Now I can move to my feelings.
For those who have done or are doing Modern Siren--

It is purely focused on self? This is what I want right now. I'm not interested in a program that focuses too much on dating. I'm just trying to get in touch with my emotional/feminine side first.
I don't think so. Not 100% I've only done the first few parts of section 1. But it's about tapping into your feminine energy and while it doesn't focus solely on men it does seem to (at least inititally) focus on how to attract them. I feel like so far it's designed to get you in tune with your femininity as it relates to men and make you feel sexy.
For those who have done or are doing Modern Siren--

It is purely focused on self? This is what I want right now. I'm not interested in a program that focuses too much on dating. I'm just trying to get in touch with my emotional/feminine side first.
I'm not far enough in to comment.
I don't think so. Not 100% I've only done the first few parts of section 1. But it's about tapping into your feminine energy and while it doesn't focus solely on men it does seem to (at least inititally) focus on how to attract them. I feel like so far it's designed to get you in tune with your femininity as it relates to men and make you feel sexy.
I can't purchase the series right now, but I find the tapping into your feminine energy interesting. I wonder how does that work for a single mom, and one with boys? When I decided to get more focused on certain goals, my masculine energy is being more projected. When I just wanted to be mommy and girly, I was into baking, homemaking, crafting, makeup, etc.. I know those are outward things, but that what helped me internally. I'm realizing I have to truly become the protector and the provider. I have to be more assertive, especially since I have boys. I have to be extremely cautious about who I allow around my children.
I wonder can there be balance? How can I feel safe and free to be feminine, and not just outer appearances like my clothes, hair, etc?

I'm thinking about The Queen's Code and the role of boys. Are your boys old enough to do things for you? Small tasks that build their self confidence but subtly teach them how to look out for you.
Yes. One is 10-11 and the other is 4. my baby has ASD, but he gave me some "flowers" aka weeds the other day! lol I was so happy. My oldest does things for me and he always ask for the keys to open the door. My sons have never not had some type of male figure in the home. Soon, it will be just us.
Yes. One is 10-11 and the other is 4. my baby has ASD, but he gave me some "flowers" aka weeds the other day! lol I was so happy. My oldest does things for me and he always ask for the keys to open the door. My sons have never not had some type of male figure in the home. Soon, it will be just us.

Keep encouraging them. You are learning to be treated like a queen. How can you be assertive when necessary and also girly. Maybe handle your business in "girly clothes" but handle it like a boss. I don't think there's anything wrong with starting with the outer appearances. When I'm having a bad day, I make sure to look extra put together. It carries over to the internal and I end up feeling better.
I bought the whole set and I started with Targeting Mr. Right.

I'm going to put this out there because it might help someone. In another thread, I mentioned that I was engaged and he broke up with me. We dated in the past after I was freshly divorced. I used to bend over backwards to make sure his needs were met. I was filled with anxiety, wondering if he was "the one". In the words of RR, I was over functioning. All that anxiety and not having my needs met,got me nowhere. During our time apart, I learned how to value myself, set boundaries, and not be okay with crumbs.

RR says men will step up to the plate when you stop over functioning. My situation is proof that some don't and that is okay. He did not want the new and improved version. He wanted to keep doing the least while I was doing the most.

I simply cannot go back to the person I was. She no longer exists.

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Can you comment on Targeting Mr Right vs Modern Siren?
I can't purchase the series right now, but I find the tapping into your feminine energy interesting. I wonder how does that work for a single mom, and one with boys? When I decided to get more focused on certain goals, my masculine energy is being more projected. When I just wanted to be mommy and girly, I was into baking, homemaking, crafting, makeup, etc.. I know those are outward things, but that what helped me internally. I'm realizing I have to truly become the protector and the provider. I have to be more assertive, especially since I have boys. I have to be extremely cautious about who I allow around my children.
I wonder can there be balance? How can I feel safe and free to be feminine, and not just outer appearances like my clothes, hair, etc?
Well I think you can be both without having to think about it. Everyone has a balance of masculine and feminine energy for certain areas of their lives right? The goal is to keep the desired energy in the right place. So I don't feel like (as far as being the protector for your children) there is anything wrong with having masculine energy in that area. In fact, as it relates to a man, you being preoccupied with protecting your children and other things in your life will probably enhance your feminine energy with him imo. Because you aren't solely focused on him and motherhood is viewed as a very natural feminine part of most of us. I'm only starting on section 2 of this program though so I may have more insight once I get deeper.

I haven't read the Queens Code but @ArrrBeee gave great advice as well.
Ladies: I'm not sure if the "I feel" way of talking to a man resonates with me. I agree that vulnerability is the key to connecting to a man's heart but leading with "I feel" doesn't feel right for me. For ex: AA's hero language made sense and worked for me. Those words expressed vulnerability in a more natural way IMO and could more easily be worked into a conversation. Any thoughts?
Ladies: I'm not sure if the "I feel" way of talking to a man resonates with me. I agree that vulnerability is the key to connecting to a man's heart but leading with "I feel" doesn't feel right for me. For ex: AA's hero language made sense and worked for me. Those words expressed vulnerability in a more natural way IMO and could more easily be worked into a conversation. Any thoughts?
I think a lot of women feel this way. RR even says she knows it might not feel right at first and women have complained as said "do I really have to...?" But it definitely works and you get used to it after a while. The whole point is to be the feeling one in the relationship hence the "I feel..." More often than not it should be followed by an actual feeling (good, happy, mad, sad, etc.) because it's also a good way to keep the conversation, your thoughts and your feelings focused on YOU instead of on him. I'll check out the hero language from AA.
@ArrrBeee Have you started section 2 of Modern Siren yet? What did you think of the first part? It took me a long time to finish because I kept listening to some parts. I want to go back because something she said about affirmations not working keeps sticking in my head. I have to find that part again.
@ArrrBeee Have you started section 2 of Modern Siren yet? What did you think of the first part? It took me a long time to finish because I kept listening to some parts. I want to go back because something she said about affirmations not working keeps sticking in my head. I have to find that part again.

