The orginal Fine hair thread 2013

:wave: to Bublin! It's amazin the things we learn along the way! And yes, though we may be mistaken on somethings early on (and later!) people do get stuff out of it. Heck, I thought my hair was lo-po and didnt need no stinkin protein! Oh dear... :rolleyes:

My hair was OK when it was foggy and drizzly w/o heavy sealing but the rain is pretty much over until late fall and it is sizzling hot! Damn shame too. Live right next to the ocean! How's that make any sense?!? le sigh
:wave: to Bublin! It's amazin the things we learn along the way! And yes, though we may be mistaken on somethings early on (and later!) people do get stuff out of it. Heck, I thought my hair was lo-po and didnt need no stinkin protein! Oh dear... :rolleyes:

My hair was OK when it was foggy and drizzly w/o heavy sealing but the rain is pretty much over until late fall and it is sizzling hot! Damn shame too. Live right next to the ocean! How's that make any sense?!? le sigh

DarkJoy Hey hun. :lol: That's funny because for forever I thought I had thick, strong hair, loaded my hair with protein and had never heard of wrong was I? Does my avatar look like thick hair to you? :lachen:
Wow you live by the ocean...all that water and your hair is like a desert!

I've been quiet lately because I've cracked it and I feel I 'know' my hair. I've found the products it likes, how to apply them and how to detangle my hair. My hair is looking so healthy and my breakage is almost nonexsistant. I keep looking at my hands and there's nothing there.
That bun style is awesome. I am going to try something like that. I am style challenged and am worried that i will stunt my retention with too much manipulation.

My komaza protein has arrived so i will start using it tomorrow and will consider some of these styles.
TopShelf--I work in a high corporate and conservative environoment.

Sometimes I'll rock something like this, but with a phoney bun. Shes long-winded just skip to the end. lol
Victory Gumby Roll

Also will do the attached pic with my natural hair and it looks great with no bangs and a comb or flower in the back. I add marley hair to stuff the rolls because it's low density and short still. I will also join the two side rolls and make a puff in the back.



  • 1940s+vintage+hair+roll.jpg
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That bun style is awesome. I am going to try something like that. I am style challenged and am worried that i will stunt my retention with too much manipulation.

My komaza protein has arrived so i will start using it tomorrow and will consider some of these styles.

I wear that bun style all the time. I must Bun to work. I just play around change sides or the way i do the front...bigger or smaller,backwards or side fringe ( whatever you call that front part) .

Just keep hair and those ends moisturized ;-) dont do it too tight.
I wear my streched natural hair in a front roll and gibson tuck on the hair behind combo. I am good for the entire week. Today is flat iron week.
no second day hair for me unless i sleep pretty!

I used to have the same issue when I was trying to preserve my twist out for multiple-day hair. I got annoyed with waking up "tired" from sleeping. I fixed that problem by braiding my twist out and pinning it up. I still have definition and I sleep how I want.

Naturals who have a night time regimen that doesn't include braiding or twisting, how do you prep and wear your hair for bed?

Generally I moisturise and braid in about 10 plaits and cover in a satin scarf but I am wondering if I can get away with not braiding my hair up at night so I was just wondering if others have found a way to do that that doesn't result in tangles the next day.

I band my twists with ouchless elastic bands that have been soaked in oil.

I see lots of regimens . What type of styles are people wearing on a daily basis especially those who work

I usually wear pinned-up twists and twist outs.

Thanks laylaaa . What's your length? (i am on my phone )

Right now my hair is right between my shoulder blades - I had a collar length long bob when I joined this forum. I've trimmed three times, had several setbacks and wet bunn'ed nonstop (terrible idea) so I believe I threw away some progress along the way.

I also have coloured, abused fine hair with above-average breakage (mostly when wet or curly) so, theoretically, I SHOULD have the worst retention in the history of ever but I don't. The worst that actually happens from all the manipulation is ugly frizz... and that can be avoided or fixed.

I just seal my ends lightly with jojoba or a serum and wear a cute mini silk scarf on my shoulders at the start of the week. Oh, and weekly reconstructors. :yep:
Btw for the henna heads. How do I get it to come out a redder shade? I know it doesn't lighten your hair but my hair looks jet black even in sunlight and I feel like it's washing me out. -___-
anyone henna weekly?

i plan on doing so all summer. my hair has always been fine and i would love for some thicker hair and more retention
Btw for the henna heads. How do I get it to come out a redder shade? I know it doesn't lighten your hair but my hair looks jet black even in sunlight and I feel like it's washing me out. -___-

Is this your first henna? How long ago did you henna? It takes 24 hours for the color to oxidize so it will look different in a day or two. You could also add hibiscus powder for more of a dark, rich red. In order to get good solid color, you will have to do it a couple of times

ETA: According to henna sooq, you could also add paprika

Is this your first henna? How long ago did you henna? It takes 24 hours for the color to oxidize so it will look different in a day or two. You could also add hibiscus powder for more of a dark, rich red. In order to get good solid color, you will have to do it a couple of times

ETA: According to henna sooq, you could also add paprika

Nope, my fourth this weekend! I just stood at my bedroom window. In regular lighting, it looks regular jet black. But against the sunlight, it looks black with a warm, deep red undertone if that makes sense! As well as the 'henna halo' in very bright sunlight.

Paprika powder from the grocer's? As in the regular Dr.Oetker stuff we cook with?

I'll try to find hibiscus powder but if I can't - would hibiscus tea be a decent alternative? I feel like I look too pale with my natural hair shade and I want to warm it up before summer proper. :yep:
anyone henna weekly?

i plan on doing so all summer. my hair has always been fine and i would love for some thicker hair and more retention

Btw for the henna heads. How do I get it to come out a redder shade? I know it doesn't lighten your hair but my hair looks jet black even in sunlight and I feel like it's washing me out. -___-
To both ScorpioLove and @laylaaa
My hair was naturally "1b". It took 4 or 5 applications to see it in sunlight. And I have done it a couple weeks back to back, though now my preference is every 2 weeks because 1. I dont want my hair THAT red anymore and, 2. it's time consumming.

Scorpio, are you doing it plain or adding stuff? Oils and condish may block some of the color goodness. Also, do you have permanent color on your hair? Did you shampoo before? Buildup of butters on the strands could block it as well. It may take longer if so to any of the above. Someone mentioned paprika which may help. If you look one page back in this thread, someone used hibiscus tea and her hair came out a gorgeous red auburn after a couple of applications. You can also do it more often to speed up the process.
I am giving my hair a well needed henna treatment right now for added color and will follow it up with an indigo treatment. This is incidently my DC day so will be DCing later today as well.
Come to think about it, I have been henna'ing my hair once every 2-3 months but that is wayyyyy too far apart so I will increase them to every 3 weeks to once a month or so. My gray hairs are making me look my age:grin: but when I color them, I look 10 years or more younger:grin:. I like this way:blush:.
i only use hot water, honey, a spash of red wine vinegar, and tablespoon of cocoa butter. i love the new henna i have. its jamila henna from the indian grocer. it is very well sifted and when mixing it with water it easily became pudding like. with karishma it was kinda lumpy and wasn't sifted as well. This is the second week in a row I have henna'd. Next week I'll use shampoo and then put some Nupur henna. The grocery store owner found a new best customer lol

My process:

  • Mix warm water with red wine vinegar with henna and cover w/ plastic wrap Sat morning ~10min
  • Add honey and cocoa butter and apply Sat night and wrap hair w/ saran wrap ~45min
  • Rinse out Sunday morning ~20 min
  • DC ~1 hour
  • Rollerset or whatever other style~1 hr
My process is much quicker now than the first time I ever did it and I make no mess other than on my towels which is easy to throw it in the washer
anyone henna weekly?

i plan on doing so all summer. my hair has always been fine and i would love for some thicker hair and more retention

I henna'd my hair weekly for six months and my hair loved it. Now that I'm not wearing my straight, I will go back to that.
I have also found that using tea instead of water, helps the color to improve rather than water
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I would think that a good strong brew of hibiscus tea used instead of water to mix the henna could give good color results.

My natural color is kind of sandy brown so I think thats why my henna and hibiscus treatment comes out nice and dark.
I would take out the cocoa butter. The fat in the butter is probably keeping some of the color from depositing. The fat is not water soluable and is probably keeing your color from reaching its full potential. You can put it in your DC though :lick: my hair loves her some cocoa butter too. :drunk:

i only use hot water, honey, a spash of red wine vinegar, and tablespoon of cocoa butter. i love the new henna i have. its jamila henna from the indian grocer. it is very well sifted and when mixing it with water it easily became pudding like. with karishma it was kinda lumpy and wasn't sifted as well. This is the second week in a row I have henna'd. Next week I'll use shampoo and then put some Nupur henna. The grocery store owner found a new best customer lol

My process:

  • Mix warm water with red wine vinegar with henna and cover w/ plastic wrap Sat morning ~10min
  • Add honey and cocoa butter and apply Sat night and wrap hair w/ saran wrap ~45min
  • Rinse out Sunday morning ~20 min
  • DC ~1 hour
  • Rollerset or whatever other style~1 hr
My process is much quicker now than the first time I ever did it and I make no mess other than on my towels which is easy to throw it in the washer
So I Chelated and Clarified with Elucence M.A Poo and then followed w/ a Protein Treatment today using Mizani Kerafuse (I Texlaxed last week)

MY...HAIR...FELT....AMAZING :love:!

I steamed for about 45 minutes using the Marshmallow, Slippery Elm and Cinnamon DC and still have it in currently.

My hair is def. a protein lova'. I couldn't imagine not having it in my life.....OH THE HORROR!:nono:....:lol:.
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EnExitStageLeft, how is the Marshmallow DC by Naturelle Grow working for you? My hair is fine and can get so tangly and spider-webby if left to its own devices. I need moisture and slip.

I think you'd love this DC then. Its very slippy and makes my hair sooooo soft. It doesn't smooth the strand as much as I would like, but thats nothing a good PH balanced Leave In can't help. However, after rinsing its always soft and its definitely an excellent detangler while rinsing (in the shower of course).

She is having a 25% off Mothers Day Sale this entire month,so if you want to try it, I'd def. take advantage of it now.
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Used a lot of styling product so experimenting with non chemical clarifying. Doing an Ayurvedic cleanse as we speak with Shikakai, Tulsi, and Amla powders (this is my usual, but I never use heavy styling products. Hope it holds up). My skinny strands love this mix. Lettin it sit for another 10 mins. Then will see if I'll even need to use a clay mask after. If not on to the tea and DC. :lick:
Okay ladies here my hendigo mix I just made. How long do I let it sit before applying?

Pics in next post...forgot to add them lol
I used tea instead of water. May apply tomorrow I guess either way so I will let it sit over night. Okay can anyone tell me what it will do to my patch in front that I colored back in September? Hopefully it won't turn green lol.




I used tea instead of water. May apply tomorrow I guess either way so I will let it sit over night. Okay can anyone tell me what it will do to my patch in front that I colored back in September? Hopefully it won't turn green lol.

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I think your hair is going to be a brownish red. Anytime I've used Nupur 9 instead of jamila henna, my hair leans toward a red- brownish rather than a orangey reddish