The Quickest To Get Married


*sips tea*
What was the quickest you've ever witnessed two people get married? ( meaning from conception of relationship to actual wedding date). What were their circumstances?
Did the marriage last?
They were in their early 20s. They met and dated every weekend for a month. On that last date, they had a horrible car accident where both were severely injured, including a ruptured disc, broken pelvis, broken legs/ forearms and facial bones, and burns. They talked/bonded/fell in love during their physical therapy and rehab period.

They got married as soon as both could walk down the aisle (the groom was still on crutches). The wedding was 4 or 5 months after they had met. It was beautiful, emotional, everything a wedding should be.

They divorced the following year.

Both have remarried, but after longer engagements.

I forgot to add my relative with borderline syndrome just got married! But it may be a result of her sickness... Either way he's a great guy and I hope they stay married. They met last summer and got married in November.
Well this is pretty common in the Muslim community, so I will say 2 weeks and they are still married 12 years later.
Shoot...sometimes in the Muslim community after the first sit down, as long as she has her walee, it's like "wassup. we ready." :lachen:

So, I'm guessing staying single in the Muslim community is frowned upon? Like if a man or woman was 35 or 40, never married, no kids, would that be odd?
9mos and 10mos. Both couples are still married, about 4yrs for both. They are in their mid 20s (girl)/early 30s (boy).

Also, my godparents' dated for 3 months before marrying. They're in their 50s/60s now, still married.

Imo, it would seem unusual for couples who move quickly from meet to marriage to divorce. These couplings and the people in them are usually very traditional. I would think divorce is looked down upon and that they have people outside of their marriage encouraging them to work through most things.
Do y'all think getting married quickly is practical? Would you do it?
No, I don't think it's practical. I also don't think being with someone for years and waiting to decide is either.. at least, if you're over 30. If you're a woman and in her 30s and a guy that's older, I think you would probably know within a year if this is compatible for marriage. I can see how some couples know within 6-9 months if they want to get married.
2 months ...but it was a green card marriage although he didn't know it. Lol lol
They are divorcing now, about 2 years in.
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2.5 months because she got pregnant. as they both have deactivated their fb accounts and she changed her name before doing so im going to assume they are no longer together. :lol: they lasted less than a year. they were a military couple and military couples are notorious for this.

i know so many couple who got married and divorced in less than a year.
6 weeks, still together but have spent wayyyyyyyyy too long in it trying to "keep up appearances". They both seem to enjoy Lies, Shams, and overwhelming Distrust for each other. Scarred me for life.

But, I do believe it can work, and have seen it work within cultures that support such quick arrangements.