I haven't finished it yet. I'll come back with thoughts when I do.

I liked the first part and I find myself doing the centering exercises. Especially the one about moving water around.
I just read Katariina Phang's blog on how she differs from Rori Raye. I have actually read it before but I didn't realize it when I went looking for it again. The only real difference between the 2 I see is the feeling messages thing. And it's unfortunate that some women who follow RR think (like Katarina Phang said) they can air their grievances any time they want to the man in their lives. But that isn't the point of the feeling messages at all. I think the feeling messages are more designed for how to have the difficult conversations when something is bothering you in a relationship. I mean some women don't know how to tell their guy something is bothering them without turning it into a all out death match where you end up not speaking for days. The feeling messages help you navigate that tough part when you are feeling upset, disappointed and things are not getting better. You try this communication technique before you just throw it all away. It isn't to "get results" other than being able to have a conversation without having a fight and letting your guy hear you. Also, RR does focus on leaning back to me. Probably not as much as KP. But that's part of the Modern Siren program I believe. I'll have to see if she talks more about this in Target Mr. Right though.

I like them equally though and I think they both have great information. I say all this to say someone please stop me from trying to buy a Katarina Phang program. :lol:
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I just read Katariina Phang's blog on how she differs from Rori Raye. I have actually read it before but I didn't realize it when I went looking for it again. The only real difference between the 2 I see is the feeling messages thing. And it's unfortunate that some women who follow her think (like Katarina Phang said) they can air their grievances any time they want to the man in their lives. But that isn't the point of the feeling messages at all. I think the feeling messages are more designed for how to have the difficult conversations when something is bothering you in a relationship. I mean some women don't know how to tell their guy something is bothering them without turning it into a all out death match where you end up not speaking for days. The feeling messages help you navigate that tough part when you are feeling upset, disappointed and things are not getting better. You try this communication technique before you just throw it all away. It isn't to "get results" other than being able to have a conversation without having a fight and letting your guy hear you. Also, RR does focus on leaning back to me. Probably not as much as KP. But that's part of the Modern Siren program I believe. I'll have to see if she talks more about this in Target Mr. Right though.

I like them equally though and I think they both have great information. I say all this to say someone please stop me from trying to buy a Katarina Phang program. :lol:

Thank you for your thoughts!

Now.. ummm... go buy the program.

:lol:I hear KP is crazy expensive and a little unorganized. I'll take a look and see which ones after I finish RR. I should be listening to Modern Siren right now instead of on the board.

TBH I think RR seems more legit to me and Katerina's isn't that much different outside of the circular dating until marriage.

Honestly I don't believe in Katerina. She posts stories about the engagements, but where are the receipts? I could have written some of those stories myself.
I think there may be room for both authors methods. Reading through both sites I like them both and they both have a decent following and seem to get results.

I'm also not interested in buying anything too expensive per se. But I can say that everything I've read even if the meat of the message wasn't new has been helpful. It takes awhile for a message to sink in and sometimes it's the way a question is phrased or something is said that makes the concept click and take hold in your mind.
This popped up in my inbox the other day. I bolded the points that I think are most important.

Pop Quiz: Are You A Siren?
* Do you wake up in the morning well rested & ready for the day ahead?

* Do you have passions that excite you & make you feel purposeful?

* Do you feel comfortable in your body & make the most of your femininity?

* Are you able to laugh out loud & cry when you need to?

* Do you treat yourself as well - no, better! - than any man in your life?

* When you're with a man, do you feel desired & adored?

* Does your living space make you feel serene & truly at home?

* Do you feel like the woman in your relationships?

The truth is we are ALL Sirens... we just forget. We forget because we've been taught all the wrong ways to get & keep a man's attention, and because we've been misguided about our true worth as women.

Your inner Siren has been with you all your life - you just need a little help bringing her out.

Eta: If anyone was in here a half hour ago y'all probably would have had access to the complete program for a few minutes. :sekret: I didn't realize my program link was posted at the end of the email.
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I just read Katariina Phang's blog on how she differs from Rori Raye. I have actually read it before but I didn't realize it when I went looking for it again. The only real difference between the 2 I see is the feeling messages thing. And it's unfortunate that some women who follow RR think (like Katarina Phang said) they can air their grievances any time they want to the man in their lives. But that isn't the point of the feeling messages at all. I think the feeling messages are more designed for how to have the difficult conversations when something is bothering you in a relationship. I mean some women don't know how to tell their guy something is bothering them without turning it into a all out death match where you end up not speaking for days. The feeling messages help you navigate that tough part when you are feeling upset, disappointed and things are not getting better. You try this communication technique before you just throw it all away. It isn't to "get results" other than being able to have a conversation without having a fight and letting your guy hear you. Also, RR does focus on leaning back to me. Probably not as much as KP. But that's part of the Modern Siren program I believe. I'll have to see if she talks more about this in Target Mr. Right though.

I like them equally though and I think they both have great information. I say all this to say someone please stop me from trying to buy a Katarina Phang program. :lol:

I'm probably gonna buy Katarina's book and a call or two when I'm done with Rori's programs :sekret:
I agree that they basically teach the same things but I am interested in Katarina's take on softening boundaries and being non-reactive as well as dealing with anxiety. I refuse to buy any of her full programs though because they are just too expensive. And some of her client testimonies are...interesting :look: