The orginal Fine hair thread 2013

How often are the ladies with natural, fine, 4 hair cleansing/detangling your hair?

My hair does Well with every 10-15 days. Id say 2 weeks. In between i only use s curl spray to moosturize and i do it like every 2-3 days.

I detangle.on damp hair with.conditionner (apoghee 2 min) that i leave in some time before washing .
How often are the ladies with natural, fine, 4 hair cleansing/detangling your hair?

As my hair is getting longer, I find myself cleansing/ detangling my hair less. I went from twice a week to once a week. I will use a cotton round and rose water to cleanse my scalp after my workout though to minimize salt buildup.
How often are the ladies with natural, fine, 4 hair cleansing/detangling your hair?

While transitioning- Up to twice a week (BCd at 5-6 inches)
Once natural- once a week (inches 6-10); every two weeks (inches 10-13); once a month (inches 13-16)

My problem is my yearly retention has actually decreased as my hair has gotten longer. I'm back to 11-14 inches and I'm returning to a two week washing and de-tangle schedule and sticking to it.


virtuenow also includes a light protein into her regimen. I did so but stopped. I really neglected some basics of caring for fine hair over the past two years. I thinking about adding a light protein step with oils as a pre-poo, shampooing, ACVing and then doing a moisturizing DC.
speaking of shears, had to pick up mine and dusted over the weekend. The ends felt bushy and raggedy. I took off 1/4 but could tell by the feel she needed a bit more.
I will take the rest off in 2 weeks. I wanna break even with the length. I'm still short and really hated that 'awkward' length when it was kinda behind my ears still.

Also when I BC'd I left about 2". I should have went to a fade. This is the last of the color damage. The reest of the shaft feels smooth and less porous (but still slightly porous). Glad I found LHCF! Fully healthy head on the way!

That's one of the reasons my ends are so rough: color. When I was natural I colored my hair (highlights), which was fine until I relaxed. I still have probably three inches of color on the ends. The two inches I took off a few weeks ago helped, but I'm going to use my SplitEnder in between getting my trim when I relax every 12 weeks.
I remember color and being relaxed :nono: these fine strands were pretty much chewed up and half the length in three months. Ugh. Sorry you're going through the cutting off process too...

I thought being natural, it wouldnt be so bad this time and the color was semi permanent to cover greys...well, I was wrong. The hair didn't all break off but was unmanageable--unable to style, didnt take to proteins, dry, brittle and just a general hot mess. Glad it's almost gone!

Sticking with henna. Never doing this again!
While transitioning- Up to twice a week (BCd at 5-6 inches)
Once natural- once a week (inches 6-10); every two weeks (inches 10-13); once a month (inches 13-16)

My problem is my yearly retention has actually decreased as my hair has gotten longer. I'm back to 11-14 inches and I'm returning to a two week washing and de-tangle schedule and sticking to it.


virtuenow also includes a light protein into her regimen. I did so but stopped. I really neglected some basics of caring for fine hair over the past two years. I thinking about adding a light protein step with oils as a pre-poo, shampooing, ACVing and then doing a moisturizing DC.

This is exaclty what i do. Pre poo with apoghee 2 min and detangle with it( havent tried adding oild to apoghee) i then Braid.leave it in for like 2-3 hours (i have done it overnight too but thats for me it works).

I then wash with my shampoo (garnier no cônes,no paraben,no.colour + it takes off hard water from hair).love it

Then i dc to moisturize. Sometimes i dont dc cause my hair comes out perfect just with thé apoghee 2 min as pre poo.

I sometimes just oil rinse after shampoo.
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Thats such a cute elegant style!! coolsista-paris
I LUV it!!!

Thank you :-)

Speaking about style i washed mu braids that are now looking ragedy...frizz and like ...i need to take them out. Ill wait next week making it.4 weeks in braids.

Need to look for à neW protective style.
Thinking about à wig. I just need thé secret to not chewing up my edges this time.
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Awesome Blog Find!! :yay:

I stumbled across a lovely natural blogger with fine hair who's wearing it VERY well. Not only is she retaining length, she does a lot a simple styles that are easy to replicate. I also enjoy the layout and accompanying tuts.
Soooo I was sick over the weekend and spent Mother's Day in the hospital :-( doing better but haven't had a chance to check in. I did my 2nd hendigo on Friday before I got sick and it really didn't do anything but turn my grays more coppery instead of the blonde. Can't get a good pic of the color :-( but my hair still feels nice.
I remember color and being relaxed :nono: these fine strands were pretty much chewed up and half the length in three months. Ugh. Sorry you're going through the cutting off process too...

I thought being natural, it wouldnt be so bad this time and the color was semi permanent to cover greys...well, I was wrong. The hair didn't all break off but was unmanageable--unable to style, didnt take to proteins, dry, brittle and just a general hot mess. Glad it's almost gone!

Sticking with henna. Never doing this again!

I used to colour my hair too when relaxed . I used to do way more to my hair. It didnt damage my hair though. Its my hair methods and non moisturizing reggie that made my hair à disaster.

Im.getting so bored with my hair that i just feel like throwing in à relaxer :-/
Soooo I was sick over the weekend and spent Mother's Day in the hospital :-( doing better but haven't had a chance to check in. I did my 2nd hendigo on Friday before I got sick and it really didn't do anything but turn my grays more coppery instead of the blonde. Can't get a good pic of the color :-( but my hair still feels nice.

Oh i hope you're better now. Have some rest and at least keep moisturizing your hair.
Komaza told me to wash once a week, but I don't want to fix what's not broken. Am retaining so well over the past year and a half since cutting the wash frequency/manipulation down and am having no real scalp/build up problems.

When I used to do weekly or 2x weekly wash I'd end up gaining about 3" a year compared to now 6". Will do the other suggestions like the protein, leave in and finger combing, but the wash schedule is here to stay. That's unless I can figure out a way to make wash day a lot easier, but I don't want to mess around doing that now.
Soooo I was sick over the weekend and spent Mother's Day in the hospital :-( doing better but haven't had a chance to check in. I did my 2nd hendigo on Friday before I got sick and it really didn't do anything but turn my grays more coppery instead of the blonde. Can't get a good pic of the color :-( but my hair still feels nice.

HairPleezeGrow I hope you are doing better, being sick sucks :(
In regards to the henna on greys it really depends on the mix and the strength of the henna...I learned this from trial n error myself. Next time try your henna mix with a strong dark tea . Add a couple squirts of honey right before you apply and if you're using the nupur henna it only needs to sit for an hour or so. I remember in another post you had your mix sit overnight. I'm really happy you like henna and are trying different things :) HTH
Once every 3 weeks. I've been wearing cornrows under wigs for the past year and a half.

I'll rinse under the shower sometimes, but I don't do the full "wash day" manipulation more than once per month.

I'm currently at the longest length I've ever been in life right now, so Imma stick with this, then go to 1-2 weeks when at my goal.
Once every 3 weeks. I've been wearing cornrows under wigs for the past year and a half.

I'll rinse under the shower sometimes, but I don't do the full "wash day" manipulation more than once per month.

I'm currently at the longest length I've ever been in life right now, so Imma stick with this, then go to 1-2 weeks when at my goal.

why don't you try shampooing the cornrows once a week? so you can try out the suggestion without adding manipulation to you reggie?
I used to do that in between wash days, but they don't like that either because I use a conditioner/cowash.:lol: My hair is so dry it takes a week to go back to normal each time I shampoo, so I only use it once a month.
This is the first time I am posting in this thread but I have been subscribed for a while now. I have learned alot of great tips and thanks to all that share information. I have been doing great with my hair routine and my hair is fine. But now I have a lil problem that I know can be solved but need some input. I have been wearing twists for the last month which I take out every week and wash and do my weekly DC, etc etc...but now I am noticing thinning in one part of my hair, its a small section. I realized as I was thinking about it that it was my problem area years ago when I transitioned to natural hair and I was wearing sew ins too long (i was young and did not know how to handle my hair). That area in the front thinned out but grew back in when I started wearing my natural hair out. But now that same area is thinning (from like 7 years ago!) and I want to wear my twists bc my hair is doing well! Has anyone has this problem?
I just realised that I haven't used a comb properly in 6 weeks. I can actually detangle my hair the way Sunkissalba does on YT now and not get any tangles for ages or breakage. First two weeks were hell though :nono:

This is the first time I am posting in this thread but I have been subscribed for a while now. I have learned alot of great tips and thanks to all that share information. I have been doing great with my hair routine and my hair is fine. But now I have a lil problem that I know can be solved but need some input. I have been wearing twists for the last month which I take out every week and wash and do my weekly DC, etc etc...but now I am noticing thinning in one part of my hair, its a small section. I realized as I was thinking about it that it was my problem area years ago when I transitioned to natural hair and I was wearing sew ins too long (i was young and did not know how to handle my hair). That area in the front thinned out but grew back in when I started wearing my natural hair out. But now that same area is thinning (from like 7 years ago!) and I want to wear my twists bc my hair is doing well! Has anyone has this problem?

If it's in the front and you already have fine hair, then that area is going to be ultra-fine, especially if it already has had traction damage from sew ins from. You can keep twisting the rest of your hair but maybe do a looser, softer twist with the fragile area? And then baby it at night with castor oil until it gets strength back. My little sister had this issue from wearing her bun so tight for school (uniform) and it grew back stronger once she started switching up her bun positions and giving it extra TLC. hth
I just realised that I haven't used a comb properly in 6 weeks. I can actually detangle my hair the way Sunkissalba does on YT now and not get any tangles for ages or breakage. First two weeks were hell though :nono:

If it's in the front and you already have fine hair, then that area is going to be ultra-fine, especially if it already has had traction damage from sew ins from. You can keep twisting the rest of your hair but maybe do a looser, softer twist with the fragile area? And then baby it at night with castor oil until it gets strength back. My little sister had this issue from wearing her bun so tight for school (uniform) and it grew back stronger once she started switching up her bun positions and giving it extra TLC. hth

Thanks for responding! Yes that helps, I will do that. Thankfully I can hide the spot.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
Komaza told me to wash once a week, but I don't want to fix what's not broken. Am retaining so well over the past year and a half since cutting the wash frequency/manipulation down and am having no real scalp/build up problems.

When I used to do weekly or 2x weekly wash I'd end up gaining about 3" a year compared to now 6". Will do the other suggestions like the protein, leave in and finger combing, but the wash schedule is here to stay. That's unless I can figure out a way to make wash day a lot easier, but I don't want to mess around doing that now.

keep doing what works for you. I also wash every 2 weeks. People advised me to do it once a week, but i see its too much for me.Even though i wash in braids.

In 2012 i retained better than before (by washing every 2 weeks)protein in my reggie , low manipulation. No scalp problems, no build up. And well moisturized hair.
Maybe i wasnt dusting enough (i did it every 3 months). Im gonna try every 2 months now.
I've got the same problem @tinkat, right behind my bangs. Like PP said you have to try and vary up where you put things. I try not to part my sensitive area in exactly the same spot for more than a few days. Maybe this area, you might have to take down, massage, part differently, then re-twist half way through your week.

It's the tension from the parts that get you, not the actual twists.
uh... :look:

Never thought I'd say this, but I need to put my scissors down now. I trimmed more hair last night. Another 1/4" of the last of the color damage. It looks good, but dangit...I swear there's more that needs to go! It MUST be paranoia.

Dang, and I was kissing SL!

BTW--getting from a TWA to SL seems to take FOREVER esp when you have fine hair and have to dust often. Argh!
I've got the same problem @tinkat, right behind my bangs. Like PP said you have to try and vary up where you put things. I try not to part my sensitive area in exactly the same spot for more than a few days. Maybe this area, you might have to take down, massage, part differently, then re-twist half way through your week.

It's the tension from the parts that get you, not the actual twists.

That's it!!! The tension of the parts. It's where I part which happens to be my little problem area. Right when my hair is doing well and retaining length this happens. But I'll do this.

Wait, be positive, keep believing, and all will surely be yours. Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
uh... :look:

Never thought I'd say this, but I need to put my scissors down now. I trimmed more hair last night. Another 1/4" of the last of the color damage. It looks good, but dangit...I swear there's more that needs to go! It MUST be paranoia.

Dang, and I was kissing SL!

BTW--getting from a TWA to SL seems to take FOREVER esp when you have fine hair and have to dust often. Argh!

I found it took forever for every length to be reached. Except bsl. to apl :-/
uh... :look:

Never thought I'd say this, but I need to put my scissors down now. I trimmed more hair last night. Another 1/4" of the last of the color damage. It looks good, but dangit...I swear there's more that needs to go! It MUST be paranoia.

Dang, and I was kissing SL!

BTW--getting from a TWA to SL seems to take FOREVER esp when you have fine hair and have to dust often. Argh!

Ain't that the truth...I have to do another trim also about 1/4 inch. I'm do it this weekend though.